I hate my generation (vent).

Miley Cyrus certainly is a better role model than some of the other current stars out there. But it just sickens me that people think she's the best. BLECH! (I like some of her songs, though.)

When I was a kid, we watched Nickelodeon. The only thing they did was make movies out of some of the shows, not have albums from fake singers come out (except for recently, when they started showing The Naked Brothers Band).

I grew up with amazing rock music (as well as other styles, but mainly rock) -- and it was all old music. While I liked some of Britney Spears's music and BSB and some certain mainstream songs, I mostly listened to music from the 50s, 60s and 70s (and some 80s). I was born in 1991. I started getting really into the Beatles when I was in 4th grade.

Let's just say music has gone downhill. I DO like some stuff from today's mainstream music, but not a lot of it.

I miss my childhood... :(
Thought I'd share this here also:

I was hanging with my neighbors one day and this little girl on my street is about 7 and she loves all those Disney people you know. So last week, we were all just hanging, a bunch of us, and she comes over to me and wants to see my phone. I show it to her and my wallpaper is Michael. She looks at it and she goes, "Ew, it's Michael Jackson..." and I was like yeah. Then she said, "I hate him." :( Then this other kid stepped in to defend him and said, "Michael Jackson is like the best of them all." And she said, "No...Miley Cyrus is!"

I know she's 7 but when I was 7 I was like, "Yeah Michael Jackson is the best! Beatles are awesome!" Makes me upset that some kids won't get to grow up knowing great music and instead will get their heads filled with junk. This other girl my age also told me that she didn't like Michael Jackson because she prefers Taylor Swift instead....:laugh:

I actually have talked to 3 12 year old kids and they are the biggest MJ fans on a board, they were the saddest on the board about his death (they took it so hard and they also defend him to against the snide adults there) . So there are kids that age that are not that on MJ, and besides, that 7 year old will end up hating Miley anyway by the time she matures anyway.
I actually have talked to 3 12 year old kids and they are the biggest MJ fans on a board, they were the saddest on the board about his death (they took it so hard and they also defend him to against the snide adults there) . So there are kids that age that are not that on MJ, and besides, that 7 year old will end up hating Miley anyway by the time she matures anyway.

That's really cool and so cute. Good on them for sticking by Michael.
I was a teenager in the 80's and the music was all that!!!

Oh yes it was. Earthy....I'm telling ya....every time I read one of your posts I nod my head in agreement. :)

There's no era better than the 80's. Sure, now we have some amazing technology. But I would honestly trade in my dual core pentium pc for an apple II and I'd trade in my mp3 player for a walkman if only I could go back to that era and live in it for the rest of my life....and raise my kids in it. I mean that. I would seriously trade all of this....the internet, cell phones, etc. just to live in those days again and have it stay that good for the rest of my life.
Just the other day i got in a shit load of trouble for having a massive argument with some lad in my class about Mj, everyone thinks im mad but i dont really care, the teacher didnt think i was mad untill now though! She keeps giving me funny looks all the time! Ill stick up for him no matter what the cost is!
I never grew up on music what was in style at the time, ive always hung round in the decade behind!
The music is real crap these times I agree on that.
I would have loved to be born in the late 60's or the beginning of the 70's I think.
me too. I'm just glad people in my school atleast appreciate his music especially the people I know dance it to on purpose cause they know I'm a fan! :lol: almost everyone knows wich is a good thing, sure there are some times where everyone would do just like how they did at ur HS dance. Now, everyone wants money. Before, artists just wanted to show how good they were and what they loved. Now its just money, money and, money.
Omg.. I know how you feel. I hate the music today.. it's just some kind of s***
Like Akon with "Sexy Chick" .. Yeah that is great music with all these ladys.. (not)
I am 14 years old. Born in 1994.. But I really feel like a 80s teenage.. Because I only listen to 80s songs... Ok, not only 80s song.. but also 60s, 70 and 90 sometimes..
I only listen to Diana Ross, Elvis , Michael Jackson, Queen/Freddie Mercury, Janet Jackson..

Really I REALLY want to be a teenage in 70s and 80s..It was the greatest year.. I like the music and the style they had in this time..
Yeah MJBunny.. maybe it sucked to.. But not so much as now :)

But someone from my class is listen to MJ little bit now like "You Rock My World"..
And they also talking little bit about him now.. Just because I am a fan and that I always talking about him in school. xD

God, why did you not take me to the earth late at 60s? or beginning at 70s? so I can be a teenage in 80? :(
Whatever.. sometimes I going with some 80s styles, men not always xD People will think im crazy
Oh yes it was. Earthy....I'm telling ya....every time I read one of your posts I nod my head in agreement. :)

There's no era better than the 80's. Sure, now we have some amazing technology. But I would honestly trade in my dual core pentium pc for an apple II and I'd trade in my mp3 player for a walkman if only I could go back to that era and live in it for the rest of my life....and raise my kids in it. I mean that. I would seriously trade all of this....the internet, cell phones, etc. just to live in those days again and have it stay that good for the rest of my life.

Honestly, I agree. haha. I would trade everything I have now just go back and live in the 80's. I told my friends that one day and they thought I was absolutley crazy. Everything just seemed so great back then.

Just the other day i got in a shit load of trouble for having a massive argument with some lad in my class about Mj, everyone thinks im mad but i dont really care, the teacher didnt think i was mad untill now though! She keeps giving me funny looks all the time! Ill stick up for him no matter what the cost is!
I never grew up on music what was in style at the time, ive always hung round in the decade behind!

You tell 'em. Nobody should think you're mad because you're defending somebody! I can't stand that. I have to do that with my friends and they laugh at me and say I'm "obsessed." They clearly don't know the definition of obsessed....
I also hate today's music as well. If that is what these young people are listening to these days. I say give me Michael Jackson or Bollywood music any old day. I also would rather listen to the music of the 60s to the 90s. Well mostly the 80s for me because I was so in to singers and groups like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Genesis, and The Bangles. Well mostly Madonna and Michael Jackson for me. Since they were my 2 most favorite singers then. And I was just a kid then. But I was a kid who knew what good music is. Especially when it came to Michael Jackson OMG he was the greatest back then. Still is of course. Any way I would rather listen to those artists. Than to listen to artists like Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne, or who ever else that is suppose to be really popular now. Maybe it is because of my age is why I hate today's music like I do. I will be 30 on January 4th. But Michael Jackson will always forever be my main choice of music to listen to. After all I have been a fan of his for over 25 years now.
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And to clarify, I would have loved to be born in 57 or 58 if it wasn't for the fact the city I live in, I would not want to be here in the sixties for obvious reasons (I wish that reason didn't exist) . :cry: But if that reason didn't exist I would love a time machine to go to that era, I am a addict of 70's family's bands like the Jacksons, Osmonds and many others. :wub: And I would fangirl over Jackson era Michael so much, I would be in Heaven. And The variety show air on tv for the first time would be a cool experience. :D

Oh my god, Ya'll made me chatty. :D
I get sooo jealous of my grandma and my parents, knowing they grew up in eras that I love. The dancing in the 50s, the music of the 50s, 60s and 70s, and the fun times of the 80s...man, I would love to have traded time periods with them for a bit!!!
We had a dance last night and they did an MJ mix of Billie Jean, RWY, Bad, and DSTYGE. Before hand, the DJ asked who liked Michael Jackson, and everyone was screaming, then everyone was hyped during the mix. The DJ also played old school hip-hop and people knew the songs and danced. Also some older rock songs also. People knew them.

The problem really is not our entire generation. And there is a lot of good music being made today. People overgeneralize things way too much.
Hey, I feel the same. I wish I had have been born earlier. I was born in '88 but so wished I had have been born in the late 70's so that I could have enjoyed properly the music of the 80's and early/mid 90's which I love the most.

And I wish all the time that I could have gone to see Michael in concert in the BAD tour (or any tour for that matter). Oh my god, just thinking about it :(
I was really surprise when I saw this thread....
I through I was the only one that think about this... -.-
I hate my generation's taste in music as well, and I'm a senior in college.

It really bothers me that the genre of "pop" has degraded so much in last couple of decades.
To be honest, it always kind of bothered me that MJ was dubbed the "Kind of Pop". I mean, don't get me wrong, he deserves that title if anyone does, but his the term "pop" these days is associated with the likes of Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus, and I think it's an insult that Michael's music is put in that category, because the genre has changed so much and his music is so much more complex and exotic.

I really think the only popular act today I like is Beyonce. I adore her and I think her newest work is brilliant. Other than that, I have listened to independent music since I was in high school.

I've heard Michael talking about how songs today lack melody. There was this great quote about how he believed a great song should be able to be hummed by teenagers in the US and people cleaning the floors in Ireland alike (obviously paraphrasing here).


Also I get frustrated with younger people who have only grown up with this image of Michael Jackson as a creep, a pedophile, a weirdo who hated his own race, etc, and now they "hate" him.
It really saddens me. Truly. It's incredible the impact the press has molded these kids' impressions of him. Most of them haven't even heard his music.

Anyway. Sorry for the long post. Bottom line is today's kids have questionable taste, the industry is sick and this is why I stick to indie music and music from decades past!
Yeah, music's crap today. Everybody I know listens to all the news stuff which basically makes no sense and there's me with Stevie Wonder, MJ, Hendrix, Meatloaf (new album soon, WOOT LOL) etc. and hardly anybody else knows even one of their songs!
I really do. I was at a high school dance last night (I'm a sophmore in HS) and I seriously can't believe the junk my generation listens to. I've been to plenty of dances before, I love dances and such. It's my thing. But they usually played some decent music. I hardly listen to mainstream and when I do, my friends are playing it. I don't even know 98% of the stuff that was played last night but it all gave me a giant headache.
Anyway, this is sort of about Michael. Since they were playing crap music, I went up to the senior DJ and asked if he had any Michael Jackson. He showed me and he had the usual songs you know like, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, Smooth Criminal. I said, "Play some Michael Jackson, anything you have."

So about 10 minutes the later, the DJ announces that the food and refreshments had arrived and told everybody to go help themselves. Then he said, "During this little 'intermission' we'll give you a little bit of MJ. Rest in peace." Then everybody starts to clear out of the gym to go get food and he plays Beat It. I was so pissed off. He turned it down too, to the point where almost nobody could hear it. There were barely any people in the gym at the time and I was the only one singing. The only part everybody else sang was, "BEAT IT!" Otherwise, nobody cared. But then some song by supposedly (my friend told me) Lil Wayne and a few other people came on right after Beat It and the DJ blasted it. Everybody was screaming and I saw a swarm of people rushing back in to dance to the song. I thought that was really ridiculous.

Then the rest of the night, they didn't play anymore Michael Jackson. All of the other dances I've been to, they played Michael Jackson constantly. But they weren't really high school dances, so maybe that's why. I just can't believe the garbage my generation fills their heads with. These songs they were playing were just...disgusting or plain stupid. And then some song that goes like, "do the stanky leg" was playing and everybody kept saying, "This is such a great song! I love this song!" Uh...ok...if that's their idea of a "great" song then I really don't want to know anything else...Personally, I was lmao upon hearing the song because I thought it was a joke.

Oh might I add, there were a lot of "blank" parts in the songs. You know, where they edit out the cuss words. I listen to music from before my time and not even the rap music was like that. Now, I can't believe they allow such content in music. It gave me a damn head ache.

Oh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.

I feel exactly the same! I have friends who love Michael, and friends who absolutely hate him to death, because they judge based on tabloids. I had a dance a few months ago, before Michael died, and Thriller came on, everyone was singing the lyrics, much different to what your high school dance was like. But I didn't know half of the other songs, they were ALL really REALLY bad songs. I agree, I'd much rather have been an 80's teen than now. The songs today have almost lost all meaning...
I swear, I feel you on more levels than one. I'm 21, so I was only in HS 3 years ago, and let me tell you this. People are always saying high school can be the best years of your life.....B*** S***! My HS years were good, but def. not great! There was waaaay too much drama, and, like you, the music sucked.

BUT! The good thing about graduating and either getting a job or going to college is you're musical tastes grow significantly. And very fast if I might add.

So, obviously, you're musical taste came early, lol! Now you just gotta wait a few years for your HS mates to join in. The silly #1 singles and one-off rap songs will still be there at a few parties you may attend later, but the other genres will def. outweigh them!

Also, not all will be spared, and many friends will still be listening to the same old crap they've been listening to since they turned on a top 40 radio station. So just give it some time and you're friends will come around. Even I still can't convince some of my girls that good music lies outside the top40 list!

Best of luck!
oh my god 'pour some sugar on me' is FANTASTIC! lol always makes me laugh. what a classic tune!! hehe
i also agree with the 80's thing, both me and my boyfriend wish we were this age in the 80's. we're both 24 and love all the 80's fashion and music, luckily it has all come back again!! for a while at least.
LOL about Pour Some Sugar on Me (you are talking about Def Leppard right? I hope someone else didn't do that song and I don't know about it, lol.) That was high school time for me. And it strangely has an MJ memory attached. You see, the US version of the video was filmed at the same arena where I saw Michael just one month later on the Bad Tour (here's the live version which is used in the US vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7QyuEHUKog ) Ah, the good ol' days...

Oh, one more thing for those who say they wish they'd been born in the 60's or 70's.... there was no internet, no cell phones, no iPods, etc. That's a major downside. When I was a kid I dreamed of some type of instant access to information (instead of waiting 3 days until my mom would drive me to the library) and a damned phone I could take to my friend's house ;) But we got to grow up alongside Michael and see Ghostbusters in its own time, hmmmm, lol...
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I swear, I feel you on more levels than one. I'm 21, so I was only in HS 3 years ago, and let me tell you this. People are always saying high school can be the best years of your life.....B*** S***! My HS years were good, but def. not great! There was waaaay too much drama, and, like you, the music sucked.

BUT! The good thing about graduating and either getting a job or going to college is you're musical tastes grow significantly. And very fast if I might add.

So, obviously, you're musical taste came early, lol! Now you just gotta wait a few years for your HS mates to join in. The silly #1 singles and one-off rap songs will still be there at a few parties you may attend later, but the other genres will def. outweigh them!

Also, not all will be spared, and many friends will still be listening to the same old crap they've been listening to since they turned on a top 40 radio station. So just give it some time and you're friends will come around. Even I still can't convince some of my girls that good music lies outside the top40 list!

Best of luck!

I AGREE. High school is NOT that great. My mom always bragged how great high school was for her and I went expecting such an amazing experience. So much more drama, pressure and stress. Also the music of course. blah.

ha, I really don't think my friends will come around. They're so brainwashed and suck into that stuff, it's unbelievable. lol. I hope they do start to appreciate older music more though instead of thinking it's "old people music." It's quite annoying when they laugh at me all the time for it. :p

I hate my generation's taste in music as well, and I'm a senior in college.

It really bothers me that the genre of "pop" has degraded so much in last couple of decades.
To be honest, it always kind of bothered me that MJ was dubbed the "Kind of Pop". I mean, don't get me wrong, he deserves that title if anyone does, but his the term "pop" these days is associated with the likes of Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus, and I think it's an insult that Michael's music is put in that category, because the genre has changed so much and his music is so much more complex and exotic.

Also I get frustrated with younger people who have only grown up with this image of Michael Jackson as a creep, a pedophile, a weirdo who hated his own race, etc, and now they "hate" him.
It really saddens me. Truly. It's incredible the impact the press has molded these kids' impressions of him. Most of them haven't even heard his music.

Yes, I know what you mean about the King Of Pop thing. People don't understand that pop can apply to any kind of music. The music that Miley Cyrus and all of them sing is more like "bubble gum pop" (to me anyway). Pop is short for popular music. It's not exactly a certain genre of music. I wish the rest of the title would have stuck. "King Of Pop, Rock and Soul." Or just "The King" is good enough for me. :D haha move over Elvis...

I agree. I hate that younger people are growing up looking at Michael Jackson that way also. It doesn't just frustrate me but upsets me. That's something that can, in a way, damage his legacy. But honestly, I think overtime the truth will prevail and kids will appreciate Michael for his music. At least I hope. Times will be different 10 years from now just as now is a lot different than 10 years ago.
I wish the media would just stop. They just don't care at all. When people hear, "Michael Jackson" these days, they don't think of him as a musical artist or even an actual human being. I really don't want to know what or why some people think of Michael in a negative way. Nobody ever keeps an open mind anymore about anything.
Oh, one more thing for those who say they wish they'd been born in the 60's or 70's.... there was no internet, no cell phones, no iPods, etc. That's a major downside. When I was a kid I dreamed of some type of instant access to information (instead of waiting 3 days until my mom would drive me to the library) and a damned phone I could take to my friend's house ;) But we got to grow up alongside Michael and see Ghostbusters in its own time, hmmmm, lol...

I understand that but I would manage. I'm not your typical teenager where my ipod and my cell phone are my prized possessions, best friend, and my life. I went the whole summer without my cell phone and didn't really care. haha. And I forget to charge my ipod for months. I can deal without those things. Internet is a good thing to have but I still need to go to the library for some things anyway. Wasn't there internet back then? Or did that come around in the 90's? I'm pretty sure there were computers in the 80's unless I'm wrong. They just weren't as advanced. I know in the 90's there were those really big cell phones, like the one they always had on Saved By the Bell. lmao. My parents had one.
The problem with the last 10-15 years or so is that no one have any respect for music any more.
The artists don't put enough work into it, the consumers aren't picky enough, the DJ's don't give a crap. No one cares about music, and we're flooded with too much music.
When I grew up in the 90's, even the dance music was well put together because you had to have a real studio to make music (which costed a shit load of money) - now days people make #1 records on a laptop, which in a way is a great thing because it opens up doors for people with no money.
But in the end of the day it's like, we're brain washed but what MTV and the radio channels are playing and people are dumb enough to buy those records.
It's an evil cycle where people buy and support crap music, and the labels force us to buy that crap by not putting out quality music.

It's funny, because I was thinking this exact same thing while listening to Kiss FM the other day. I couldn't agree with this more.

The problem with music today is that very little effort or artistic vision and ability are required to get a hit single on the radio. It's all about the hook, the chorus, the catchy line. And when any random kid (Soulja Boy comes to mind) can make a crappy song on a MAC that is just catchy enough to make it on the radio, then who needs good production? Who needs real, live instruments? Why bother putting any time or effort into creating art when some random crap you put together in 20 minutes will make you thousands? When it's all about getting the number one song on Itunes, and not the number one ALBUM on Billboard, it becomes all about churning out fast selling singles as quickly and cheaply as possible.

I personally don't think that music really started going downhill until around 1998/99. That's when artists like Britney Spears and NSync really blew up, and to a music industry that has been struggling to keep up with consumers for years, that really set a standard for them. An artist has to sell millions of singles (not albums) to be considered worthwhile to labels nowadays. That doesn't leave much room for creativity when it means it might not appeal to consumers. And since radio stations are controlled by the labels, we get force fed worthless, thoughtless crap over and over until it gets stuck in our heads and we fork over our money to buy the crap on Itunes.

Don't get me wrong, I know that there has been good music made since 1998. I was born in 1985, so although I was very young, I did get to experience and enjoy the last couple of years of the 80's. I've been really into music my whole life, starting with New Kids On the Block, Madonna, MJ, Prince, George Michael, Janet... In the 90's I loved TLC, Fiona Apple, Alanis Morrissette... And even when I was in high school, there were a few great singles like "Lady Marmalade" or even "Slave 4 U", although back then 1999-2003 I knew that the majority of popular music was crap. I don't hate pop music at all, but I've always been able to tell the difference between good pop music, and bad pop music. And today, with music being so easy to make, and the music industry dying a painful death and being desperate to make money no matter what it takes, bad pop music reigns supreme.

Sorry, as you can see, this is a topic I'm very passionate about. :blush: I hope to be a music producer someday, so I always try to stay current on music trends. But listening to Kiss FM the other day and hearing some song "Meet Me At the Hotel" more than once in the same hour, I just wanted to vomit. It's disgraceful that crap like that could get on popular radio! I'm just scared to think about how much worse it can get in the next decade! :blink:
It's so easy to glorify a certain period of time when you weren't actually living in it. I'm pretty damn satisfied being born when I was born...not that I wouldn't have minded switching places with my older sister so I would have been old enough to see Michael live...but that's another story. haha I'll take my ipod over 8 tracks any day.

In the internet age it's just a lot easier for music to spread faster, it's a lot easier for people to record songs and have them all over the radio in no time. There was plenty of horrible, talentless, over-produced, gimmicky music in every time period since the advent of radio, it can just grow more quickly these days.

School dances have always been lame from what I hear. :laugh: High school in general...most anything glorified in teen movies really is boring in real life. :lol: WOW CYNICAL MUCH?

I remember my 8th grade "moving up day" dance. They played Billie Jean and I got go-kart tickets because I knew the name and artist. :D

There is plenty of amazing talent in today's music, you just have to know where to find it and on the MTV or the radio is not always the best place to look.

Really though, the general population will always love whatever is deemed "hot" at the moment no matter how good, bad, mediocre you think it is. Just know that you are the one with taste and it will all sort itself out.
Wasn't there internet back then? Or did that come around in the 90's? I'm pretty sure there were computers in the 80's unless I'm wrong. They just weren't as advanced. I know in the 90's there were those really big cell phones, like the one they always had on Saved By the Bell. lmao. My parents had one.

There were computers in homes back in the 80's, but internet was not common in households until around 1996. My family didn't get our first dial up connection until '98 or early '99. Before internet, I would just use our computer to type up papers for school or play games.

As much as I love technology nowadays, I know that it's a huge distraction. A couple of school semesters ago, I was walking around my college campus on the first day of school, and noticed that every single person I passed by was either listening to their ipod, texting, or talking on their cell phone. How do you even meet new people or interact with anyone like that? At the grocery store or restaurants I see families with young 11 or 12 year old kids who are busy texting their friends, and aren't even aware of their surroundings or spending time with their family. Or even better yet, I've seen two (sometimes more) teenagers out somewhere together, but instead of actually hanging out or speaking to each other, they're texting OTHER people! It boggles my mind lol. :doh:
I love this thread!

I'm 19 and I've always liked music older than my time, not including my Spice Girl and Destiny's Child burst. I feel at home in here :)

But the musicians who have really shaped me are the ones that have lasted, the ones with a craft and message. It started with MJ in 2001 and eventually I got into Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan, The Smiths, The Cure, The Beatles, Kate Bush, David Bowie, Ramones etc etc etc the people whose music and imagine was an ART and not just a marketing tool.

The only "current" bands I listen to are the ones without a enormous mainstream presence (although they do recieve recognition) but are still very successful critically like Antony and the Johnsons (!), Radiohead, Patrick Wolf, yeah yeah yeahs and so on...

I wish the above mentioned could overtake the mass produced RnB and house music or the bubble gum pop. I wish RnB actually had some Rythmn and Blues in it now!! There ARE exceptions like Alicia Keys though, she's amazing :)
I love this thread!

I'm 19 and I've always liked music older than my time, not including my Spice Girl and Destiny's Child burst. I feel at home in here :)

But the musicians who have really shaped me are the ones that have lasted, the ones with a craft and message. It started with MJ in 2001 and eventually I got into Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan, The Smiths, The Cure, The Beatles, Kate Bush, David Bowie, Ramones etc etc etc the people whose music and imagine was an ART and not just a marketing tool.

The only "current" bands I listen to are the ones without a enormous mainstream presence (although they do recieve recognition) but are still very successful critically like Antony and the Johnsons (!), Radiohead, Patrick Wolf, yeah yeah yeahs and so on...

I wish the above mentioned could overtake the mass produced RnB and house music or the bubble gum pop. I wish RnB actually had some Rythmn and Blues in it now!! There ARE exceptions like Alicia Keys though, she's amazing :)

Your music taste is almost exactly the same as mine, Michael, Bob Dylan, The cure, Stone Roses, David Bowie, The Smiths, has been the only music ive stuck with and loved for years, im 13 and my friends really dont get my music taste, thats whats horrible about being different, its nice to be able to talk to friends and listen to music you love together, i really dont have that with my friends! My music tastes always go better with my friends dads! But i just cant like todays music, its so boring to me!
Wasn't there internet back then? Or did that come around in the 90's? I'm pretty sure there were computers in the 80's unless I'm wrong. They just weren't as advanced.
You definitely couldn't get online in the 80's ;) And while the internet existed earlier in primitive form, the average person wasn't really using it until the late 90's. It was like mid-90's or so when all the www addesses started showing up on advertisements. I got online before any of my friends or family when I forced my computer geek roommate to buy a modem so we could see what the "web" really looked like. And that was early 1996.... and with a less than 100Mhz processor, 8Mb of memory and a 28.8kbps modem. If you know anything about what you're using now you can only laugh your butt off when reading that ;) And someday when we're using holographic 3D quantum computers with direct brain links we can laugh about today's technology ("Haha! Remember when I had that old 4Ghz Pentium quad-core? With just 4 gigs of memory? LOL! And a screen, lol! Remember screens? :hysterical: And remember the music? God, it was really awful there for a while... ")

Oh, I just remembered this book below. I haven't read it, but I heard the author on the radio. The title cracks me up (and is in the spirit of "I hate my generation", so no offense intended ok? lol):
"The Dumbest Generation" http://www.amazon.com/Dumbest-Gener...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253551335&sr=8-1
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I don't like my generation either. And let me tell you this, the germans have a very VERY bad taste in music. I could post something thats recent, but I don't know I you really want to hear this. Haha!
I guess i'm a veeeery old soul in a young body. Since I was a child I loved listen to Swing, Big Band etc. like the whole 20's era. I also love this 'old Hollywood' music and the whole style. And nobody in my age understands me. It's really annoying. If I meet someone new and if I would tell this person what kind of music I like, I would be called a freak immediatly.
Dont understand me wrong, I do listen to today's music. But I just don't 'feel' it.