I hate my generation (vent).

Right on!! :)
I'll take Bowie's theatrics over Lady Gaga any day.

You know, when I first saw her "Just Dance" video where she has a lightning bolt painted on her face, I was hoping that any second Ziggy Stardust would stomp up to her and smack it right off, boa feathers flying everywhere. :hysterical: I don't dislike her as much as I do most artists on the radio today, but if you're going to blatantly rip off an amazing artist such as Bowie like that, then obviously all you care about is being famous without taking the time to be original and create your own image. I think she learned her lesson after that though, since now she wears all of those ridiculous outfits that are at least original if nothing else. :ermm:

It's cool that a couple of high school age posters on here are Bowie fans. I discovered him when I was 8 after seeing Labyrinth, and he's been my favorite artist ever since. In high school, every other outfit I wore was a Bowie tshirt or a Ziggy wanna be glam rock get up. I lived in my platform boots! :D Sure I got some weird looks in high school, but at least I can say that most of the music I listened to back then is still worth listening to!
i understand you are frustrated. i feel the same way... im 16 years old and the crap my classmates are listening to now gives me headache. p-p-p-pokerface, p-p-pokerface.. say what?! the songs have no meaning, the beat usually sounds the same, and the chorus is just the same over and over again. i hate the music of today... sigh. thats why i cant wait til we get michaels new song.

ive actually had a very similar experience, this was after mjs death as well. we were holding this party at my school, and were of course listening to music. music of today! so i got up to the dj and asked him if he could play michael jackson.. he just looked at me like ehh. no. i could totally see he was lying. i said, come on. you must have some mj. and he said "yes, but that would kill the party." that really pissed me off!
ive actually had a very similar experience, this was after mjs death as well. we were holding this party at my school, and were of course listening to music. music of today! so i got up to the dj and asked him if he could play michael jackson.. he just looked at me like ehh. no. i could totally see he was lying. i said, come on. you must have some mj. and he said "yes, but that would kill the party." that really pissed me off!

I have to say that I'm pretty surprised by stories on here saying that DJs don't want to play MJ songs. The weekend after he passed, I went to a couple of different clubs, and they played lots of MJ. Everyone in the clubs was cheering when they'd come on. There were a lot of people, girls and guys, wearing sequined socks, gloves, and hats. I know that was the weekend after, but considering how much of an impact his death had, I don't see why a DJ would be against playing one song. Then again, people who go to clubs are obviously older, so maybe DJs think that high school kids are too young to appreciate his music?
Does anyone think that the music in the decade of 2010's will be better??? Well, at least better than the music of the 2000's....

A lot of people have been saying this same thing lately. I, honestly, think that maybe it will but I won't speak so soon. I think it will get better but I don't think it will get good. A lot of the artists from the 2000's will die out and many already have (thank God).

Hip-Hop will die. I am sure Miley will too after hannah montana 4, and jonas brothers are already starting to become irrelevant

I agree on this. I remember last year (2008) was almost like 'The Year of the Jonas Brothers' for my generation. I've never heard or listened to their music except I accidentally heard one song before (trust me, it was an accident). I haven't heard a thing about them this year, thankfully. Miley Cyrus...I have nothing to say on her. Sure she's doing Michael tributes and all that but I seriously cannot stand her at all. Her new song that my class is practically obsessed with had to do with one of the head aches I got at that dance. Everybody started screaming when it came on and I was like umm...ok? And they all were screaming, "Miley Cyrus!!" I was thinking, "Wow seriously? How old are we?" The DJ friggen blasted the song and I had to, once again, step out.
I sure hope hip-hop/rap will die. I just want a brand new wave of TALENTED artists to come through and wash all of these crap 'artists' out of their place.

I was on another forum and somebody was calling Beyonce's Single Ladies video, "iconic." PLEASE. I don't find anything "iconic" about any of the artists from the 2000's and I quite like Beyonce. She's actually one of the very FEW artists of today that I like but I wouldn't go as far as saying she's iconic. I know many of you here would probably disagree with me on this but that's how I feel. I also really like Regina Spektor. I think she's great and she deserves more than she gets.

first of all, hey everyone! I'm new on this board *but not a new MJ fan :)*

I couldn't agree with you more court.ney!
I am a freshman in high school and the stuff that I hear is just rediculious!
We had a back to school dance a couple weeks ago and during almost every single song, I was telling my friends "I've never heard this!" they were like freaking out.

Yep, that's how my friends are too. Sometimes they yell at me for knowing these "things" they call "songs." That's when I pull my ipod out and play my "old people music." If my friends knew that I had Stevie Wonder on my ipod, they'd probably beat me up. lmao. I'd proudly announce to them though because atleast I can say, "I listen to great music!" and it actually be true.

I can't wait to get to tango!!! ;)

I always wanted to tango! Seriously, it looks so fun.
ive actually had a very similar experience, this was after mjs death as well. we were holding this party at my school, and were of course listening to music. music of today! so i got up to the dj and asked him if he could play michael jackson.. he just looked at me like ehh. no. i could totally see he was lying. i said, come on. you must have some mj. and he said "yes, but that would kill the party." that really pissed me off!

Are you serious? What the hell kind of DJ is he? It will kill the party..Pshh, the music he was playing was what KILLED the party. How old was he?

That's ridiculous, these "DJ's" are supposed to play what people request for one thing. It's not about what they want to play.

I remember in 8th grade, the guys in my class all of a sudden became obsessed with Michael Jackson. lol. My parent were in charge of our dances so the music was just awesome. One dance, we played Michael Jackson for most of the night with other great songs in between. That was a great year, those guys were just crazy over Michael Jackson. They used to bust out into one of his songs randomly in class and my teachers would freak out on them. I specifically remember one of my teachers asked something like, "What's the best way to do this?" and someone answered, "Ask Michael Jackson. He's the best at everything." Makes me really smile thinking back on all of this. How much appreciation Michael got from us. :)
I have to say that I'm pretty surprised by stories on here saying that DJs don't want to play MJ songs. The weekend after he passed, I went to a couple of different clubs, and they played lots of MJ. Everyone in the clubs was cheering when they'd come on. There were a lot of people, girls and guys, wearing sequined socks, gloves, and hats. I know that was the weekend after, but considering how much of an impact his death had, I don't see why a DJ would be against playing one song. Then again, people who go to clubs are obviously older, so maybe DJs think that high school kids are too young to appreciate his music?

Sadly, there is a very big difference between high school kids and the 21+ crowd when it comes to clubs.

The high school kids want to hear what they want to hear and at the same time they don't even really know what they actually want to hear. That probably didn't make sense, but it does to me! lol But yeah...they're finicky and awkward and really difficult to play for when compared to the 21+ crowd who are much more open-minded and easier to keep on the dance floor.

After MJ passed, I played 3 MJ songs that next Friday for a high school crowd. Some of them left the dance floor, but a few stayed and realized the magnitude of his passing. But then as weeks went by, I couldn't play much for them at all besides mixing into Thriller for like a minute or two. Like the DJ said to loveyoumore, when it comes to the teen crowd, it literally could hurt the dance floor. But especially with it being right after Mike's passing, that DJ could have at least mixed into like 1 verse of an MJ song if he tried, but it sounds like he didn't even want to go to the effort to do that or he was too worried to do it. I understand about being worried when it comes to pleasing the teen crowd. I understand that totally.

But like I said, when it comes to the 21+ crowd it's much better. I can play MJ all the time and they feel it.
Are you serious? What the hell kind of DJ is he? It will kill the party..Pshh, the music he was playing was what KILLED the party. How old was he?

That's ridiculous, these "DJ's" are supposed to play what people request for one thing. It's not about what they want to play.

I remember in 8th grade, the guys in my class all of a sudden became obsessed with Michael Jackson. lol. My parent were in charge of our dances so the music was just awesome. One dance, we played Michael Jackson for most of the night with other great songs in between. That was a great year, those guys were just crazy over Michael Jackson. They used to bust out into one of his songs randomly in class and my teachers would freak out on them. I specifically remember one of my teachers asked something like, "What's the best way to do this?" and someone answered, "Ask Michael Jackson. He's the best at everything." Makes me really smile thinking back on all of this. How much appreciation Michael got from us. :)

But he is getting that appreciation again now, people in my class are suddenly into him! I think so many people didnt get the chance to hear his music the last couple of years, u just wouldnt hear it on the music channels or on the radio, all ud get was thriller on halloween or something like that, now people have had the chance to hear him they've realized he is amazing, now hes got a whole new load of fans, its so sad, they didnt get the chance to love him while he was alive. I tried to show my friends how amazing he was when he was here but they wouldnt listen, but now they have they love him!
Are you serious? What the hell kind of DJ is he? It will kill the party..Pshh, the music he was playing was what KILLED the party. How old was he?

That's ridiculous, these "DJ's" are supposed to play what people request for one thing. It's not about what they want to play.

I remember in 8th grade, the guys in my class all of a sudden became obsessed with Michael Jackson. lol. My parent were in charge of our dances so the music was just awesome. One dance, we played Michael Jackson for most of the night with other great songs in between. That was a great year, those guys were just crazy over Michael Jackson. They used to bust out into one of his songs randomly in class and my teachers would freak out on them. I specifically remember one of my teachers asked something like, "What's the best way to do this?" and someone answered, "Ask Michael Jackson. He's the best at everything." Makes me really smile thinking back on all of this. How much appreciation Michael got from us. :)

hahaha :p the guy in my class also obssessed with mj too ^^, he became a fan after mj's death and even call himself MJ (MJ wannabe)XD, i was born in 1992, im now 17th years old, i wasn't mj's fan when he was alive til he died, i feel so sad and regret now he died... cant express how much i miss and love him now.. the day he died til now i keep replaying his songs over and over again, i feel like im in the 70's and 80's again :), my brother just can't believe this and said it's old skool stuff, so what! i love MJ :)
Does anyone think that the music in the decade of 2010's will be better??? Well, at least better than the music of the 2000's....

I'm trying to be optimistic here... :(

These are my predictions....

Electropop will probably continue to dominate the airwaves... Hopefully, autotune users fade away... soon! Hip hop will finally die out due to over-consumption... LOLS! Current Disney stars will become has beens. Hopefully an innovative and cool star comes out....with real talent.

Anyways, I miss Mike.... T_T
I doubt it 2007 was bad and 2008 was crap and this year please.And it took Jay-z to make death of auto tune for some rappers to stop using it smh.These rappers need to stop looking at Jay-z to save hip hop and step up.I really do want in 2010 for R&B to be back n the forefront.As far as Disney the jonas brothers are my gulity pleasure (Joe really)but they are fading you can tell.
That sounds pretty amazing. I hope so too. :)

I know, I was pretty pissed about Beat It. He tells people to go out to the lobby to eat while he 'pays a tribute' to "MJ." And then turns it all the way down. That was the only time the whole night I could hear myself talk. >:[
I'm sorry, but I can't stand when people actually say, "MJ" !! On the internet, it's fine but in person, call him Michael! All of my classmates call him MJ and it bothers me so much. None of them are actual fans either. This one girl always tries to imitate Michael's moves and says she loves Michael Jackson and then says that the only songs she likes from him is Billie Jean and Thriller. Makes a lot of sense huh? Actually, the only songs that any of my classmates like by Michael are Billie Jean and Thriller, because there were discussing it one day. I wanted to be like, "Yep, I love Earth Song" just to see the looks on their faces.

Another reason to hate my generation. They claim to like Michael Jackson, but say that the only songs they like are Billie Jean and Thriller.

Yeah it sounds pretty stupid when people call Michael MJ, I think the guitarist from This Is It said it as well, it sounded really weird to me.. and she even worked with him... I don't like it either when people call him Mike.. I think the only ones who should call him that are his family..just my opinion.

Consider yourself lucky that you know better than your classmates, that YOU KNOW that ALL of Michael's songs are worth listening to and loving. I can't come up with one song of Michael's that I don't like.. your musicality (is it called that..sorry I'm not english) is what will qualify you to go to this land of hope where we will meet Michael again... hehe :D
the others will stay here and listen to Jay-Z and Eminem :hysterical:
Yeah it sounds pretty stupid when people call Michael MJ, I think the guitarist from This Is It said it as well, it sounded really weird to me.. and she even worked with him... I don't like it either when people call him Mike.. I think the only ones who should call him that are his family..just my opinion.

Consider yourself lucky that you know better than your classmates, that YOU KNOW that ALL of Michael's songs are worth listening to and loving. I can't come up with one song of Michael's that I don't like.. your musicality (is it called that..sorry I'm not english) is what will qualify you to go to this land of hope where we will meet Michael again... hehe :D
the others will stay here and listen to Jay-Z and Eminem :hysterical:

Funny you mentioned that because after they talked about their "favorite" songs by him, they went on for about 10 minutes about how much they hated, 'Man In The Mirror' because it was "waaaay too slow." They obviously don't listen to the lyrics or find the real meaning in older songs either! MITM has a great message behind it and I can't believe how many people my age fail to see it. Just because it's not an annoying upbeat, fast-pace song, they don't like it. :smilerolleyes: I had to sit there and listen to them speak ill of an amazing, meaningful song for 10 minutes. I was going to say something but it wasn't worth it. :p haha.

For me, that just really proved (to me) that most people from my generation don't care about the meaning or messages behind songs. As long as it sounds good and it something they can dance to, it's "a good song." They wouldn't know the meaning of a good song if it came up and bit them in the ass. I also believe that's why music is the way it is today. Because nobody really cares anymore...as long as it sounds good to them they'll buy it. It's upsetting really how low music has sunk.
Funny you mentioned that because after they talked about their "favorite" songs by him, they went on for about 10 minutes about how much they hated, 'Man In The Mirror' because it was "waaaay too slow." They obviously don't listen to the lyrics or find the real meaning in older songs either! MITM has a great message behind it and I can't believe how many people my age fail to see it. Just because it's not an annoying upbeat, fast-pace song, they don't like it. :smilerolleyes: I had to sit there and listen to them speak ill of an amazing, meaningful song for 10 minutes. I was going to say something but it wasn't worth it. :p haha.

For me, that just really proved (to me) that most people from my generation don't care about the meaning or messages behind songs. As long as it sounds good and it something they can dance to, it's "a good song." They wouldn't know the meaning of a good song if it came up and bit them in the ass. I also believe that's why music is the way it is today. Because nobody really cares anymore...as long as it sounds good to them they'll buy it. It's upsetting really how low music has sunk.

I totally agree.. I don't know if you should stand up and tell them like it is that Man in the mirror is an AMAZING song.. you could say.. : " I just KNOW for a fact that this song is AMAZING, I feel sorry for all of you, if you are not able to hear it.. "
Depends.. I mean if they are so stupid that you sense they are never gonna get it, then it's not worth it..
I totally agree.. I don't know if you should stand up and tell them like it is that Man in the mirror is an AMAZING song.. you could say.. : " I just KNOW for a fact that this song is AMAZING, I feel sorry for all of you, if you are not able to hear it.. "
Depends.. I mean if they are so stupid that you sense they are never gonna get it, then it's not worth it..

Believe me they wouldn't understand. They all think, "do da stanky leeeeg!" is a great song. No use getting through to them. lol.
Those Bandwagon fans get on my nerves lol

I don't like putting down any fans because we all love and appreciate Michael but still...when you meet ones in person like the ones I know...you really just want to scream.
The problem with the last 10-15 years or so is that no one have any respect for music any more.
The artists don't put enough work into it, the consumers aren't picky enough, the DJ's don't give a crap. No one cares about music, and we're flooded with too much music.
When I grew up in the 90's, even the dance music was well put together because you had to have a real studio to make music (which costed a shit load of money) - now days people make #1 records on a laptop, which in a way is a great thing because it opens up doors for people with no money.
But in the end of the day it's like, we're brain washed but what MTV and the radio channels are playing and people are dumb enough to buy those records.
It's an evil cycle where people buy and support crap music, and the labels force us to buy that crap by not putting out quality music.

Today everyone can have a label, everyone can make music, everyone can be a rapper, everyone can be a DJ. It's would be a great thing is people would take it more seriously.

Quoted for truth IMHO.
lol. Well, I also love the style then too. lmao. I would totally wear something from the 80's today, but if I did...my friends and other people would think I'm crazy. hahaha. :p
Basically, being a teenager in general sucks. So you can't win either way. lol.

I really was born in the wrong generation though. Why God did this, I have no idea. :p

I feel your pain, seriously. A lot of music these days is total crap. But there is some good stuff out there, you just have to search for it. I'm sure even Michael had some favourites from today, since he was working with Akon and whatnot.

But still. I wish I was an 80's teen. :( I'm waiting for time machines to kick into existence.
lol. Well, I also love the style then too. lmao. I would totally wear something from the 80's today, but if I did...my friends and other people would think I'm crazy. hahaha. :p
Basically, being a teenager in general sucks. So you can't win either way. lol.

I really was born in the wrong generation though. Why God did this, I have no idea. :p

I wear 80's clothes now, i always think if people dont like it they dont have to look! You are who you are, why hide it!
Me and a couple of friends always go charity shopping to get some 80's, 70's clothes, its the best!
Music is shit these days, so i dont listen to it, i was born in the wrong generation for sure, but weve still got so much to be thankful for in this generation, so i try not to moan to much!
It feels like there are too many artists out there that just make songs for the sake of it ... no quality.
I agree with what everyone is saying, im 24 and im just sick of all this mainstream,commercialized GARBAGE that is being put out these days!! i mean sure there are couple of good gems here and there but thats it.The problem in our society is that people simply don't value real music anymore, they've been brainwashed by "music" that has no message because these companies don't want people to think they rather speak about materialism,party,sex,"whats in" then to have music based on creativity and music that has messages wether it be personal or political because honestly it is these record labels and companies that are looking to dumb down people.
I heard a band on Letterman last night who were AMAZINGLY GOOD!

They were called The Noisettes, they have a really retro flavour, and the lead vocalist really made my faith in the old fashioned ladies who can sing LIVE with feeling come back with force. I'm gonna check out more of their stuff, maybe they might interest some others here? The good music's out there it's just hiding haha.
I heard a band on Letterman last night who were AMAZINGLY GOOD!

They were called The Noisettes, they have a really retro flavour, and the lead vocalist really made my faith in the old fashioned ladies who can sing LIVE with feeling come back with force. I'm gonna check out more of their stuff, maybe they might interest some others here? The good music's out there it's just hiding haha.

The Noisettes are not really my taste, but i cant deny that they are a good band!
The only up to date band im into really is The Kings Of Leon, but ive loved them for a few years now and have been to see them there amazing live, im so disoppointed with there latest songs though, i only like there older albums and im so angry, i feel like my good band are being pulled ito the trap of todays popular music!!!!!
The music industry is only going to get WORSE - especially with things like the X-FACTOR deliberately looking for ready-made comercial image/sound poptential that they can sign and control - im supprised sony isnt involved with the x-factor in some way.

Then again you can't stop a lemming jumping off a cliff LOL
I'm quite lucky. I'm 18 and all my friends and classmates respect Michael Jackson, even before he passed away we watched Moonwalker in Class as it was the end of the year and we were just chilling out. I was really suprised that this kid had put it on, didn't even know he was a fan! Whenever I go out on the town and into clubs, I'm always guaranteed to hear at least 2/3 Michael songs, I have heard Black & White, Scream, Wanna Be Starting Something,Billie Jean,Bad/You Rock My World,J5 songs and believe it or not even Man In The Mirror twice in two different clubs from the start to finish un mixed, it worked. People danced to it! Once they were playing that part of Human Nature where MJ really shows off his voice over a random r'n'b rap and hip hop songs I got really excited but they never actually played Human Nature :( Also heard Michael being blasted out of car sound systems going up and down the town centre frequently, in lots of restaurants.. MJ, kill a party? No way. We had Thriller/Wanna Be Starting Something/Bad/Billie Jean at our prom and everyone was going willd so much more then when they were playing stuff from other artists! I've had so many people want to buy my MJ T Shirt or ask where I got it from.
You should come move to our town.. My townspeople have a good taste in music :D
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I'm 15 and I really hate this generation's taste in music! They need to educate themselves about MUSIC, not some electronic junk.

I wish I was born in the 60s (I adore everything about that decade) or Late 70s/Early 80s.
I really do. I was at a high school dance last night (I'm a sophmore in HS) and I seriously can't believe the junk my generation listens to. I've been to plenty of dances before, I love dances and such. It's my thing. But they usually played some decent music. I hardly listen to mainstream and when I do, my friends are playing it. I don't even know 98% of the stuff that was played last night but it all gave me a giant headache.
Anyway, this is sort of about Michael. Since they were playing crap music, I went up to the senior DJ and asked if he had any Michael Jackson. He showed me and he had the usual songs you know like, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, Smooth Criminal. I said, "Play some Michael Jackson, anything you have."

So about 10 minutes the later, the DJ announces that the food and refreshments had arrived and told everybody to go help themselves. Then he said, "During this little 'intermission' we'll give you a little bit of MJ. Rest in peace." Then everybody starts to clear out of the gym to go get food and he plays Beat It. I was so pissed off. He turned it down too, to the point where almost nobody could hear it. There were barely any people in the gym at the time and I was the only one singing. The only part everybody else sang was, "BEAT IT!" Otherwise, nobody cared. But then some song by supposedly (my friend told me) Lil Wayne and a few other people came on right after Beat It and the DJ blasted it. Everybody was screaming and I saw a swarm of people rushing back in to dance to the song. I thought that was really ridiculous.

Then the rest of the night, they didn't play anymore Michael Jackson. All of the other dances I've been to, they played Michael Jackson constantly. But they weren't really high school dances, so maybe that's why. I just can't believe the garbage my generation fills their heads with. These songs they were playing were just...disgusting or plain stupid. And then some song that goes like, "do the stanky leg" was playing and everybody kept saying, "This is such a great song! I love this song!" Uh...ok...if that's their idea of a "great" song then I really don't want to know anything else...Personally, I was lmao upon hearing the song because I thought it was a joke.

Oh might I add, there were a lot of "blank" parts in the songs. You know, where they edit out the cuss words. I listen to music from before my time and not even the rap music was like that. Now, I can't believe they allow such content in music. It gave me a damn head ache.

Oh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.
LOL I am annoyed by the same thing. The music that's out today is rediculous. There's a few good songs, but 80% of it is CRAP. And I am someone who listens to a broad range of music...........I like many artists.
it's funny how everyone here only mentions fashion and music as the main reason why they hate their generation, is that all there is to life? that alone says a lot about young people today
I thoroughly enjoyed being a teenager in the '80's and consider myself lucky to have had that experience, but just because your friends don't appreciate the music from then doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't enjoy it! Also, I've come across a decent number of younger people on this forum and others who have impressed me with their knowledge of and love for 80's music - so if you seek out people with similar musical taste, I'll bet you can find at least a few. :)
I dont like today's music.

But this is your decade. Embrace it, you only get to be young once and you want to be able to sit with your friends at the retirement home when your older reminiscing about the stupid stuff from your childhood.

The 80's look cool to you but i guarantee the people who grew up then used to say the same things

"Man I wished i lived in the 60's when the beatles where around, now adays all we have is Michael Jackson, pfft!"

So appreciate what you have, you only get to be young once.