I hate my generation (vent).

I'm kind of embarrassed to say I don't know any of the songs of the "popular bands" or "popular artists" today. I love 80s and Early 90s music the most. Lots of hits! Some 70s music is okay, but I'm picky!

I can remember a time where there was actually MUSIC (good music) on MTV *Sigh*

I was born in '83

Oh gosh, don't be embarrassed at all! I'm growing up with the popular music and I really don't know any of it either. I mean, I hear it but there is A LOT that I don't know. When I tell my friends that, they think I'm insane. They're like, "You don't know soandso's new song!!?" And I say, "Who?" I don't know much artists of today. I know Taylor Swift is pretty popular. Beyonce and Britney Spears, etc. I consider them "today." I'll admit, when I was about 10 I had a crush on that scumbag Jesse McCartney but that was seriously nothing...

I cannot stand that either, there are even some songs from early 2008 that some of the same people will dismiss as old.

Yes, very true. To me, music is timeless not matter how dated some of it may sound. Sometimes you can tell and 80's or 70's tune from a 90's tune. Or even a 90's tune from a 00's tune. But there are some songs, for example Michael's, that don't sound dated at all. If I heard Man In The Mirror for the first time today, I would never have guessed it was a song made in the 80's. But if I heard Beat It, I'd say, "That's 80's."

Yeah indeed...it sometimes makes me feel so lonely, but on the other hand....they're missing out BIG TIME! And we can be proud of ourselves that we judge music by the quality, the love, the message and the feeling...not by it's popularity or stupid hypes.
Gotta keep that in mind.;D

So true! I say that to my friends all the time and they say, "Maybe it's YOU who doesn't know good music." Which makes me laugh to end. :laugh:

I got sick of the music at my prom. They only played TWO old songs...Pour Some Sugar on Me and You Shook Me All Night Long (but ruined that one with a hip-hop beat in it and the guitar solo was taken out). I was the only one who knew EVERY SINGLE word to those songs! It was disappointing for me.

I can relate. Last night, when they played Beat It, the only thing everybody (who was still there when it was playing) sang was, "BEAT IT" which was pretty sad and got me kind of angry.
And they played Don't Stop Believing. I know all the words to that song but everybody there only knew the chorus and the beginning. :p

You know, I seriously thought they were going to bust out playing Billie Jean last night. I had such a great feeling of that. When I got there, there were two guys moonwalking (or attempting..? haha) and I cheered to them. lol. I had such a confident feeling they would but they didn't at all! Instead, when they actually played a good song (Beat It) they played it when almost nobody was in the gym and where we could barely hear it. I was pretty pissed off, since I requested Michael Jackson...
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ugh I know how you feel, there are a few exceptions like alicia keys and john mayer, but i really only listen to music from 60's,70's,80's,90's. I hate the shit they play on the radio because it just all sounds the same.

...and who ever invented auto tune should be thrown into jail.
i was born in 1964 just a few years younger than MJ, so i grew up with him really. by the time i was into music he was there for me. by the time i was into fashion .......... well gotta say 70S fashion was the pits lol. but we loved it at the time, so colourful.
teenage years arnt easy no matter what decade you was born but the one thing that always stays with you is the music, i feel you can and always will identify with your own era. i do like alot of todays music but it has to be music not just a bloody noise.
i recently went out with some friends, most of them alot younger than me (they feel sorry for this old bird i think).... i asked the dj to play some mj and he typically played BJ, BI.... but i wanted YOU ROCK MY WORLD... SIM RE-MIX.. but no... he didn't have them.. i love all MJ music but i just wish his newer stuff got played more.
all you young uns... i just love you all . xxx

You're very lucky. I would have loved to grow up watching such a great talent like Michael Jackson. But I should feel lucky that I was living in his time at all. Newer generations coming won't get to the say that in the next years but will still, thankfully, have his music.

That's insane...no Michael at all? haha. I wish they would carry his newer music and basically just his other songs. He has such amazing songs besides Billie Jean and all of those. I have a feeling that the newer generation would love You Rock My World. It has that "feel" to it. A lot better than everything that is out there today.
i was born in 1964 just a few years younger than MJ, so i grew up with him really. by the time i was into music he was there for me. by the time i was into fashion .......... well gotta say 70S fashion was the pits lol. but we loved it at the time, so colourful.
teenage years arnt easy no matter what decade you was born but the one thing that always stays with you is the music, i feel you can and always will identify with your own era. i do like alot of todays music but it has to be music not just a bloody noise.
i recently went out with some friends, most of them alot younger than me (they feel sorry for this old bird i think).... i asked the dj to play some mj and he typically played BJ, BI.... but i wanted YOU ROCK MY WORLD... SIM RE-MIX.. but no... he didn't have them.. i love all MJ music but i just wish his newer stuff got played more.
all you young uns... i just love you all . xxx

*waves* I'm from your generation, too. :)
omg, you have no idea how many times I have said I was born too late. I can't even listen to the radio anymore, it's crap to me. I wish I was born in 1970s ish. hmmmm... Everything on the radio nowadays seems the same, a lot of it is degrading to women IMO. I can't stand lil wayne either. His voice is just so annoying.

yea, i was deff born in the wrong generation >.>
omg, you have no idea how many times I have said I was born too late. I can't even listen to the radio anymore, it's crap to me. I wish I was born in 1970s ish. hmmmm... Everything on the radio nowadays seems the same, a lot of it is degrading to women IMO. I can't stand lil wayne either. His voice is just so annoying.

yea, i was deff born in the wrong generation >.>

haha. What year were you born? I wish I was born in the 70's too.
Yeah, I'm not a Lil Wayne person either. Ugh. My friend is pretty much obsessed with him because she think he's "hot." I find him disgusting.

I avoid the two mainstream radios in my city, Kiss and B94.
I loved nsync when I was little (dont judge me I was young lmao)....and from what I remember being a fan was so much more fun. me and my friends always lined up at store just to get the new cd first thing. We would also have partys just waiting for there video premire.People would pitch tents just to wait for concert tickets, none of this buying online business. Having a cd/record/tape whatever of somebody was like a gem, now its just too easy to get music.
Oh Courtney, how I understand you... :(

I won't add anything else, cuz' you really said everything I think, it's like you were in my head, LOL.

I really hate our generation and when people say 80's music is for old guys and it's a totally sh*t, I'm like... :bugeyed WTF? But let them be... if they enjoy the "music" of nowadays is their problem. :doh:

I wish I was born in the 60's or in the 70's... :timer:
yep.im 21,but i always feel i was in a reminiscent state of mind when it come to the wild and great things about the old days,the 60s-80s rocks!especially 80s when michael is on his way up to rule the world with his overwhelming music power.i love him so much that i wanna spend my youth witnessing his prime time and then growing mature and getting old together with him .(daydreaming--lol)that could have been the best thing in my life.

i wish i could do that in my next life ,lol
well my daughter is only 10 and i have to say she is totally converted... an MJ nut. being only ten she tends to listen to the early Jackson 5 and Jackson stuff and really thinks MJ looks great as a teen, i hate to tell her that those pics are sooooooooooooo old but hey she is loving him so i'm not gonna disagree with her.
i want this younger generation to feel for him what we do and i love how my girl is loving him too. she is even trying to learn his dances (not doing to good yet) lol. but hey shes having a go. so cute.
I loved nsync when I was little (dont judge me I was young lmao)....and from what I remember being a fan was so much more fun. me and my friends always lined up at store just to get the new cd first thing. We would also have partys just waiting for there video premire.People would pitch tents just to wait for concert tickets, none of this buying online business. Having a cd/record/tape whatever of somebody was like a gem, now its just too easy to get music.

ha, I remember the boyband "era" even though I was very young. I grew up hearing mostly 70's and 80's, a lot of it including Michael, Madonna, Bryan Adams, etc. but I still heard other new music.

I know what you mean, it is too easy to get music. You just download it off the computer. Sometimes I wish we didn't have such advanced technology but I'm thankful for it. All the more reason to want to live in the 80's. lol. No illegal downloading, no itunes, ipods, cell phones, etc. I don't know why but for some reason I think all of that stuff just makes life more difficult. LOL.

Oh Courtney, how I understand you... :(

I won't add anything else, cuz' you really said everything I think, it's like you were in my head, LOL.

I really hate our generation and when people say 80's music is for old guys and it's a totally sh*t, I'm like... :bugeyed WTF? But let them be... if they enjoy the "music" of nowadays is their problem. :doh:

I wish I was born in the 60's or in the 70's... :timer:

Yeah, I hate when our generation calls that music "old people music." Ugh. It definitely isn't. It's for everybody. If it weren't for that "old people music" much of the artists today wouldn't even be around.
well my daughter is only 10 and i have to say she is totally converted... an MJ nut. being only ten she tends to listen to the early Jackson 5 and Jackson stuff and really thinks MJ looks great as a teen, i hate to tell her that those pics are sooooooooooooo old but hey she is loving him so i'm not gonna disagree with her.
i want this younger generation to feel for him what we do and i love how my girl is loving him too. she is even trying to learn his dances (not doing to good yet) lol. but hey shes having a go. so cute.

That's so cute! Aw. I'm glad that she loves Michael. :)
I have a feeling that Michael's legacy will grow stronger with the next generation (not mine. ugh) because of parents introducing him to them and such. It will be a great thing to see. :)
I agree very much with what others have said - a lot of todays music is throwaway. They just want to hit the public with it when its popular to capitalise on it, before the overkill. The production levels behind successful musicians from the 80s were unlike anything you see from most artists today - record companies don't want to spend the money. In the last 10 years its all gone tits up - I blame Simon Cowell for a lot of the trash around today.

I grew up in the 80s - I was there when Madonna and Janet started and Duran Duran. I was 10 when "Thriller" was released, 14 for "Bad", the perfect age to appreciate Michael. As a ten year old I just thought he was the coolest thing that ever grew legs and strode the planet, and then he came back a few years later looking like sex on a stick. I was at boarding school at the time which I hated, and had a big poster of Bad era Mike over my bed - every single night that thing would be down off the wall and in the bed with me!!

I love that younger people rate the 80s. A lot of people, particularly in the UK slate the 80s as crap, but its mostly because it was the Thatcher era, I loved growing up in that time - the films were better, music, TV, but there was a lot of hardship still, and prejudice even on TV that you wouldn't see today. I did always wish I lived in the states and went to high school when I watched " The Breakfast Club" and "Pretty in Pink", I loved John Hughes (RIP).
So I think nobody is really happy until they can look back at a time in their lives and say yeah, that was great - I'm sorry that you feel disillusioned with your own generation - but I feel privileged that we all grew up with Michael in our lives, that we all share that common bond no matter what age we are. You have his music if others don't want it, its their loss.
I agree very much with what others have said - a lot of todays music is throwaway. They just want to hit the public with it when its popular to capitalise on it, before the overkill. The production levels behind successful musicians from the 80s were unlike anything you see from most artists today - record companies don't want to spend the money. In the last 10 years its all gone tits up - I blame Simon Cowell for a lot of the trash around today.

I grew up in the 80s - I was there when Madonna and Janet started and Duran Duran. I was 10 when "Thriller" was released, 14 for "Bad", the perfect age to appreciate Michael. As a ten year old I just thought he was the coolest thing that ever grew legs and strode the planet, and then he came back a few years later looking like sex on a stick. I was at boarding school at the time which I hated, and had a big poster of Bad era Mike over my bed - every single night that thing would be down off the wall and in the bed with me!!

I love that younger people rate the 80s. A lot of people, particularly in the UK slate the 80s as crap, but its mostly because it was the Thatcher era, I loved growing up in that time - the films were better, music, TV, but there was a lot of hardship still, and prejudice even on TV that you wouldn't see today. I did always wish I lived in the states and went to high school when I watched " The Breakfast Club" and "Pretty in Pink", I loved John Hughes (RIP).
So I think nobody is really happy until they can look back at a time in their lives and say yeah, that was great - I'm sorry that you feel disillusioned with your own generation - but I feel privileged that we all grew up with Michael in our lives, that we all share that common bond no matter what age we are. You have his music if others don't want it, its their loss.
I wish I had grown up in the 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s. I didn't listen to too much of 90s-2000s music except for a select few and my main Christian artists. Most of the mainstream music today is crap. X(
I agree very much with what others have said - a lot of todays music is throwaway. They just want to hit the public with it when its popular to capitalise on it, before the overkill. The production levels behind successful musicians from the 80s were unlike anything you see from most artists today - record companies don't want to spend the money. In the last 10 years its all gone tits up - I blame Simon Cowell for a lot of the trash around today.

I grew up in the 80s - I was there when Madonna and Janet started and Duran Duran. I was 10 when "Thriller" was released, 14 for "Bad", the perfect age to appreciate Michael. As a ten year old I just thought he was the coolest thing that ever grew legs and strode the planet, and then he came back a few years later looking like sex on a stick. I was at boarding school at the time which I hated, and had a big poster of Bad era Mike over my bed - every single night that thing would be down off the wall and in the bed with me!!

I love that younger people rate the 80s. A lot of people, particularly in the UK slate the 80s as crap, but its mostly because it was the Thatcher era, I loved growing up in that time - the films were better, music, TV, but there was a lot of hardship still, and prejudice even on TV that you wouldn't see today. I did always wish I lived in the states and went to high school when I watched " The Breakfast Club" and "Pretty in Pink", I loved John Hughes (RIP).
So I think nobody is really happy until they can look back at a time in their lives and say yeah, that was great - I'm sorry that you feel disillusioned with your own generation - but I feel privileged that we all grew up with Michael in our lives, that we all share that common bond no matter what age we are. You have his music if others don't want it, its their loss.

I loved reading your post. Thank you sharing that. You're so lucky to have experienced all of that! Ah, jealousy. lol. It just seems like such a great period of time to live in. Most of my favorite movies are 80's movies as well as artists and songs. My parents were teens/young adults in the 80's and I feel they don't appreciate it as much. I am very grateful to have Michael in my life. I have memories of him growing up and memories from just a couple years ago. I feel happy that I can say that. I just wish my generation would come to appreciate him and older artists more. They don't understand and don't really know any better. I'm glad my parents introduced it to me when I was young. I certainly wouldn't want my kids listening to the junk from today.
I loved nsync when I was little (dont judge me I was young lmao)....and from what I remember being a fan was so much more fun. me and my friends always lined up at store just to get the new cd first thing. We would also have partys just waiting for there video premire.People would pitch tents just to wait for concert tickets, none of this buying online business. Having a cd/record/tape whatever of somebody was like a gem, now its just too easy to get music.

I was really into the Backstreet Boys! The boy band era was defintly interesting, I remember going to Nsync and BSB concerts - I'm not sure which had the loudest fans, I was deaf after each one lol.

I feel with many of the younger generations, this is now the DISNEY era!! Would it also be the new bubble gum?? Singers like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Jonas, Demi Lavoto, Every disney star has their own album now. Its crazy...
I think that I'm still a little lucky being born on 94, cuz' music at the beginning of this millennium was good and Michael released Invincible on 2001 too, for example. But those who were born later in the final years of the other millennium or in this one...
If my generation lost a lot, they (will) lost a lot more than us.
I was really into the Backstreet Boys! The boy band era was defintly interesting, I remember going to Nsync and BSB concerts - I'm not sure which had the loudest fans, I was deaf after each one lol.

I feel with many of the younger generations, this is now the DISNEY era!! Would it also be the new bubble gum?? Singers like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Jonas, Demi Lavoto, Every disney star has their own album now. Its crazy...

ha, I liked Backstreet Boys. Hell, I'm even guilty of singing along to some of their songs if I hear them. lol. As much as I hate to admit that.
Wasn't much of an Nsync person. I was really young and my cousin had a BSB CD and she used to play it all the time. She was a teenager then so went to their concerts and stuff.

I really don't understand the hype over the Disney stars (the only names I know of Miley Cyrus and the Jonas guys). Nothing special at all. Basically, you get a show on Disney you most likely will be told you can sing (when you can't) and have maybe 1 or 2 albums out. It's horrible how music is getting thrown around like that. It's like they'll give music to anybody. Good or not they'll just fix up your voice anyway...

I think that I'm still a little lucky being born on 94, cuz' music at the beginning of this millennium was good and Michael released Invincible on 2001 too, for example. But those who were born later in the final years of the other millennium or in this one...
If my generation lost a lot, they (will) lost a lot more than us.

*waves* Hi! haha. Somebody my age. :) I was born in '93.
I see your point but I'm referring to the new artists. I kind am glad I wasn't born any later than I was because I wouldn't have any memories of Michael. I love being able to say, "Oh yeah! I remember that!" Michael's videos were still being played and so was his music. Now, it's rarely, if not at all, played.
For me as well music is my life, music has helped me through so much and brought me so much joy, that i feel in the generation im in the music i like isnt liked my people my age, i dont feel like the tempo of my life is ever set right around me, if u no what i meen, like when you have a big moment in ur life, u remember what song was out that year, what do our generation get? Girls Aloud or some other shit pop band, no thanks!!!
haha. What year were you born? I wish I was born in the 70's too.
Yeah, I'm not a Lil Wayne person either. Ugh. My friend is pretty much obsessed with him because she think he's "hot." I find him disgusting.

I avoid the two mainstream radios in my city, Kiss and B94.

haha I was born in 92.

No one at my school even likes lil wayne, they are all tired of him lol. They say he ruins songs.
*waves* Hi! haha. Somebody my age. :) I was born in '93.
I see your point but I'm referring to the new artists. I kind am glad I wasn't born any later than I was because I wouldn't have any memories of Michael. I love being able to say, "Oh yeah! I remember that!" Michael's videos were still being played and so was his music. Now, it's rarely, if not at all, played.

You bet so! :punk:

Most of them don't care about other kind of music, and the guilty is of their parents too. If I like Michael, and other kinds of music it's because of my parents. They always listened to good music and they explain me things, and stuff.
You bet so! :punk:

Most of them don't care about other kind of music, and the guilty is of their parents too. If I like Michael, and other kinds of music it's because of my parents. They always listened to good music and they explain me things, and stuff.

Yer agree, i thank god my parents liked what they liked, i grew up on really good music, like my mum was a massive David Bowie fan and now so am i, and you just teach yourself some greats along the way then because your not scared to be into different types of music , i think kids today are scared to admit that they like, what they call 'old music' but im me because i love music like Bowie , Bob Dylan and of course Mj, todays music just seems so boring to me! There seems to be a new artist out everyday as well, u just cant keep up!
Yer agree, i thank god my parents liked what they liked, i grew up on really good music, like my mum was a massive David Bowie fan and now so am i, and you just teach yourself some greats along the way then because your not scared to be into different types of music , i think kids today are scared to admit that they like, what they call 'old music' but im me because i love music like Bowie , Bob Dylan and of course Mj, todays music just seems so boring to me! There seems to be a new artist out everyday as well, u just cant keep up!
I couldn't agree more.
Nowadays, music became just a business and not an art. :/
People just want to make money, be famous,... that's just sad.
Yer agree, i thank god my parents liked what they liked, i grew up on really good music, like my mum was a massive David Bowie fan and now so am i, and you just teach yourself some greats along the way then because your not scared to be into different types of music , i think kids today are scared to admit that they like, what they call 'old music' but im me because i love music like Bowie , Bob Dylan and of course Mj, todays music just seems so boring to me! There seems to be a new artist out everyday as well, u just cant keep up!

I agree. They're embarassed because it's not what's on the top hot 100 currently. Whatever...it was 20+ years ago, what's the difference?

I couldn't agree more.
Nowadays, music became just a business and not an art. :/
People just want to make money, be famous,... that's just sad.

EXACTLY. Anything for money...
Eveything just seems the same, when was the last time you heard a band with a new different exiting sound!? It seems like a lot people arnt interested in making good music today, they just want fame and money and it seems if your good looking today you get a record deal regardless if you can sing dance or write music!!!
I totally see where you're coming from. The one thing I can't stand to do more than anything else is DJ for the under-21 crowd. All they wanna hear is Stanky Legg and Best I Eva Had and a couple others. And a lot of what they want to hear (over and over) is really annoying.

Honestly....I blame the 90's lol. But seriously....I remember as a teenager in the early 90's I was thinking about this very subject. I was witnessing the culture becoming more jaded, everyone trying to be "harder", movies getting more "risque", music becoming darker, more depressing, and more overtly sexual in the mainstream, etc, etc. And I didn't like where it was going at all.

In the 80's we had fun music. Even most of the mainstream rap was all about partying, having a good time. And of course the movies were great, the tv shows were great.

Really....there was just an awesome feeling back then. Here in America we were still in the midst of the cold war and in school we'd "duck and cover" under our desks in drills to practice for nuclear attacks, but besides that....the world was a much better, more laid-back place in general (I'm mainly referring to the general feel of the culture, not people's specific lives, politics, etc).

Anyway, lemme steer my post back on topic. :)

I understand totally where you are coming from when it comes to today's music and today's culture at large. I have to deal with it regularly at specific clubs and events I work. I always do my best to work in some Michael Jackson, but I honestly cannot play the songs I want to play because the kids don't know them or don't appreciate them and it just kills the dance floor....and my job obviously is to keep people on the dance floor, no matter what I think of the music I'm playing.

Speaking on that Drake song "Best I Eva Had"....to be honest, I didn't totally mind the sound when I first heard it, so I remixed it for the club and thought overall the song was okay....but I do hate how he has to say "you da f****ng best, you da f****ng best...." I mean, this is a pop song. And LITTLE kids are listening to this (thanks to their irresponsible parents who let them). This is what I'm talking about. The culture has coarsened over the years, and while yeah some of us as adults may like it being nastier, grittier, more "cutting edge", what about the kids? The little kids don't know any better and they're being exposed to WAY more than they should be. I'm telling you, it's not healthy.

Okay....I'm stepping down off my soapbox. :) lol

All I'm saying is I completely understand what everybody here is talking about, even though I'm not from your generation.
I totally see where you're coming from. The one thing I can't stand to do more than anything else is DJ for the under-21 crowd. All they wanna hear is Stanky Legg and Best I Eva Had and a couple others. And a lot of what they want to hear (over and over) is really annoying.

Honestly....I blame the 90's lol. But seriously....I remember as a teenager in the early 90's I was thinking about this very subject. I was witnessing the culture becoming more jaded, everyone trying to be "harder", movies getting more "risque", music becoming darker, more depressing, and more overtly sexual in the mainstream, etc, etc. And I didn't like where it was going at all.

In the 80's we had fun music. Even most of the mainstream rap was all about partying, having a good time. And of course the movies were great, the tv shows were great......

.......Speaking on that Drake song "Best I Eva Had"....to be honest, I didn't totally mind the sound when I first heard it, so I remixed it for the club and thought overall the song was okay....

I agree, it is very annoying. Hence, why I was getting a pounding head ache. I actually had to step outside a few times to get away from it. I asked my friend to come with me and she said, "In a little bit, I love this song!" What's to love about it? All it does is swear every 3rd word and talks about how the guy wants to get in the girl's pants.

Really? I had no idea this started in the 90's. I like some 90's music and it's pretty ok to me. But I know there were rappers like Tupac and Biggie (no disrespect to them RIP) and I know they had some suggestive lyrical content.

I really do help the next generation catches on to Michael's music and other stuff from his time and earlier. I know my generation is pretty much doomed. lol. It drives me crazy because my friends will be talking about a song and they'll say, "Do you know this song." And I'll tell them no. They'd be like, "Oh yeah I forgot. You like old stuff..." I think they get kind of frustrated too.

haha ok I just looked up that rapper Drake and...Oh Lord he's the Degrassi kid. I'm seriously lmao right now. Are you serious? I don't think I heard the song but it possibly could have been played last night. I agree. There definitely are children listening to this music and these artists don't stop think about that. Even though they may be aiming towards an older audience, kids these days are different now and will listen to it reguardless.

That stanky leg song, btw, I honestly never heard before in my life until last night. Everybody was doing the dance and I was just standing there like, "What the hell is this..."
Thought I'd share this here also:

I was hanging with my neighbors one day and this little girl on my street is about 7 and she loves all those Disney people you know. So last week, we were all just hanging, a bunch of us, and she comes over to me and wants to see my phone. I show it to her and my wallpaper is Michael. She looks at it and she goes, "Ew, it's Michael Jackson..." and I was like yeah. Then she said, "I hate him." :( Then this other kid stepped in to defend him and said, "Michael Jackson is like the best of them all." And she said, "No...Miley Cyrus is!"

I know she's 7 but when I was 7 I was like, "Yeah Michael Jackson is the best! Beatles are awesome!" Makes me upset that some kids won't get to grow up knowing great music and instead will get their heads filled with junk. This other girl my age also told me that she didn't like Michael Jackson because she prefers Taylor Swift instead....:laugh:
Thought I'd share this here also:

I was hanging with my neighbors one day and this little girl on my street is about 7 and she loves all those Disney people you know. So last week, we were all just hanging, a bunch of us, and she comes over to me and wants to see my phone. I show it to her and my wallpaper is Michael. She looks at it and she goes, "Ew, it's Michael Jackson..." and I was like yeah. Then she said, "I hate him." :( Then this other kid stepped in to defend him and said, "Michael Jackson is like the best of them all." And she said, "No...Miley Cyrus is!"

I know she's 7 but when I was 7 I was like, "Yeah Michael Jackson is the best! Beatles are awesome!" Makes me upset that some kids won't get to grow up knowing great music and instead will get their heads filled with junk. This other girl my age also told me that she didn't like Michael Jackson because she prefers Taylor Swift instead....:laugh:

Yes, but kids will be kids, honestly when I was 7 boy bands and britney spears were my life, this is no longer the case. My top 3 artists now are Michael, The Beatles and Alicia Keys. Alot of people mature, it's the teenagers and 20 year olds that listen to that crap is what you have to worry about.

You ever sit here and wonder though, my mom talks about this all the time, she was like well as a" 60's/70's kid, we all thought the 80's sucked, 80's kids thought the 90's sucked and now all the kids you're all age want to go back to the 90's and think this decade sucks."

Do you think kids who are about 7-11 now are going to be saying "wow when I was younger music was so much better."?