Jackson's brothers on Larry King

In the end, that is between those two, not the fans. I personally think it is pretty petty for the family to get bashed about things that happened between them and Michael. Like fans bashing Latoya for stuff she said about MJ after the charges in 93. We don't know what really happened in the end.

You mean we don't know if Michael did or did not abuse Chandler? Or what Latoya first claimed she saw...is true or not true? I think it's pretty clear that
nothing of what she said in that camera was true, hell...she didn't even include it in her book from what i know. The story that she told much later during shows about her then abusive and power-hungry husband..sound much more credible.
Honestly, outside Michael the artist, I really don't care that much. His personal life and family holds no interest. At the end of the day, I still have to work and make a living. MJ doesn't pay my tuition or bills. Hell he didn't go to sleep worrying about my fears or pain. He may have loved his fans for their support, but did he actually love us? Do we love him the same way we love our "real" family? Thats why family business is their business in the end. His family has to live with the aftermath of his death, not us. We probably live our lives the same way. I have no idea what happened between the Jackson family or will not speculate without facts. The only facts I know is that everyone was close with eachother except for with Michael.

MicHil said just because you don't love him as family or even more than family doesn't mean that others don't.
Honestly, outside Michael the artist, I really don't care that much. His personal life and family holds no interest. At the end of the day, I still have to work and make a living. MJ doesn't pay my tuition or bills. Hell he didn't go to sleep worrying about my fears or pain. He may have loved his fans for their support, but did he actually love us? Do we love him the same way we love our "real" family? Thats why family business is their business in the end. His family has to live with the aftermath of his death, not us. We probably live our lives the same way. I have no idea what happened between the Jackson family or will not speculate without facts. The only facts I know is that everyone was close with eachother except for with Michael.

I guess we need to get a life.
MicHil said just because you don't love him as family or even more than family doesn't mean that others don't.

Well MJ was part of my childhood. That is why his death hurt so much. In the end, it won't hurt as much if it was someone closer to me like my mom or dad.When he died, a part of my life died too that I wanted to hold on to. I was depressed for a month because his death, but my life went on. Paris, Prince, and Blanket and the others will forever feel the impact of the loss as a family. I am sure the Jackson's were hurting 10x's worse than I was when the news broke They knew him before he was Michael Jackson to us.I don't knock others who feel differently, but I am not going to discredit the pain of an actual family member, not that he was.
Its funny because on Bashir, MJ said he didn't get it as bad as Marlon or he would threaten his father by saying he wouldn't perform if he got a beating. Michael is the only family member who said he was abused. Even so, he still "forgave " his father and made peace with him, so I don't even know why its an issue on this board or with fans.

It is an issue because Joe is now asking for money in his words "support" from Michael's estate/Michael. I don't understand why the other brothers can't support him? Oh oh oh that's right they are all broke and Jermaine is off having more kids somewhere and then when they are born he is gonna drop 'em off at Grandmas. yep I said it.

Now I'm seriously done with the thread, because I'm getting to angry.

bye! bye! :)
The one thing that keeps coming to mind is would Michael be "okay" with the picking apart of his family, would he actually be glad that we are supporting him but at the same time tearing down his brothers?

I just don't know, but threads like this make me very uncomfortable and personally I have to walk away from this line of discussion, it just bothers me alot.

Ultimately this is a discussion board, but sometimes it just seems to go so against the grain of Michael's message-

It is an issue because Joe is now asking for money in his words "support" from Michael's estate/Michael. I don't understand why the other brothers can't support him? Oh oh oh that's right they are all broke and Jermaine is off having more kids somewhere and then when they are born he is gonna drop 'em off at Grandmas. yep I said it.

Now I'm seriously done with the thread, because I'm getting to angry.

bye! bye! :)

LOL...in the end..it is really not our business or problem.
Ask yourself guys does this person sound like a Fan?

no. more like someone caught up in his admittedly powerful music. but that's about it. there are a few of those out there. and that's why there are more defenders. at least, one of the reasons why. the fansites are infiltrated, that way, and makes things harder.

what i hate most, are when i hear people who say, ' i love MJ, but...'

i mean, many can use the word 'love', but, i'd want to run from some of the ones who use that word. actions speak louder.

using the word 'love' can give you license to do a lot of things. it can get dicey. and, becoming a member affords you the protection, to go a long distance, saying what you want. but, in the end, if you're just here to disagree with an MJ defender, just to disagree with them, it comes out in the wash.
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no. more like someone caught up in his admittedly powerful music. but that's about it.

Nah..I have been reading about MJ for years including the court documents, biographies etc. I know alot more than you give me credit for. My opinion of it is just different. I am a nurse, and I am trained to see things beyond what it is and look at many angles. Just because I don't support MJ 100% doesn't mean I didn't support him. Like I said, I loved MJ flaws and all. Even though some of the stuff I read was not very tasteful or flattering for his image, I still love him.
LOL...in the end..it is really not our business or problem.

I don't know what to make of you....the fact that you seem to doubt Michael's innocence is alittle weird to me. Really. That's one thing that should be pretty clear by now, pretty obvious that the good man
could never destroy a child's life.

Correct me if i'm wrong....this is simply my relpy to:

Like fans bashing Latoya for stuff she said about MJ after the charges in 93. We don't know what really happened in the end.

So again....if you meant something else...than i apolagise..it's late and i'm tired. But i found this rather odd.
The one thing that keeps coming to mind is would Michael be "okay" with the picking apart of his family, would he actually be glad that we are supporting him but at the same time tearing down his brothers?

I just don't know, but threads like this make me very uncomfortable and personally I have to walk away from this line of discussion, it just bothers me alot.

Ultimately this is a discussion board, but sometimes it just seems to go so against the grain of Michael's message-


Maybe yes. Maybe no.

MJ was a nice person, he preferred staying away (hiding?) from his family instead of confronting them.

So who knows?
Nah..I have been reading about MJ for years including the court documents, biographies etc. I know alot more than you give me credit for. My opinion of it is just different. I am a nurse, and I am trained to see things beyond what it is and look at many angles. Just because I don't support MJ 100% doesn't mean I didn't support him. Like I said, I loved MJ flaws and all. Even though some of the stuff I read was not very tasteful or flattering for his image, I still love him.

And you DO realize that alot of stuff is bullshit too , right? I don't know what you find un-tasteful or unflattering stuff...but just realize that ALOT of crap has been told about that man.
I don't know what to make of you....the fact that you seem to doubt Michael's innocence is alittle weird to me. Really. That's one thing that should be pretty clear by now, pretty obvious that the good man
could never destroy a child's life.

Correct me if i'm wrong....this is simply my relpy to:

Like fans bashing Latoya for stuff she said about MJ after the charges in 93. We don't know what really happened in the end.

So again....if you meant something else...than i apolagise..it's late and i'm tired. But i found this rather odd.

I am just saying, we shouldn't bash people because as fans, we really don't know the inside story.
And you DO realize that alot of stuff is bullshit too , right? I don't know what you find un-tasteful or unflattering stuff...but just realize that ALOT of crap has been told about that man.

Of course. I didn't say it was all the truth. I realize the sick obsession the media have with MJ at times. Or the bogus stories ran about him.
Nah..I have been reading about MJ for years including the court documents, biographies etc. I know alot more than you give me credit for. My opinion of it is just different. I am a nurse, and I am trained to see things beyond what it is and look at many angles. Just because I don't support MJ 100% doesn't mean I didn't support him. Like I said, I loved MJ flaws and all. Even though some of the stuff I read was not very tasteful or flattering for his image, I still love him.

like i said, anyone can say 'i love you'.

and nobody is trained enough to make that kind of final judgement, except, perhaps God.

so what you read documents. anyone can write a document. and much of what you say agrees with what i hear in the media. i guess they are trained like you, too.
And you DO realize that alot of stuff is bullshit too , right? I don't know what you find un-tasteful or unflattering stuff...but just realize that ALOT of crap has been told about that man.

Actually, that explains all of her comments. Since alot Ernestine is tabloid BS. I also fail how being a nurse somehow makes someone's comments more justify or right than others.

I don't care what kind of degree you have, you can't look at someone and tell how many surgeries they had. That is almost as bad as some people claiming to know Michael's weight by just looking at him.
Of course. I didn't say it was all the truth. I realize the sick obsession the media have with MJ at times. Or the bogus stories ran about him.

If you realize all that, then it's pretty simple to also realize there is no 'inside story' all the facts are known about the ridiculous allegations. All the evidence is known, it's pretty much all an open book. The Chandlers are completely exposed...and let's not even begin with The Arvizo's...

so again...inside story?
Nah..I have been reading about MJ for years including the court documents, biographies etc. I know alot more than you give me credit for. My opinion of it is just different. I am a nurse, and I am trained to see things beyond what it is and look at many angles. Just because I don't support MJ 100% doesn't mean I didn't support him. Like I said, I loved MJ flaws and all. Even though some of the stuff I read was not very tasteful or flattering for his image, I still love him.

since when being a nurse qualifies someone to make such judgement ?:smilerolleyes:
since when being a nurse qualifies someone to make such judgement ?:smilerolleyes:

Yeah i mean i am pretty open minded, but that has shit to do with anything really indeed. I mean...my dad has been unemployed ever since i was born ,etc. But his judgement is MUCH more on point than the nurse in here, that's for sure.

It doesn't say anything....
Some of us on here sound like The National E. The Jacksons should choose their words wisely since we all are paying attention to them now. If you look at the interview they talk about him way way in the past except for a few present things. Were they really close to him the way they potray?
there is nothing with Diane Dimond, after all she was allowed to attend mj's memorial where both you and me were denied access . Just saying :mello:

Please tell me you are not serious?....she was allowed? Nah, you have to be kidding me now. If they DID...it says ALOT about them then. For sure MJ would never wanted to have that no-good bitch there.
Some of us on here sound like The National E. The Jacksons should choose their words wisely since we all are paying attention to them now. If you look at the interview they talk about him way way in the past except for a few present things. Were they really close to him the way they potray?

I think he was close to some of them more than others. However, like all of he most likely didn't tell them everything in his life. My brother and I are very close. I consider him my best friend, but I don't tell him everything either. Just he doesn't tell me everything.

So, some members of the family many not know Michael that well and those who do are the ones who are not really talking.

For example, I don't buy for one moment that Toy was anyway close to Michael as she is trying to suggest. Especially since Michael never mention her outside the family unit. Except to say what a fool she was in the 90s.

He did seem close to Jermaine, since he did mention him alot, fondly. He also still seem upset about Jermaine staying at Motown. His mother even said he became upset and more isolated as his brothers' married and left home.

Like any family, it is complicated.