Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

Actually, Lawyers said IT DOES NOT MATTER WHERE it was signed...as long as MJ signed it.

If the 2002 will is invalid, they will probate the 1997 will. And that will be it.

And the 1997, is the same as the 2002 will...with Blanket added. I am waiting for Randy to call the 1997 will a fake too. I cannot wait.

I find it very strange that people insinutate that MJ wasn't a responsible parent (knowing his crazy family) to write a will for them. He loved his kids. And he wanted to protected them.

Why is it so strange that he would write a will leaving EVERYTHING to those three kids?

We all know why Randy & LaToya think that...but why do fans think that MJ wouldn't want to leave his money for his children? Aside from the 20% to charity, he did not leave anything to strangers or business associates. So their claim that the will is fake or was teh result of undue influence WILL NOT HOLD.

The Sony-MJ demo is one time period I absolutely want to forget...but it seems like this episode will comeback in the forefront. MJ signed the will in between the demonstration and the Hip Hop summit.

How are they gonna prove MJ was under "Undue influence" when he was protesting one of the most powerful man in the music industry at that time? I saw the demostration, and MJ seemed very clear when he spoke.

and how are they gonna show Branca was an influence, when he wasn't even there when MJ sign the will?

MJ did not sign the will in LA. Nor did he write the date and the city on the will.

Weitzman said one of the witnesses made a mistake and wrote LA, because that is MJ's residing city.

Dealing with fraud myself it do matter where it was sign and the witness can't afford to make any mistakes when it come to court document with dealing with michael's will.

I had to handle my own mother's will and every little thing count when it come to showing proof of everything.

In my opinion dealing also with a greedy attorney's myself handle our family "class action lawsuit" regarding the graveyard cases in california, regarding my aunt and family, these case was all over the news and it was very big issue.

After our case was over both attorney's was fighting over who got paid more then the other and one attorney warn me and my mother the other one is come out of this case like a fat rat.

I found this a little strange just wanted to search the net and found this, funny how these two signatures look just a like.


MJ signed each paragraph in the will , EACH ONE .

the legal requirements for a will to be valid in California does not at all consider the place as an important factor.

hell mj could have written his will at the toilet and signed it and that was it .

but since it was not hand written , witnesses are necessary , and they had to be all present when he signed the will OR they witnessed him acknowledge that the signature on the paper was his .
if there are witness who will testify that they were present when mj signed that will regardless of the place , or they will testify that he did acknowledge the signature on the will was his , the case is closed .

But they will then say he was under "undue influence" , good luck on that also . Grace and the kids will testify that MJ was not of sound mind for the last 12 years . Randy will go there believe me
MJ signed each paragraph in the will , EACH ONE .

the legal requirements for a will to be valid in California does not at all consider the place as an important factor.

hell mj could have written his will at the toilet and signed it and that was it .

but since it was not hand written , witnesses are necessary , and they had to be all present when he signed the will OR they witnessed him acknowledge that the signature on the paper was his .

Yup, each paragraph was initialed too, it's not just the main signature &a nd the corroborating witnesses too.

I just wish the judge would tell Mother Katherine the following:

Mrs. Jackson, you have your heart and soul in the right place.

But have you considered that your electric bill is more expensive because you have 20 other Jacksons living at Havenhurst?

Why should you and MJs children pay for their living expenses as well?

Do any of these adult members that live in Havenhurst have gainful employment?


Oh so they need to get a job then and pay you for rent.

I will not approve you more money until you either:
a) ask them to leave Havenhurst, OR

b) demand that they pay you rent so they can pay for the utilities they use up.

Motion Denied!!!!!!!!!
Actually, Lawyers said IT DOES NOT MATTER WHERE it was signed...as long as MJ signed it.

If the 2002 will is invalid, they will probate the 1997 will. And that will be it.

And the 1997, is the same as the 2002 will...with Blanket added. I am waiting for Randy to call the 1997 will a fake too. I cannot wait.

I find it very strange that people insinutate that MJ wasn't a responsible parent (knowing his crazy family) to write a will for them. He loved his kids. And he wanted to protected them.

Why is it so strange that he would write a will leaving EVERYTHING to those three kids?

We all know why Randy & LaToya think that...but why do fans think that MJ wouldn't want to leave his money for his children? Aside from the 20% to charity, he did not leave anything to strangers or business associates. So their claim that the will is fake or was teh result of undue influence WILL NOT HOLD.

The Sony-MJ demo is one time period I absolutely want to forget...but it seems like this episode will comeback in the forefront. MJ signed the will in between the demonstration and the Hip Hop summit.

How are they gonna prove MJ was under "Undue influence" when he was protesting one of the most powerful man in the music industry at that time? I saw the demostration, and MJ seemed very clear when he spoke.

and how are they gonna show Branca was an influence, when he wasn't even there when MJ sign the will?

MJ did not sign the will in LA. Nor did he write the date and the city on the will.

Weitzman said one of the witnesses made a mistake and wrote LA, because that is MJ's residing city.

According to TMZ their sources actually said:

We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/page/3/#ixzz0UmEsQAKK

If you have another link to where Weitzman actually said that, that would be great.

As from what I understand about wills from watching alot of Court TV, if a judge considers it an honest mistake, the will would still stand. The 1997 will certainly backs that up. Let's say they go back to the 97 will or even if that had been the only one, they would never leave out MJ's new children even if they were not there, as it would have obviously not been his intent. Think about Anna Nicole Smith, she had left everything to her son & never updated her will after his death, the birth of her daughter. The trust may have changed over the years, that is still not public.

Does anyone have a link to the 1997 will? Thanks in advance.
if there are witness who will testify that they were present when mj signed that will regardless of the place , or they will testify that he did acknowledge the signature on the will was his , the case is closed .

But they will then say he was under "undue influence" , good luck on that also . Grace and the kids will testify that MJ was not of sound mind for the last 12 years . Randy will go there believe me

That's the problem. I believe Randy will make the kids testify against Michael. He will put things on the kids' heads and make them testify against Michael.
That's the problem. I believe Randy will make the kids testify against Michael. He will put things on the kids' heads and make them testify against Michael.

I swear - if Randy does that, he deserves to go to jail & rot in hell forever.

I truly hope that when Mike, Jr. is of adult age, he sends all of the moochers to hell in a handbasket & kicks all their asses out of Havenhurst.
That's the problem. I believe Randy will make the kids testify against Michael. He will put things on the kids' heads and make them testify against Michael.

That would be low...even for a Jackson.

Now, Let's stop giving Randy ideas...we know he surf the net and got his latest stunt from the Investigative forum.

Let's not give him anymore. Please.
That's the problem. I believe Randy will make the kids testify against Michael. He will put things on the kids' heads and make them testify against Michael.

No way would this happen. Something like this also would look bad on the sane Jacksons because they allowed him to do that to those kids and MJ's memory.
Oh god.......typical of the Jackson family...........their most precious member of the family gone and all they can think of is his bank balance...................
MJ signed each paragraph in the will , EACH ONE .

the legal requirements for a will to be valid in California does not at all consider the place as an important factor.

hell mj could have written his will at the toilet and signed it and that was it .

but since it was not hand written , witnesses are necessary , and they had to be all present when he signed the will OR they witnessed him acknowledge that the signature on the paper was his .
Michael was in new york according to randy and al sharpton. if they are suspicious of this will whats wrong with them looking into it, michael had issues with branca and had fired him and then he is hired back weeks before michael died dr thome said out his own mouth that he was in charge of the hiring and firing the staff. by looking at it from the conspirocy theory. it look like dr thome could have hired branca back, and they are all in it together. it is way hard for me to believe that branca is looking out for the best interest of the kids and katherine. and you think that it would be bad for the jackson family to have more control, just watch and see what branca sony, aeg are going to make off michael. I would rather the family make this money not sony aeg and branca and the rest of there team it is obvious branca is getting a cut from the deal he made with aeg and sony and I hope the jacksons get more control of the estate. watch how much branca make of this is it movie along with sony and aeg. before the estate get there part.
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Katherine Jackson's battle for control of her pop star son's estate is about to take a "new direction" based on "new evidence" uncovered by the family, a Jackson family lawyer said.


Katherine Jackson, with Michael in 2005, is challenging the appointment of Michael's estate trustees.


The revelation came from attorney Londell McMillan, who also corrected a report that he was one of the lawyers Katherine Jackson replaced Thursday.

McMillan pointed to questions about the authenticity of the signature on Michael Jackson's will as reported this week by celebrity gossip Web site TMZ.

Randy Jackson said his brother could not have signed the will -- which was dated July 7, 2002, in Los Angeles -- because he was in New York that day, according to the TMZ report.

Until now, the Jacksons have not challenged the will's authenticity in court.

Katherine Jackson's objections, instead, have centered on what her lawyers said were possible conflicts of interest by the two men named in the will as executors.
She replaced the two lawyers who were handling the probate case Thursday with Adam Streisand, an estate litigation lawyer whose past clients have included the estates of Marlon Brando and Ray Charles.

"The case is now moving in a different direction, and the family thought it was best to bring on Adam Streisand's law firm," McMillan said. "The evidence precipitated the change and the need to take it in a new direction."

Contrary to statements made at court Thursday, McMillan was not one of the lawyers replaced, Katherine Jackson said Friday.

"Londell McMillan remains my personal attorney and counsel," she said in a written statement. "Despite false reports, he was never replaced or terminated."

The Jackson estate is currently controlled by John Branca and John McClain, who would become permanent executors unless Jackson's will is challenged.

Katherine Jackson's legal team has asked that a member of the Jackson family "have a seat at the table" as a third executor.

Under the 2002 will, Michael Jackson's three children and his mother are the chief beneficiaries of his estate, while unnamed charities will share in 20 percent of the wealth.
Well, let's ready to rumble!!

Get the 1997 will on the table...NOW!

It is my understanding, if Katherine decides to challenge the will and lose, she will lose her 40%. A few months ago, she asked the judge permission to challenge the executors, now they are moving into a new direction and challenge the will itself. Therefore the no contest will be applied.
Well, let's ready to rumble!!

Get the 1997 will on the table...NOW!

It is my understanding, if Katherine decides to challenge the will and lose, she will lose her 40%. A few months ago, she asked the judge permission to challenge the executors, now they are moving into a new direction and challenge the will itself. Therefore the no contest will be applied.

The only ones that stand to lose EVERYTHING is Katherine and Charities.

So let the Jacksons invalidate the will.

The children will get 100% of everything, Debbie Rowe will get custody of the kids and the State of California will become the "executor" of the MJ estate - until the children are of legal age.
What is the problem with these people? Can't they leave the bloody will alone!! If they try and replace Branca then who will amke the deals for the Estate?Randy and McMillan? Why is Katherine doing this? why is she allowing others to do these things. Michael wanted his Children and Charities to get this Estate, not those Jacksons..
Well if Katherine loses her 40% it is her fault. Why did Michael give her 40% that is way too much..The other Children should help support their mother as well.
In Michael's lifetime he has paid out so many millions to leeches it is alarming!!
What is the problem with these people? Can't they leave the bloody will alone!! If they try and replace Branca then who will amke the deals for the Estate?Randy and McMillan? Why is Katherine doing this? why is she allowing others to do these things. Michael wanted his Children and Charities to get this Estate, not those Jacksons..
Well if Katherine loses her 40% it is her fault. Why did Michael give her 40% that is way too much..The other Children should help support their mother as well.
In Michael's lifetime he has paid out so many millions to leeches it is alarming!!


Whatever MJ was to to leave in a will, he gave to his brothers while he was alive - since MJ was a child.

And MJ was gracious enough to provide for his nephews & nieces - the ones that his deadbeat brothers couldn't (or wouldn't) support.

The MJ Estate belongs to PARIS, MIKE, JR. & BLANKET.

yeah , hopefully she will lose her share very soon .

if she claims the will is invalid...what happens to the kids. She was given custody of the kids, based on the will. Does that mean, DR can now challenge her and take custody of the kids?

If they are contesting the will, I am assuming they are contesting everything, not just the money part.

What a mess!
if she claims the will is invalid...what happens to the kids. She was given custody of the kids, based on the will. Does that mean, DR can now challenge her and take custody of the kids?

If they are contesting the will, I am assuming they are contesting everything, not just the money part.

What a mess!

Absolutely - since the will is "invalid" - Debbie's gonna fight for her babies and Blanket too!

Debbie's always done what MJ asked her to, just like he's done what she's asked him to. They have a deal and we have to respect that.

But if the will is considered invalid, that means that Katherine's custodial agreement is invalid.

EVERYTHING. From Diana Ross, to the charities, to everything.

The kids get 100%, no if ands or buts.

The kids go to the "next of kin" which is Debbie Rowe - THEIR MOTHER - Blanket goes with his next of kin - MIKE, JR. & PARIS.

I hope Katherine thinks HARD about this and not let her stupid lazy greedy children & husband take control of this.

I hope and pray that Streisand works towards fulfilling MJs wishes.
I hope all the dirt Branca has on the family will be become public soon . I don't believe there is a jury that will give the jacksons any thing regarding mj's estate. the jacksons are more hated than Osama Bin Laden now because of their blatant greed .

No one will side with them AGAINST three orphans .
How could anyone forget they were in New York? LOL.

However the judge may buy it. I wonder if they will take testimony about this issue? If they do, it could come back to haunt some people in a criminal trial. Hmmmmm.
Thats right how could the witness forget were he or she was, that just dont sound right, the judge should question that explanation. that cant sound right to the judge.
katherine did not get custody based on mj's will , you can't "will" your kids . katherine got custody because no one challeneged her . if there are no executors and no trust , then many will be more than willing to throw the jacksons' history back in their faces to get these kids , not Debbie only .

No one will side with them AGAINST three orphans

Well, technically NOT orphans completely. Orphan by father, yes.

Mike Jr. & Paris have Debbie Rowe - she's still holding on to her parental rights.

And Blanket. :( God willing, he will always be with his big bro & sis, who've ultimately become surrogate mom & dad to him during all of this horrible time.

I want the kids AWAY from the leeches that preyed upon their dad.

Unfortunately, they are suffering the same fate as their dad - but not for long, God willingly.
I hope and pray that Streisand works towards fulfilling MJs wishes.

Don't hold your breath. he was brought in for one reason...adn one reason only...get Randy a piece of the MJ estate pie.

One thing that makes me think, their "new evidence" is bullsh!t is the fact that they suddenly removed Burt Levitch. So I am guessing, Levitch wasn't willing to go along with what Randy asked...probably because he does not think they have a case.

That Streisand lawyer was brought in very late, he wasn't even in court yesterday.

Most likely, Randy read the investigative thread, thought he hit the jackpot. Spoke to Levich who put things in context for him...and since he did not want to go along, he got sacked.

So I don't think we should worry much about their so-called new 'evidence'. I wouldn't be surprised if They were using these tactics to strong arm and intimidate the executors. I hope Branca & McClain will uphold MJ's wishes.
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katherine did not get custody based on mj's will , you can't "will" your kids . katherine got custody because no one challeneged her . if there are no executors and no trust , then many will be more than willing to throw the jacksons' history back in their faces to get these kids , not Debbie only .

But Debbie is the only one with legal standing.

She is the MOTHER and never gave up her parental rights.
Well, technically NOT orphans completely. Orphan by father, yes.

Mike Jr. & Paris have Debbie Rowe - she's still holding on to her parental rights.

And Blanket. :( God willing, he will always be with his big bro & sis, who've ultimately become surrogate mom & dad to him during all of this horrible time.

I want the kids AWAY from the leeches that preyed upon their dad.

Unfortunately, they are suffering the same fate as their dad - but not for long, God willingly.

if there is an all out war for the custody of the children... could grace make a play for it? one thing going for her would be her long standing relationship with the children?

Grace? I think not. Only that crooked Chopra thought she should have the children..mad man!! They will want to know why Michael Fired her..the only person is Debbie..
I dont know who will be worst Debbie or Diana? Well better..
Thats right how could the witness forget were he or she was, that just dont sound right, the judge should question that explanation. that cant sound right to the judge.

you also forget one very important thing , THE LOCATION WHERE A WILL WAS WRITTEN IS NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT .

For a will to be ruled invalid , they should prove that at least one of the legal requirements for a valid will was not met when it was written . the location is not an issue at all .

the jacksons are now claiming the whole will was not signed by MJ. good luck , they , I MEAN THEY have to prove that mj's signature was not on these documents first , and that the witnesses were all liars .

Second they have to explain why MJ signed the exact same will in 1997 .
So I don't think we should worry much about their so-called new 'evidence'. I wouldn't be surprised if They were using these tactics to strong arm and intimidate the executors. I hope Branca & McClain will uphold MJ's wishes.

What? Branca & McClain are the BADDEST of the BADDEST ( who's BAD! ) in the intellectual property/music publishing/music industry lawyers.

There is no better team than that.

I hope Branca & McClain rip them apart & protect what MJ wanted for his babies to have - instead of his lazy azz brothers.