Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

Randy has every right to question what is going on with his brother's estate. I don't trust Branca and McClain, their timing was/is very suspicious.
I used to be one of those "Debbie sold her kids" people.

But my perception has greatly changed after MJ died. They made a deal, she stuck by it and so did he. She accepted for Katherine to raise the kids & they agreed on visitation with them. And Debbie has not given up her parental rights, as a surrogate would.

Mike, Jr. & Paris definitely know who their mom is.

Exactly. I won't even answer to people who say "Debbie sold her kid's out" anymore because it's pure ignorance. I said it in my last two posts. Michael MADE THE CHOICE. They made the decision that she would mother his kids. They got married. They divorced. HE CHOSE to give her money and alimony. He stayed with the kids. There was no such thing in "selling her children away". And if I were people on this site, I would watch out what I say about Debbie. She plays no hoops when it comes to defamation of character. Like her little friend and her fake e-mail letter. She doesn't play, so people need to get their info right before posting.
From my point of view MJ will is not real. There are too many evidences that it is fake. It has been discussed many times in investigation unit. I believe, they destroyed the real one. At the same time a signature could be his. With modern technology ppl can do all sorts of things. If MJ was killed, why his will cannot be fake? Think logical, folks.
It would have been suspicious if MJ had changed his will and put Branca's name days before he passed.

Branca has been on the will since 1997. He updated the will and KEPT Branca. How do you explain that?

MJ resigned because eh was having issues with MJ's new management...MJ called him back in June 2009 and convinced him to come back.

Even if MJ had fired Branca and NEVER rehired him, the fact remains that MJ kept the man's name in both wills and that speak volume.

We have people like Raymone Bain, who has ABSOLUTELY nothing to gain, stating recently that she asked MJ to write/update his will after the Sony/ATV refinance. And MJ told her HE ALREADY HAD A WILL IN PLACE (the 2002 will) and he was comfortable with it.

One thing we know for sure, he never put Randy in charge.:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
Michael jackson had some issues with branca sometime after the first will was signed and during the time of the updated will michael was not in la according to randy and al sharpton and the will states it being signed in la, when he was not there, that is why i believe in getting a signature expert to look at the signature to see if michael signed it or is it forged, and i dont know if michael hired branca back at that time dr thome was hiring and firing the people that worked for michael, and there was a rumor of there being another will.
Randy just STOP! His mother is being taken care of and HIS children. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?????? ....just stop already. Get lathered up about the music that Sony is peddling with disregard of quality...get behind that fight! I'm sick of Joe and the body double trash, but he is selling tickets and Latoya running her mouth about the children. Enough!
From my point of view MJ will is not real. There are too many evidences that it is fake. It has been discussed many times in investigation unit. I believe, they destroyed the real one. At the same time a signature could be his. With modern technology ppl can do all sorts of things. If MJ was killed, why his will cannot be fake? Think logical, folks.

Well that's your opinion, I respect it, but I have to disagree with you.
I used to be one of those "Debbie sold her kids" people.

But my perception has greatly changed after MJ died. They made a deal, she stuck by it and so did he. She accepted for Katherine to raise the kids & they agreed on visitation with them. And Debbie has not given up her parental rights, as a surrogate would.

Mike, Jr. & Paris definitely know who their mom is.

They made a deal so what? It was smart to keep this crazy lady far away from court at this time. Katherine did a very smart thing.
What a very stupid and ignorant comment. Debbie is two of the kids' mother. Yes she is white...and....?????

I agree with the previous poster, if the Jacksons are exploiting the kids:

1) selling their personal lives to tabloids;
2) tipping paparazzi when they go out;
3) planting stories in the press of them being in a crappy reality show for ratings;
4) acting as a 'source' to push stories of the kids' not being MJ's bios

All that disqualify the Jacksons.

4 months ago, I was a staunch defender of the Jacksons getting custody, but these past 4 months their behavior in regards to selling out the kids, is APPALLING!!!! And any sensible person can see it.

That is more then enough evidence to take those kids away...but then again when you come from a famous family, taking kid's away is not an option. Look how long it took to take Britney Spears' kid's away from her. She was a total nutjob back in those days.
Hmmm.... I agree with everyone who says if the 2002 will is invalidated that it will be worse for the Jacksons all around. They should prob let this go. This is what happens when people don't think things ALL the way thru...meaning beyond their immediate goal...they can sometimes not realize the dragon they're about to unleash in trying to attain that ONE goal. There could be a nasty domino effect. Also, hasn't it been established that Branca had nothing to do with this particular will and that another attorney drew it up? Or am I mistaken? :unsure: I'm not sure how proving this Will to be a forgery would discredit Branca unless Randy can tie Branca or that attorney to the act of forgery (meaning there's a credible witness who says they saw this).

And I think Michael could have very well flown back to L.A. to sign the will IF he felt it was that important or felt his life was in danger....and then returned to NY. to keep his committment with Sharpton. :dntknw:

For all we know, someone (an assistant or the lawyer himself) may have been in N.Y. with Michael and that person flew back to L.A. on the 7th with the signed Will in their possession. Saying it was signed in Los Angeles may have made more sense becuz California was Michael's primary residence. It could be a matter of making sure the State of California had jurisdiction should the Will need to be enforced. Not sure, but I agree with Harvey here that the location may not mean much as long as the witnesses verify they saw MJ sign it. The forgery theory then goes down the toilet.

It's kinda sad to see it all playing out like this. Seriously...talk about a rock and a hard place. :ph34r:
Oh and the idea that Debbie is a better option...uhhh I don't know. She has her share of slimy sharks circling the premises. Her buddy Schaffel for one. Ew! Just EW! One would think after the head job she claims "he" and others did on her during the trial she would have learned her lesson about the company she keeps. But noooooo....

Who honestly wants to see Paparazzi pix of Debbie and kids and SCHAFFEL? I almost thew up in my mouth a little typing that out. :puke:
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I think Branca is an idiot , because he did not fire Randy and his kids and jermaine kids and rabbie from that Encino , you hear me Branca you are idiot , throw them in the street so they can get a reality check that it is mj who keep a roof over their heads , maybe just maybe they will realise how ungratefull they are looking . throw all the jacksons outside that house except mj's kids and katherine . sue them for using mj's name and force them to shut the fuck up once and for all
He wants the money , what next Randy , the kids are not his , right ? well, you already went there , did not you ? Oxamn
NO, Al Sharpton said Mj was with him on the 6th...and the 9th.

He also said he will discuss it with the Jacksons to match their story on where MJ was on the 7th. MJ wasn't with Sharpton on the 7th nor the 8th...at least there does not seem to be any report or pictures of them being together on that specific date.

There is a pic that is dated on the 8th.

submit it


Michael Jackson Vs. Sony Hip Hop Summit

NEW YORK - JULY 9: Recording artist Michael Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton participate in the Michael Jackson Vs. Sony Hip Hop Summit at the National Action Network headquarters July 8, 2002 in New York City. Jackson contends that current music industry contract conventions are unfair for recording artists.


MJ also did an interview with Rita Cosby on the evening of 6th after the event with Al Sharpton. Rita also talked about it on the 7th on Fox.

One should keep in mind that this was a 4th of July holiday weekend and the 7th was a Sunday.

Here is another pic of that weekend with no date:

Michael Jackson Through The Years

Michael Jackson met with Rev. Al Sharpton about unfairness and racism in the music industry, Harlem, NY July 2002

I for one think the will is fake. Malnik claimed he had a will dated 2003-4, which he has never produced. I think he has made a deal with Weitzman & Branca. IMO they are crooks. MJ at one time even thought Malnik & Mottola were in it together. Both have mafia ties & as I recall so does Dileo.

By Randy exposing this will, we will get closer to the truth & vindicate MJ at last.

It could be MJ never had a will. Lots of people don't until they are well into their 60's if ever. They think its bad luck & don't want to think about it.

Does anyone have a copy of the 1997 will?
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As the for the key date -- July 7th -- Sharpton's rep released the following curious statement:

"We have reason to believe that Michael may have been in NY on the 7th and Rev. Sharpton will address this after he discusses it with the Jackson family."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/#ixzz0Ucn7r0HJ

I'm glad that 'is this will FAKE' doubt has been publized by TMZ.
manlik conspired with mottola, God . manlik did everything in his power to help mike , he has alot of money , he did not need mj's money at all. what about Randy conspiring with sony , since he is a lowlife with no education, no talent , broke as hell, and has a very shady history related to the catalogue .
vindicate mj from what?

by stating the kids are not his ? is not this what Randy has been trying to say since day one through oxman and lester ? sorry mods I have to go there . by claiming he was a drugged up junkie who never listened to his concerned family ?
I think Branca is an idiot , because he did not fire Randy and his kids and jermaine kids and rabbie from that Encino , you hear me Branca you are idiot , throw them in the street so they can get a reality check that it is mj who keep a roof over their heads , maybe just maybe they will realise how ungratefull they are looking . throw all the jacksons outside that house except mj's kids and katherine . sue them for using mj's name and force them to shut the fuck up once and for all


Tell it like it is!!!
I am sure there is a reason for this fight; a good solid reason. I am not ready to shut the door on suspicions of Branca et al and the 'fake' will. Because too often things are not what they seem in the MJ world. I hope for the best though. It is a shame this may be legal wranglings to come.
Exactly. I won't even answer to people who say "Debbie sold her kid's out" anymore because it's pure ignorance. I said it in my last two posts. Michael MADE THE CHOICE. They made the decision that she would mother his kids. They got married. They divorced. HE CHOSE to give her money and alimony. He stayed with the kids. There was no such thing in "selling her children away". And if I were people on this site, I would watch out what I say about Debbie. She plays no hoops when it comes to defamation of character. Like her little friend and her fake e-mail letter. She doesn't play, so people need to get their info right before posting.

It really doesn't matter who's idea it was, she still did it. I think that is why Michael didn't keep a relationship with her. I'm sure he was so very grateful for her "gift" but probably like most mothers and fathers couldn't really understand how someone could do that. I don't understand it, my children are my world. This is completely off topic though....

I don't know what is going on in the Jackson camp, but they sure do know how to look bad. I do worry about Michael's children.
seriously, they ALL still live in that house? It's a big house right? I hope so. lol

3 or 4 of the Jackson brothers live there - plus their women & grown azz kids.

Plus Mother Katherine & now the MJ3.

And MJ's been paying the mortgage & bills after Joe Jackson had to file for bankruptcy. MJ made an addition to the house a long time ago, making an extra wing.

So technically, MJ3 own Havenhurst.
manlik conspired with mottola, God . manlik did everything in his power to help mike , he has alot of money , he did not need mj's money at all. what about Randy conspiring with sony , since he is a lowlife with no education, no talent , broke as hell, and has a very shady history related to the catalogue .

LOL, LOL. I swear it sounds like the jackson family did something PERSONALLY to you. You can go off on randy but calling him a no talent. LOL. Randy is said to be the most musically gifted of the family. This is something that Michael has said about Randy very often. He was the Jackson resident whiz kid. You sound like a Johnny caome lately fan, who reads Tabloid and comes to spread it on hear and I'm not only talking about this post. If you want I can mail you my mom and my aunts Jackson family magazines and history through the years to educate yourself. You crack me up man.
3 or 4 of the Jackson brothers live there - plus their women & grown azz kids.

Plus Mother Katherine & now the MJ3.

And MJ's been paying the mortgage & bills after Joe Jackson had to file for bankruptcy. MJ made an addition to the house a long time ago, making an extra wing.

So technically, MJ3 own Havenhurst.

WOW. No wonder Jermaine's pissed :giggle:

He now has to answer to Paris and her two bro's. lol :giggle:
This is one big mess. Michael I truly truly miss you and everyone thought you were crazy. This is why he stayed away. IF everything wasn't the next business deal for the family he would have been closer to them. Maybe, they would have watch out for him more in a good way.
As the for the key date -- July 7th -- Sharpton's rep released the following curious statement:

"We have reason to believe that Michael may have been in NY on the 7th and Rev. Sharpton will address this after he discusses it with the Jackson family."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/#ixzz0Ucn7r0HJ

I'm glad that 'is this will FAKE' doubt has been publized by TMZ.

A will that leave EVERYTHING to his children and charity is called fake?

Is the 1997 will fake too?

I don't know if you saw the 1997 will, but it is the exact replica of the 2002....only Prince was missing.

Randy is shady. Trying to strip the kids of what is RIGHTFULLY theirs. He cannot get over the fact that MJ left them all out of his will.

He better believes it, because after the money train stops at the Katherine
What do the Jackson clan expect to gain from this??...Besides revoking the custody, which would make matters even worse.

Are they upset that none of them are mentioned in the will? I don't get it. Or is it all about the benjamins?
LOL, LOL. I swear it sounds like the jackson family did something PERSONALLY to you. You can go off on randy but calling him a no talent. LOL. Randy is said to be the most musically gifted of the family. This is something that Michael has said about Randy very often. He was the Jackson resident whiz kid. You sound like a Johnny caome lately fan, who reads Tabloid and comes to spread it on hear and I'm not only talking about this post. If you want I can mail you my mom and my aunts Jackson family magazines and history through the years to educate yourself. You crack me up man.

well, he is as talented as 50 cent , how about that ? :smilerolleyes: MJ also said he was stupid , how about that ? :mello: I'm very selective I choose to believe he is not talented and stupid , how about that ?:smilerolleyes: