July 11-13, 2008 *Updated for July 13, 2008 on post #167

Re: 11th July, 08

I don't think he is sick, this is just Michael. He does have health problems which we know about, but he hasn't been doing that much to make himself really sick. Working in the studio can make you tired if he is doing long hours, but thats all
Re: 11th July, 08

OMG. You people don't know anything about suffering do you?! Get on my nerves. My mother and aunts all suffer severley from Rheumatoid Arthritis and I know others with other medical conditions. Some once in a while have to use a wheelchair when they have a flare up of their condition. One with a particular blood disorder. That could only be for one or two days and then back to normal.

It is absolutely pathetic to say someone should stay at home when you are sick. It's like saying disabled people should never be seen. When you live with medical problems you live. Some are the most inspiring people. A friend of my brother's has that terrible skin condition EB. He fights cancer because of it, has his leg amputated. He has extreme pain, but this guy pushed to drive his own car and has fought to get his own house. He is only 22. His positive attitude and will to live is amazing.

I think it is absolutely insulting and snobbish to say someone should stay indoors if they have an injury or don't feel well. Who the hell do you think you are? So you just won't be upset by what the tabloids will say about him. Boo Hoo!

Go on with your bad self Michael.

Some of you are far too worried about Michael being photographed by the media and what they say about him. Why???!! He is entitled to live his life. He doesn't give a crap and that's why I love him. I think it is really ridiculous how some of you keep going on about Michael being photographed in a wheelchair. It is bewildering.

And you are righ L.J. Enough already.

This post needs to be applauded.

I said this in another thread, but I just want to post it here and then I'll be done, I swear.

Michael Jackson is attacked because he is different in the way he thinks and perceives. And whether that difference manifests itself in the way he talks, the way he dresses, the way he acts in general, it is the cause for people’s rejection and cross-eyed reactions. The ultimate fault, however, does not lie in the fact that Michael is different or conducts himself in a way which does not fit in with societal norms. The problem lies in the fact that people are intolerant and fearful of things unlike them. If they would be open minded and remain accepting, and were not so thoroughly convinced that they’re way was the only way, then they wouldn’t think the way Michael’s acts is strange, weird or bizarre, they wouldn’t call him names or criticize him for it, they wouldn’t find fault with it. They would just take it as it is, take Michael for who he is, not label him or condemn him, they would be able to look passed that difference and see deep down that he is a good person, and then they would simply move on. So again, the fault lies not with Michael actually being different or acting different, it lies with people having a problem with what they cannot relate to. If Michael changes the way he wants to dress when stepping outside, if we chastise him and become angry at him for going out in public dressed in a manner which society would deem inappropriate, then we might as well also do the same whenever Michael speaks of his ideals, or criticize him for the way he thinks, since that too does not fit in with what is considered normalcy in our society. The very reason Michael is attacked by people is exemplified when we get angry at him for acting different. We say that he’s bringing the negative attention on himself by acting this way, but we fail to realize that the negative attention is not a result of how he is actually conducting himself, but from people’s prejudices. There would be no criticism of Michael or name calling of him if people could just step outside of their conformist views of how we are all supposed to act and look. You cannot blame Michael for other people’s prejudices and actions. I always say that Michael Jackson is an extremely good case study in human nature, not based on he himself, but on how people react to him. It is their reactions towards him which show what is truly wrong with this world, not what is wrong with Michael. There’s nothing wrong with Michael. He’s just dressing and acting and thinking like he does, as he likes, that’s who he is. The fact that he wants to go out like that shows automatically that he’s thinking differently then other people. What’s wrong is how people take him dressing like this adversely because it isn’t something they would do. In an ideal world, people wouldn't call Michael a freak for dressing or acting as he pleases. But we live in a prejudiced, cruel world, where if you fail to conform, you pay the price. So people do call him names because he doesn't fit in with them, and because they've been taught to think one way and one way only. The fault lies with the rest of the world, not Michael.
Re: 11th July, 08

L.J.: When is the main page going to be re-launch? Now, THAT is news.

Hopefully today *crosses her fingers, her toes, her arms, her legs and her eyes*


but it could be tomorrow :eek:

or next week :ermm:

ok maybe not that late.... but I keep delaying it cause I wont leave admin alone :giggle:

But it's haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! LOL. I keep telling myself I won't say anything, but the temptation is too strong. I need to take self-control courses I think!

aww come on Nic I know you can do it look inside yourself... from inside great things will happen *makes slow tai chi movements*

ok now everyone join in!

breathe in ...... annnd out......IN..... annnd out

there ^_^ wasn't that great? :D
Re: 11th July, 08

I mean he knows he's gonna be photographed! (about photos in wheelchair and pyjamas)

that why he does it. you would after all these years he would know that all publicity is not good publicity. *sigh*
Please lets do not go into JRTaraborrelli preaching about Michael doing (all) things for PR. Why a guess that he is stupid, not understanding that not everything makes good publicity? There is Jackson's biography, "Moonwalk", where he expresses himself maybe as sincere, but not naive and not stupid experience-wise.

Instead of insulting Jackson's intelligence this way, the simpler and more consistent explanation is that Michael does what he wants, and he mostly does not care how it will be perceived.

According to direct evidence, Jackson does not track whatever media coverage of himself, since it upsets him. However, he is stubborn in doing things not depending on whether media/public will consider those positive or not.

If, for some reason, Michael thinks that "it is fun" to play in those pijama/wheelchair disguises, then he does it, no matter whether media would like it or not.

If publicity advisers tell that he should not wear those "weird" white socks, then he does not care and he wears it.

If "Motown" PR people bugged him (along with his brothers, of course) to death about not mention or hint on anything associated with Black Panther Party in 1970s, then he does the opposite.

If his PR managers in the middle of 1990s tell him that he should not talk about sleepovers with children, be distanced from them for at least some time, stop wearing eyeliners and make-up, and so on, then Jackson does not care of their advises.

If PR managers tell him that he should better answer "no" to question on whether will he ever allow a child to sleep in his bed "again", then he does not care, and tells "yes" both in 1990s and 2000s. (And after all former managing firms referring to Michael as uncontrollable, unpredictable, and ignoring their PR services, despite even fact he paid for those -- this how much he cares about the PR usually.)

But if his PR managers advise him to appear at 1994 MTV Awards and kiss LMPresley there and he personally thinks "it is fun", then he follows the advise and performs the public appearance.

There is absolutely no evidence known that Michael ever measured his behaviour by whether it will create (good) publicity.

So lets stop with this tabloid speculations and preaching about Jackson being PR-obsessed calculator or however they portray him.
Re: 11th July, 08

Exactly wannabe. I have read so many comments saying that if Michael had an injury or was ill then he should stay indoors. It makes me so mad with just my own personal experiences. Fans have become media obsessed and shallow. Life is a whole different reality if you look around you.
Re: 11th July, 08

First off, lets not assume there is anything wrong with MJ. Let's not be the media. Like someone stated, if there was anything wrong with Mike, the family would not be at Devon doing what they are doing. I think that we need to let this issue go and stop letting the media tell us what is normal or not normal. Let's not lower ourselves and be angry at Michael for being himself. The media and haters are zombies anyway so who cares what they think.
Re: 11th July, 08

You said it Irish. If Michael was sick, then it would be his right to go out anyway. Should he stay inside all the time because he has vitiligo and the sun is more dangerous to him?
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Re: 11th July, 08


Why are we discussing this? Is this because the other thread is closed? Or because people are really that bored?

:fortuneteller: well what do I see?

Oh I see a ......................

:punk: So true. But I gotta agree with Irish here. I hope her post doesn't get deleted as I think it's a great point to the posts made before the warning. There are 2 sides to that "if he were really ill, he should stay home" coin. It would suck to have only one side heard. :flowers: Cabin fever can effect anyone...even MJ.

Tyfanny, I think you need to stop putting attention to something that is obviously fake. That person from youtube posted at least two videos and then got rid of them. If that was really MJ, then that person would have left it there. Please stop giving this laughable news attention. It is already been stated by many fans on here that it cannot be MJ. People do things like this for attention. Just let it go, please.

Imma have to agree with you. I can't see any video at the mo, but if it's something new tyfanny has posted, it's obviously someone trying to keep the story going. Unfortunately, it's gotten old pretty quick becuz things don't add up. Media has totally blanked it as well...which is not surprising. :lol:

Thanks to all for the news. :flowers:
Re: 11th July, 08

If Michael thinks that he has to make artistic statement that becomes provocative in terms of publicity (like with BOW minifilm in 1991, for example), then he does it no matter what.

However, if Jackson creates something that artistically is not provocative, then he releases it as it is without ever intentionally infusing something scandalous in it -- like in the times of "Invincible" start, for example.

There is no "rule" for Michael's publicity that would ever allowed to say that he intentionally invents it for the sake of PR. If the art is provocative, then it is fine, if not, then it is fine, too.

Sorry, no Barnum here, no calculations can be tracked.
Re: 11th July, 08

Hopefully today *crosses her fingers, her toes, her arms, her legs and her eyes*

I hope so.

Irish, great post.

Unfortunately, it's gotten old pretty quick becuz things don't add up. Media has totally blanked it as well...which is not surprising

Yes it has and thank goodness. I am glad that the story did not spread because it is so fake. However, sadly, fake stories have spread about Michael and the like. Whatever.
Re: 11th July, 08

if he was i doubt he would go out.kids aint that desperate to get to the book store lol.unfortunatley hes pulled this stunt so many times if he were ill ppl would never know. anyway sit back and wait for the next mess to happen in the coming months.
You know what Elusive. it is time for you and all the other apologists to stop giving justification to the media and other haters who trash Michael. There is no justification for it. he did nothing wrong. he was fully dressed and sitting in a wheelchair. it is not right that he should be attacked for that, even when he was trying to be a dad to his kids and taking them to a bookshop. It is wrong to attack someone for the clothes they wear, whether we like it or not.This is why we are so messed up. We have our priorities wrong. We are so concerned about MJ's style of dressing that we miss the real point. He was out with hiis children, reading with them.

Maybe MJ will start a trend to allow famous people to wear what they want and not feel that they have to dress up to appease the press. HE DID NOTHING WRONG. it is society that is wrong in attacking him.:no:
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Re: 11th July, 08

Exactly wannabe. I have read so many comments saying that if Michael had an injury or was ill then he should stay indoors. It makes me so mad with just my own personal experiences. Fans have become media obsessed and shallow. Life is a whole different reality if you look around you.
I think everyone just have their own views on this issue. NONE of know the deal (not me, not you, or anyone else). Beside, I thought we were told to let this go; otherwise, the door is opening for others to make more comments on it.
Re: 11th July, 08

Well, I am entitled to get my comment on the sujbect as well. I have said it and I have no more to say on it. Plain and simple.
Re: 11th July, 08

OMG. You people don't know anything about suffering do you?! Get on my nerves. My mother and aunts all suffer severley from Rheumatoid Arthritis and I know others with other medical conditions. Some once in a while have to use a wheelchair when they have a flare up of their condition. One with a particular blood disorder. That could only be for one or two days and then back to normal.

It is absolutely pathetic to say someone should stay at home when you are sick. It's like saying disabled people should never be seen. When you live with medical problems you live. Some are the most inspiring people. A friend of my brother's has that terrible skin condition EB. He fights cancer because of it, has his leg amputated. He has extreme pain, but this guy pushed to drive his own car and has fought to get his own house. He is only 22. His positive attitude and will to live is amazing.

I think it is absolutely insulting and snobbish to say someone should stay indoors if they have an injury or don't feel well. Who the hell do you think you are? So you just won't be upset by what the tabloids will say about him. Boo Hoo!

Go on with your bad self Michael.

Some of you are far too worried about Michael being photographed by the media and what they say about him. Why???!! He is entitled to live his life. He doesn't give a crap and that's why I love him. I think it is really ridiculous how some of you keep going on about Michael being photographed in a wheelchair. It is bewildering.

And you are righ L.J. Enough already.

I agree. And whether MJ is ill or not, I say he is holding the banner high for wheelchair users. The media aught to be ashamed of themselves for attacking him, when they don't even know why he is sitting in it. The celebrity snobbery aught to stop. Mj may well be the one to bring it to an end. I am glad he did it.:D
Re: 11th July, 08

I wonder what's happening with "Hold My Hand."

I was hoping that since Akon had a concert in Canada, he would have appeared on a Canadian radio show to talk about his concert and "maybe" he would have been asked about this new song.

Does anybody know if he has more dates in Canada, or if he is doing more concerts somewhere else?

At one point, Akon was all over the place, talking, talking and more talking. Now he is "as quiet as a church mouse" (as my grandmother would say). LOL!

Akon where you at?!?
Re: 11th July, 08

Well, I am entitled to get my comment on the sujbect as well. I have said it and I have no more to say on it. Plain and simple.
You are right; just like Exclusive is entitled to her comment. Again, if people want this issue to drop, drop it; otherwise, the discussion is going to open back up. I have some things to say on this issue which is my view but I will restain because some people want the issue drop but if it keeps going on, I will speak more on it. I do not want to be told to "drop it" while others are allow to continue.
Re: 11th July, 08

I wonder what's happening with "Hold My Hand."

I was hoping that since Akon had a concert in Canada, he would have appeared on a Canadian radio show to talk about his concert and "maybe" he would have been asked about this new song.

Does anybody know if he has more dates in Canada, or if he is doing more concerts somewhere else?

At one point, Akon was all over the place, talking, talking and more talking. Now he is "as quiet as a church mouse" (as my grandmother would say). LOL!

Akon where you at?!?
YOu are slick. Good subject change:D. I have not heard no more on it as well.
Re: 11th July, 08

Sometimes, I think the fans that come down hard on MJ are doing it because of a totally different reason. I sometimes do not think it is because they are really concerned about what some may say about him. I think it more so have to do with what some around them say about them.

You guys that flash like this are being taunted by people that are in your own lives, huh?
Re: 11th July, 08

sometimes its seems the media's opinion means more to some than even Michael's himself..ummm??

why does so many have thier knickers in a twist about the wheelchair photo???

good grief...
Re: 11th July, 08

Geez, people don't all have to feel the same about the wheelchair photos, let's just accept that and move on instead of questioning each others' legitimacy as fans.
Re: 11th July, 08

Geez, people don't all have to feel the same about the wheelchair photos, let's just accept that and move on instead of questioning each others' legitimacy as fans.
Well put. All views should be respected because the truth is that NONE on really know.
Re: 11th July, 08

For the last time. Stop telling people what they can and cannot say here. If there is a problem, please hit the report post button and we will handle it.
Re: 11th July, 08


Why are we discussing this? Is this because the other thread is closed? Or because people are really that bored?

:fortuneteller: well what do I see?

Oh I see a ......................
I'm not really sure, but as far as I'm concerned now, any STORIES about MJ being in that wheelchair is TABLOID NEWS and we don't discuss those news stories in this forum. The other thread is CLOSED, so I think we are done with it.
Re: 11th July, 08

I wonder what's happening with "Hold My Hand."

I was hoping that since Akon had a concert in Canada, he would have appeared on a Canadian radio show to talk about his concert and "maybe" he would have been asked about this new song.

Does anybody know if he has more dates in Canada, or if he is doing more concerts somewhere else?

At one point, Akon was all over the place, talking, talking and more talking. Now he is "as quiet as a church mouse" (as my grandmother would say). LOL!

Akon where you at?!?

Akon was in Montreal Wednesday night and he was in Toronto last night (Thursday)...He did not mention anything about Hold My Hand at all. I would know because I went to his concert last night...he didn't even mention Michael Jackson's name at all. I was kinda hoping he would do WBSS or if I was very lucky HMH...however nothing was said. He is planned to continue his tour in western Canada throughout the summer.
Re: 11th July, 08

Akon was in Montreal Wednesday night and he was in Toronto last night (Thursday)...He did not mention anything about Hold My Hand at all. I would know because I went to his concert last night...he didn't even mention Michael Jackson's name at all. I was kinda hoping he would do WBSS or if I was very lucky HMH...however nothing was said. He is planned to continue his tour in western Canada throughout the summer.

Well thank you for that wonderful update. That about covers it.

I just find it odd that Akon has not said anything about this song. I say that only because, before the song was "leaked," he would discuss the song with anybody who would listen. LOL! Now that the song has been heard by many and the response has been good, he hasn't said a word about it.

I would love to know what is going on behind the scene, was he told not to talk about it until...........
Re: 11th July, 08

All I know is they better release this song. Akon and his label would be silly not to. It's a sure fire hit, especially with Michael in there.
Re: 11th July, 08

Michael ...... come and make these mysteries unfold ..........