I believe 'Breaking News' lead vocals are not 100% MJ and I want to talk about it here


This one is great, Heartbreaking News. :D
the best way ive heard BN described is someone who said

BN is not fake, its a sh!t remix of an unfinished song.

no offence to the producers but they just may have not had a complete song to work with
Guys, I went to Sony New York today to see if I could talk to someone. I was allowed to go to the the 6th floor by the security, however, when I got upstairs I had to give a name of someone for me to be allowed to see anyone. Unfortunately, I did not have the name of a person, so they gave me a number to call. I called the number, explained our concerns and was switched to another number. With the last switch I had to leave a message. I think they have this number and listen to messages when they want to. However, I see the song is included in the track list, so WE NEED TO KEEP FIGHTING.
Sorry if already posted, but Dominic Cascio admitted lead vocals on 'Breaking News' are performed by James Porte. It might be the same for the other Cascio tracks on the forthcoming album. Please MJ fans sign this petition :
i believe this thread should be closed and it should be deleted as it holds no place here
I think this thread is just as important as the others. People need a place to go here where they can feel free to talk without being hammered by those who think it is definitely him and those who think it is definitely not.

It's ok to have doubts about this song and to seek people who feel similar. :)
I think this thread is just as important as the others. People need a place to go here where they can feel free to talk without being hammered by those who think it is definitely him and those who think it is definitely not.

It's ok to have doubts about this song and to seek people who feel similar. :)

Thank you very much. :)
Sorry if already posted, but Dominic Cascio admitted lead vocals on 'Breaking News' are performed by James Porte. It might be the same for the other Cascio tracks on the forthcoming album. Please MJ fans sign this petition :

It has? Please hand me the source of this because I have totally missed it! That's the Cascio who first went out saying he saw MJ record it and that he was very proud of it so we should be too, right?
I hear very little authentic, true Michael Jackson in this song. The only place where I hear 100% MJ is the "breaking the news" part at the end. I am so puzzled. I have heard quite a few MJ demos and have never doubted it was him I was listening too. Even in the demo for "If you don't love me" (my favorite so far) his voice is a little more raw but it still sounds like MJ. I just don't get this. And I'm confused as to why all the so-called experts and forensic software that was used verified that this was MJ. Am I crazy?

That being said, I think that I will keep my pre-order for the CD. Even though I am highly conflicted. Part of me wants to give my 2 cents to Sony and another part says just let it be and enjoy the other songs.
I hear very little authentic, true Michael Jackson in this song. The only place where I hear 100% MJ is the "breaking the news" part at the end. I am so puzzled. I have heard quite a few MJ demos and have never doubted it was him I was listening too. Even in the demo for "If you don't love me" (my favorite so far) his voice is a little more raw but it still sounds like MJ. I just don't get this. And I'm confused as to why all the so-called experts and forensic software that was used verified that this was MJ. Am I crazy?

That being said, I think that I will keep my pre-order for the CD. Even though I am highly conflicted. Part of me wants to give my 2 cents to Sony and another part says just let it be and enjoy the other songs.

Trust me, you're not crazy at all, the song does have Michael in it, just very very little.
check out 230 min into BN where the word 'crazy' sung, notice its pronounced constantly in the song as "cwazy" with a slight lisp, MJ never had a lisp... honestly anyone who can't hear this is NOT MJ is insane. yep, it's that blunt and simple
Sorry if already posted, but Dominic Cascio admitted lead vocals on 'Breaking News' are performed by James Porte. It might be the same for the other Cascio tracks on the forthcoming album. Please MJ fans sign this petition :

Hello! Where did u get this info from? Source please! I still have my doubts about this song! So, I wanna make sure!

Provide a source now, come on!:doh::timer:
What i'll never understand is how The Estate had 100's of songs to choose from and they choose Breaking News as the albums launch track.

Well let me ask a perfectly logic question. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

If they could only release an old unreleased 80's song from the vault then they should have released that. Better to release an 80's song which we know is 100% Michael instead of releasing a modern song which is clearly not 100% Michael
What i'll never understand is how The Estate had 100's of songs to choose from and they choose Breaking News as the albums launch track.

Well let me ask a perfectly logic question. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

If they could only release an old unreleased 80's song from the vault then they should have released that. Better to release an 80's song which we know is 100% Michael instead of releasing a modern song which is clearly not 100% Michael

Surely those songs are not enough marketable
They may be great songs but you have to listen carefully and several times to realy appreciate all the subtility like the Dangerous album or History

They want something catchy immediately for young people to appreciate and buy immediately cheap productions a la Rihanna
This Breaking News is the perfect example

All for Money
Surely those songs are not enough marketable
They may be great songs but you have to listen carefully and several times to realy appreciate all the subtility like the Dangerous album or History

They want something catchy immediately for young people to appreciate and buy immediately cheap productions a la Rihanna
This Breaking News is the perfect example

All for Money

That's one thing I will agree on. I think they are choosing songs that they think will catch fast over songs with suibstance. Don't get me wrong, I really like BN. But I am not going to say it is a classic. If they want one, I think they need to put the time in to get this right.
Just to tell you my opinion..

Since I've heard this song for the first time I realised the singer wasn't Mike. At least in many parts. I didn't know anything about the voices telling the singer in the song was not him (before it came out, of course); so I listened to it without many thoughts in my mind (though I was sceptic too before LOL). And I didn't hear Michael in the strophes; but the chorus was OK..

Anyway, the point is: Many of us realised it (and we've always listened to his songs); Sony admitted that they had a tough work to "fix" the songs. And admitted they also let sing another guy (James Porte). So, whether it's Michael or not in the song, they told us they did a filth. That's why I don't understand how many people still want to buy this album! WHERE is Michael in this song? His sound, his rhythm, his style.. his voice.
I cannot hear him. And you?

Just another thing: I wouldn't have bought the album anyway. I'm sure all the upcoming material regarding MJ is just done for money. But in this case.. We better tell everybody about this garbage.
And for those of us claiming we'll ruin Mike's legacy I say: Where's your brain? We are ruinin' his legacy!? And what is Sony doin'? Celebrating it?!
Just to tell you my opinion..

Since I've heard this song for the first time I realised the singer wasn't Mike. At least in many parts. I didn't know anything about the voices telling the singer in the song was not him (before it came out, of course); so I listened to it without many thoughts in my mind (though I was sceptic too before LOL). And I didn't hear Michael in the strophes; but the chorus was OK..

Anyway, the point is: Many of us realised it (and we've always listened to his songs); Sony admitted that they had a tough work to "fix" the songs. And admitted they also let sing another guy (James Porte). So, whether it's Michael or not in the song, they told us they did a filth. That's why I don't understand how many people still want to buy this album! WHERE is Michael in this song? His sound, his rhythm, his style.. his voice.
I cannot hear him. And you?

Just another thing: I wouldn't have bought the album anyway. I'm sure all the upcoming material regarding MJ is just done for money. But in this case.. We better tell everybody about this garbage.
And for those of us claiming we'll ruin Mike's legacy I say: Where's your brain? We are ruinin' his legacy!? And what is Sony doin'? Celebrating it?!

AMEN !!!


I'll never wrap my head around how so many people will insist that the vocals are 100% MJ's. Did they just believe the statement that The Estate put out? Or are they so desperate for a new MJ album that they'll take anything that's given to them?
I'll never wrap my head around how so many people will insist that the vocals are 100% MJ's. Did they just believe the statement that The Estate put out? Or are they so desperate for a new MJ album that they'll take anything that's given to them?

Whoever said if you repeat a lie enough times people will start to believe it, was right. This is what's happening now right in front of our eyes. Reminds me a bit of Orwell's 1984. Scary, but it WORKS! And Sony knows that. Expect more shitty music under MJ's name in the future, and expect fans applauding that....

BTW, initially I wasn't very excited about the album. I was more looking forward to Vision, because I was a bit wary of what they would do with Michael on an album. At least we can be sure that what's on Vision is 99% MJ's vision (1% being the refugee camp remix of BOTDF - it seems Sony is not able to release anything MJ without ruining it at least a little bit....). But then the album hype slowly grew on me and I started to look forward to it. "Maybe it will be good, let's be positive." Well, by now I went back to my apathy about it. It's exactly what I expected from Sony....

Now, let Nov 22. and Vision come - I'm a LOT more excited about that one. It's a shame because probably there are some great songs on the album ("Another day", "Much too soon" and anything that is 100% Michael), but Sony's tricks and the FACT they are shaming MJ's name with lame songs he had hardly anything to do with, killed my excitement.
I think I will buy individual songs from the album, that I like and that are 100% MJ, but the full album doesn't excite me at the moment.
Let's be logical. Why use tracks that aren't MJ? We know there are tons out there that are, so why would they use fake ones? It's silly.

The a capella sounds like Michael. Let it go, already.

He's probably either laughing at his so-called fans who think its not him or sad that his so-called fans have nothing better to do than think they are smarter than the people who actually worked for him.

Like Teddy Riley is going to lie. Please!

I've posted this in other spots and I'll say it again: This is supposed to be a joyous time. Stop creating negativity.
Let's be logical. Why use tracks that aren't MJ? We know there are tons out there that are, so why would they use fake ones? It's silly.

The a capella sounds like Michael. Let it go, already.

He's probably either laughing at his so-called fans who think its not him or sad that his so-called fans have nothing better to do than think they are smarter than the people who actually worked for him.

Like Teddy Riley is going to lie. Please!

I've posted this in other spots and I'll say it again: This is supposed to be a joyous time. Stop creating negativity.

Can't you read the title of this thread? I have heard the acapella, thank you, and it convinced me more than anything that this song is bogus. Why is it that the acapella is such a patchwork? Why is it that they copied and pasted a breath here, a hee-hee there, a word here, a sentence there? Have you asked yourself this question?

It's sad that some fans don't give a damn about what is the quality of the work Sony are trying to give us under MJ's name. Quantity over quality for some fans, I guess.
bowen9999;3066271 said:
I worte this yesterday...

To Sony, the Michael Jackson Estate and the Jackson family

I sit here with a broken heart. My hero, Michael Jackson, spent half of his short life being ridiculed and abused by the media; he went through 2 trials for crimes he didn’t commit and finally he died at the hands of another. Is it not enough that the fans have gone through all of this with our hero, been emotionally drained time & time again and grieved for someone we could never say goodbye too? Now, when we finally get some good news about some new, never before heard music, it is shrouded in controversy. Fans are already cancelling their pre-orders and vowing not to buy the album. They are confused, angry and sad.

The track Breaking News (and other Cascio tracks) are clearly causing division between the family, the Estate, Sony and the fans – did Michael sing these songs or didn’t he? The answer, quite frankly, is irrelevant. The tracks should be omitted from this album regardless of whether or not they are authentic so the drama can cease. I am begging you to stop this from going any further. Michael reportedly left 100’s of songs for you to pick from… choose 3 others. It’s quite simple. Check the fan forums to see what they want. They’re the people that will (or won’t) be buying the music. Please, please, think about what you’re doing and reconsider.

The fans do not deserve this after all they’ve been through.

Beautiful post, love it.
either way, we wont know which track is michael and which isnt.

even if there is a 100% legitimate michael track on the album were always gonna be questioning things now.

like you said, the damage is done now. was this intentional by sony? who knows...
I'm not gonna name names but when i read some people's posts on here i get the feeling that some people don't care about the quality of the music. All they seem to care about is getting the album to number 1
I think its strange how some people think the acapella sounds like Michael and some dont. I personally think it doesn't and after hearing that I made my mind up about the song. And hearing how Michael wanted everything destroyed and they did not have the originals for BN and all the Cascio tracks is really sketchy. Michael was one to keep EVERYTHING. That tells me a lot.

I also do not understand why Sony would do this to themselves. I am not one to believe all the Michael conspiracies, but I do think that is makes sense for Sony to do this so the album flops and they get the catalog. I also read that most of the money made on this album goes to the estate and not Sony? Well if that is true then of course they are going to half ass the album.
i don't believe the chorus is MJ, but the verses & ad-libs seem authentic or "the real deal" to me ....i mean for any MJ fan, MJ's voice!! ..you just know it when you hear it ..but when i heard this, i just didn't believe it was Michael ..