Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

wow estate lawyer is being real nice - he said that they would come together with all the lawyers involved and will discuss whether or not give joe an allowance.

Well, IF they agree to give him an allowance, they better have him sign some papers stating he will stop whoring himself and degrading MJ's legacy (body doubles my a$$).

If it was up to me, I wouldn't give him a cent. What happens after probate, they will add him as an heir?
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Well, IF they agree to give him an allowance, they better have him sign some papers stating he will stop whoring himself and degrading MJ's legacy (body doubles my a$$).

I agree
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

What exactly goes through that mans mind? :mello:

DUDE! Thats My exact question...

I know He worked hard to get his children to get out of Gary, IN...but is it ONLY Michael that has to give him $$$$?? there are other LIVING children but I guess he knows they're broke too. With the exception of Janet and Rabbie(i think)!

I'm just glad that Mrs. Kathrine's and Michael's Estate Lawyers are working together...

For real, I certainly hope all the lawyers involved decides not to give him an allowance just to stick it to him for this stunt he tried to pull!

I swear, whnever Joe looked at Michael he probably only saw $$$$ signs, 'cause his behaviour just floors me. I feel so bad for Michael, we probably don't even know the half of what he went through with this man. Father my ass!
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What really ticked me off is the fact that Brian Oxman and Joe Jackson accused Katherine of striking a deal with the estate lawyers. She doesn't HAVE to strike a deal with anyone considering she's 40% of the estate.... what the hell!!??
yeah.. what about this allowance now? Will he get one :)puke:) or did they just eternally shut him up?

the lawyers said that they will discuss it , so for now he might get an allowance or not.
what's really disgraceful is the fact that Joe wants hard earned money from MJ to support his grown illegitimate child?

didn't the monthly expense include $600 or something for "child support"?

did I read that right or Joe's insanity getting to me???
What really ticked me off is the fact that Brian Oxman and Joe Jackson accused Katherine of striking a deal with the estate lawyers. She doesn't HAVE to strike a deal with anyone considering she's 40% of the estate.... what the hell!!??

I agree, I can't believe how easily he can throw his own wife under the bus.
I've always tired not 2 bring on too much hate for the man considering he is mjs father....but i honsetly dont think that man even knows the meaning of the word "father"! :angry:
It's pretty clear why Michael didn't put his father in his will. If he needs help he has his other 8 kids to help him. He has no say or anything to do with the will. End of story. Michael wanted to protect his mother and his kids. The rest can fend for themselves. They are grown ups. He lost his son. Does he have no pain in his heart about this? Did ever love Michael? Does he see him as a bank or a son? I am sorry to say this but nothing he has done in the last 4 months have shown me he cares. Katherine did what was best for the kids and Michael trusted her the most.
off topic.. on TMZ site they also talk about how much did the funeral cost and there's a beautiful picture of Mike... anybody has that picture original...?
Debbie threats made the family back off , katherine new lawyer wanted to fight originally and said they have enough evidence against the executors.

I'll say thank you Debbie for yet again stepping to help MJ and his kids .

they figured out that as long as the probate is taking place katherine is gonna only recieve allowance , and since they know the blackmailing tactics did not work with Branca and Randy would have never been appointed as an executor they want to end the probate now and start collecting the 40% of the profits ( not gonna happen at all)before something bad happens to katherine and the siblings end up with nothing .

basically they are forced to do that , again thank you DEBBIE .
janet paid 49.000$ upfront for mj's funeral and the estate paid her back . that what I read on another mj's site quoting TMZ .
Debbie threats made the family back off , katherine new lawyer wanted to fight originally and said they have enough evidence against the executors.

I'll say thank you Debbie for yet again stepping to help MJ and his kids .

they figured out that as long as the probate is taking place katherine is gonna only recieve allowance , and since they know the blackmailing tactics did not work with Branca and Randy would have never been appointed as an executor they want to end the probate now and start collecting the 40% of the profits ( not gonna happen at all)before something bad happens to katherine and the siblings end up with nothing .

basically they are forced to do that , again thank you DEBBIE .

What did Debbie threaten? I can guess, but I'd like to know for certain...

janet paid 49.000$ upfront for mj's funeral and the estate paid her back . that what I read on another mj's site quoting TMZ .

Yup the estate paid her back and paid for the rest that was due to Forest Lawn. They also posted the cost of certain things for the funeral such as $1,975.50 for a wardrobe for the family.
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Debbie threats made the family back off , katherine new lawyer wanted to fight originally and said they have enough evidence against the executors.

I thought about it too. What made her change her mind? I thought she hired Streisand to challenge Branca and McClain. Look at the statement she gave regarding the new lawyer she hired.

In a written statement, Katherine Jackson is commenting about rumors swirling about her legal representation.

"Londell McMillan remains my personal attorney and counsel," Mrs. Jackson says in the new statement. "Despite false reports, he was never replaced or terminated. I have substituted probate counsel. We have and will continue to work with other lawyers, where appropriate. We all look forward to resolving matters with the estate."

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother's battle for control of the pop star's estate is about to take a "new direction" based on "new evidence" uncovered by the family, a Jackson family lawyer said.

The revelation came from attorney Londell McMillan, who also corrected a report that he was one of the lawyers Katherine Jackson replaced Thursday. McMillan pointed to questions about the authenticity of the signature on Jackson's will.

Until now, the Jacksons have not challenged the will's authenticity in court.
Katherine Jackson's objections, instead, have centered on what her lawyers said were possible conflicts of interest by the two men named in the will as executors.

"The case is now moving in a different direction and the family thought it was best to bring on Adam Streisand's law firm," McMillan said. "The evidence precipitated the change and the need to take it in a new direction."
You mean they couldn't even pay for their own clothes? :mello:

From the amount of money they obtained from selling mj and his kids to tabloids and then a deal to do the reality tv show with footage from the funeral , they definitely could pay for their own clothes , but obviously they did not feel like mj deserved that . so they made him pay for their clothes . can they get any more pathetic ? did mj pay for janet clothes too? I won't be surprised at all .
Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors
LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father does not stand to inherit any of his son's assets and cannot challenge the appointment of the executors chosen by the singer to handle his will, a judge said Tuesday.
Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff said Joe Jackson was not named in the will but could pursue a motion to receive a family allowance from the estate because he claimed his son had been supporting him.
Joe Jackson and his son had an often-strained relationship, and Michael Jackson said at one point that he would get physically sick — as a child and as an adult — at the sight of his father.
Beckloff ended a contentious all-day hearing by telling Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, that his client had no standing to prolong the legal fray over Jackson's estate and would gain nothing from doing so.
"I don't think he gets to step into this and create further litigation," the judge declared. "Joe Jackson takes none of this estate. This is a decision his son made."
In another development, the court released an accounting that the estate had paid nearly $1 million in expenses for the private family funeral held at Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
Some of the expenses were $11,716 for invitations and programs; $35,000 for burial garments; $30,000 for cars and security; and $15,000 to a designer.
"I would have done it less expensively. But it was Michael Jackson, who was larger than life," Howard Weitzman, an attorney for the estate administrators, said outside court. "There's no reason he should not have a funeral that's larger than life."
Earlier in Tuesday's hearing, Michael Jackson's mother withdrew her objections to the appointment of two longtime Jackson associates as executors of his will.
The surprise announcement came from Katherine Jackson's new probate attorney Adam Streisand, who said his client felt it was time for the legal battle to end over the appointment of attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain.
Katherine Jackson now believes their appointment, as spelled out in her son's will, can "enhance the legacy of Michael Jackson in the best interest of his children," Streisand said.
It was Streisand's first major move in the case since he was chosen last month by Katherine Jackson to replace the team that had represented her since her son's death in June.
Beckloff later made the formal appointment of the executors after deciding Jackson's father could not challenge the move. Oxman threatened to appeal, which could interfere further with the appointments.
Streisand said Katherine Jackson decided she wanted to let the executors go about earning money for the estate rather than incurring more legal fees.
Oxman, however, accused her of reneging on an agreement with her family to challenge the executors and called the announcement in court "one of the most despicable things I have ever seen."
He accused Katherine Jackson of making a secret deal with the executors, a statement vehemently denied by Streisand and Weitzman.
Streisand said no one but he and Jackson knew of her decision until he stood in court and announced it.
"All the credit goes to Mrs. Jackson," the lawyer said. "She is really the wise sage of this family."
The judge scheduled a hearing for Dec. 10 on Joe Jackson's request for a family allowance. Streisand suggested Katherine Jackson would support that request.
The will left Michael Jackson's assets to his mother, his children and children's charities.
Branca is an attorney who represented Jackson for more than 20 years and is regarded as the architect of his financial empire. McClain is a music executive and childhood friend of the singer.
Katherine Jackson's original legal team complained that she was not being given enough of a role in making decisions after her son's death. While they considered a challenge, the judge allowed the administrators to go forward with projects including the movie, "This Is It," which brought $60 million into the estate and became a box office hit.
Branca and McClain were credited as executive producers on the movie.
A 60-page motion filed by Oxman detailed Joe Jackson's bid to get money from his son's estate. The father is seeking an allowance to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to the court documents.
The documents said Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.
Joe Jackson suffers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing stated.
A former steelworker, he managed and trained his children and organized the Jackson 5. He has been married to Katherine Jackson for 50 years, but he lists his home in Las Vegas. She lives at a family home in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles.
The filings list Joe Jackson's age as 80 in one place and 81 in another.
His list of monthly expenses includes $1,200 for rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 for entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

If Joe actually had a physical contract, he could have presented that initially. All he has is 'Kate used to give me money when Michael was alive and so Michael's estate should do the same.'

LoL. Pretty much.
(from the live TMZ stream outside the courtroom) In response to a reporter's question "was Joe Jackson's filing these papers motivated by Mrs. Jackson's change in representation?" ...........Streisand said, "yes"

in other words, once she changed lawyers....the confrontation started.

Interesting. If I remember correctly, when Streisand was first hired he said something that kinda made me think he wasn't having the foolishness. He stated he answered only to Mrs. Jackson. From my point of view, that pretty much summed up what time it was for Team Joe. :lol:

Wow. Gotta say I'm a little surprised at this latest turn of events. Looks like Michael may have gotten his "walk softly and carry a big stick" aura from his Mother. lol Perhaps she can hold her own better than some of us have given her credit for. Go Mrs. Jackson!! :punk:

Altho I still don't like McClain after that Anka drama. :ermm: :pth: I'm almost over it tho. haha.

Thanks to all for posting the updates.

ETA: Okay, I see she supports Joe getting an allowance. sigh. Well, I'm with everyone who hopes major strings are attached to that agreement. Not that Janet would allow her father to end up on Skid Row, but it WOULD be kinda sad to see a pic of Joe pushing a cart thru the streets of L.A...altho I know some of y'all would enjoy seeing that. :p

Anyway, once again, Michael may end up saving face for this father. And the beat goes on.
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Judge: Michael Jackson's mother withdrew her objections to the appointment of two longtime Jackson associates as executors of his will.
The surprise announcement came from Katherine Jackson's new probate attorney Adam Streisand, who said his client felt it was time for the legal battle to end over the appointment of attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain.

It was Streisand's first major move in the case since he was chosen last month by Katherine Jackson to replace the team that had represented her since her son's death in June.

Streisand said no one but he and Jackson knew of her decision until he stood in court and announced it.
"All the credit goes to Mrs. Jackson," the lawyer said. "She is really the wise sage of this family."
Go mama Jackson!
Interesting. If I remember correctly, when Streisand was first hired he said something that kinda made me think he wasn't having the foolishness. He stated he answered only to Mrs. Jackson. From my point of view, that pretty much summed up what time it was for Team Joe. :lol:

Wow. Gotta say I'm a little surprised at this latest turn of events. Looks like Michael may have gotten his "walk softly and carry a big stick" aura from his Mother. lol Perhaps she can hold her own better than some of us have given her credit for. Go Mrs. Jackson!! :punk:

Altho I still don't like McClain after that Anka drama. :ermm: :pth: I'm almost over it tho. haha.

Thanks to all for posting the updates.

Definitely... I can't lie I was concerned she was being manipulated by her husband and perhaps Jermaine but clearly she's more concerned about her grandbabies than she is about those two. Plus I think Streisand talked some good sense to her...

Classy Katherine!