July 11-13, 2008 *Updated for July 13, 2008 on post #167

Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

I think the point here is that the picture of MJ taken earlier this week was not a result of injury or illness. For those who thought he was ill, he is not. That's all that needs to be said. The other thread was closed for a reason, so move on.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

I'm glad it was a typical MJ day out, as orginally suspected, and he's fine. :flowers:
Re: 11th July, 08

Michael speaks about wearing disguises in this australian interview,


oh thanks for posting this.this is one of my fav video moments...:agree: CAnt help laughing when Frank takes over! The expression on MJs face is priceless....like.. "let my big bro speak.I will just keep shut up..that will cause no probs" :D
Frank rulez!:clapping::punk:
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Thanks for posting the article, DM.

I knew that already.

Yeah, but some fans did not know about it so I posted it.
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Has anyone really thought about this? Wheelchair and walking down the street in Montreal, two different sitings at the same time?. MJ loves to keep everyone guessing and surprised. MJ loves disguises, I feel something big is coming.. Let me see if I can break this down a bit more. What are we all celebrating this year, Thriller25, right? So, what was Thriller about, ghouls with skin dropping off and cracking, transformation, etc....? Now, in celebration of Thriller the scheme, I believe, is that the ghoul is now 25 years older than he was when Thriller was originally released and needs a wheelchair. Also, in reference to the pajamas, when was the last time MJ whore his pajamas in public? Think about it. also, ask youselves, Akon and "Hold My Hand", and the fashion designer saw MJ really recently, we even saw the video of MJ's greetings/salutations? SOMETHING BIG IS COMING. Yea, baby..."7 EVEN" is here. Oh, and update on my MJ retro party, I have reached the Jacksons portion of the celebration (see July 9th post)... Blessings all.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

No offense, but DM and myself posted the actual truth to the story about the pics. It would best not to post nonsense from ignorant losers that can't reason.
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

In the end it doesn't matter cus much as he is teased and criticised by a huge group of people but on the other hand he is also causing tons of people to trip over themselves and act all giddy at his very presence much like you saw at christian audigier's party and from the report on 'good day la'.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson


*exhales deeply*

EDIT: Or is it inhale deeply? PSH. Whatever.. at least I'm breathing gosh darnbsbabsfxkvn. :mello:
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

every1 shut up and hold my hand lol
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

*joins in* :lol:
Re: 11th July, 08

ok Guys we all need to move on from this.

Those photos are from like last year..... :rolleyes:

Let's find something else to beat to death *steals the smilie from Zith*

Now repeat after me...

"Today I will try very very hard not to beat any more dead horses. I will be a good MJ fan and I will patiently wait for the Launch of MJJC's new main page"

ok repeat twice and rinse... cause I just know some of you are still eyeing that dead horse... :nono:

omg, you gave me a good laugh with that one, esp. seeing the smilie waving that finger around. with the eyebrows too. lmao!
btw, I wonder if that was really Michael in those pics... :tease: ha ha, kidding! don't kill me! :D
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hold's michaelsson's hand, and
grabs other peoples' hand who
are viewing the thread too.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

^^ :lo: same here.. anyonelse??
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

I'm not surprised at all: He has done this several of times in the past. Way to go Mike :D
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

"They'd disappear. And then my song came blasting from upstairs. ... And suddenly about 12 little neighbour kids came downstairs in their pyjamas. It was like the Munchkins. They all had Tonka toys and stuff and he let them play with their Tonka toys on the floor around us while he and I were talking.
"And while we were talking about production he kept going: 'Jimmy, don't do that. Billy, bring that over here, no give that back to Bobby' ... He was like king of the castle in this thing. It was very surreal, but kind of charming, actually."

Aww, I can just hear Michael saying that, being authoritative but yet gentle at the same time.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Aww, I can just hear Michael saying that, being authoritative but yet gentle at the same time.
One of his many charming qualities.

Thanks for the news from AP. :)
Glad to know MJ's fine.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

i knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with him and he was dressed up like that and used the wheelchair as a part of the disguise. as i said in my other post when those pics first popped up the fans who freaked out about the pics musta become fans yesterday since they seem to not know him and his habits at all.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Aint nothing wrong with Michael. He is just being Michael. He is just having fun the best way he knows how. Leave him alone.

Yes, and his children were able to mingle with the public in an open bookstore without the need to have it shut down or have crowds gather for autographs or to steer. He did it for his children too. Shame on the staff to alert the paps. MJ is aq regular costumer there. They shouldn't have betrayed him.
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

*reads the last chunk of posts*

what the heck?

is this a play by play plan on how to stalk MJ? :mello:
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

and whats the truth about the other pics ? :innocent: was it or was it not michael ?
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Ok Listening up!

Read this:

3. Mr. Jackson’s health will not be a topic of discussion here, nor will invasive personal discussions of his finances, private life and children be permitted.

Don't be posting invasive information.

Repeat offenders will get an infraction from here on out.

Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Thanks for the video despite the fact that most of us guessed that the wheelchair-thing was one of mj's "diguises". It's mj and by the time we know that he likes to provoke the media...... I like that, he tries to change the roles. NOT the media directs but HIM!!! I bet he sits at home amusing himself about the media tapping into his trap once again!!!

hooohooooooooo!!! I love you mike!
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

i think that "source" should had cleared up the other "photos" that we know nothing about instead of telling us sth that most of us already knew anyway.

Re: 11th July, 08

Uhm......I do. :D :lol: "Guilty!" *raises her own hand* :lmao: I'm a bit of a "bookworm" too. :lol: Except that nowdays I pretty much spent hours browsing Amazon.com and buy pretty much all of my books from there. I almost order every month. :lol: Have ordered five books so far this month. :D :lol: And when ever I travel I buy tons of books. When I went to Canada, I already had bought a book before I was even THERE! :lmao: I bought one from the airport and then I think I bought like 7-10 books while I was there...and then had to pay extra on my way back home because my suitcase was too heavy...because of all the books in it! :lol: Actual "old-fashioned" bookstores are better than online stores though because you can look at the book, read parts and see if you like it or not or if it's worth the money, etc. But I can totally understand MJ's love for bookstores. You should have seen my EYES when I saw a place called "The World's Biggest Bookstore" in Canada! :lmao: I was like "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: :lmao: Even though I prefer Indigo Books. The one in Eaton Center...that's mah #1 place in Canada! :yes: :kickass:

Thanks for posting all teh news bits! :)

Lol, I have the same book-related problem! I buy them online and when I travel too - I even buy books in languages that I can only barely read lol! And now I have to find a way to fit them in my luggage when I go home next month - a travelling library lol:)
Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Ok skip the dang wheelchair!!!

Did anyone hear TOUR and NEW ALBUM appear in this thread? sheeeeesh. That's why ya'll don't think a new album is comin cuz ya'll keep missin important info! When the album actually comes out ya'll would miss it completely just because MJ got tape on his fingers! ("OMG what happened to his hands?! Did he slam the car door on them? OMG OMG OMG! How could you MJ?")

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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Report: Access Hollywood

Photo Fact Or Fiction: Michael Jackson In A Wheelchair

Michael Jackson’s health was interpreted as declining when a photo of him being chauffeured in a wheelchair in Las Vegas surfaced this week. But what’s the real story?



So, calm guys. This video shows MJ`s health is well, the wheelchair story was one of his "diguises" - no need for further controversies.:no:

So let us focus on his new projects!:punk:
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Re: 11th July, 08:The Truth Behind The Latest Photos Of Michael Jackson

Yep! He's fine. Just letting his kids hang out with him during the day without causing people to run up to him.
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