Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I think joe just wants to control the estate right now, he wants to be the executor. so when the kids grow up, they have nothing left.

That will only happen in Joe and Randy's dreams. Instead they'll have to resort to telling Prince, Paris and Blanket that they need to financially support Grandpa and certain uncles.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

So Blanket would go to Debbie too in that case? I know that the money would be split, with each PAris and Blanket getting their share as well, since none of them were born during the time the 1997 was made, the 2002 will is exactly same as that one except for Paris and Blanket being included, that only proves that the will is legit. Joe should go to hell.

I think Prince was the only child born to MJ at the time he made the 1997 will. I think they will all get equal share. all of them have his name as their father on their birth certificate and that holds.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Go Katherine! Stand up for what your son wanted! Yay, so I understand by this statement that she won't challenge the executors.

I also think there is a lot more people in the family that support Katherine and Michael's wishes than they do Randy and Joe. I think Janet, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Marlon, 3T, and a lot of the older nieces/nephews all want Michael's wishes to be honored. On the fence about Latoya and Jermaine, but they haven't supported any of this forgery shyt since Randy and Joe have claimed it.
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Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

this whole thing is terrible. you have to admit..for us to be involved in this....and taking sides...in the end...the whole thing is that much more tragic...and out in the open. TMZ or no TMZ...you have to admit...it's a sensationalist webiste...and, now...all lines seem to have been blurred. is it yellow journalism...beige journalism...off color journalism...

i mean..don't any of us want to take a mental shower after all this?
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Joe is just plain shameful!

Glad Katherine is taking a stand here!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

TMZ Live chat : They said that Joe has no legal standing whatsoever and as Katherine took back her request to challange the executors so they expect that by tonight Branca and McClain will be named the permanent executors. Apparently the court is starting very soon.
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Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Good -Joe should stfu! go Katherine! I'm glad that the judge seems to see through Joe.
Joe is getting what he deserves-NOTHING!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I think joe just wants to control the estate right now, he wants to be the executor. so when the kids grow up, they have nothing left.

joe controlling the estate as executor? - don't worry that will never happen.. and although he wants some money for himself, even though he was not named in the will.. I do not think he wants to take his grandchildren's money so that when they grow up they have nothing left, come on now.
Even if you do think that, they are protected by their guardian ad litem so don't worry, that can not happen, ever.

I don't know if Joe realizes that if the will is invalid (correct me if I'm wrong anybody) EVERYTHING will go to the kids and custody will go to their next of kin who is Debbie Rowe (being the closer kin because she is their mother).

So Katherine will lose her allowance if the will is invalidated. The kids will get ALL the money.

So then why do people assume he wants to take all the money from the kids then? He and other family members sound like they have some problem with Branca and believe something dodgy is going on.. along the lines of why Michael himself was investigating Branca. However MJ then rehired him before his death..?

I dunno, I was all in favour for Branca, but if there is any truth in the Branca, Mottola, offshore account.. funneling MJs money then surely we should be in favour of that being investigated thoroughly. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the family should be executors as they have no experience in this, I'm just concerned now about Branca after hearing Michael was investigating him.

As for Randy and now Joe claiming the will is fake and some part of a conspiracy...well it does not seem fake to me.

Why have they let that Billi Jean woman in? What she got to do with any thing?
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Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I dont think Joe should be executor. But I always thought the current ones seem a bit fishy to me. But thats what MJ allegedly signed for. Let it be.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Joe Jackson's Ultimatum

Posted Nov 10th 2009 5:19PM by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson's lawyer just made it clear to the judge -- if Michael Jackson's dad doesn't get an allowance, he'll file a creditor's claim against his son's estate.

Brian Oxman, Joe's lawyer, just said out loud he thinks Katherine has "struck a deal with the estate" rather than staying committed to challenging the will, John Branca, and on and on. Branca's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, said there has never been a "deal" with Katherine.

Oxman said if Joe doesn't get the allowance he's after, Michael would have breached a contract he had with daddy and that's why he'd then file a creditor's claim. Oxman didn't elaborate on what kind of contract MJ made with Joe.

And then there's this. Katherine Jackson's lawyer said Katherine doesn't object to Joe getting an allowance, but was quick to add that Joe has no legal standing to appear in probate court.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WV0Fu16s
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Katherine Jackson's lawyer said Katherine doesn't object to Joe getting an allowance, but was quick to add that Joe has no legal standing to appear in probate court.

Katie don't back down now!! If you wish to give Joe some money, then that is up to you. But the Estate lawyers will not give Joe anything! At least I hope not!!
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Holy crap! Joe just threatened the estate!

omg. I don't know what to feel about this man. so it was all a play he wanted to force executors to give him money.
Oxman just needs to go away. Where did he get his law degree. He is acting very unprofessional.
I hope the judge puts an end to this.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Joe Jackson's Ultimatum

Posted Nov 10th 2009 5:19PM by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson's lawyer just made it clear to the judge -- if Michael Jackson's dad doesn't get an allowance, he'll file a creditor's claim against his son's estate.

Brian Oxman, Joe's lawyer, just said out loud he thinks Katherine has "struck a deal with the estate" rather than staying committed to challenging the will, John Branca, and on and on. Branca's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, said there has never been a "deal" with Katherine.

Oxman said if Joe doesn't get the allowance he's after, Michael would have breached a contract he had with daddy and that's why he'd then file a creditor's claim. Oxman didn't elaborate on what kind of contract MJ made with Joe.

And then there's this. Katherine Jackson's lawyer said Katherine doesn't object to Joe getting an allowance, but was quick to add that Joe has no legal standing to appear in probate court.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WV0Fu16s

I think I'll have a heart attack....

edit:.. Could I give it to him instead... like a gift... with l.o.v.e.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

joe really went crazy right now."Oxman said if Joe doesn't get the allowance he's after, Michael would have breached a contract he had with daddy and that's why he'd then file a creditor's claim. " This is so terrible!

I really feel sick.....

JOE! Is there any tiny percentage of love in your heart? Have you completely lost your mind?
Wth is wrong with you Joe??? Don't do that to your son and his kids!!!

*bangs on the wall with my head crying*
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Joe Jackson's Ultimatum

Posted Nov 10th 2009 5:19PM by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson's lawyer just made it clear to the judge -- if Michael Jackson's dad doesn't get an allowance, he'll file a creditor's claim against his son's estate.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WV0Fu16s

Trish! What doesnt a creditors claim mean? English is not my first language so I have a hard time sometimes understanding with some phrases, what they mean etc. Can you explain what that means?

Ps, I thought Joe was fine with NOT being in the will. Didnt he say that? Dont make yourself look like a fool, Joe!!
Joe said a fan called him to tell him about Michael gettin to the hospital..

Could this same fan call him again to tell him to stop that insanity???
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

I think I'll have a heart attack....

edit:.. Could I give it to him instead... like a gift... with l.o.v.e.

LOL! Or at least get a muzzle on him and have Oxman struck down by thunder or something like that!

I really feel sick.....

JOE! Is there any tiny percentage of love in your heart? Have you completely lost your mind?
Wth is wrong with you Joe??? Don't do that to your son and his kids!!!

*bangs on the wall with my head crying*

I doubt he cares about those children. He didn't even care for his own son. :doh:
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Holy crap! Joe just threatened the estate!

Joe Jackson's Ultimatum

Posted Nov 10th 2009 5:19PM by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson's lawyer just made it clear to the judge -- if Michael Jackson's dad doesn't get an allowance, he'll file a creditor's claim against his son's estate.

Brian Oxman, Joe's lawyer, just said out loud he thinks Katherine has "struck a deal with the estate" rather than staying committed to challenging the will, John Branca, and on and on. Branca's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, said there has never been a "deal" with Katherine.

Oxman said if Joe doesn't get the allowance he's after, Michael would have breached a contract he had with daddy and that's why he'd then file a creditor's claim. Oxman didn't elaborate on what kind of contract MJ made with Joe.

And then there's this. Katherine Jackson's lawyer said Katherine doesn't object to Joe getting an allowance, but was quick to add that Joe has no legal standing to appear in probate court.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0WV0Fu16s

Can someone explain what that means please?