July 18-20 News and mentionings *update for July 20, 2008 on post #123*

Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

^ why would he have shut his mouth if it was part of a contract? the bloke is a prima ballerina in the business world and no doubt after 40 years Mike knows exactly what business men are like whether they are Princes, Wall Street cats, Arabs, Jews, White or Black.

we really don't know enough to be scrutinising the situation in this way.

If he was charging Michael to stay at his place why would Michael even go over there? Come on man.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

^ who said it was a charge? the contract could have been "all of the above" in exchange of studio work.

i'm telling you it's all speculations up in here.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

The contract about the song if there was one that is one thing I am not even going to comment on that because I have no idea. and neither do you. But to charge someone for staying at your home? Come on in poor taste and you know it
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Justthefacts said:
How do you know?
LOL i don't - that's my bloody point! i'm giving you different possible scenarios to debunk your confidence in what you think happened.

look, it becomes a bit of a patronising session for Michael as well when fans defend him in this way and assume he was blind/gullible to "free" but possibly damaging offers. Mike's a shrewd businessman and we all know it. whatever is in that contract, we do not know about it.

again i'm just saying why scrutinise on this when we haven't a shred of a clear idea about what they agreed on or who was unfair to who etc.

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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

The contract about the song if there was one that is one thing I am not even going to comment on that because I have no idea. and neither do you. But to charge someone for staying at your home? Come on in poor taste and you know it
The princes contract is flawed. He needs to prove that MJ entered into a contract with him, and not just him making offers to MJ. I doubt that MJ would have signed a contract to record elvis's songs. If MJ can show that he was under undue pressure, that may count as well. Obviously MJ relised that he was being used and he upped and left. This must show that he was an unwilling partner in such a contract.
As far an the hospitality goes, he will lose that too. I doubt that british court can enforce such contract though,. MJ is an American.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

If MJ can show that he went there to recuperate and was put under pressure to sign contract and he felt that he had no choice and that was the reason why he upped and left, there is no case. The courts requires 2 parties to be willing particpants in a contract. It is obvious that MJ was unwilling. He didn't go to Bharain to do business.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I thought after Michael came back to the states, in some report or press release, he or his rep said that he was not in Bahrain that long....

that most of the time he was gone, he was bouncing around and between London and Ireland for most of the time with visits to Germany, Bahrain and Dubai. The press ASSumed he spent that whole time living in Bahrain, or rather harped on him being in the Middle East in a negative way.

Anyone else remember that?

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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

This could be somewhat of a mentioning of Michael. On VH1's Top 20 countdown this morning they had mentioned MJ's name along with the old rumor of him working with NKOTB. They added that there is a lot of excitement in a new MJ album that might come out late this year.

I got a little excited over that this morning...
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I thought after Michael came back to the states, in some report or press release, he or his rep said that he was not in Bahrain that long....

that most of the time he was gone, he was bouncing around and between London and Ireland for most of the time with visits to Germany, Bahrain and Dubai. The press ASSumed he spent that whole time living in Bahrain.

Anyone else remember that?

Michael spent at least 6 months in ireland before he returned to the states in dec. 06. he may have been there for a year, but he did a lot of travelling to Dubai while he was there.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

thanks for the weekend updates... :)
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

An interesting comment I found... Perezhilton.com about the Dark Knight movie

Jaime says – reply to this 22

I really liked the movie. The best part about it was that Michael Jackson was sitting in the seats in front of me with his kids. At the midnight release at the Palms in iMax last night! Woohoo!
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

You can develop plans, ventures, etc but not go ahead with them in the end. That's business. They are drawn up every day and then a decision is made to go ahead or not. Doesn't mean that Michael signed any contract. For argument's sake also possible that he did but the other party reneged on that contract or abused it. I seriously doubt Michael was going to record an Elvis Presley song? Bit odd to me. He probably said WTF I am out of here! LOL! Just because you sign a contract doesn't mean you become a slave to what other people want you do. Also I feel when people get near Michael they get a bit addicted to the fame and the attention that it brings.
A bit like an obsessed fan. They turn bitter when they don't get what they want or Michael does not return what they want from him.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

You can develop plans, ventures, etc but not go ahead with them in the end. That's business. They are drawn up every day and then a decision is made to go ahead or not. Doesn't mean that Michael signed any contract. For argument's sake also possible that he did but the other party reneged on that contract or abused it. I seriously doubt Michael was going to record an Elvis Presley song? Bit odd to me. He probably said WTF I am out of here! LOL! Just because you sign a contract doesn't mean you become a slave to what other people want you do. Also I feel when people get near Michael they get a bit addicted to the fame and the attention that it brings.
A bit like an obsessed fan. They turn bitter when they don't get what they want or Michael does not return what they want from him.
That is the truth. Everybody wants a piece of Michael. All he has to do is shake their hands and suddenly, they are his friend or they have a contract. Poor guy. I think MJ just said yes to get rid of them, amnd just toook off when he realised he was being used. he didn't even said goodbye. he just left.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

An interesting comment I found... Perezhilton.com about the Dark Knight movie

Jaime says – reply to this 22

I really liked the movie. The best part about it was that Michael Jackson was sitting in the seats in front of me with his kids. At the midnight release at the Palms in iMax last night! Woohoo!
What kind of movie is that?
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

The Dark Knight is like a Batman movie that premiered yesterday.. AND I WANTED TO SEE IT SO BAAAD OMG. :( it looks like a cool movie though. all my friends saw it. :/
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I just wanted to point this out...........that 19 articles on Google wrote about Billie Jean being #1 in the UK

[SIZE=-2]Singersroom News[/SIZE]

Michael Jackson's Billie Jean 'greatest dance record ever'
[SIZE=-1]Mirror.co.uk, UK - Jul 18, 2008[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Michael Jackson's moon-walking classic Billie Jean has been voted the greatest dance record of all time. Radio 2 listeners chose the 1983 double Grammy ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’ Voted Greatest Dance Record Of All ... [SIZE=-1]Singersroom News[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]*****'s Billie Jean tops dance music poll [SIZE=-1]Stuff.co.nz[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' Voted 'Best Dance Song Ever' [SIZE=-1]Gigwise[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]BBC News - Glasgow Daily Record[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 19 news articles »[/SIZE]

also.. I know the Sun (UK tabloid) is not allowed here but they are giving away free MJ Ipods due to the greatest hits release..

sIFR_callback_0_DoFSCommand(info, args);Michael Jackson iPod

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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I think that MJ should do something to show his gratitude, because that was the perfect place and way to recover from something as traumatizing as what he went through, but it also seems like it should be done in a way that does not involve court. Not this part of it. I'm saying this because we're now finding out that the Prince was not being as hospitable as he seemed he was being at the beginning.

I think there is another way to handle this and that it can be a win-win.
^ how do you know that wasn't part of the contract? that's part of my point.
arXter, do you really think there was a contract before Michael went? And do you think he would knowingly lock himself into something like that after fighting so hard for his freedom?
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Exactly, and if it appears to me that the Prince's heart wasn't right in the first place when he welcomed Michael into his home. Seems to me that he wanted something from Michael and didn't get it. Now he is mad and wants everything back, including gifts from Michael. Indian giver.

you are so right AllTheLovelyFlowers..

some hate when I take this stance.. but I am posting my opinion anyway...

some are sooo quick to blame Michael on things like this.. a lawsuit... and never give him the benefit of the doubt when they themselves HAVE NO
FACTS as to why the lawsuit happened....

some take the view of the tabloid idiot that "so called" broke the story...
time and time again..

Michael ain't perfect... but give him some credit for sustaining himself in the game for over 40 years...

I hope Michael wins.. and glad he had the sense realign himself with Sony, work out a very win-win position for himself with Sony.. and looking to the future ....readying himself to thrill his fans again...

PS: this is not a personal attack to anyone but just a general obversation ..
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Remember how when he was living over there almost every week there was a story about how happy he was over there? And, how he had bought a new home on the water and was sending his kids to school over there? I bet you a dollar to a doughnut it was the prince himself telling those stories to the press. I don't know about you guys but I always had a feeling that the prince of Bahrain was going to want something from Michael. Had no clue what it was but he just seemed way to nice and now we know. It also explains why Michael took off the way he did and why he cut off all ties with with the lawyers and the managers he had hired while he was over there
so true. I wouldn't put it pass the prince if he told the press those stories. Why ppl always trying to take from mike. The rich, poor, and middle class. Michael said it best in 2bad 'JUST WANT YOUR CUT FROM ME, but 2bad 2bad'." But look who got slapped in the face. Michael hot tailed out of there soon as he figured dude out.

arxter come on now. How the heck is living in somebodys home PART of the contract! IF that was the case then michael&co should have been put in their own private house or in a hotel. Not in the princes house. NO! dude wanted to act like "Mr. hospitality" and when he didn't get whatever it was that he wanted from michael, now he want to sue mike for freakin phone bill and ish. That reeks of lowdown dirty to me. :ermm:

This is why fans are always on D-MODE. Cuz somebody always trying to shyster mike.:doh:
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

arXter, do you really think there was a contract before Michael went? And do you think he would knowingly lock himself into something like that after fighting so hard for his freedom?
EXcellent point. Michael stayed at his house BEFORE anything was sign or talked about. (that's if michael signed anything) So that's how you know that the living expenses being add to the lawsuit, shows his bitterness towards michael. This aint just about some song michael didn't sing.

Irish flower great post
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

You can develop plans, ventures, etc but not go ahead with them in the end. That's business. They are drawn up every day and then a decision is made to go ahead or not. Doesn't mean that Michael signed any contract. For argument's sake also possible that he did but the other party reneged on that contract or abused it. I seriously doubt Michael was going to record an Elvis Presley song? Bit odd to me. He probably said WTF I am out of here! LOL! Just because you sign a contract doesn't mean you become a slave to what other people want you do. Also I feel when people get near Michael they get a bit addicted to the fame and the attention that it brings.
A bit like an obsessed fan. They turn bitter when they don't get what they want or Michael does not return what they want from him.

great post...
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I think that MJ should do something to show his gratitude, because that was the perfect place and way to recover from something as traumatizing as what he went through, but it also seems like it should be done in a way that does not involve court. Not this part of it. I'm saying this because we're now finding out that the Prince was not being as hospitable as he seemed he was being at the beginning.
arXter, do you really think there was a contract before Michael went? And do you think he would knowingly lock himself into something like that after fighting so hard for his freedom?
i do not think anything - if you read my posts i'm saying people are jumping up and down assuming they know that the contract pertaining to the lawsuit did not include such details - which it very well could have done.

it's just frustrating to see such scrutiny when we don't know anything substantial or solid about what the lawsuit entails.

and, again, it's also being patronising to Mike to assume he would be gullible to such business moves. nothing is free in the business world. and if you were provided hospitality when, surprise surprise, you signed a contract - you'd know very well that nothing is free then LOL

but main point - we're acting like we know tons more than we do - which is very little.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Thanks for the news&mentionings! :)
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

WOW lol you lot have gone on a complete offensive on yet another case you know nothing about. of course, it can never be Mike's fault for signing a contract, no no no

and not saying that it is - because i don't know - that's the point.

Michael is no child or ignorant of businessmen and their intentions.

Naw. It wasn't right not to sing the cover of some Elvis song if Michael signed a contract for that. Even though it's a stupid thing in itself. But the Prince obviously wasn't "hospitable" if he was expecting Michael to pay him back for putting him up. And the whole time he was acting like he was doing it to help Michael, not himself.

We can't really say where Michael was mentally at that time. What I do know is he was physically ravaged by that trial, he had lost 20 lb. which is an incredible amount for someone as thin as he is, he couldn't eat without throwing up, and I make an educational guess that he must have been emotionally and mentally really fragile after almost losing his entire life, including his children. I think at that point, anyone holding out a helping hand to him might have seemed extremely appealing, especially if they were offering peace and quiet and a "way out" of all the stress of finacial burden and prying questions. It just seems he took advantage of Michael at a time he was vulnerable.

Michael's always giving of himself and giving people help in return for nothing, but obviously from this case, that generosity and kindness on Michael's part is often unrequitted. It's just like, nobody ever want's to help Michael just for the sake of helping him, even though Michael himself is contantly helping people for the sake of helping them alone and making their lives better. Michael doesn't often recieve the same genuine, selfless goodness from people that he gives to them.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

Naw. It wasn't right not to sing the cover of some Elvis song if Michael signed a contract for that. Even though it's a stupid thing in itself. But the Prince obviously wasn't "hospitable" if he was expecting Michael to pay him back for putting him up. And the whole time he was acting like he was doing it to help Michael, not himself.

We can't really say where Michael was mentally at that time. What I do know is he was physically ravaged by that trial, he had lost 20 lb. which is an incredible amount for someone as thin as he is, he couldn't eat without throwing up, and I make an educational guess that he must have been emotionally and mentally really fragile after almost losing his entire life, including his children. I think at that point, anyone holding out a helping hand to him might have seemed extremely appealing, especially if they were offering peace and quiet and a "way out" of all the stress of finacial burden and prying questions. It just seems he took advantage of Michael at a time he was vulnerable.

Michael's always giving of himself and giving people help in return for nothing, but obviously from this case, that generosity and kindness on Michael's part is often unrequitted.
Exactly. I believe MJ will won the case, because he was invited there to recovery, not to do a deal. he was being taken advantage of at a point when he was most vulnerable. He probably felt trapped in a polace where he didn't even speak the language and had no friends or family to call. I would have said yes too and wait until i could escape.:D
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

i do not think anything - if you read my posts i'm saying people are jumping up and down assuming they know that the contract pertaining to the lawsuit did not include such details - which it very well could have done.

it's just frustrating to see such scrutiny when we don't know anything substantial or solid about what the lawsuit entails.

and, again, it's also being patronising to Mike to assume he would be gullible to such business moves. nothing is free in the business world. and if you were provided hospitality when, surprise surprise, you signed a contract - you'd know very well that nothing is free then LOL

but main point - we're acting like we know tons more than we do - which is very little.
I just wanted to see where you were coming from because in reading your posts, it seems like you're implying that MJ signed a contract in place of accepting an open invitation. It seems highly unlikely that he would do that. A person cannot go somewhere to rest and feel obligated simultaneouly in an effort to find peace. That doesn't make sense.

Obligations and solace do not go together.
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Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

I just wanted to see where you were coming from because in reading your posts, it seems like you're implying that MJ signed a contract in place of accepting an open invitation. It seems highly unlikely that he would do that. A person cannot go somewhere to rest and feel obligated simultaneouly in an effort to find peace. That doesn't make sense.

Obligations and solace do not go together.
This is why I think the prince will lose the case. The courts will see through the motives. All MJ needs to show was that he signed the paper under duress. MJ usually has all his lawyers and advisers on the ready to sign a contract. this time he was stripped bare, and unprepared and vulnerable. he was in no frame of mind to be making decisions and the court will look into that.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

well in reading my posts you should take heed in every one that my point is we know sod all to assume much about this and i've given alternate scenarios (that i still think are all possibilities) which debunk confident assumptions. i'm also saying that many of these views flat out patronise Mike.

in fact, if there's anything that i'm implying then it's double standards on assumptions, jumping to conclusions and scrutiny.
Re: July 18-20 News and mentionings

well in reading my posts you should take heed in every one that my point is we know sod all to assume much about this and i've given alternate scenarios (that i still think are all possibilities) which debunk confident assumptions. i'm also saying that many of these views flat out patronise Mike.

in fact, if there's anything that i'm implying then it's double standards on assumptions, jumping to conclusions and scrutiny.
Well, with everything that is now surfacing, why aren't you scrutinizing the Prince? Will you please provide scenarios from that angle as well? Or, will doing so reveal there could have been a hidden agenda?