Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

MeMeFan is right - if the will is invalidated, Michael's children would would receive 100% of the estate. Guardianship would be stripped and another guardian ad litem would be appointed to be executor of the estate. Since 100% of the estate would be the childrens, they would seek the next of kin to watch their inheritance, which is DEBBIE ROWE (who has not signed her parental rights over. Guardianship can be revoked at ANY TIME).

Just go back to the Anna Nicole Smith case - Anna Nicole's mother wanted to bury her in Los Angeles but her request was thrown out because she was not NEXT OF KIN, her living child Danilynn was. Danilynn was a newborn and her biological father was not established so the courts appointed a guardian ad litem to make all final resting place and financial decisions over Danilynn's estate. Eventually, Larry Birkhead was established as Danilynn's father and he is now over her ESTATE, which could be worth hundreds of millions because of Anna Nicole Smith's settlement/lawsuit with her deceased husband estate, oil tycoon Howard Marshall.

The Jacksons are playing a very dangerous game and they are going to LOSE if they don't stop.
The WILL will go up for probate? wouldn't it? If it is declared invalid? That will be difficult to do as it is Michael's signature. The Lawyer for the Children would be influenced by Randy and others.

Well Randy Dear, if you are reading this thread..BACK OFF NOW!!
I see!! Randy wants to procure that the Signature was forgery..damn that man!!
Also we know that there is a 1997 will as well. We heard that the only difference was the addition of the children (Blanket and perhaps Paris). Even if they are successful in invalidating this will how will they do that for the 1997 will?

think randy think
This is a damn shame!!
What is the problem? While I think Mclain's "supposed comment" to Anka was suspect, I really don't see what the current executors have done wrong.
Randy/Joe and whoever else is pulling the strings are wasting what money Katherine could have in the bank on lawyers.
All this going back and forth is expensive and time consuming.

My question is what does Randy want? if its not about the money then what is it about. What is the point of all this nonsense
MeMeFan is right - if the will is invalidated, Michael's children would would receive 100% of the estate. Guardianship would be stripped and another guardian ad litem would be appointed to be executor of the estate. Since 100% of the estate would be the childrens, they would seek the next of kin to watch their inheritance, which is DEBBIE ROWE (who has not signed her parental rights over. Guardianship can be revoked at ANY TIME).

But then what happens to Blanket????


I know Debbie's stated that she wanted all three kids together.

Sometimes I think the best thing is for Debbie to take the kids & send the entire Jackson family to hell.

And if this continues, the judge will get REALLY TOUGH.
Also we know that there is a 1997 will as well. We heard that the only difference was the addition of the children (Blanket and perhaps Paris). Even if they are successful in invalidating this will how will they do that for the 1997 will?

think randy think

Further proof whoever his legal advisor is needs to be fired! They're going to lose all access if they keep it up.

Just stop already, and go find a job!!!
If Debbie gets the Estate with the children do you think Randy and others will let it rest.
Well this can be the next best seller.
The WILL will go up for probate? wouldn't it? If it is declared invalid?

Yes, and the kids will inherit everything 100%. Then the "state of California" will be their representatives until they turn of adult age.

Randy's truly messing with what MJ wanted for his mom & kids & charity if he doesn't stop.

And I really fear for the kids now. GOD FORBID something happens to them.

MJ, take care of your babies, I know you can! Protect them from the leeches & vultures that tormented you!!!
UPDATE: TMZ spoke with Al Sharpton's rep, Rachel Noerdlinger, who confirms Sharpton and Jackson were protesting Mottola in NY together in 2002 on July 6th and July 9th.

As the for the key date -- July 7th -- Sharpton's rep released the following curious statement:

We have reason to believe that Michael may have been in NY on the 7th and Rev. Sharpton will address this after he discusses it with the Jackson family.

lol at Al :lol:
If Debbie gets the Estate with the children do you think Randy and others will let it rest.
Well this can be the next best seller.

Debbie won't get the estate. She already has a divorce deal in place.

The kids will get the estate 100% and the State of California will act as the "executor" for the estate until they turn of age.
But then what happens to Blanket????


I know Debbie's stated that she wanted all three kids together.

Sometimes I think the best thing is for Debbie to take the kids & send the entire Jackson family to hell.

And if this continues, the judge will get REALLY TOUGH.

The next of kin of Blanket is Prince & Paris. All three children would remain together.
Why can't Randy just shut up? There's always something going on in that family. I feel sorry for those 3 children.
Yes, and the kids will inherit everything 100%. Then the "state of California" will be their representatives until they turn of adult age.

Yes guardian ad litem (State of California) would be their representative. Also do not forget that the children have next of kin which is Debbie Rowe. She is their biological parent and I doubt she would relinquish parental rights, so her power would increase drastically.

The family is barking up the wrong tree and they need to stop before it is too late.
lie fr it
spy for it
kill for it
die for it

First Jermaine, now Randy. Will they ever stop? They are pathetic. I think everyone understands now why Michael didn't leave anything to his siblings.
So, if this will is declared invalid, they won't take into consideration the 1997 will? 'cause it sounds to me that that's what Randy wants. The things is.. in 1997, Michael only had Prince. This is f*cked up.
So, if this will is declared invalid, they won't take into consideration the 1997 will? 'cause it sounds to me that that's what Randy wants. The things is.. in 1997, Michael only had Prince. This is f*cked up.

they have to take into consideration the 1997 will - perhaps randy does not know it.
and yes it would only have prince and Mj will be married to debbie rowe at the time.
This is so messed up. Seems like people here were right about Randy being shady as. What a crying, embarrassing shame this all is. Poor Michael. I am just praying for the kids, and I hope this farce ends soon. :(
Not sure why Randy would question Michael's kids getting money...unless he wants some of the action?
Which youtube links?

anything that gets leaked. like when, say Akon's Hold My Hand got leaked. check that thread in the archives. people would post their youtube links... I bet Sony had interns sitting reading that thread. it was actually funny watching that :lol:

same thing happened a few days ago with the TII leaks.
Not sure why Randy would question Michael's kids getting money...unless he wants some of the action?

It is more like challenging the executors. If you remember when MJ first died they went to court and said that he died without a will and asked his mother to be the executor of the estate. The judge gave her temporary control but then removed it when the actual will was filed.

so they are assuming that if this will becomes invalidated , Branca and McClain will be removed and a family member will become the controller of the estate.

They are seriously forgetting the 1997 will.