July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 20, 2008 on post #123*

Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I understand where you're coming from arXter. It's just a point of Michael obviously being in a vulnerable state and seemingly being taken advantage of. Obviously, the Prince never intended to just be kind to Michael. He wanted something from him. And that's so often the case for Michael, sadly. It just sucks that nobody ever will just help Michael when he so obviously needs it, when he's CONSTANTLY helping people for their benifit alone. He does a lot of good, and that same good rarely is returned to him. It shows a real selflessness on Michael's part and a real selfishness on the part of other's.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

yeah that's also possible, wb.

Well, with everything that is now surfacing, why aren't you scrutinizing the Prince? Will you please provide scenarios from that angle as well? Or, will doing so reveal there could have been a hidden agenda?
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Michael was physically ill. God only knows what his mental state was like. he needed a doctor and 24 hour care, He did not need to be entering into business contract. Not only was he not physically able to do that, he had no advisors or lawyers to read through the contracts. he was also very vulnerable. Don't forget that those lawyers were representing MJ all of a sudden. Who was advising him? He was an emotional wreck. I am glad he got out of there. Who knows, maybe MJ must have been advised to leave.

Somebody found a place in Ireland for him to finish his rest. He aslo left without telling anyone. Who knows what they were asking him to sign.
It aklso seems that they may have wanted him to make Bharain his permanent home. There was talk of him buying a hoime there, then there were rumours of him converting to islam. Where were all these stories coming from. I trust noone when it comes to MJ. The trouble is, that he is too famous and his name alone is worth a fortune.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Once again, I guess it proves you can't believe everything you read....or the smoke people blow up your tookas

True about that. The way I see it, if he was invited to the Prince's home to stay and get his head and life together, than that should have been it. If these people wanted MJ to signed a contract and MJ knew that he was not in the right mind to do so, he should have never signed it. Yeah, it seems like the Prince did some shady things in there, but MJ is a grown man. He didn't even need to be at that place. He could have hang out at Nelson Mandela's home in South Africa. MJ didn't have to go to the middle east. I remember when MJ was there and there was always stories about him. Why? I mean, the Prince should just shut the hell up and let the man chill in his home and give him his privacy.

There was talk of him buying a hoime there, then there were rumours of him converting to islam.

I remember all of that and it was just weird. Once MJ got there, there were all of this laughable stories about him. Mike should have just stayed at NL or Encino with the family and rested there. He didn't have to leave a country that freed him. You know what I mean? He should have stayed home with his family.

The poster who posted that info from Perezhilton.com (bleech), can you post the link? Thanks.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

^ i think that would have been better, its always easier to be with family after going through difficult times
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Michael needed to get away from the US after what it allowed to happen to him. You can't blame him for wanting to go away from here for a while.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *

Michael Jackson Mentionings for July 19, 2008:


This might be one game when four guys walk out to drag the infield ... only to stop in midsweep and break out some Michael Jackson moves or Justin Timberlake twitches.


Panel: Do you have a favorite episode that you worked on so far?

Dule Hill: Probably American Duos because I got to be Michael Jackson—just because of the ending. There are so many episodes that I like but that one I had a great time doing. I mean you’re there dressed up as Thriller, yeah, Michael Jackson and Thriller, you have this audience that Landis had got to come. And then you had the guy who directed Thriller directing you. I mean I get to move up on a stage and smoke.
When I was growing up, I used to dress up all the time. I’m a big Michael Jackson fan. So, that was great. I loved it. I loved it. I think that would be my top one so far just because of that moment. But I love all the episodes.


What's the matter with kids today? What ever happened to the days when pop fads were furious but brief affairs? Kids loved stuff intensely, then moved on, spitting out used fads like old bubble gum.
I remember one Christmas when every one of my nieces and nephews seemed obsessed with "Thriller" and Michael Jackson. But by Easter, both he and his white glove were very old news and subject to some derision. That seemed natural.


I have always been into dancing from the youngest age. I didn’t dance professionally but I loved to practise in my bedroom at home and I’m a big Michael Jackson fan.
“I still practice now and then and I to do the moonwalk when I score. I hope I will get plenty of opportunities to perform it at with Tranmere


At first, they lined us up like a conga line and demonstrated some steps and spins. TV critics aren't known for taking instructions well, so we just stumbled about as if in a stupor. Someone said it looked like the zombie scene from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video.


Alien Ant Farm’s first massive hit in the UK was the cover of Michael Jackson's classic 80s hit, ‘Smooth Criminal’.
Do you ever worry about being labelled as ‘The ***** Band’?
No.Weren’t you meant to play with Michael Jackson at some awards ceremony?
Things are always changing in this business. It was something that had been talked about but in the end it didn’t work out and that was that.

Michael Jackson HIStory for July 19, 2008:

1997 - Michael Jackson's single "History" hit #5 in the U.K.

1998 - Michael Jackson attended Nelson Mandela's 80th birthday at the Gallagher Estate outside of Johannesburg.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

This is something else that we all need to remember while we are looking at this...

Michael Jackson is a wealthy business man that has opened his home to thousands of people over the years and have asked them to do nothing except enjoy themselves at his expense. He is also a wealthy business man that has given away hundreds of millions of dollars with no strings attached. Because of this, he may have thought that the Prince was merely doing something out of the kindness of his heart and nothing else. He could have very easily thought that the Prince was doing something similar to what he's been doing for so long.

I think arXter has forgotten that Michael Jackson is a humanitarian that has given freely.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

^^ thanks for the mentionings :) :flowers:
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

The point is (that we know of) is the fact that the prince threw the living expenses in the suit too. Yet he acted like michael was there as a friend. That's mad shystey imo. It shows his true colors. far as what frame of mind michael was in we don't know. But there is possiblility that michael wasn't in the greatest frame, seeing as how he just got done with the trial. Thats grounds to take advantage imo. Of course michael is a grown man but what grown makes sound decisions in the wrong frame of mind. yeah michael grown but that don't make it right to take advantage of his ordeal. I'm just saying.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

Also, Allformj. I believe Elton John showed MJ hospitality too when he was ill once. MJ has also showed hospitality to lots of celebs and business people. malon Brando had a fulltime nurse for months at the neverland ranch. OJ Simpson's children found a place to hide away after the verdict. He has helped many people that we don't even know their names. So, he may have misunderstood the prince.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

Michael stayed in the US for what, a week after the trial ended? I think it's safe to assume he wasn't in the best state of mind. Michael's a trusting person. Everyone who knows him says that he lends his trust very easily or is willing to give the benifit of the doubt. Michael probably did take the Prince's invitation as a gesture of kindness, and as has been the case so often in Michael's life, another person failed to actually follow through on that kindess. It's obvious that the Prince's intention all along was to GET something from Michael. He wasn't just going to be nice to him. Unfortunately, the selfless quality that Michael himself posseses and his willingness to help people in return for nothing is a rare quality indeed.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

I think we should all stay calm, lol. We all agree that Michael should have sung the stupid Elvis song if he signed the contract, but that the Prince is obviously a greedy mofo for not willing to just help Michael without asking for anything in return. Like I said, that selfless quality in Michael of willing to help people asking nothing in return is a rare one.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Although I like Michael alot, in regards to that case, I can completely understand them wanting him to pay for backing out of that recording contract. It's business. But nevertheless, wanting him to reimburse them the cost of letting him stay over there is a little over the top IMO. Weren't all these people friends? Another thing is, I thought that they had the contract just for Michael's new album as a total one-time recording. Not just one tune. I'm confused.

they were supposed to be doing something for a freind. didn't know there was a hidden 'you owe me' attached to it. i don't think this will be successful against MJ
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

being the side of Michael's that helped influence me to work my arse off for a certain career path, i would say...

edit: not that i have to prove anything to you, but:


for calling me out, you muppet.
Yeah, I called you out. But at least when I did call you out, I had the courtesy to leave your name as arXter.

And posting that link doesn't do much for you, arXter, because you were clowning MJ in this thread as if none of that stuff was on your mind at the time.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

clowning mj? i think not.

and next time you'd like to take digs at me, PM me. i promise i will respond lol.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

arXter, if I'm taking digs at you, then what do you call changing my name to muppet? Yeah, I thought so.

You know you're out of pocket.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

counter dig.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

whatever happened to these smilies:scratch:?


is it really that serious?:mello:
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

counter dig.
Are you sure about that? Yeah, right. lol

Look, the Prince is not right for trying to take back something that he made seem was a kind gesture. MJ does not take back what he gives and he probably really thought the Prince was doing what he did out of total kindness.

Lastly, my name is AllForMJ. Let's keep it that way, arXter.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

People this is a place for discussing the news and let's keep it that way. If you have some personal issues with other members please take it to pm or press the report button.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

Michael needed to get away from the US after what it allowed to happen to him. You can't blame him for wanting to go away from here for a while

Why did MJ needed to leave the country that freed him? He could have just stayed in the Encino home. I am just saying.

When I was growing up, I used to dress up all the time. I’m a big Michael Jackson fan. So, that was great.

Thanks for that, Sunset Driver and I remember Dule Hill from the "West Wing". :) That was my show.

Michael Jackson is a wealthy business man that has opened his home to thousands of people over the years and have asked them to do nothing except enjoy themselves at his expense. He is also a wealthy business man that has given away hundreds of millions of dollars with no strings attached. Because of this, he may have thought that the Prince was merely doing something out of the kindness of his heart and nothing else. He could have very easily thought that the Prince was doing something similar to what he's been doing for so long.

Yes, we know, but I feel like you are sort of missing the point. Mike did not have to go anywhere. He could have stayed home and got rested on home. Period. It seems like MJ assumed that this Prince hack would treat him with respect and he did not. Just like MJ assumed that the Grifter family were going to treat him and his home with respect and we all know what happened. Mike gotta watch his back. That is basically what I am saying. These clowns are here to make him and example and he should have seen it coming. He has been in the business for years and he knows the deal. All of this things about MJ being a great man and wealthy and nice to people is great and all, but he lacks defending himself. It is like a cycle and it is getting a tad old. Mike knows the deal. I hope he settles this case and stop assuming that people are on his side because that is not always the case. That Prince guy was telling the media these things about MJ. That should have been a sign to MJ to start leaving and he indeed did.

I believe Elton John showed MJ hospitality too when he was ill once. MJ has also showed hospitality to lots of celebs and business people. malon Brando had a fulltime nurse for months at the neverland ranch. OJ Simpson's children found a place to hide away after the verdict

That is nice, but we are talking about the Prince here not celebrities that know better.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

Thanks for that, Sunset Driver and I remember Dule Hill from the "West Wing". :) That was my show.

LoL Bee you called me sunset.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

People this is a place for discussing the news and let's keep it that way. If you have some personal issues with other members please take it to pm or press the report button.
Sorry about that, Dorothy_Marie. I'll be good.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 19, 2008 on poist #70*

An interesting comment I found... Perezhilton.com about the Dark Knight movie

Jaime says – reply to this 22

I really liked the movie. The best part about it was that Michael Jackson was sitting
in the seats in front of me with his kids. At the midnight release at the Palms in iMax last night! Woohoo!

The movie reviewers say this movie, tho a good one, is very violent
and wouldnt recomend for kids to see.
Based on that, it seems unlikely that Michael would take the kids
to see the film. But then, who am I....
Ben's coffin was carried into the church by members of his family to the song
Ben by Michael Jackson. Brooke, mum Debbie, dad George and sisters Jade and Georgia were all at the service.

Ben was stabbed several times in York Way, Islington, after a fight in a bar spilled out on to the streets on June 29.
His friend Louis Robson, 16, son of Birds Of A Feather actress Linda Robson, was with him as he died.
Three teenagers have been charged with Ben's murder

The death of this young man is so sad...senseless.
I can only imagine the atmosphere at the service,
especially with BEN being played.
But I'm happy to read that the perps were caught and charged.

Thank you eveybody for the news & stuff.