Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

Some of theThe Jacksons are like total leeches, they want Michaels money..., I dont believe Randy, Branca and McClain would never risk anything like that...

Branca was there with Michael, so I fully believe in Branca and support him.

Randy and Jermaine will not see a cent of Michaels money...

Here we can see the desperation of some of the Jacksons to look for anything that could be questioned!!! And get the billion accounts...
It really needs to stop because it's pathetic. It's Michael's signature, Michael signed it whether he was in Los Angeles, New York, or Kalamazu.... The will was signed and it is legitimate. Raymone Bain on Fox News said Michael told her he already had a will in place and would not need to update it, so she dropped the subject of the will. She said that conversation took place when successfully renegotiated the terms of the Sony/ATV contract in 2006/2007.

Is it so hard to believe that Michael Jackson was of sound mind and body when he made that will about HIS BUSINESS? His LIFE? His CHILDREN? Some people make Michael out to be a drug addled idiot who couldn't POSSIBLY do anything right.

Randy claims it is not about the money... then why oh why are you trying your damnedest to invalidate a will that has nothing to do with you? It would be different if John Branca and McClain was destroying Michael's estate and improprieties were happening... As it stands, the estate has made what, almost 200 plus million dollars since Michael's passing? The movie looks well directed and edited to show Michael in the best light so it can have a lasting impression and legacy, and Michael's music is doing well too.

What is the problem???

Oh, that's right.... his siblings were not mentioned in the will. Ah, that's right! No money for them!

you hit the nail on the head...and that is Randy's whole problem....siblings not mentioned in the will....he will go to any lengths to get Michaels money...so sad....and this is why Michael kept separate from his family for so many years.
But Al wouldn't know where his friend was the next day?

Theres a squiggle next to 'Los Angeles'...does that stand for anything? lol.. digging deep.
The will was signed by MJ in New York, and was witnessed in New York. It was faxed back to LA after. Typical Jackson family trying to get their hands on the money.
But then what happens to Blanket????


I know Debbie's stated that she wanted all three kids together.

Sometimes I think the best thing is for Debbie to take the kids & send the entire Jackson family to hell.

And if this continues, the judge will get REALLY TOUGH.

Your opinion won't be popular but I agree with you. I know everyone here believes Katherine is a saint, and so let them think that. But I think those three kids would be in better and safer hands with Debbie Rowe. Katherine did her best raising all her kids, and she did do a good job. I give her that. But there are too many forces surrounding her in order to get to the kids which = to lots of $$$$$$.

Debbie isn't perfect but she would take care of all 3 kids like a lioness. She would rip anyone heads off if anyone tried anything with those children. The whole "rumour" about the kids appearing on the reality show started from somewhere. Then when everyone exploded on this site about that idea, a quick announcement was made that it wasn't true.

Yes, Debbie got a lot of money from Michael over the years BUT that was HIS decision. HIS CHOICE.

I think Michael's kids would be better off with Debbie. Some member's of the Jackson family are not sincere about those kid's well being.

And Randy - Enough already!
Randy Jackson has
"no legal standing in matters concerning the estate of
Michael Jackson at all."
The Jackson siblings should simply help their mother look after the physical and emotional well-being of Michael Jackson's rightful heirs, his children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
This whole fracas was predictable in 2005. By going after MJ to try and trash him so as to control his assets, they also had plans to trash the family.

It's therefore not surprising that they have managed to create a wedge between MJ and his family, even among fans. Before MJ passed away, i had never seen so much hostility directed by fans at MJ's family. Yes some family members may have done some things, but now it's like anything that comes from the family has to be about money and they are wrong in whatever they may say. In some cases, not even Janet or Katherine is spared.

I'm surprised this whole thing was signed during the Sony saga, as I thought it had been signed some time in March 2002.

Okay, we all want to believe that was MJ's signature.

However, this reminds me of the issue with Myung Ho Lee who presented a document with MJ's signature and claimed that he signed it on 13 September 2001 in Los Angeles.

MJ denied ever signing the document and said he was in New York at the time. Frank Cascio and MJ's bodyguard provided supporting affidavits. But Myung Ho Lee even went on with a lawsuit till 2003.

The media for the most part disregarded Michael's side of the story and even that MJ could not have been in LA because all flights had been grounded in the US after September 11th and MJ had just finished concerts then and had stayed at Cascio's place.

So, forging MJ's signature and presenting it even in court is nothing new, even when it's obvious to everyone that the signature is forged because the whole country was shut down from flying. How could MJ then be in LA?

But as usual, when it came to MJ, all excuses were crafted to justify that signature by Myung Ho Lee.

We as fans must ask, and look out to see, what evidence is there on the date that it was signed to show all three witnesses had flown to Newyork or were staying in Newyork?
Definitely since they are based in Los Angeles, there must be airline, train or bus ticket records of their journey at some time in 2002 from LA to New York.

And they can provide the location and time of day the meeting to sign the will was made.

To dismiss this is to sweep under the carpet a clue to circumstances that may have led to Michael's death, whether or not you think the Jacksons are after money.

I myself don't like Oxman around Randy but i cannot ignore the possibility of a forgery.

For people to dismiss location does not matter is shortsighted.
If the document states it was signed in one place, but the person making the will was not there, then in an appellate court, that cannot pass the litmus test. It may be ignored by a judge in a lower court but cannot simply be dismissed on appeal with a panel of judges, because it's no longer just one judge's opinion, but a panel of judges.

If anything, I see Randy as someone who has the best interests of Michael at heart. Randy is Michael's younger brother, he loves and treasures him.

Only a younger brother who loves you so much could have the insight to see the lawyers around MJ were not committed to him and seeking their own limelight, therefore bringing in T-Mez.
Only a younger brother could see that Bob Jones was not loyal to Michael and fired him on the spot. The rest we see what Bob Jones was up to.
Yes, Randy made some miscalculations trying to get MJ to offload the catalogue. But Randy was not too much off the mark. MJ knew he was being targeted partly because of the catalogue and offered his billionaire friend the chance to buy it.

Randy has made a success of his life. How many people do you know who have a credit card with a $1 million limit?
He cares about the legacy and estate of his brother and he has the insight to see, just as i myself can see, that some of the people running teh Jackson show, care less about MJ.

Take comments by Dileo calling MJ standing on SUV that he was on drugs
Take comments by Randy Phillips that MJ was manipulative

And these are the people working closely with executors promoting the movie while trashing MJ so that they look good and are not asked tough questions, instead "blame MJ".

These people know that if a Jackson was to step in, their gravy train would stop, the way he stopped Bob Jones and the rest.

So what is the best route? Get their media pals to run stories how Jacksons are all after money because they dare challenge the executors and those around them (Sony, AEG, Dileo).

Time will tell.

But AEG which claims to have spent $27million on project, has collected
$50 million form selling fooatge
insurance payout
Souvenir tickets

and has priority with Sony to earn up to $135 million before MJ can begin earning 90% of a 2 week run movie

Then all other proceeds are shared out equally.

Not to mention the memorabilia tour with AEG earning the most

While MJ only got
$10 million from footage sell
$3million from his life insurance
and hopes to earn 90% when movie is nearing the end of teh 2 week run
Then only 30% of video sells.

While fans and then rest are hoodwinked how MJ's estate is raking in $100 million

Then a story will come up how the money raised isn't enough and teh way to settle the remaining debt is to sell the catalogue or part of it to Sony or whatever other deal.

That is when some fans here will wake up and express shock "where did all the money go?"

And then realise what some of Jacksons were fighting in court befor ethe judge - raw deals for MJ without bidding while the companies pay themselves first way beyond their costs/losses, such as $27million only for AEG.

That's how corporations hoodwink naive artists into thinking they are making millions, only for time to pass and they express shock when companies paid themselves first.

Again, time will tell. - I guess Dileo didn't have guts to answer fan questions but has time to carry on slandering MJ, and he is praised as caring while Jacksons are depicted as leeches.

Yeah, he and Randy Phillips really care about Michael :scratch:
and so does Sony.
The will was signed by MJ in New York, and was witnessed in New York. It was faxed back to LA after. Typical Jackson family trying to get their hands on the money.

This might be a stupid question but if everyone was in NY why does it say 7 July 5.00pm Los Angeles.. why didn't they fill that in and put New York? Just asking by the way.. not suggesting anything/
Your opinion won't be popular but I agree with you. I know everyone here believes Katherine is a saint, and so let them think that. But I think those three kids would be in better and safer hands with Debbie Rowe. Katherine did her best raising all her kids, and she did do a good job. I give her that. But there are too many forces surrounding her in order to get to the kids which = to lots of $$$$$$.

Debbie isn't perfect but she would take care of all 3 kids like a lioness. She would rip anyone heads off if anyone tried anything with those children. The whole "rumour" about the kids appearing on the reality show started from somewhere. Then when everyone exploded on this site about that idea, a quick announcement was made that it wasn't true.

Yes, Debbie got a lot of money from Michael over the years BUT that was HIS decision. HIS CHOICE.

I think Michael's kids would be better off with Debbie. Some member's of the Jackson family are not sincere about those kid's well being.

And Randy - Enough already!

What is amazing with comments like this is that the Jacksons have no right to speak out about their brother's estate and if the do so, their mother should be "punished" by taking away Jacksons kids from the Jacksons

By the way, i would like to see the day the Judge will "get tough" and take away the kids from a "black family" to be cared for by a "white woman"

That will lay bare what i have said is the undercurrents of this whole issue - race.

The judge has hardly made any ruling favourable to Jacksons as even custody was as a result of out of court negotiations.

The black family ain't good enough to manage MJ's finances and it has to be managed only by non-black executors.

And if they protest about this, then the kids will be taken from the black family's compound and given to a white woman to take care of because "the black family is greedy", so the white judge needs to get tough on "the greedy black family".

Hey, let the judge go ahead and do so.

As again in 2005, this was seen as the plan.

To get rid of MJ
Have Debbie in control of the kids
And lawyers in control of MJ's assets for teh benefit of Sony

While alienating the Jackson family who have capacity to protest as the blood family

And like a script, it's all coming true. So carry on promoting that script.

Give the kids to Debbie.
Dump the Jacksons. let them go to hell.

And all along i thought Michael's mission was to bring people together.
I found a full version of the Will, complete with signatures, here:

Two of the witnesses were Barry Siegel and John McClain. Not sure about the other one.

Discussion and links here:

I seen his Will printed on a newspaper a few days after he died, but I never seen a good official copy with MJ inicials all over it.

Randy really has no fight here. The Will says it all.
What is amazing with comments like this is that the Jacksons have no right to speak out about their brother's estate and if the do so, their mother should be "punished" by taking away Jacksons kids from the Jacksons

By the way, i would like to see the day the Judge will "get tough" and take away the kids from a "black family" to be cared for by a "white woman"

That will lay bare what i have said is the undercurrents of this whole issue - race.

The judge has hardly made any ruling favourable to Jacksons as even custody was as a result of out of court negotiations.

The black family ain't good enough to manage MJ's finances and it has to be managed only by non-black executors.

And if they protest about this, then the kids will be taken from the black family's compound and given to a white woman to take care of because "the black family is greedy", so the white judge needs to get tough on "the greedy black family".

Hey, let the judge go ahead and do so.

As again in 2005, this was seen as the plan.

To get rid of MJ
Have Debbie in control of the kids
And lawyers in control of MJ's assets for teh benefit of Sony

While alienating the Jackson family who have capacity to protest as the blood family

And like a script, it's all coming true. So carry on promoting that script.

Give the kids to Debbie.
Dump the Jacksons. let them go to hell.

And all along i thought Michael's mission was to bring people together.

That's why it's called OPINION'S. It's my opinion. Not going to defend it. Not going to argue either.

I seen too much from the Jackson family for the past 20 years. That's why I am sticking by with what I said.

BTW: I didn't mention ANYTHING about "black" or "Greedy black family" in my post, so unless you were referring to another poster (even though you quoted me) please leave the racism out the door. It has nothing to do with white, black or hispanic. I never mentioned color. Greed comes in all types of families and family nationalities in case you didn't know. I don't know why you drag the race card in here. No one mentioned color in this thread.

Debbie isn't Michael Lohan. She's not a media whore. So why would she not be a good parent?
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This might be a stupid question but if everyone was in NY why does it say 7 July 5.00pm Los Angeles.. why didn't they fill that in and put New York? Just asking by the way.. not suggesting anything/

Wasn't Michael in LA by then? I, myself am confused by all these dates. All I see is Mike's signature and inicial's everywhere on that will, so that settles it with me.
That "white woman" as you say, is the MOTHER of 2 of MJs kids.

And HOW DARE YOU bring race into this?

Debbie Rowe is their MOTHER - and it doesn't matter what color she is.

You insult motherhood and mothers with your brash and misogynist comment.

By the way, i would like to see the day the Judge will "get tough" and take away the kids from a "black family" to be cared for by a "white woman"

That will lay bare what i have said is the undercurrents of this whole issue - race.
Randy managed MJs affairs for a brief period in the mid 2000s and severely got Michael into debt, not to mention he ran Neverland to the ground.

Had MJ felt any of his sibling were of capable administrative skills, MJ would've put them in charge a long time ago.

How many times did MJ have to fire his own family for mis-management?

How many times did Mj have to bail out his brothers because they spent all their money on women & B.S.?

How many times MJ opened doors for his brothers yet they couldn't even manage on their own without Mj helping them?

PLEASE, do your research before making statements like that.

This whole fracas was predictable in 2005. By going after MJ to try and trash him so as to control his assets, they also had plans to trash the family.

It's therefore not surprising that they have managed to create a wedge between MJ and his family, even among fans. Before MJ passed away, i had never seen so much hostility directed by fans at MJ's family. Yes some family members may have done some things, but now it's like anything that comes from the family has to be about money and they are wrong in whatever they may say. In some cases, not even Janet or Katherine is spared.

I'm surprised this whole thing was signed during the Sony saga, as I thought it had been signed some time in March 2002.

Okay, we all want to believe that was MJ's signature.

However, this reminds me of the issue with Myung Ho Lee who presented a document with MJ's signature and claimed that he signed it on 13 September 2001 in Los Angeles.

MJ denied ever signing the document and said he was in New York at the time. Frank Cascio and MJ's bodyguard provided supporting affidavits. But Myung Ho Lee even went on with a lawsuit till 2003.

The media for the most part disregarded Michael's side of the story and even that MJ could not have been in LA because all flights had been grounded in the US after September 11th and MJ had just finished concerts then and had stayed at Cascio's place.

So, forging MJ's signature and presenting it even in court is nothing new, even when it's obvious to everyone that the signature is forged because the whole country was shut down from flying. How could MJ then be in LA?

But as usual, when it came to MJ, all excuses were crafted to justify that signature by Myung Ho Lee.

We as fans must ask, and look out to see, what evidence is there on the date that it was signed to show all three witnesses had flown to Newyork or were staying in Newyork?
Definitely since they are based in Los Angeles, there must be airline, train or bus ticket records of their journey at some time in 2002 from LA to New York.

And they can provide the location and time of day the meeting to sign the will was made.

To dismiss this is to sweep under the carpet a clue to circumstances that may have led to Michael's death, whether or not you think the Jacksons are after money.

I myself don't like Oxman around Randy but i cannot ignore the possibility of a forgery.

For people to dismiss location does not matter is shortsighted.
If the document states it was signed in one place, but the person making the will was not there, then in an appellate court, that cannot pass the litmus test. It may be ignored by a judge in a lower court but cannot simply be dismissed on appeal with a panel of judges, because it's no longer just one judge's opinion, but a panel of judges.

If anything, I see Randy as someone who has the best interests of Michael at heart. Randy is Michael's younger brother, he loves and treasures him.

Only a younger brother who loves you so much could have the insight to see the lawyers around MJ were not committed to him and seeking their own limelight, therefore bringing in T-Mez.
Only a younger brother could see that Bob Jones was not loyal to Michael and fired him on the spot. The rest we see what Bob Jones was up to.
Yes, Randy made some miscalculations trying to get MJ to offload the catalogue. But Randy was not too much off the mark. MJ knew he was being targeted partly because of the catalogue and offered his billionaire friend the chance to buy it.

Randy has made a success of his life. How many people do you know who have a credit card with a $1 million limit?
He cares about the legacy and estate of his brother and he has the insight to see, just as i myself can see, that some of the people running teh Jackson show, care less about MJ.

Take comments by Dileo calling MJ standing on SUV that he was on drugs
Take comments by Randy Phillips that MJ was manipulative

And these are the people working closely with executors promoting the movie while trashing MJ so that they look good and are not asked tough questions, instead "blame MJ".

These people know that if a Jackson was to step in, their gravy train would stop, the way he stopped Bob Jones and the rest.

So what is the best route? Get their media pals to run stories how Jacksons are all after money because they dare challenge the executors and those around them (Sony, AEG, Dileo).

Time will tell.

But AEG which claims to have spent $27million on project, has collected
$50 million form selling fooatge
insurance payout
Souvenir tickets

and has priority with Sony to earn up to $135 million before MJ can begin earning 90% of a 2 week run movie

Then all other proceeds are shared out equally.

Not to mention the memorabilia tour with AEG earning the most

While MJ only got
$10 million from footage sell
$3million from his life insurance
and hopes to earn 90% when movie is nearing the end of teh 2 week run
Then only 30% of video sells.

While fans and then rest are hoodwinked how MJ's estate is raking in $100 million

Then a story will come up how the money raised isn't enough and teh way to settle the remaining debt is to sell the catalogue or part of it to Sony or whatever other deal.

That is when some fans here will wake up and express shock "where did all the money go?"

And then realise what some of Jacksons were fighting in court befor ethe judge - raw deals for MJ without bidding while the companies pay themselves first way beyond their costs/losses, such as $27million only for AEG.

That's how corporations hoodwink naive artists into thinking they are making millions, only for time to pass and they express shock when companies paid themselves first.

Again, time will tell. - I guess Dileo didn't have guts to answer fan questions but has time to carry on slandering MJ, and he is praised as caring while Jacksons are depicted as leeches.

Yeah, he and Randy Phillips really care about Michael :scratch:
and so does Sony.
This whole fracas was predictable in 2005. By going after MJ to try and trash him so as to control his assets, they also had plans to trash the family.

It's therefore not surprising that they have managed to create a wedge between MJ and his family, even among fans. Before MJ passed away, i had never seen so much hostility directed by fans at MJ's family. Yes some family members may have done some things, but now it's like anything that comes from the family has to be about money and they are wrong in whatever they may say. In some cases, not even Janet or Katherine is spared.

I'm surprised this whole thing was signed during the Sony saga, as I thought it had been signed some time in March 2002.

Okay, we all want to believe that was MJ's signature.

However, this reminds me of the issue with Myung Ho Lee who presented a document with MJ's signature and claimed that he signed it on 13 September 2001 in Los Angeles.

MJ denied ever signing the document and said he was in New York at the time. Frank Cascio and MJ's bodyguard provided supporting affidavits. But Myung Ho Lee even went on with a lawsuit till 2003.

The media for the most part disregarded Michael's side of the story and even that MJ could not have been in LA because all flights had been grounded in the US after September 11th and MJ had just finished concerts then and had stayed at Cascio's place.

So, forging MJ's signature and presenting it even in court is nothing new, even when it's obvious to everyone that the signature is forged because the whole country was shut down from flying. How could MJ then be in LA?

But as usual, when it came to MJ, all excuses were crafted to justify that signature by Myung Ho Lee.

We as fans must ask, and look out to see, what evidence is there on the date that it was signed to show all three witnesses had flown to Newyork or were staying in Newyork?
Definitely since they are based in Los Angeles, there must be airline, train or bus ticket records of their journey at some time in 2002 from LA to New York.

And they can provide the location and time of day the meeting to sign the will was made.

To dismiss this is to sweep under the carpet a clue to circumstances that may have led to Michael's death, whether or not you think the Jacksons are after money.

I myself don't like Oxman around Randy but i cannot ignore the possibility of a forgery.

For people to dismiss location does not matter is shortsighted.
If the document states it was signed in one place, but the person making the will was not there, then in an appellate court, that cannot pass the litmus test. It may be ignored by a judge in a lower court but cannot simply be dismissed on appeal with a panel of judges, because it's no longer just one judge's opinion, but a panel of judges.

If anything, I see Randy as someone who has the best interests of Michael at heart. Randy is Michael's younger brother, he loves and treasures him.

Only a younger brother who loves you so much could have the insight to see the lawyers around MJ were not committed to him and seeking their own limelight, therefore bringing in T-Mez.
Only a younger brother could see that Bob Jones was not loyal to Michael and fired him on the spot. The rest we see what Bob Jones was up to.
Yes, Randy made some miscalculations trying to get MJ to offload the catalogue. But Randy was not too much off the mark. MJ knew he was being targeted partly because of the catalogue and offered his billionaire friend the chance to buy it.

Randy has made a success of his life. How many people do you know who have a credit card with a $1 million limit?
He cares about the legacy and estate of his brother and he has the insight to see, just as i myself can see, that some of the people running teh Jackson show, care less about MJ.

Take comments by Dileo calling MJ standing on SUV that he was on drugs
Take comments by Randy Phillips that MJ was manipulative

And these are the people working closely with executors promoting the movie while trashing MJ so that they look good and are not asked tough questions, instead "blame MJ".

These people know that if a Jackson was to step in, their gravy train would stop, the way he stopped Bob Jones and the rest.

So what is the best route? Get their media pals to run stories how Jacksons are all after money because they dare challenge the executors and those around them (Sony, AEG, Dileo).

Time will tell.

But AEG which claims to have spent $27million on project, has collected
$50 million form selling fooatge
insurance payout
Souvenir tickets

and has priority with Sony to earn up to $135 million before MJ can begin earning 90% of a 2 week run movie

Then all other proceeds are shared out equally.

Not to mention the memorabilia tour with AEG earning the most

While MJ only got
$10 million from footage sell
$3million from his life insurance
and hopes to earn 90% when movie is nearing the end of teh 2 week run
Then only 30% of video sells.

While fans and then rest are hoodwinked how MJ's estate is raking in $100 million

Then a story will come up how the money raised isn't enough and teh way to settle the remaining debt is to sell the catalogue or part of it to Sony or whatever other deal.

That is when some fans here will wake up and express shock "where did all the money go?"

And then realise what some of Jacksons were fighting in court befor ethe judge - raw deals for MJ without bidding while the companies pay themselves first way beyond their costs/losses, such as $27million only for AEG.

That's how corporations hoodwink naive artists into thinking they are making millions, only for time to pass and they express shock when companies paid themselves first.

Again, time will tell. - I guess Dileo didn't have guts to answer fan questions but has time to carry on slandering MJ, and he is praised as caring while Jacksons are depicted as leeches.

Yeah, he and Randy Phillips really care about Michael :scratch:
and so does Sony.

Finally someone talking sense :)
I thought Randy Jackson said it wasn't about money...riiiiiight.

One thing is clear now, Randy surfs the net for his crazy ideas. This subject was discussed not long ago on this board. Ha ha ha ha. What a silly man!!

I hope he did some research before going to TMZ, otherwise he might look like a fool. Just like he did when he leaked the story of Branca being fired to TMZ. They were going to court with documents proving that Branca had been fired by MJ...3 years ago.

Randy is an idiot, IF (and that is a big if) the court declares the will invalid...Katherine loses everything. The charities lose their 20%. All the money will go to the children. MJ's only heirs.
branca was fired by michael sometime back they can prove that according to oxman, and branca did not work for michael for sometime, and branca was hired back just weeks before michael died , speaking for myself it all seems suspicious and if randy, the jackson family and al sharpton are suspicious of branco timing and the will i think they should look into it, and get a singnature expert
That "white woman" as you say, is the MOTHER of 2 of MJs kids.

And HOW DARE YOU bring race into this?

Debbie Rowe is their MOTHER - and it doesn't matter what color she is.

You insult motherhood and mothers with your brash and misogynist comment.

I was shocked by his post. I looked back a few posts and saw no one mention color here.

Debbie even wanted to take in Blanket too and he has no relation to her.

It's not about color. I have two neighbor's here who are African American and they adopted caucaucian children. Same as I seen caucasian families in my area (NYC) adopt african american children. Madonna is one as well as Angelina Jolie. There is nothing wrong with that at all.
Randy managed MJs affairs for a brief period in the mid 2000s and severely got Michael into debt, not to mention he ran Neverland to the ground.

Had MJ felt any of his sibling were of capable administrative skills, MJ would've put them in charge a long time ago.

How many times did MJ have to fire his own family for mis-management?

How many times did Mj have to bail out his brothers because they spent all their money on women & B.S.?

How many times MJ opened doors for his brothers yet they couldn't even manage on their own without Mj helping them?

PLEASE, do your research before making statements like that.

Amen. Thank god there are people like you on this site. Many here are living in this fantasy world where the Jackson's were this wholesome happy perfect family and it's far from the truth. Of course there are a few member's of the Jackson family who have done well and are well today like Rebbie and Janet, but other then that, the rest all depended on Micheal for everything.
branca was fired by michael sometime back they can prove that according to oxman, and branca did not work for michael for sometime, and branca was hired back just weeks before michael died , speaking for myself it all seems suspicious and if randy, the jackson family and al sharpton are suspicious of branco timing and the will i think they should look into it, and get a singnature expert

It would have been suspicious if MJ had changed his will and put Branca's name days before he passed.

Branca has been on the will since 1997. He updated the will and KEPT Branca. How do you explain that?

MJ resigned because eh was having issues with MJ's new management...MJ called him back in June 2009 and convinced him to come back.

Even if MJ had fired Branca and NEVER rehired him, the fact remains that MJ kept the man's name in both wills and that speak volume.

We have people like Raymone Bain, who has ABSOLUTELY nothing to gain, stating recently that she asked MJ to write/update his will after the Sony/ATV refinance. And MJ told her HE ALREADY HAD A WILL IN PLACE (the 2002 will) and he was comfortable with it.

One thing we know for sure, he never put Randy in charge.:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
And I'm Latino. And a Woman. And a mother.

How dare RSW say such blatant BS like that?

Debbie Rowe IS the mother of Mike, Jr., and Paris. She said she welcomes Blanket because she doesn't want to separate the kids.

The nerve and ignorance of some people!!!!

I was shocked by his post. I looked back a few posts and saw no one mention color here.

Debbie even wanted to take in Blanket too and he has no relation to her.

It's not about color. I have two neighbor's here who are African American and they adopted caucaucian children. Same as I seen caucasian families in my area (NYC) adopt african american children. Madonna is one as well as Angelina Jolie. There is nothing wrong with that at all.
Amen. Thank god there are people like you on this site. Many here are living in this fantasy world where the Jackson's were this wholesome happy perfect family and it's far from the truth. Of course there are a few member's of the Jackson family who have done well and are well today like Rebbie and Janet, but other then that, the rest all depended on Micheal for everything.


I just want the abusive leeching to stop - and I feel for MJs kids.

They own a house (Havenhurst) occupied mostly by the brothers & their kids.


Hasn't Michael already done enough?

Nobody asks Janet for a handout because she will flat out bust them in the head if they do.

Michael was too kind, too giving, and gave them whatever inheritance they were to have while he was alive. Hell, MJ gave them too much, as far as I'm concerned.
This whole fracas was predictable in 2005. By going after MJ to try and trash him so as to control his assets, they also had plans to trash the family.

It's therefore not surprising that they have managed to create a wedge between MJ and his family, even among fans. Before MJ passed away, i had never seen so much hostility directed by fans at MJ's family. Yes some family members may have done some things, but now it's like anything that comes from the family has to be about money and they are wrong in whatever they may say. In some cases, not even Janet or Katherine is spared.

I'm surprised this whole thing was signed during the Sony saga, as I thought it had been signed some time in March 2002.

Okay, we all want to believe that was MJ's signature.

However, this reminds me of the issue with Myung Ho Lee who presented a document with MJ's signature and claimed that he signed it on 13 September 2001 in Los Angeles.

MJ denied ever signing the document and said he was in New York at the time. Frank Cascio and MJ's bodyguard provided supporting affidavits. But Myung Ho Lee even went on with a lawsuit till 2003.

The media for the most part disregarded Michael's side of the story and even that MJ could not have been in LA because all flights had been grounded in the US after September 11th and MJ had just finished concerts then and had stayed at Cascio's place.

So, forging MJ's signature and presenting it even in court is nothing new, even when it's obvious to everyone that the signature is forged because the whole country was shut down from flying. How could MJ then be in LA?

But as usual, when it came to MJ, all excuses were crafted to justify that signature by Myung Ho Lee.

We as fans must ask, and look out to see, what evidence is there on the date that it was signed to show all three witnesses had flown to Newyork or were staying in Newyork?
Definitely since they are based in Los Angeles, there must be airline, train or bus ticket records of their journey at some time in 2002 from LA to New York.

And they can provide the location and time of day the meeting to sign the will was made.

To dismiss this is to sweep under the carpet a clue to circumstances that may have led to Michael's death, whether or not you think the Jacksons are after money.

I myself don't like Oxman around Randy but i cannot ignore the possibility of a forgery.

For people to dismiss location does not matter is shortsighted.
If the document states it was signed in one place, but the person making the will was not there, then in an appellate court, that cannot pass the litmus test. It may be ignored by a judge in a lower court but cannot simply be dismissed on appeal with a panel of judges, because it's no longer just one judge's opinion, but a panel of judges.

If anything, I see Randy as someone who has the best interests of Michael at heart. Randy is Michael's younger brother, he loves and treasures him.

Only a younger brother who loves you so much could have the insight to see the lawyers around MJ were not committed to him and seeking their own limelight, therefore bringing in T-Mez.
Only a younger brother could see that Bob Jones was not loyal to Michael and fired him on the spot. The rest we see what Bob Jones was up to.
Yes, Randy made some miscalculations trying to get MJ to offload the catalogue. But Randy was not too much off the mark. MJ knew he was being targeted partly because of the catalogue and offered his billionaire friend the chance to buy it.

Randy has made a success of his life. How many people do you know who have a credit card with a $1 million limit?
He cares about the legacy and estate of his brother and he has the insight to see, just as i myself can see, that some of the people running teh Jackson show, care less about MJ.

Take comments by Dileo calling MJ standing on SUV that he was on drugs
Take comments by Randy Phillips that MJ was manipulative

And these are the people working closely with executors promoting the movie while trashing MJ so that they look good and are not asked tough questions, instead "blame MJ".

These people know that if a Jackson was to step in, their gravy train would stop, the way he stopped Bob Jones and the rest.

So what is the best route? Get their media pals to run stories how Jacksons are all after money because they dare challenge the executors and those around them (Sony, AEG, Dileo).

Time will tell.

But AEG which claims to have spent $27million on project, has collected
$50 million form selling fooatge
insurance payout
Souvenir tickets

and has priority with Sony to earn up to $135 million before MJ can begin earning 90% of a 2 week run movie

Then all other proceeds are shared out equally.

Not to mention the memorabilia tour with AEG earning the most

While MJ only got
$10 million from footage sell
$3million from his life insurance
and hopes to earn 90% when movie is nearing the end of teh 2 week run
Then only 30% of video sells.

While fans and then rest are hoodwinked how MJ's estate is raking in $100 million

Then a story will come up how the money raised isn't enough and teh way to settle the remaining debt is to sell the catalogue or part of it to Sony or whatever other deal.

That is when some fans here will wake up and express shock "where did all the money go?"

And then realise what some of Jacksons were fighting in court befor ethe judge - raw deals for MJ without bidding while the companies pay themselves first way beyond their costs/losses, such as $27million only for AEG.

That's how corporations hoodwink naive artists into thinking they are making millions, only for time to pass and they express shock when companies paid themselves first.

Again, time will tell. - I guess Dileo didn't have guts to answer fan questions but has time to carry on slandering MJ, and he is praised as caring while Jacksons are depicted as leeches.

Yeah, he and Randy Phillips really care about Michael :scratch:
and so does Sony.

That's a very good post. Interesting.
Randy sees money....I think this is his motive for lying...just so sad..
randy is not lying al sharpton said michael was with him during this time of the will being signed, and we dont know what's all going on, when branca was hired back dr thome thome was running everything, my opinion i think dr thome could have hired branca back after being fired by michael some years ago, and i do believe in the conspiracy theory. a singnature expert need to look at the will, and there were rumors of another will that cant be found.
But I think those three kids would be in better and safer hands with Debbie Rowe. Katherine did her best raising all her kids, and she did do a good job. I give her that. But there are too many forces surrounding her in order to get to the kids which = to lots of $$$$$$.

Debbie isn't perfect but she would take care of all 3 kids like a lioness. She would rip anyone heads off if anyone tried anything with those children. The whole "rumour" about the kids appearing on the reality show started from somewhere. Then when everyone exploded on this site about that idea, a quick announcement was made that it wasn't true.

Yes, Debbie got a lot of money from Michael over the years BUT that was HIS decision. HIS CHOICE.


Oh really???? It was HER choice to SELL her kids! Do not blame Michael pls. Michael didn't locke her in his room to make sure that he gonna get her kids. How she can be a good mother after all? Some ppl are just sick.
What values she is going to teach those poor kids? She goona tell them it is OK to sell your own babies?
Debbie is crazy "mother". There some women in this world like her. I feel sorry they still can call themselves "mothers"
By the way, i would like to see the day the Judge will "get tough" and take away the kids from a "black family" to be cared for by a "white woman"

What a very stupid and ignorant comment. Debbie is two of the kids' mother. Yes she is white...and....?????

I agree with the previous poster, if the Jacksons are exploiting the kids:

1) selling their personal lives to tabloids;
2) tipping paparazzi when they go out;
3) planting stories in the press of them being in a crappy reality show for ratings;
4) acting as a 'source' to push stories of the kids' not being MJ's bios

All that disqualify the Jacksons.

4 months ago, I was a staunch defender of the Jacksons getting custody, but these past 4 months their behavior in regards to selling out the kids, is APPALLING!!!! And any sensible person can see it.
randy is not lying al sharpton said michael was with him during this time of the will being signed, and we dont know what's all going on, when branca was hired back dr thome thome was running everything, my opinion i think dr thome could have hired branca back after being fired by michael some years ago, and i do believe in the conspiracy theory. a singnature expert need to look at the will, and there were rumors of another will that cant be found.

NO, Al Sharpton said Mj was with him on the 6th...and the 9th.

He also said he will discuss it with the Jacksons to match their story on where MJ was on the 7th. MJ wasn't with Sharpton on the 7th nor the 8th...at least there does not seem to be any report or pictures of them being together on that specific date.
What is amazing with comments like this is that the Jacksons have no right to speak out about their brother's estate and if the do so, their mother should be "punished" by taking away Jacksons kids from the Jacksons

By the way, i would like to see the day the Judge will "get tough" and take away the kids from a "black family" to be cared for by a "white woman"

That will lay bare what i have said is the undercurrents of this whole issue - race.

The judge has hardly made any ruling favourable to Jacksons as even custody was as a result of out of court negotiations.

The black family ain't good enough to manage MJ's finances and it has to be managed only by non-black executors.

And if they protest about this, then the kids will be taken from the black family's compound and given to a white woman to take care of because "the black family is greedy", so the white judge needs to get tough on "the greedy black family".

Hey, let the judge go ahead and do so.

As again in 2005, this was seen as the plan.

To get rid of MJ
Have Debbie in control of the kids
And lawyers in control of MJ's assets for teh benefit of Sony

While alienating the Jackson family who have capacity to protest as the blood family

And like a script, it's all coming true. So carry on promoting that script.

Give the kids to Debbie.
Dump the Jacksons. let them go to hell.

And all along i thought Michael's mission was to bring people together.

I am loving your posts, you make a lot of sense..
Oh really???? It was HER choice to SELL her kids! Do not blame Michael pls. Michael didn't locke her in his room to make sure that he gonna get her kids. How she can be a good mother after all? Some ppl are just sick.
What values she is going to teach those poor kids? She goona tell them it is OK to sell your own babies?
Debbie is crazy "mother". There some women in this world like her. I feel sorry they still can call themselves "mothers"

I used to be one of those "Debbie sold her kids" people.

But my perception has greatly changed after MJ died. They made a deal, she stuck by it and so did he. She accepted for Katherine to raise the kids & they agreed on visitation with them. And Debbie has not given up her parental rights, as a surrogate would.

Mike, Jr. & Paris definitely know who their mom is.