July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 20, 2008 on post #123*

Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

Yes, we know, but I feel like you are sort of missing the point. Mike did not have to go anywhere. He could have stayed home and got rested on home. Period. It seems like MJ assumed that this Prince hack would treat him with respect and he did not. Just like MJ assumed that the Grifter family were going to treat him and his home with respect and we all know what happened. Mike gotta watch his back. That is basically what I am saying. These clowns are here to make him and example and he should have seen it coming. He has been in the business for years and he knows the deal. All of this things about MJ being a great man and wealthy and nice to people is great and all, but he lacks defending himself. It is like a cycle and it is getting a tad old. Mike knows the deal. I hope he settles this case and stop assuming that people are on his side because that is not always the case. That Prince guy was telling the media these things about MJ. That should have been a sign to MJ to start leaving and he indeed did.
MJ always leaves the U.S. when he goes through something hurtful here. He left the U.S. the last time. That's why Liz Taylor went to see him.

This time, he went through the entire court process. It was very taxing. He needed to get away to recover from it. The media was going to be all over him if he had stayed in the U.S. They can be very heartless.

In the present day, things are starting to go very well. What's happening with the Prince dates back to '05. It's going to drop off just like everything else and then MJ will move on. It's just another thing to clean up following the '03-'05 court battle. That time period is now behind him though and the good thing is it is not coming back. Hopefully, MJ and the Prince can work out something that's a win-win.

Also, everybody is not out to get MJ or do him wrong. Many people are on his side and can be trusted. Most of the people here at MJJC and at other fan clubs around the world are an example of that.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

^ how do you know that wasn't part of the contract? that's part of my point.

It's not logically that it would be. MJ was in no condition to be signing anything. Besides, my understanding is that the Prince has been good friends with his brother Jermaine for years and it was Jermaine who suggested that he get some R and R there.

In a civil suit, complainants throw in everything, hoping to get their targeted amount.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

MJ always leaves the U.S. when he goes through something hurtful here. He left the U.S. the last time. That's why Liz Taylor went to see him.

This time, he went through the entire court process. It was very taxing. He needed to get away to recover from it. The media was going to be all over him if he had stayed in the U.S. They can be very heartless.

In the present day, things are starting to go very well. What's happening with the Prince dates back to '05. It's going to drop off just like everything else and then MJ will move on. It's just another thing to clean up following the '03-'05 court battle. That time period is now behind him though and the good thing is it is not coming back. Hopefully, MJ and the Prince can work out something that's a win-win.

Also, everybody is not out to get MJ or do him wrong. Many people are on his side and can be trusted. Most of the people here at MJJC and at other fan clubs around the world are an example of that.

Well, let's just hope that this case is settled and gone so that we can focus on the real news, like the music.

BTW, the media was all over him when he left the USA. I mean, he could have just went to Africa, you know what I mean? He didn't have to see that Prince guy. BTW, who introduce MJ to that guy?

I do not think that anyone is out to get MJ or anything like that. I think that MJ has to watch his back. That is all. He can't assumed that some loser opens his arms to welcome him in just because the person was nice to do that. MJ was better off staying someplace and around people that he could trust. That is all.

Besides, my understanding is that the Prince has been good friends with his brother Jermaine for years and it was Jermaine who suggested that he get some R and R there

Dang, I remember that! No comment.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

:lol: Thanks for the news y'all.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

It's not logically that it would be. MJ was in no condition to be signing anything.
that's the thing though - i do not get how you can be so certain of such assumptions (of what happened, of what was/wasn't signed/agreed on, who if any advised MJ, how he felt etc. etc.). we've been through this before and you concluded "assumptions are assumptions" but the problem is assumptions (unfounded imo) leads to a lot of unnecessary.. 'talk'.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

i do not think anything - if you read my posts i'm saying people are jumping up and down assuming they know that the contract pertaining to the lawsuit did not include such details - which it very well could have done.

it's just frustrating to see such scrutiny when we don't know anything substantial or solid about what the lawsuit entails.

and, again, it's also being patronising to Mike to assume he would be gullible to such business moves. nothing is free in the business world. and if you were provided hospitality when, surprise surprise, you signed a contract - you'd know very well that nothing is free then LOL

but main point - we're acting like we know tons more than we do - which is very little.

What is happening here is that people are giving their opinions -- like you are doing. While it is clear that it is your opinion that this 'hospitality' may have been in a contract, others disagree. I don't understand why you would be so frustrated over other's opinions, though.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

that's the thing though - i do not get how you can be so certain of such assumptions (of what happened, of what was/wasn't signed/agreed on, who if any advised MJ, how he felt etc. etc.). we've been through this before and you concluded "assumptions are assumptions" but the problem is assumptions (unfounded imo) leads to a lot of unnecessary.. 'talk'.

And I don't get why you feel the need to challenge people on their assessment of the situation right after the trial. Anyone observating Michael knew he was physically exhausted and I don't think it's an unreasonable stretch to believe that mentally he was drained. I know I would be if someone accused me of something I didn't do, dragged me thru the criminal process with the world's media breathing down my throat 24/7, and my entire livihood is being threatened, not to mention being locked away from family and friends.

We do know from what his family stated that he was indeed mentally and physically exhausted. We also know that Jermaine has been good friends with that Prince for years. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to draw a conclusion that he went to Bahrain for rest and relaxation.

Also, if this 'talk' is so unnecessary to you, you don't have to participate in it. Because it will not deter others from speaking on this from their POV.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

What is happening here is that people are giving their opinions -- like you are doing. While it is clear that it is your opinion that this 'hospitality' may have been in a contract, others disagree. I don't understand why you would be so frustrated over other's opinions, though.
actually, my opinion isn't that - my opinion is that we hardly know enough to be judging and jumping to conclusions (both of the Prince and of Mike's vulnerabilities/gullibility of businessmen that is being implied) and i gave my point of view alongside contradicting possibilities to support my "we really don't know" notion... and it just dragged from there on. lol i hardly pressed it without having to respond to the replies to my posts.

and by "unnecessary talk" i don't mean irrelevant talk - i mean venomous/patronising insinuations and ott defense born out of unknown scenarios.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

actually, my opinion isn't that - my opinion is that we hardly know enough to be judging and jumping to conclusions (both of the Prince and of Mike's vulnerabilities/gullibility of businessmen that is being implied) and i gave my point of view alongside contradicting possibilities to support my "we really don't know" notion... and it just dragged from from there on. lol i hardly pressed it without having to respond to the replies to my posts.

and by "unnecessary talk" i don't mean irrelevant talk - i mean venomous insinuations and ott defense born out of uknown scenarios.

Look arxter, no more is jumping to conclusions here. People are going to speculate on all things MJ. If peeps want to be upset with the Prince, so be it. There is no need to be dramatic about it because you don't happen to agree, that's all. What's venomous insinuations to you may be righteous indignation to someone else.

That's the real point to remember here.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

It's a really strange way to show kindness, friendship and hospitality.

That's like if someone threw a huge beautiful party at their house, invited a whole bunch of people to come over and enjoy themselves, and then days after going to the party, everybody received a bill in the mail.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Look arxter, no more is jumping to conclusions here. People are going to speculate on all things MJ. If peeps want to be upset with the Prince, so be it. There is no need to be dramatic about it because you don't happen to agree, that's all. What's venomous insinuations to you may be righteous indignation to someone else.

That's the real point to remember here.
what exactly is so dramatic? i gave my opinion and people replied to it and i replied back like i'm doing now LOL i haven't told anyone to shut it or ever pressed my opinion any further than replying back since my first post. ???
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

what exactly is so dramatic? i gave my opinion and people replied to it and i replied back like i'm doing now LOL i haven't told anyone to shut it or ever pressed my opinion any further than replying back since my first post. ???
Do you want me to tell you on here or in a PM? In either case, we are moving on from this...
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

It's a really strange way to show kindness, friendship and hospitality.

That's like if someone threw a huge beautiful party at their house, invited a whole bunch of people to come over and enjoy themselves, and then days after going to the party, everybody received a bill in the mail.

In this case, what the Prince presented as kindness and hospitatlity really wasn't either of those things at all. Him now charging Michael for his stay indicates that the Prince was only having Michael at his place because he wanted something from him and never had his well being as his sole reason for having him.

Michael shouldn't have "known" anything. Again, like I said, it's easy to understand why Michael would jump at the opportunity to leave the US and stay at a quiet and relaxing place, on the advice of his brother. Anyone of us would have no doubt taken up that option. I always have to laugh when people say that it's "getting old" seeing other people stab Michael in the back. What does that even mean? It's not Michael's fault that we live in a world where people are willing to be opportunistic. The fact that Michael has been able to retain his belife that people are good and still give them the benifit of the doubt should be applauded, not critisised. He gives hope where everyone else just looks to be struggling for survival. Read my signiture. Michael's got a beautiful mind set. If everyone would follow his example and stop being so afraid of everything, the world would be a lot better then it is.

Michael isn't STUPID, nor is he naive. He is idealistic and he lives those ideals. He really BELIEVES that people are good and are fully capable of it, and he gives them the chance to show that goodness. He encourages it by not turning them away. He suffers because of it, but that shows his strong convictions and belife in what he does. And it's because of people like him, who are willing to still have trust and hope in people, that betterment in the world is accomplished and possible. He's more real then people who right from jump assume the worst in everything.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Michael really does give people the benefit of the doubt. I found that out firsthand. Now, if a person takes his trust and misuses it, that's not on him. That's on them for being phony.

Remember when I told you guys that I got a chance to sit with him in his limo? I was able to do it because when he came out of the radio station with his bodyguards I said, "Michael, we're not going to do anything to you because all you will do is fly into that limo like superman and we won't be able to see you." After I said that, Michael had his bodyguards step back and then he walked to the limo by himself, got inside and left the door open. After he did that, I walked over there and sat down in his doorway. I proved to him that I wasn't going to do anything and because of that, I got a chance to spend some time with him up close and personal. And he never called the bodyguards to come and get me. I want to add that the reason why I sat in the doorway is because he was sitting right next to it.

If he left Bahrain quickly, something was wrong. The way the kept moving around after leaving shows something was wrong.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

Exactly AllForMJ. You understand. Michael's perception isn't what's wrong. It's other people's, who are willing to use that against him, that's wrong. Critsize them, not Michael.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

The movie reviewers say this movie, tho a good one, is very violent
and wouldnt recomend for kids to see.
Based on that, it seems unlikely that Michael would take the kids
to see the film. But then, who am I....

Yeah, I'm a *big* Batman fan and I love these movies (and I'M SO AMPED! Seeing it tomorrow in IMAX!! :wild:) but I really hope a lot of kids don't see it. I can't really judge until I've seen it myself, but violence aside, it looks like this film is dealing with some pretty heavy psychological & disturbing stuff. If MJ takes his kids, that's none of my business, but I am a little surprised. They are kinda young.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

That goddang movie is blowing UP!!! Shoot, when CNN is doing a report on it, you know it's the sh*t. I loved Batman Begins and I'm sure I'll enjoy this one :yes:
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

I just seen "The Dark Knight" last night and its nothing that I wouldn't have watched when I was 10 years old. It was a great movie. It did cater to a more mature audience but if Michael's kids wanted to see it...then Mike isn't a bad parent for letting them. There was no sex or swearing...just violence. And most action movies these days have alot of violence. I dont think its inappropiate at all. Kids love Batman and will just go to watch Batman and the Joker fight...they wont pick up on any of the philosophical messages. I know when I was around Michael's kids age...I LOVED batman. Like I was serously obsessed! So I bet his son was begging him to see it lol
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

If he left Bahrain quickly, something was wrong. The way the kept moving around after leaving shows something was wrong.

Exactly. The Prince never was looking out for him if there were strings attatched to Michael being able to stay there.

I wouldn't want to stay in a country which allowed it's legal system to go foward with an utterly baseless and weak case and almost ruin my life either. He was hurting big time. It took him two years to come back here. And he still hasn't been back to his ranch. Maybe he never will.

And yeah, I remember your story about sitting with him in his limo. His willingness to see the good in people is special and an amazing thing. It's people living in fear of everything that makes the world we live in so devastating. Michael's brave enough not to be shakled by that fear. Yet people critisize him for it and tell him it's his fault because he trusts too easily. Again though, it's not his fault that people are willing to abuse that trust. He's being the best person he can be, he isn't responsible for other people's actions. He can't control that. The fact that he still looks for the good in people and gives them the chance to show that good, after as much as he's been hurt, proves that Michael is a rare breed and it was never just talk with him. It's how he sees the world. He really believes it. We can't expect good to come out of anything if we aren't willing to give it a chance. Michael is though.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

If Michael lived his life being paranoid, he never would have been able to rise to the level that he's on and touch the world the way that he has.

It's actually quite amazing that he hasn't encountered more deceit than he has. When you look at how long he's been in the music industry and the massive number of people that have passed through his life, the number of people that have actually deceived him are minimal.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

I just seen "The Dark Knight" last night and its nothing that I wouldn't have watched when I was 10 years old. It was a great movie. It did cater to a more mature audience but if Michael's kids wanted to see it...then Mike isn't a bad parent for letting them. There was no sex or swearing...just violence. And most action movies these days have alot of violence. I dont think its inappropiate at all. Kids love Batman and will just go to watch Batman and the Joker fight...they wont pick up on any of the philosophical messages. I know when I was around Michael's kids age...I LOVED batman. Like I was serously obsessed! So I bet his son was begging him to see it lol

Aw I know, I saw pretty intense films when I was younger too come to think of it, lol (and I still LOVE Batman :) ). I didn't mean to insinuate that he's a bad parent. There's no doubt in my mind that he's terrific dad, a real model kind of parent. Don't mind me - I've just turned into a nagging old lady. My friend and I have started to say "Kids these days..." about everything - when we're still relatively young ourselves! :rofl:
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

No one really has a clue as to what exactly happened. :lol: Maybe MJ went as a guest initially, but later they decided to do this project, MJ decided to extend his stay which could've become a part of the contract. He did stay quite a long time for just being a "guest" (and I bet his stay wasn't cheap either :lol:). Really, there are many scenarios and nobody knows for sure what was the exact situation or what was in that contract.

Personally, I don't know what the heck he was thinking when he signed that. But then again, I can't say that I'm all that surprised either. It certainly wouldn't be the first time....
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*


Still not hospitable, and as usual, still not willing to give anything for nothing. Having Michael come as your guest, in the state he was in, and then sprining business deals on him while he's there seems opportunistic to me. The prince is showing his selfishness on this one. He's got so much money that whatever the cost of Michael's stay, it wouldn't have made any sort of a dent. The only thing Michael supposedly did wrong was not record ONE song for the guy, according to his own lawsuit. He's charging for his stay because he's just being spiteful now, it would appear.

Who cares anyway. It'll go away.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

Aw I know, I saw pretty intense films when I was younger too come to think of it, lol (and I still LOVE Batman :) ). I didn't mean to insinuate that he's a bad parent. There's no doubt in my mind that he's terrific dad, a real model kind of parent. Don't mind me - I've just turned into a nagging old lady. My friend and I have started to say "Kids these days..." about everything - when we're still relatively young ourselves! :rofl:

loving the Amy Winehouse quote that is your siggy!
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

Michael Jackson’s fan album

20 July 2008
Michael Jackson fans have been asked to choose their favourite tracks for a new album of the singer’s greatest hits.

‘King of Pop’ is being released on August 29 to celebrate the ‘Thriller’ singer’s 50th birthday.

Fans are being asked to select their 18 favourite songs from a choice of 50 Jackson tracks, and the most popular will appear on the compilation record.

Countries around the world will all host their own polls, meaning several different versions of the new record will be available – sparking speculation that devoted followers of the singer will travel the world in order to obtain a complete set of CDs.

One of Jackson’s new songs was recently leaked online.

'Hold My Hand', featuring Akon, appeared on several websites and is reportedly due to feature on his long-awaited comeback album, which the 'Lonely' rapper is believed to be producing.

The mid-tempo track features the lyrics: "Things will get better if you just hold my hand."

The song has had a mostly positive response from commentators, with one fan saying the song marks "the return of the king".

No release date has been scheduled for the album, the follow up to 2001's 'Invincible'.

Source: http://home.nzcity.co.nz/news/article.aspx?id=87847&fm=newsmain,narts
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

Joe Jackson Coming To Gary

(20-7-2008) Michael's father Joseph Jackson will come to Gary, Indiana (USA) for a visit next Tuesday.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay will welcome the former Gary resident during a round-table discussion at 11 a.m. at the City Hall. Afterwards a ceremony to unveil the honorary street sign renaming of 2300 Jackson St. will take place. Clay also will make a special presentation to Joe Jackson during the discussion in the Gary Room.

Source: NWITimes.com
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

Joe Jackson Coming To Gary

(20-7-2008) Michael's father Joseph Jackson will come to Gary, Indiana (USA) for a visit next Tuesday.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay will welcome the former Gary resident during a round-table discussion at 11 a.m. at the City Hall. Afterwards a ceremony to unveil the honorary street sign renaming of 2300 Jackson St. will take place. Clay also will make a special presentation to Joe Jackson during the discussion in the Gary Room.

Source: NWITimes.com
Are they renaming the street, 2300 Jackson street?:eek:
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*


Still not hospitable, and as usual, still not willing to give anything for nothing. Having Michael come as your guest, in the state he was in, and then sprining business deals on him while he's there seems opportunistic to me. The prince is showing his selfishness on this one. He's got so much money that whatever the cost of Michael's stay, it wouldn't have made any sort of a dent. The only thing Michael supposedly did wrong was not record ONE song for the guy, according to his own lawsuit. He's charging for his stay because he's just being spiteful now, it would appear.

Who cares anyway. It'll go away.

That lawsuit sure as hell ain't about one song. The contract included two albums and some other projects. I also remember being reported that the prince gave MJ a big advance for it too. If it were just for one song I'm sure MJ would've recorded it just as a thank you to the guy who was paying $9 000 a night for his stay at the Burj Al Arab hotel. :lol: There is more than that and we don't have the full information and we may never get it, because the British media isn't allowed to report on this things as far as I know.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on post #70*

we don't have the full information and we may never get it, because the British media isn't allowed to report on this things as far as I know.
And thank God for that!