I hate my generation (vent).

Wasn't there internet back then? Or did that come around in the 90's? I'm pretty sure there were computers in the 80's unless I'm wrong.
There was no internet in the 1980s and the computers back then were the old green screen ones, lol. There was also the flimsy "floppy" disks. There was a channel back then called Music Televison. I wonder what happened to it. I guess it went off the air. :p
There was no internet in the 1980s and the computers back then were the old green screen ones, lol. There was also the flimsy "floppy" disks. There was a channel back then called Music Televison. I wonder what happened to it. I guess it went off the air. :p

LOL, I was in Kindergarten in '92 and we had 2 computers like that w/ the green screens! I swore it was the coolest thing ever. I only remember playing this silly clown game w/ the keyboard. Lol, don't remember much other than that tho.

And yea....there was this great channel called Music Television. I wish they would bring it back. I miss watching Soundgarden's music video for "Black Hole Sun" when I was 6 and getting freaked out cause they were roasting a barbie doll rotisery(sp?) style! Oh yea, and waiting for the Black or White vid to come on. Literally......waiting.....hours...
Speaking of Computers i think it's kind of funny how that back in the 90's if you owned a computer you were seen as really rich and owning a computer seemed like strange thing (Well from where i come from it did) but now in this day and age it's the other way around where it seen as strange not to own a computer
There were computers in homes back in the 80's, but internet was not common in households until around 1996. My family didn't get our first dial up connection until '98 or early '99. Before internet, I would just use our computer to type up papers for school or play games.

As much as I love technology nowadays, I know that it's a huge distraction. A couple of school semesters ago, I was walking around my college campus on the first day of school, and noticed that every single person I passed by was either listening to their ipod, texting, or talking on their cell phone. How do you even meet new people or interact with anyone like that? At the grocery store or restaurants I see families with young 11 or 12 year old kids who are busy texting their friends, and aren't even aware of their surroundings or spending time with their family. Or even better yet, I've seen two (sometimes more) teenagers out somewhere together, but instead of actually hanging out or speaking to each other, they're texting OTHER people! It boggles my mind lol. :doh:

Oh I know exactly what you mean. I can't stand it when I see a group of people at a time punching away at the buttons on their phones. Sometimes they don't even pick their heads up unless they're the really great texters who can text without looking. lmao. I've known people where I would be talking with them and just having a conversation with them and right in the middle, they'd rudely whip our their phones to answer a text message. Appearently their conversation with that person was more important than mine.
My 7 year old neighbor I mention a few posts ago, she has a cell phone. I didn't get a cell phone until I was atleast 13, when I started actually going places with my friends. But a 7 year old...SEVEN!
I absolutely hate when I'm out with one of my friends and they get a text and keep texting that same person for about 20 minutes. I mean, one text is ok. Maybe a hi or if it's important. But my friends, sometimes the same ones, do this all the time! Might as well just call up the person and talk to them that way.
As far as Ipods go, they're...whatever. I LOVE music, don't get me wrong but, for example: Everyday in school, most of my classmates listen to their ipods (blasting them if you will) until the teacher litterally starts class.

Once again. Ugh...I hate my generation. You also can't have a normal conversation with anybody my age anymore without them using IM language. You know, "OMG!" or any other IM slang terms...
Wow, I sound like an old woman sometimes. :p

There was no internet in the 1980s and the computers back then were the old green screen ones, lol. There was also the flimsy "floppy" disks. There was a channel back then called Music Televison. I wonder what happened to it. I guess it went off the air. :p

haha, I remember floppy disks from Kindergarten! lol. Back in the late 90's I was in Kindergarten and we used them to play these little games. Those things were huge. Sadly, I hardly remember MTV when it actually played music. My parents had MTV on when I was little and it still played music then, but they mostly had VH1 on because it was like "a second MTV" in a way and that's how I got introduced to all of Michael's videos and such.
I dont like mobile phones, i wont own one, all kids my age seem to do is get new phones, i really cant stand mobiles! The only thing i have other than my laptop is my ipod, just so i can have michael on the bus with me, and pop him in my ears during lessons, i have been known to accidentley start singing along in the middle of class, dosent make anyone think your coo ill tell ya that!
I'm 22 and I agree our generation of music is terrible, the music is getting worse every year. I love listening to music from the 70's , 80's.
What's up with today. Soulja boy?,Lil wayne? You know he used to have good music. And those little pre-teen annoyances. Justin Bieber?!!?? come on USher you worked with Michael Jackson and now you'r supporting this talentless ganster wannabe? Jonas brothers? LAdy Gaga? Come on!!

BTW Miley cyrus get's an exemption
LOL, I was in Kindergarten in '92 and we had 2 computers like that w/ the green screens! I swore it was the coolest thing ever. I only remember playing this silly clown game w/ the keyboard. Lol, don't remember much other than that tho.

And yea....there was this great channel called Music Television. I wish they would bring it back. I miss watching Soundgarden's music video for "Black Hole Sun" when I was 6 and getting freaked out cause they were roasting a barbie doll rotisery(sp?) style! Oh yea, and waiting for the Black or White vid to come on. Literally......waiting.....hours...

There is a lot of amazing music out there right now - you just have to know where to look. (i.e. not the radio or mtv, haha).

I think you guys might enjoy this guy.
He draws a lot of inspiration from Al Green, Michael Jackson, Otis Redding, etc. but mixes that sound with "electronic" music (not what you normally think of as being "electronic music" though).

Billie-Jean homage anyone?

My favorite song of his. So soulful and AMAZING live.

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Ooohh.. nice.. I love the little swing influence in there.

It sounds unique and love the ala Billie Jean lights. =p

This give me a hope even a slight one for the future of music in the decade of 2010's...
What's up with today. Soulja boy?,Lil wayne? You know he used to have good music. And those little pre-teen annoyances. Justin Bieber?!!?? come on USher you worked with Michael Jackson and now you'r supporting this talentless ganster wannabe? Jonas brothers? LAdy Gaga? Come on!!

I know right? Can you even call them music?
I don't find Usher appealing either. For that matter, I don't really care for any of the artists that are actually considered "good" or "iconic" of this generation. Such as Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Britney Spears, Eminem (sadly) etc. I know some...many...will argue with that but the truth is...I really don't see any of them as real artists or that talented for that matter. It's not that I'm comparing any of them to Michael Jackson. It's that their music doesn't compare to ANYTHING before their time. Neither does their talent.

Who's Justin Bieber? I heard his name before, some Freshmen at my school were talking about him. I'm totally clueless. lol.

Those are what we had in Kindergarten! lmao. It was back in like 1999, so I really don't know why we had them. I remember having a more "advanced" computer at the time in my home (unless I can't remember correctly). I guess our school just couldn't afford the newers ones? haha. I hated the keys on those things. They were sometimes so hard to push. :p

There is a lot of amazing music out there right now - you just have to know where to look. (i.e. not the radio or mtv, haha).

I think you guys might enjoy this guy.
He draws a lot of inspiration from Al Green, Michael Jackson, Otis Redding, etc. but mixes that sound with "electronic" music (not what you normally think of as being "electronic music" though).

Billie-Jean homage anyone?

My favorite song of his. So soulful and AMAZING live.


Thanks for posting these! I like them. haha. :)
Your music taste is almost exactly the same as mine, Michael, Bob Dylan, The cure, Stone Roses, David Bowie, The Smiths, has been the only music ive stuck with and loved for years, im 13 and my friends really dont get my music taste, thats whats horrible about being different, its nice to be able to talk to friends and listen to music you love together, i really dont have that with my friends! My music tastes always go better with my friends dads! But i just cant like todays music, its so boring to me!

Right on!! :)
I'll take Bowie's theatrics over Lady Gaga any day.
I hate my generation now.. I wish I had lived in the 70s and 80s.. It was the best year with music.. Music today is some kind of shit..
I really love this song:
I only listen to 70s and 80s..

Bloody hell - I haven't heard this song for years - gonna go and dig out all my Madonna vinyl and dance around in my underwear - thanks for posting MJForever94.
Right on!! :)
I'll take Bowie's theatrics over Lady Gaga any day.

Some little scal was having a go at me today for being a fan, when i was making my David Bowie money box in design, ha! Its nice to have someone agree with me other than my mother over my music tastes!
I know exactly how you feel, I'm not at all on one line with my generation :rolleyes:
I was born in 1990, but I always feel my heart lies somewhere between the 60's, 70's and 80's.

ditto! i was born in 1990 too and have forever been telling everyone that will listen that i wish i was my age now during the 80's so essentially the same age as my mum! the 80's to me was the best because all the artists who were big in the 80's i.e michael, prince, tina turner, whitney even madonna and janet for the most part grew up during the 60's and 70's which really was one of the great era's of music...probably THE best actually so they took what they grew up on and what their parents played around the house, added there own stuff, and it was magic. the 60's truly was the show buisness decade in terms of music, stars really looked like stars, and wore sequins so they could literally shine. all the best 80's stars came from a time where THAT was what real showbuisness looked like. i'm so happy though because it thanks to my mum that i LOVE all the people i just mentioned, aswell as the begees and Dolly Parton because that is what my mum listened around the house when i was growing up, its because of her i love music. the radio was on ALL night long and i'd fall asleep to it which is why to this day i don't need quiet to go to sleep and prefer there to be music playing. My mum's fav's were always (and still) Michael, Tina Turner (she LOVES HER lol), Prince and The Begees and i know all these people's songs off by heart without even trying but its ok because its great music.
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I really do. I was at a high school dance last night (I'm a sophmore in HS) and I seriously can't believe the junk my generation listens to. I've been to plenty of dances before, I love dances and such. It's my thing. But they usually played some decent music. I hardly listen to mainstream and when I do, my friends are playing it. I don't even know 98% of the stuff that was played last night but it all gave me a giant headache.
Anyway, this is sort of about Michael. Since they were playing crap music, I went up to the senior DJ and asked if he had any Michael Jackson. He showed me and he had the usual songs you know like, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, Smooth Criminal. I said, "Play some Michael Jackson, anything you have."

So about 10 minutes the later, the DJ announces that the food and refreshments had arrived and told everybody to go help themselves. Then he said, "During this little 'intermission' we'll give you a little bit of MJ. Rest in peace." Then everybody starts to clear out of the gym to go get food and he plays Beat It. I was so pissed off. He turned it down too, to the point where almost nobody could hear it. There were barely any people in the gym at the time and I was the only one singing. The only part everybody else sang was, "BEAT IT!" Otherwise, nobody cared. But then some song by supposedly (my friend told me) Lil Wayne and a few other people came on right after Beat It and the DJ blasted it. Everybody was screaming and I saw a swarm of people rushing back in to dance to the song. I thought that was really ridiculous.

Then the rest of the night, they didn't play anymore Michael Jackson. All of the other dances I've been to, they played Michael Jackson constantly. But they weren't really high school dances, so maybe that's why. I just can't believe the garbage my generation fills their heads with. These songs they were playing were just...disgusting or plain stupid. And then some song that goes like, "do the stanky leg" was playing and everybody kept saying, "This is such a great song! I love this song!" Uh...ok...if that's their idea of a "great" song then I really don't want to know anything else...Personally, I was lmao upon hearing the song because I thought it was a joke.

Oh might I add, there were a lot of "blank" parts in the songs. You know, where they edit out the cuss words. I listen to music from before my time and not even the rap music was like that. Now, I can't believe they allow such content in music. It gave me a damn head ache.

Oh, how I wish I was a teenager in the 80's. I can just imagine how awesome the high dances would have been. I'm so jealous of you 80's teens.

I am so with you.. I could just picture this scene you have described, with all your schoolmates running around all brainwashed loving this shit music.. I feel that I'm living in the wrong age as well.. I used to love everything out there.. well that was a long time ago now.. pre-1993.. argh I can't take it.. I just feel sorry for younger kids growing up in this jungle of bad music, where only 2% - no less than 1% is worth listening to:no: or none at all.. can't remember when was the last time I heard some great new music.. And the way the DJ put on Beat It.. and turned it down.. well he is just stupid!!

I hope that we who love and appreciate great music will go to another world far beyong the rainbow one day.. where we will meet Michael and he will do an intimate one night only concert for us (and repeat it again and again :wild:, and there will be Stevie Wonder and we will all be happy and so on... sorry.. I am just so deverstated with it all.. and this world...
I'm in a swing dance group at my college, and I had a BLAST!! I wish I lived back then, when men knew how to to REALLY dance, and it was more than moving side-to-side!!

And rubbing their crotch against your ass. :p
Seriously, about 10 guys tried grinding on me and I had to pry their hands off of me. I want a man who can dance, and I mean DANCE! Slow dancing is just horrid with guys of these days. Ugh, they don't even pick up their damn feet. I remember I used to slow dance with a close friend of mine at dances and I would step on his feet all the time because he'd never move at all! One time he even danced with me while drinking a pepsi. *rolls eyes* The swing dance thing does sound like a blast. I'd totally go to one. Back then, guys didn't care about how silly they would look dancing around and having a good time. Now they all think they're "too cool" and they think that any kind of dance that doesn't involve friction between their groin and our asses is lame.
I am so with you.. I could just picture this scene you have described, with all your schoolmates running around all brainwashed loving this shit music.. I feel that I'm living in the wrong age as well.. I used to love everything out there.. well that was a long time ago now.. pre-1993.. argh I can't take it.. I just feel sorry for younger kids growing up in this jungle of bad music, where only 2% - no less than 1% is worth listening to:no: or none at all.. can't remember when was the last time I heard some great new music.. And the way the DJ put on Beat It.. and turned it down.. well he is just stupid!!

I hope that we who love and appreciate great music will go to another world far beyong the rainbow one day.. where we will meet Michael and he will do an intimate one night only concert for us (and repeat it again and again :wild:, and there will be Stevie Wonder and we will all be happy and so on... sorry.. I am just so deverstated with it all.. and this world...

That sounds pretty amazing. I hope so too. :)

I know, I was pretty pissed about Beat It. He tells people to go out to the lobby to eat while he 'pays a tribute' to "MJ." And then turns it all the way down. That was the only time the whole night I could hear myself talk. >:[
I'm sorry, but I can't stand when people actually say, "MJ" !! On the internet, it's fine but in person, call him Michael! All of my classmates call him MJ and it bothers me so much. None of them are actual fans either. This one girl always tries to imitate Michael's moves and says she loves Michael Jackson and then says that the only songs she likes from him is Billie Jean and Thriller. Makes a lot of sense huh? Actually, the only songs that any of my classmates like by Michael are Billie Jean and Thriller, because there were discussing it one day. I wanted to be like, "Yep, I love Earth Song" just to see the looks on their faces.

Another reason to hate my generation. They claim to like Michael Jackson, but say that the only songs they like are Billie Jean and Thriller.
I've always preferred the oldies/classics than the mainstream stuff, even when I was a kid. I preferred listening to what my parents listened to. My mom was pretty much the same way, when everyone was listening to mainstream rock, she was listening to Barry Manilow and motown. So she grew up with the Jackson 5. Wish I could have grown up during that time. Music was great then. At least I had a bit of the 80s when I was really little, being born in '85. So early childhood music for me was Michael Jackson, Madonna, Jefferson Starship and Bette Midler. And of course I had vague memories of Bad era Michael, but they were memories all the same that made me fall in love with him.

Then I think it's when you start to get older is when you start becoming a victim of peer pressure. You want to start liking what your friends like. So, by the time I reached middle school, my friends were listening to the likes of N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and Britney Spears. There was like a big fight over which boy band was better, N'Sync or BSB. There were the N'Sync people and the BSB people. My friend and I were BSB fans and we went to their concert when I was 14, which was at a time when they were starting to die out. It's all pretty silly. Sure I listened to this stuff, and I liked it, but now I wonder how could I have ever liked it hearing now. You just end up going with your friends and what their musical tastes are. Of course it's still better than what's popular in music now. Since the early 2000s, I've only listened to music from the 60s-90s mostly. I don't know much about what's popular now, but I can see that it's not really worth it to know. Lil' Wayne. I don't even really know who he is, nor have I listened to his songs. I've just learned who Lady Ga Ga is from this forum.

Although now I'm looking a bit into mainstream music more because I'm waiting for something to come out that becomes that "next big thing" that's actually worth listening to. Just waiting to see something change in the music industry I guess. I suppose it's just really sad I think Michael Jackson's comeback could have been the thing to do just that. :( Maybe it will still happen.
That sounds pretty amazing. I hope so too. :)

I know, I was pretty pissed about Beat It. He tells people to go out to the lobby to eat while he 'pays a tribute' to "MJ." And then turns it all the way down. That was the only time the whole night I could hear myself talk. >:[
I'm sorry, but I can't stand when people actually say, "MJ" !! On the internet, it's fine but in person, call him Michael! All of my classmates call him MJ and it bothers me so much. None of them are actual fans either. This one girl always tries to imitate Michael's moves and says she loves Michael Jackson and then says that the only songs she likes from him is Billie Jean and Thriller. Makes a lot of sense huh? Actually, the only songs that any of my classmates like by Michael are Billie Jean and Thriller, because there were discussing it one day. I wanted to be like, "Yep, I love Earth Song" just to see the looks on their faces.

Another reason to hate my generation. They claim to like Michael Jackson, but say that the only songs they like are Billie Jean and Thriller.

Yea it's like all they know. When I said my favorite song was "dirty diana" they were like???? It like they don't even know he has better songs then the ones they overrate
Does anyone think that the music in the decade of 2010's will be better??? Well, at least better than the music of the 2000's....

I'm trying to be optimistic here... :(

These are my predictions....

Electropop will probably continue to dominate the airwaves... Hopefully, autotune users fade away... soon! Hip hop will finally die out due to over-consumption... LOLS! Current Disney stars will become has beens. Hopefully an innovative and cool star comes out....with real talent.

Anyways, I miss Mike.... T_T
Hip-Hop will die. I am sure Miley will too after hannah montana 4, and jonas brothers are already starting to become irrelevant
first of all, hey everyone! I'm new on this board *but not a new MJ fan :)*

I couldn't agree with you more court.ney!
I am a freshman in high school and the stuff that I hear is just rediculious!
We had a back to school dance a couple weeks ago and during almost every single song, I was telling my friends "I've never heard this!" they were like freaking out.
And the dancing! Omg it was so rediculious. its disgusting. apparently dancing with a boy doesnt require looking at his face anymore.
But I was totally not feeling the dancing. I am usually a party animal but the music was so bad I just couldnt dance. Then they started playing thriller and everyone screamed and I started getting down. hah. Everyone loved that they were playing mike *thank goodness* but the dude didnt play it anymore :(

But it's crazy because I am always saying how I think I seriously was supposed to be born in the late 50s so that I could be a teenager in the 70s. That just feels like my home you know. I mean I love all the fashions, music, tv shows, just the culture during the 70s. I wish more than anything that I cold have been a teenager back then. I mean I am just in love with Motown. That's all I listen to. Well all I listen to is Michael but my second favorite is the old motown classics. I mean stevie wonder.... and now we have people like kanye west and lil wayne... and the jonas brothers *the worst EVER* uggggg. I just want to scream!

hah 70s please come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And rubbing their crotch against your ass. :p
Seriously, about 10 guys tried grinding on me and I had to pry their hands off of me. I want a man who can dance, and I mean DANCE! Slow dancing is just horrid with guys of these days. Ugh, they don't even pick up their damn feet. I remember I used to slow dance with a close friend of mine at dances and I would step on his feet all the time because he'd never move at all! One time he even danced with me while drinking a pepsi. *rolls eyes* The swing dance thing does sound like a blast. I'd totally go to one. Back then, guys didn't care about how silly they would look dancing around and having a good time. Now they all think they're "too cool" and they think that any kind of dance that doesn't involve friction between their groin and our asses is lame.

I can't wait to get to tango!!! ;)