Jackson's brothers on Larry King

Finally watched it...pretty confronting to see those stills and clips of Michael, hearing them talk, seeing memorial footage again etc. :boohoo:
Good that Larry really asked specific questions and that they really went on about the investigation and what might be the outcome.

I thought it was so funny how it went like 'Jermaine loves the spotlight though', and Jermaine 'No no no!' and about the touring or something Jermaine goes very unsecure 'Right guys...?' *Silence*...LMAO!:lol:

"I don't like the spotlight. The spotlight just finds me."
Here's a review of the reality series from the New York Daily News:


Here's a good guess why we didn't know the handful of things we learn about the Jackson family on the A&E reality series that kicks off Sunday.

Those things aren't very interesting.

Viewers who just want to see Jacksons talk and hang out will be satisfied. Those looking for the first-time-ever inside revelations the promotions seem to promise should expect to keep looking.

The series was commissioned before Michael Jackson's death, without his participation, and just four Jacksons are involved: Jermaine, Marlon, Jackie and Tito. Randy is unseen and unreferenced. Janet is heard on a phone call, but otherwise she, Rebbie and LaToya are also MIA.

This lineup, better than anything on the show itself, confirms what we've always heard about the Jacksons. Like almost any large family, never mind one that's lived under a burning spotlight for four decades, they're fractious. They fight, they disagree, and in the end they've got a bond they don't and maybe can't share with anyone else, because that's how families work.

Which is fine. But it doesn't leave much for this lightweight show, whose mission nominally is to record the Jackson Four getting back together to record a 40th anniversary album.

That project lurches along slowly amid clear tension between Jermaine and the other three. Absent Michael, he clearly expects to be the star, writing and singing most of the songs.

So he records a vocal track. He leaves the studio. The other three erase it.

Then Jermaine blows off a photo shoot. He had pinkeye, he explains. To which one of the others points out they all wear sunglasses in their photo shoots.

Yet conversely, there's also a scene where Jermaine breaks down as he talks about how he stayed with Berry Gordy's Motown label in 1976, when the other members of the family broke away and signed with Epic.

The reason he stayed, he says, is not because he was married to Gordy's daughter. He stayed because he felt an obligation to the man who gave them their start.

It was hard, he says. He felt so alone. They all have a group hug.

In any case, the series naturally takes a dramatic turn when Michael dies and much of Jermaine's focus shifts to doing something in his memory.

That doesn't work out very well, either, and while it's clear the brothers are shaken and saddened by Michael's death, viewers should not expect any intimate or inside reactions here.

And that's fine. They have every right to keep those thoughts private.

But it doesn't add much to a show that's already so thin, it's difficult to imagine anyone outside hard-core Jackson fans finding much to keep their attention.
It's nonsense of people to hate on the reality show, as if it was made after MJ's death. Am i correct that the show was already in the planning before Michael passed away? I noticed about myself that i tend to think alittle negative about the Jacksons now and then...but when i stop to think about WHY.....i have no idea really. So WHY the hate for The Jacksons? Did they even try to cash in on their brother at all? Cause i've seen some people saying those words...but i don't exactly see in what way they are trying to cash in on his death, really.
I thought they were great in the LKL interview.....somethings I learnt....

The Brothers like joking with each other.............
Prince is the leader of MJ3
LOL at Jermaines '.....the spotlight always finds me....'
LOL at Jermaines answer to the no of kids he has.instead of saying an outright 7....he makes it 'sound less' with '3+4'

Just one thing that puzzled me was......why is Joe not on it????
He should've been.....cause without him, there would be no J5
I thought they were great in the LKL interview.....somethings I learnt....

The Brothers like joking with each other.............
Prince is the leader of MJ3
LOL at Jermaines '.....the spotlight always finds me....'
LOL at Jermaines answer to the no of kids he has.instead of saying an outright 7....he makes it 'sound less' with '3+4'

Just one thing that puzzled me was......why is Joe not on it????
He should've been.....cause without him, there would be no J5

MJ3? What's that?
Here's a review of the reality series from the New York Daily News:


Here's a good guess why we didn't know the handful of things we learn about the Jackson family on the A&E reality series that kicks off Sunday.

Those things aren't very interesting.

Viewers who just want to see Jacksons talk and hang out will be satisfied. Those looking for the first-time-ever inside revelations the promotions seem to promise should expect to keep looking.

The series was commissioned before Michael Jackson's death, without his participation, and just four Jacksons are involved: Jermaine, Marlon, Jackie and Tito. Randy is unseen and unreferenced. Janet is heard on a phone call, but otherwise she, Rebbie and LaToya are also MIA.

This lineup, better than anything on the show itself, confirms what we've always heard about the Jacksons. Like almost any large family, never mind one that's lived under a burning spotlight for four decades, they're fractious. They fight, they disagree, and in the end they've got a bond they don't and maybe can't share with anyone else, because that's how families work.

Which is fine. But it doesn't leave much for this lightweight show, whose mission nominally is to record the Jackson Four getting back together to record a 40th anniversary album.

That project lurches along slowly amid clear tension between Jermaine and the other three. Absent Michael, he clearly expects to be the star, writing and singing most of the songs.

So he records a vocal track. He leaves the studio. The other three erase it.

Then Jermaine blows off a photo shoot. He had pinkeye, he explains. To which one of the others points out they all wear sunglasses in their photo shoots.

Yet conversely, there's also a scene where Jermaine breaks down as he talks about how he stayed with Berry Gordy's Motown label in 1976, when the other members of the family broke away and signed with Epic.

The reason he stayed, he says, is not because he was married to Gordy's daughter. He stayed because he felt an obligation to the man who gave them their start.

It was hard, he says. He felt so alone. They all have a group hug.

In any case, the series naturally takes a dramatic turn when Michael dies and much of Jermaine's focus shifts to doing something in his memory.

That doesn't work out very well, either, and while it's clear the brothers are shaken and saddened by Michael's death, viewers should not expect any intimate or inside reactions here.

And that's fine. They have every right to keep those thoughts private.

But it doesn't add much to a show that's already so thin, it's difficult to imagine anyone outside hard-core Jackson fans finding much to keep their attention.

Jermaine had always been jealous of Michael...it was to be expected.
In response to suznyc's post of the article written by the NY daily new's review of the show:
It's sad, if they made a reality show where people were arguing and backstabbing each other most people would love to watch it, but since it's positive those people aren't interested. I tell you this world is just full of hate sometimes, jeez. The media is going to tear down the show because it isn't negative and they can't write really juicy stories on it.

If the show isn't a hit, I'm sure the brother's won't mind. They have a life of their own besides a reality show. I can't wait to watch it! I would love to see them in concert(I can't really get into music of today even though I'm under 25) and I'm glad that Randy will be joining them in making the album.
I thought they were great in the LKL interview.....somethings I learnt....

The Brothers like joking with each other.............
Prince is the leader of MJ3
LOL at Jermaines '.....the spotlight always finds me....'
LOL at Jermaines answer to the no of kids he has.instead of saying an outright 7....he makes it 'sound less' with '3+4'

Just one thing that puzzled me was......why is Joe not on it????
He should've been.....cause without him, there would be no J5

I thought they were great too. I enjoyed seeing them joke around with each other. I am looking forward to their show.

Joe would not have been on it as he had filmed his own reality show last year that has yet to be picked up. Contractually there would have been a conflict. There was a snippet shown in July of it with the grandkids & Katherine on it.
So they are doing a world tour next year!! I thought they were putting up a tribute concert!! I am confused :/ And they are going to call themselves the Jackson4 :S New name yet still going to sing the old hits.. :/
I dont understand.. I think its disrespectful to michael in a sense that the group is called j4 now.. I honestly dont think the world tour would be a good turn out!!..Plus i am quoting this from somewhere else i read, "that michael wasnt a member of the J5, he was/is the J5"
Why are you so pissed that his brothers are having a reality show and "someone say they don't move slow do they".

Dang their still his brothers, you act like they can't breath or do nothing after michael's death and when would it be perfect time for the fans to make a choice to do a reality show.

Their is brothers, most of you act like you know the whole story about his family.

You need to start supporting his family and stop putting his family down.
In response to suznyc's post of the article written by the NY daily new's review of the show:
It's sad, if they made a reality show where people were arguing and backstabbing each other most people would love to watch it, but since it's positive those people aren't interested. I tell you this world is just full of hate sometimes, jeez. The media is going to tear down the show because it isn't negative and they can't write really juicy stories on it.

If the show isn't a hit, I'm sure the brother's won't mind. They have a life of their own besides a reality show. I can't wait to watch it! I would love to see them in concert(I can't really get into music of today even though I'm under 25) and I'm glad that Randy will be joining them in making the album.

I don't see it that way, Run's House did very well.
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So they are doing a world tour next year!! I thought they were putting up a tribute concert!! I am confused :/ And they are going to call themselves the Jackson4 :S New name yet still going to sing the old hits.. :/
I dont understand.. I think its disrespectful to michael in a sense that the group is called j4 now.. I honestly dont think the world tour would be a good turn out!!..Plus i am quoting this from somewhere else i read, "that michael wasnt a member of the J5, he was/is the J5"

In what way is that disrespectful to michael, they can't call their self the jackson 5 at this point because michael is gone and to call their self the jackson 5 again that mean randy would have to be apart of it and my understanding his not.
I agree with mistty4m and the others who have already mentioned this. If you don't like his brothers and you don't like the fact that they have a reality show now, then just don't watch it. *shrug* Michael is no longer living physically, but his soul is VERY much alive. I believe that he has forgiven and forgotten everything from the past, and fully supports his brothers on these new projects. I don't think Michael would be the type to take anger and stubbornness "to his grave." They are all family no matter what.

If the projects don't work out, like some one else said, the family members each have their own lives anyway. Live and let live yo. Isn't that one of the lessons Michael was trying to teach us? Personally, this makes me very happy because it means that The Jacksons are not and WILL NOT be going anywhere. Life goes on... and I'm sure Michael would want them to do what makes them happy as they continue on in life. I'm sure they are also trying to keep Michael's Legacy alive just like we are. Everything happens for a reason, as cliche' as that saying is--but it's true.
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its time MJs fanbase calls for a boycott of all of the Brothers and Joes projects until they start respecting Michael.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol I want them to do that 'reality' TV stuff... hey come on look into the other thread, they do need to pay all their share for their Dads living! ;)
I'll not watch it though... I'm just not that interested in other ppls private stuff or whatever... guess I have a nice life on my own?!

Still I'm sure there will be ppl watching maybe some episodes... so the sweet sons :2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents:
Seeing that brotherly bond makes me want to be apart of their family, lol. It was good to see them together and crack jokes on one another. I'm glad that after all these years, and all the ups and downs, the brothers are still close.
I love this picture.... what was going through MJ & Marlon's mind at this moment?

And look at both their folded hands - just really insightful.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol I want them to do that 'reality' TV stuff... hey come on look into the other thread, they do need to pay all their share for their Dads living! ;)
I'll not watch it though... I'm just not that interested in other ppls private stuff or whatever... guess I have a nice life on my own?!

Still I'm sure there will be ppl watching maybe some episodes... so the sweet sons :2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents:
In what way is that disrespectful to michael, they can't call their self the jackson 5 at this point because michael is gone and to call their self the jackson 5 again that mean randy would have to be apart of it and my understanding his not.

Its like erasing michael completely from the group
its time MJs fanbase calls for a boycott of all of the Brothers and Joes projects until they start respecting Michael.
Like you were buying their stuff in the 1st place. :thinking: :tease: :dance: :party:
Well, even though I've got my opinions about how things appear or how things sound with these brothers/family whenever they are interviewed I am still interested in watching the reality show, at least the first couple of episodes. Lord knows my own family is more than a little dysfunctional and I'm the normal one, heh. Not much else to watch on Sunday night at 9pm anyway. Desperate Housewives isn't on for some reason. :cheeky: