Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

1.a will should be written -2- signed by mj-3-at least two witnesses present when he signed it and they also signed the will -4-mj's intent was to sign his will not a draft of it
under California law , at least two witnesses should have benn present when mj signed the will OR witnessed MJ acknowledge the signature on the will as his .

but the problem here all of them signed under perjury that they were in LA and all of them witnessed and signed the will at the same time.
based on what I read , if indeed mj was in new york and witnesses were in LA , then Randy will probably get what he wants .
also Blankito and Paris will probably be left out of the will . because the previous one will be presented .
still Branca will be the executor . hopefully no mention of katherine in the first one . prince won't leave his siblings without anything .
no, I'm not speculating. as I said above if indeed there were no witnesses present when MJ signed the will , Randy by law has a very strong argument . it is that simple .

witnesses present when a will is signed is a legal requirement for any valid will .
no, I'm not speculating. as I said above if indeed there were no witnesses present when MJ signed the will, Randy by law has a very strong argument . it is that simple .

witnesses present when a will is signed is a legal requirement for any valid will .

and that's not speculation?

you don't have any proof AS YET that the witnesses were not in NYC.
God who said I have a proof , I said IF indeed . I'm answering a question , that's it .
I can't trust the Jacksons. They are greedy and want a piece from Michael all the time. But on the other hand, I also can't trust Branca and think he is suspicious. Don't forget he worked for both MJ and $ony before, while there was a conflict between their benefits. I agree someone should manage the estate, but that man shouldn't be Branca.
I can't trust the Jacksons. They are greedy and want a piece from Michael all the time. But on the other hand, I also can't trust Branca and think he is suspicious. Don't forget he worked for both MJ and $ony before, while there was a conflict between their benefits. I agree someone should manage the estate, but that man shouldn't be Branca.

Branca didn't work for both Michael and Sony. his partner (in his law firm) worked for Sony at the time. hence, there was no conflict of interest.
Branca didn't work for both Michael and Sony. his partner (in his law firm) worked for Sony at the time. hence, there was no conflict of interest.

Oh? I ever read something saying that. However, I still keep my doubt about him. I can't trust Branca. You know he was fired by Michael several days after the will was signed, you know he was rehired several days before his death. Something must go wrong.
Oh? I ever read something saying that. However, I still keep my doubt about him. I can't trust Branca. You know he was fired by Michael several days after the will was signed, you know he was rehired several days before his death. Something must go wrong.

Branca was
- fired in 1992 - when mj was working with geffen and geffen telling lies about Branca
- rehired in 1993 - when mj found out what geffen was telling lies
- resigned in 2005 - after the trial when he thought MJ was surrounded by people that he did not like.

basically he was working with mj during the two wills signed 1997 and 2002.

plus he hired a lot old people from his past before he died.
he rehired Frank Dileo as his manager
he rehired Kenny Ortega as his tour director (who worked with him at dangerous and history tours)
he rehired Karen Faye (who did not work with him after 2006)
he rehired Branca.
It looks like he was trying to get his old team back and nothing more.
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Branca was
- fired in 1992 - when mj was working with geffen and geffen telling lies about Branca
- rehired in 1993 - when mj found out what geffen was telling lies
- resigned in 2005 - after the trial when he thought MJ was surrounded by people that he did not like.

basically he was working with mj during the two wills signed 1997 and 2002.

plus he hired a lot old people from his past before he died.
he rehired Frank Dileo as his manager
he rehired Kenny Ortega as his tour director (who worked with him at dangerous and history tours)
he rehired Karen Faye (who did not work with him after 2006)
he rehired Branca.
It looks like he was trying to get his old team back and nothing more.

Nah, those you list ain't important to MJ's business except Branca. I mean MJ's share, which is what I am most concerned about. Yep, he said he wouldn't sell Michael's share. But till now I can't believe his single word but action. And I will keep my suspicions about Branca and wait the true answer. Sure, I sincerely wish my doubts are absolutely wrong. What I want to see is they unite and spread MJ's legacy day after day, year after year.
The Mistake in Michael Jackson's Will

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's 2002 will has a mistake in it, TMZ has learned -- but it looks like a case of no harm, no foul.

As we first reported, according to the will -- dated July 7, 2002 -- it was signed in Los Angeles. But Randy Jackson told TMZ Michael was in New York City on that date.

Randy thinks the signature on Michael's will is a forgery. But Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the estate, tells TMZ the signature is valid and the witnesses saw Jackson put pen to paper.

We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.

This mistake will not invalidate the will. Ironically, if the will were declared invalid, the prior 1997 will would be probated. Just like the 2002, the 1997 will creates a trust. We've learned the '97 trust -- just like the 2002 trust -- leaves the same percentage to the same people -- Katherine Jackson gets 40% for her lifetime, MJ's kids get 40% and the remaining 20% goes to charity.

By the way ...guess who one of the executors is in the '97 will? John Branca.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UeHPoo7K
well, he is as talented as 50 cent , how about that ? :smilerolleyes: MJ also said he was stupid , how about that ? :mello: I'm very selective I choose to believe he is not talented and stupid , how about that ?:smilerolleyes:

I do not believe Michael called Randy stupid.

Also don't forget it was Randy who knew Thomas Mesereux and pestered him continuously to take on Michaels court case and it is because of Meseraux and Randy that Michael was vindicated of those charges.

At the end of the day, the Jackson's are family whatever disagreements there may have been in the past as all families have. Family is Family. Branca was the one who fired up some of the feuds in the family way back at the begining so he could have control of Michael's business.

It is also strange that Branca who had been fired years earlier suddenly has a letter MJ wrote 8 days before he died telling him to take care of his business affairs. Maybe it is true but maybe it isn't.

But if it isn't then truth and justice should prevail.

I don't feel that the will is valid, because the names of the children are wrong and also two of the witnesses are the exectutors, only in Michael's world would this be allowed. I think there was a will in 2002 that is based on. Also there was a third executor who resigned.
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ok, so they were all in New york , as I said before the place is no issue at all . Randy try plan F now
I do not believe Michael called Randy stupid.

Also don't forget it was Randy who knew Thomas Mesereux and pestered him continuously to take on Michaels court case and it is because of Meseraux and Randy that Michael was vindicated of those charges.

At the end of the day, the Jackson's are family whatever disagreements there may have been in the past as all families have. Family is Family. Branca was the one who fired up some of the feuds in the family way back at the begining so he could have control of Michael's business.

It is also strange that Branca who had been fired years earlier suddenly has a letter MJ wrote 8 days before he died telling him to take care of his business affairs. Maybe it is true but maybe it isn't.

But if it isn't then truth and justice should prevail.

I don't feel that the will is valid, because the names of the children are wrong and also two of the witnesses are the exectutors, only in Michael's world would this be allowed. I think there was a will in 2002 that is based on. Also there was a third executor who resigned.

Why is it hard to understand EVEN if Branca resigned in 2006 and was NEVER rehired in 2009, he still remained in the will as executor, because MJ did not change his will.

MJ could have fired Branca in 2006 (instead of Branca resigning) yet decided he was a good businessman to have as executor. One does not exclude the other.

BRANCA IS ALSO NAMED IN THE 1997 WILL. So even if Randy succeeded in having the 2002 will declared invalid, the judge would probate the 1997 will. With the same people as executors.

You don't have to work for the person to be their executor.

McClain wasn't under contract with MJ, yet he is named an executor AND he witnessed the signature.

As for you not FEELING the will is valid (whatever that means), read about estate planning, you might understand things better. Executors can be witnesses, but BENEFICIARIES CANNOT.

The children' name spelling & the "Los Angeles" mistake are sloppy work for these high priced lawyers. The most important document is the trust...and Randy still ain't getting the money.

ok, so they were all in New york , as I said before the place is no issue at all . Randy try plan F now

He may be running out of ideas by now.

And Branca is STILL the executor - in 1997 AND in 2002.

WTF does Randy think he's claiming?

OMG, Michael was right, he's not too bright.

And the Jacksons all need to STFU, stop talking to the paparazzi and GET JOBS.

Stop living off of Michael and the MJ3!!!

The Mistake in Michael Jackson's Will

Posted Oct 22nd 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's 2002 will has a mistake in it, TMZ has learned -- but it looks like a case of no harm, no foul.

As we first reported, according to the will -- dated July 7, 2002 -- it was signed in Los Angeles. But Randy Jackson told TMZ Michael was in New York City on that date.

Randy thinks the signature on Michael's will is a forgery. But Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the estate, tells TMZ the signature is valid and the witnesses saw Jackson put pen to paper.

We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.

This mistake will not invalidate the will. Ironically, if the will were declared invalid, the prior 1997 will would be probated. Just like the 2002, the 1997 will creates a trust. We've learned the '97 trust -- just like the 2002 trust -- leaves the same percentage to the same people -- Katherine Jackson gets 40% for her lifetime, MJ's kids get 40% and the remaining 20% goes to charity.

By the way ...guess who one of the executors is in the '97 will? John Branca.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0UeHPoo7K
Was reading the TMZ comments, this one truly resonated with me:

No matter how you slice it, the rest of the Jacksons were left out of the will and Katherine was not named Executor. The administration of the estate comes out of the estate-- not Team Branca's pockets. Just let Team Branca administer the Estate and make money for the beneficiaries and stop having to pay it out in legal expenses.

The Jacksons are wasting the children's inheritence AND Katherine's that she could be giving to her other children and giving it to lawyers like McBillions. (edit: McBillions being McMillan)

Posted at 3:57AM on Oct 22nd 2009 by Cali MJ Fan

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/22/micha...-los-angeles-probate/4#comments#ixzz0UfHvhfMX
Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.
thats abit strange lol

anyway as they say so u invalidate the 2002 will incomes the 97 one instead. is randy gonna say thats fake aswell.
ok, so they were all in New york , as I said before the place is no issue at all . Randy try plan F now

How could anyone forget they were in New York? LOL.

However the judge may buy it. I wonder if they will take testimony about this issue? If they do, it could come back to haunt some people in a criminal trial. Hmmmmm.