Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

MeMeFan is right - if the will is invalidated, Michael's children would would receive 100% of the estate. Guardianship would be stripped and another guardian ad litem would be appointed to be executor of the estate. Since 100% of the estate would be the childrens, they would seek the next of kin to watch their inheritance, which is DEBBIE ROWE (who has not signed her parental rights over. Guardianship can be revoked at ANY TIME).

Just go back to the Anna Nicole Smith case - Anna Nicole's mother wanted to bury her in Los Angeles but her request was thrown out because she was not NEXT OF KIN, her living child Danilynn was. Danilynn was a newborn and her biological father was not established so the courts appointed a guardian ad litem to make all final resting place and financial decisions over Danilynn's estate. Eventually, Larry Birkhead was established as Danilynn's father and he is now over her ESTATE, which could be worth hundreds of millions because of Anna Nicole Smith's settlement/lawsuit with her deceased husband estate, oil tycoon Howard Marshall.

The Jacksons are playing a very dangerous game and they are going to LOSE if they don't stop.

Very interesting information. Perhaps the Jacksons hope that this will is going to be thrown out and that Debbie won't want anything to do with it and Randy will be named executor of the estate. Is it possible that Debbie could approve the appointment of someone else (ex. a lawyer not the Jacksons) if she doesn't want to be an executor? Or as next of kin and an appointed executor, could she get others to assist her in managing the estate?

It is more like challenging the executors. If you remember when MJ first died they went to court and said that he died without a will and asked his mother to be the executor of the estate. The judge gave her temporary control but then removed it when the actual will was filed.

so they are assuming that if this will becomes invalidated , Branca and McClain will be removed and a family member will become the controller of the estate.

They are seriously forgetting the 1997 will.

But Debbie Rowe is still the closer kin to Mike Jr., Paris and Prince Mike, 1997 will or no 1997 will. Are they going to claim his signature is fake on that will too?

If Al has to check with the Jacksons before he figures out if MJ was in NY on July 7th & 8th, they shouldn't even take his word as evidence. :smilerolleyes:
I am really lost with this. to me, it seems as if, knowing how paranoid he was in the last 7 years, he'd have at least updated the will around 2007. it just doesn't make sense.

either way, the kids are okay. they will not be disinherited, we can rest assured of that.
I'm not subscribing to any conspiracy theory but Barry Seigel's signature is kinda different in the 2003 resignation as co-trustee letter than on the 2002 will.

The third (first) witness signature doesn't look like it says T.J Jackson, Tarylle Jackson or Taj Jackson.

I don't know why it would be fake if the only change in the 2002 will was to add Blanket..

Right after his death there were news reports that the family thought there was a more recent will..
wow, thank you! can I just ask. why is his will on the internet?! maybe I don't understand but that feels strange.

Its been a public document since his death. It does feel strange but thats what normally happens.
I'm not subscribing to any conspiracy theory but Barry Seigel's signature is kinda different in the 2003 resignation as co-trustee letter than on the 2002 will.

Me neither lol... I just like to dig a little. That signature does look different now you mention it. He also adds his middle initial (J) in the second one.

The third (first) witness signature doesn't look like it says T.J Jackson, Tarylle Jackson or Taj Jackson.

It looks like Trudy Green to me :)
either way, the kids are okay. they will not be disinherited, we can rest assured of that.

This is the most important thing of course :). It intrigues me though, why all of these questions about the Will are being raised.
2 of them were named executors and the 3rd is a mystery to me. First name begins with a "T"

It could be one of Tito's "3-Ts" ?

can you be an executor and witness? conflict of intrest there
I am really lost with this. to me, it seems as if, knowing how paranoid he was in the last 7 years, he'd have at least updated the will around 2007. it just doesn't make sense.

either way, the kids are okay. they will not be disinherited, we can rest assured of that.

You only update a will when there is an event...like the birth of a child or the death of a beneficiary. If there was no important changes in his life, why would he update the will.

Raymone Bain said after the Sony/ATV refinance, she asked MJ about writing a will. He told her he already had one and he was COMFORTABLE with it. Meaning he did not see fit to make changes. What more do people need?

Raymone Bain does not have any interest in lying about this, she is not involved in the estate.

Randy needs to get a fcuking job and let MJ's children' money. He is a pathetic fool. And he has the galls to say it is not about money...the hell it is about money.
can you be an executor and witness? conflict of intrest there

Yes you can...and it is often the case. A beneficiary CANNOT.

Because you don't want people, other than the executors, knowing what is in your will. Imagine if Randy had known before hand that MJ did not put any of the siblings in the will. They would badger him non stop...would make Joe's constant wining for a reunion a walk in the park.

Instead of lurking online to read paranoid's fans latest conspiracy theories, Randy should get his a$$ to the unemployment office and get a JOB!!!

I am sick of hearing of that coward latest rumblings. Two weeks ago, he concocted a firing letter that he wanted to present in court...which he never did. Now, he is claiming that MJ's signature is forged. By whom? By Michael jr.? By Paris Jackson? By Prince Jackson? They are the sole beneficiaries of their father's estate.

Show us the proof the signature was forged or STFU at once.

It is time for the Jacksons to accept the fact that MJ did not want them anywhere near him and his money. Stop blaming others for your brother's rejecting you.
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Yes you can...and it is usually the case.

Because you don't want people, other than the executors, knowing what is in your will. Imagine if Randy had known before hand that MJ did not put any of the siblings in the will. They would badger him non stop...would make Joe's constant wining for a reunion a walk in the park.

LOL!!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

Very true.
Me neither lol... I just like to dig a little. That signature does look different now you mention it. He also adds his middle initial (J) in the second one.

It looks like Trudy Green to me :)

It does.. though without the 'n' lol! I think you're right.

Why is Siegel's signature different? .. maybe he just changed it..?

I was looking if there was anything about this on the internet and found this article. I don't understand everything but here..


it mentions Siegel's signature too.
So you guys are saying Michael flew from NY to LA and signed the will and then flew back to NY? Doesn't sound convincing to me.
If Al has to check with the Jacksons before he figures out if MJ was in NY on July 7th & 8th, they shouldn't even take his word as evidence. :smilerolleyes:


I mean WTF?

Harvey Levin said today that location will not invalidate the will, there are 3 witnesses and if they testify under oath, they'll be able to say they saw MJ himself sign the will - regardless of whether it was in NY or LA.

Maybe MJ flew to NY, left to LA - then came back. Or faxed it. Who knows? Only the witnesses know.

This is Michael Jackson we're talking about. Dude didn't fly on Southwest Airlines. He had his own plane or charted a plane.
So you guys are saying Michael flew from NY to LA and signed the will and then flew back to NY? Doesn't sound convincing to me.

But it doesn't matter where he signed it - it's the witnesses who can attest that he did in fact sign it.

John McClain, Trudy Green & Barry Siegal.

I wouldn't even doubt if there's a videotape some where of MJ signing the will in a safe deposit box.
Well, I dont think Randy is lying , why would he lie about his bloodbrother's Will?
doesnt matter if hes lieing or not it doesnt make the will invalid. he just wants some money and this is his only way of getting some
But it doesn't matter where he signed it - it's the witnesses who can attest that he did in fact sign it.

John McClain, Trudy Green & Barry Siegal.

I wouldn't even doubt if there's a videotape some where of MJ signing the will in a safe deposit box.

If that's true and those three stick to their story then there's absolutely no way to challenge the will except questioning the authenticity of the signature.
If that's true and those three stick to their story then there's absolutely no way to challenge the will except questioning the authenticity of the signature.

But how can you question the signature if 3 witnesses saw him do it?
I don't think it matters the date in which the document was actually signed.

Most legal documents are drafted and typed on one date and then phisically signed on another one, I've seen this happen a bunch of times. The only thing that matters is that it was signed.
It does.. though without the 'n' lol! I think you're right.

Why is Siegel's signature different? .. maybe he just changed it..?

I was looking if there was anything about this on the internet and found this article. I don't understand everything but here..


it mentions Siegel's signature too.

Rockin, I guess signatures can change - Michael's did according to that article you posted the link for. It was quite different on Paris' birth certificate. Still, for a document this important it's this kind of niggle that casts doubts.

If the witnesses can verify the Will as a true document then it will stand... maybe Randy just wants to be 110% sure about it, given the possible location issue. (Speaking of which, Michael seemed to choose an odd time to go about signing his Will, in the middle of a busy schedule like that. Or maybe he really did fear for his life after making that comment about Mattola the day before???).

Time for me to turn in - will catch up tomorrow.
Apparently Randy did some things before. Blood isn't always thicker than water.
How can Al Sharpton not KNOW where MJ was?!

Well theres always fingerprint analysis! They could do this on the Will right? :ph34r:
True , but real family would never do that ..
and Michael was there for him , when he had a car accident right?
Randy is awfull if this is true.

Oh Gosh, you are in for major awakening.

Research the Jacksons a bit....not too hard to do. MJ left them all out of the will for a reason....
How can Al Sharpton not KNOW where MJ was?!
Al Sharpton was with MJ only 2 days: Saturday July 6th 2002 & Tuesday, July 9th.

Whatever MJ did on the 7th & the 8th is anyone's guess.

Michael could have gone back to LA or remained in NY. Only the witnesses to the will's signature know.
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