I believe 'Breaking News' lead vocals are not 100% MJ and I want to talk about it here

Exactly, but for some goddamn stupid reason they are so determined to put them on the cd. WHY?!!! Because the sound is modern as hell and catchy or something? We only heard short snippets of Much too soon and Do you know where your children are, and in terms of just the music...it DESTROYS Breaking News and Monster.
Exactly, but for some goddamn stupid reason they are so determined to put them on the cd. WHY?!!! Because the sound is modern as hell and catchy or something? We only heard short snippets of Much too soon and Do you know where your children are, and in terms of just the music...it DESTROYS Breaking News and Monster.

IMO it's because those were MJ's last alleged recording before he past, that's why! It gives the Album more buzz and more money to make! By capitalizing off his death!
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more albums are to come!!! we'll get them.. we'll Will.i.am seems like he wont share his work.. but we will see if that will change... $$$$$ talks
After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

'NEWS' REPORT: After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

The controversial preview track from "Michael," due Dec. 14, debuts atop the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs' Bubbling Under chart, which showcases the top 25 titles that have yet to reach the 100-position R&B/Hip-Hop Songs survey.

"Breaking News" logged 1.1 million impressions on 52 R&B/hip-hop stations after just two days of airplay, according to Nielsen BDS. Among all stations monitored by BDS, "Breaking News" registered 302 plays on 177 stations, amounting to an audience of 2.6 million, since its arrival Monday (Nov. .

Despite its rising chart status, "Breaking News" logged 94% of its two-day audience among R&B/Hip-Hop Songs panelists in its first day of availability. Fifty R&B/hip-hop stations played the song Monday, but just four programmed it Tuesday.

Adult R&B reporter WBLS/New York spun "Breaking News" once Monday. "Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music," says WBLS program director Skip Dillard.

"Many listeners who responded asked to hear other tracks and said that they'll be interested to hear what else is on the upcoming album."


YEAH BABY !!!!! :lol:
After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

'NEWS' REPORT: After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

The controversial preview track from "Michael," due Dec. 14, debuts atop the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs' Bubbling Under chart, which showcases the top 25 titles that have yet to reach the 100-position R&B/Hip-Hop Songs survey.

"Breaking News" logged 1.1 million impressions on 52 R&B/hip-hop stations after just two days of airplay, according to Nielsen BDS. Among all stations monitored by BDS, "Breaking News" registered 302 plays on 177 stations, amounting to an audience of 2.6 million, since its arrival Monday (Nov. .

Despite its rising chart status, "Breaking News" logged 94% of its two-day audience among R&B/Hip-Hop Songs panelists in its first day of availability. Fifty R&B/hip-hop stations played the song Monday, but just four programmed it Tuesday.

Adult R&B reporter WBLS/New York spun "Breaking News" once Monday. "Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music," says WBLS program director Skip Dillard.

"Many listeners who responded asked to hear other tracks and said that they'll be interested to hear what else is on the upcoming album."


YEAH BABY !!!!! :lol:

"Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music,"

Yeah, baby?
"Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music,"

Yeah, baby?
^ Hilarious!

It's alleged he recorded in 2008 in Ireland. What's up with those songs?
Still that would qualify them as just before he died! So I still think that's why?!
"Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music,"

Yeah, baby?

I have a short story to say:

Five years after Bruce Lee's death at 1973 the film "Game Of Death" was released. Till this day nobody else but the fans know that it is actually 3 impersonators starring in the film (including Jackie Chan) and that Bruce Lee plays only at the ending fighting sequences.

Now, this is SIMILAR to what's happening with MJ's new album BUT NOT THE SAME. Because the "Game Of Death" was actually a very good attempt to incorporate 20 minutes of Bruce Lee footage into a movie and the result was so good that nobody felt it shouldn't be considered a Bruce Lee movie. (although when the raw unedited footage saw the light of day, it was fantastic)

With Michael the result is pityfull plus there is so much unreleased material to choose from.

Once more:

f*** you Estate and f*** you Sony. You are completely incompetent. Thank God for Kenny Ortega, for "This is it" movie was spectacular. F*** you Estate and f*** you Sony, for "This is it" soundtrack was a cash-in (4 tracks for the 2nd disc :evil:, the second disc should have contained half the tracklist that was announced for the "Michael" album)
In the back of my mind i am still hoping that this whole week and the version streaming was some sort of publicity stunt and that the version of breaking news on the actual album will be different and will actually sound like Michael..prob just wishful thinking. Although apparently Teddy Riley has tweeted that he has gone back in to tweak it so that it sounds more like MJ on the album. Could it be a publicity stunt? Stranger things have happened.
They played breaking news on the radio this morning and i must admit it is growing on me.......
I take that back.
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Ok this is what I think, I don't like Breaking News because I think that Michael would not be happy with it and because James Porte vocals are on the track. We've tried to remove Cascio tracks but we've failed. Now is the time that we all unite and support this album, not because Teddy Riley, not because John McClain, not because Sony, but because of Michael Jackson and his legacy. His legacy must live and we are his soldiers of L.O.V.E. We have to make Hold My Hand number one all around the world and the album too. I invite all Michael Jackson fans to support this release no mather what we think about those 3 tracks. I realized that the tracklist is decided and there is nothing we can do to change it. I didn't change my mind about these songs but I changed my mind about this whole project and I am going to support it and I think we all should. I am going now to pre-order the album again and I invite you all to do the same. Lets bring Michael back on the top, lets make him Number One again!
In the last 4 days it's been said more then enough about this sond and the other Cascio songs. those of us, who don't belive its Michael alone singing on the lead vocals, will keep their opinion, no matther what Sony, estate, wietzmann is trying to convince us.

i don't see point of opening the same threads over and over again. If you still didn't get over it, keep on going. the tracks are staying on the album.

I'm going to wish the album as chrismas present.
In the back of my mind i am still hoping that this whole week and the version streaming was some sort of publicity stunt and that the version of breaking news on the actual album will be different and will actually sound like Michael..prob just wishful thinking. Although apparently Teddy Riley has tweeted that he has gone back in to tweak it so that it sounds more like MJ on the album. Could it be a publicity stunt? Stranger things have happened.

If it was an attempt at cheap publicity by stoking the fires of controversy, I fear it has badly backfired
After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

'NEWS' REPORT: After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

The controversial preview track from "Michael," due Dec. 14, debuts atop the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs' Bubbling Under chart, which showcases the top 25 titles that have yet to reach the 100-position R&B/Hip-Hop Songs survey.

"Breaking News" logged 1.1 million impressions on 52 R&B/hip-hop stations after just two days of airplay, according to Nielsen BDS. Among all stations monitored by BDS, "Breaking News" registered 302 plays on 177 stations, amounting to an audience of 2.6 million, since its arrival Monday (Nov. .

Despite its rising chart status, "Breaking News" logged 94% of its two-day audience among R&B/Hip-Hop Songs panelists in its first day of availability. Fifty R&B/hip-hop stations played the song Monday, but just four programmed it Tuesday.

Adult R&B reporter WBLS/New York spun "Breaking News" once Monday. "Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music," says WBLS program director Skip Dillard.

"Many listeners who responded asked to hear other tracks and said that they'll be interested to hear what else is on the upcoming album."


YEAH BABY !!!!! :lol:

did you actually read and understand the billboard article? yeah baby???? omg
Thats funny, when telling my Dad about this whole thing he brought that Bruce Lee film up.

We don't want to give our money for fake music!

We are fan of the King! We want to defend his legacy!

" 100 Michael Jackson fan-clubs around the world have come together to ask the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music to remove from the forthcoming "Michael" album the tracks produced with or by the Cascio brothers.

The international Michael Jackson fan community strongly feel that a new Michael Jackson album should not include songs that they feel are not Michael's.
The overwhelming response that we, fan-clubs, have received from our members expressing doubts over the Cascio tracks should not be ignored.

Michael Jackson fans around the world ask that the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music respect our feelings and our expertise in this matter.
We are the future supporters of all the products that you will put out.
We ask that no doubt as to the origin of a song should ever surround the release of a Michael Jackson album.

The origin of the Cascio tracks is not clear enough for them to be included in this first new album since Michael Jackson's death.
Should you carry on with the release of the album as it stands, it would cast a shadow of doubt, discontent and frustration over any future release.

We know there are enough original unreleased songs to complete the album without the questionable ones.

Michael Jackson fans ask the estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music to take our claim into consideration and respect our strong opposition to the release of "Michael" as it currently stands.

We will do what we deem necessary to honor the memory and legacy of Michael Jackson.

The United Michael Jackson fan-clubs of the world "

For the people who don't believe it's him singing, listen to the second verse where he sings:

"You write the words to destroy like it's a weapon, You turn your back on a love and you can't get it again."

That part is what convinces me that it is Michael Jackson singing on Breaking News. That is so obviously his vocal, it's unmistakeable. Really, just go and listen to that part and tell me it isn't him....
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8kSiR-ctDnI?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8kSiR-ctDnI?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

This is MJ's reaction after hearing Breaking News
For the people who don't believe it's him singing, listen to the second verse where he sings:

"You write the words to destroy like it's a weapon, You turn your back on a love and you can't get it again."

That part is what convinces me that it is Michael Jackson singing on Breaking News. That is so obviously his vocal, it's unmistakeable. Really, just go and listen to that part and tell me it isn't him....

Noone says there's no MJ in that song. But it's not only him on the lead vocals, there's also an impersonator and that's a disgrace. Not to mention the quality of the song itself.


Could someone make a version of the new version of Breaking News where the first 35 seconds is cut out?

Also the last 9 seconds of silence would be nice to have cut out. So only the song thanks.

I'm having a party tonight and I would love to play it, but the intro is no good for a party, so I would like a version that starts with a bang. :lol: - hope you know what I mean.
I have a short story to say:

Five years after Bruce Lee's death at 1973 the film "Game Of Death" was released. Till this day nobody else but the fans know that it is actually 3 impersonators starring in the film (including Jackie Chan) and that Bruce Lee plays only at the ending fighting sequences.

Now, this is SIMILAR to what's happening with MJ's new album BUT NOT THE SAME. Because the "Game Of Death" was actually a very good attempt to incorporate 20 minutes of Bruce Lee footage into a movie and the result was so good that nobody felt it shouldn't be considered a Bruce Lee movie. (although when the raw unedited footage saw the light of day, it was fantastic)

With Michael the result is pityfull plus there is so much unreleased material to choose from.

Quite interesting story, indeed.