Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

Happy Birthday darlin Michael :) Released my own private balloon 4 u from my bedroom window at just after midnight mu UK time...........:)
LOVE U MOST. :) xxx
Dear Michael,

I will wish upon a star tonight that you're star will shine as bright as it ever did before, my wish and prayer is for you to be remembered as a great entertainer but an even greater humanitarian - you really cared. On behalf of the word I say thank you!!!!!!!! You will always be an inspiration to us. In the arms of an angel....fly away from here.....
Happy Birthday my angel :)
I love you and you will forever lives in my heart and in everyone's heart
:birthday: my sweetest angel!!! :flowers::hug:
I will NEVER forget celebrating your 45th birthday with you in LA "when you needed help to cut your b-day cake..lol...:)"...oh how I wish I could turn back the time!!!!! :cry: But I am happy and thank God that I could celebrate at least one of your birthdays together with you! :yes:
Thanks again for EVERYTHING!!! :)
Wish you were still here with us...:cry:..I will ALWAYS LOVE and MISS YOU FOREVER!!! :wub::cry::cry::cry:
Oh Michael... :cry:
You should be here, with us, celebrating...
Oh baby...
I don't understand how this could have happened. It never should have.
This is hitting me really hard right now, feels like my heart is gonna explode with sorrow.

Happy Birthday, baby.
We miss you so much!
Hope the angels will bring you a giant birthday cake.
Be at peace, I love you
Happy birthday my one and only heero, i miss you so much and i wish you would come back to us.. thank you for showing me love michael i truly love you, yours only
- Jonas
happy birthday, enjoying your music and your talent is the best experience I had in my life and what I have learnt about you, and your messages, makes me proud to be your fan.
You were the salt of the earth.
A bright blazing light that shown in this cold dark world. And all though you've passed on, your bright light still shines on!

There will never be a being as beautiful as you. My dear sweet michael, you're IRREPLACEABLE! I don't have words to say how much I will miss you. All I know is "We" lost something so GREAT.

I don't know where your spirit is, but I pray its at peace! I will always love you michael. I'm gonna miss you SO much! :cry:

Happy 51st BIRTHDAY!:cheers:
Happy Birthday Michael. We love you ever so much.
I'm a bit lost with what to say but you are always in our hearts. Not a day goes by where we don't think of you. You've inspired us to be the best people we can be. You have impacted all of us on major scales. You've healed me Michael and made me the best person I can be. I can never thank you enough. I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you. I can't put into words how much I do.


I hope you have an extra special Birthday this year. It is one with heartache, confusion and sadness...yet we will persevere and celebrate despite it all. Your life was beautiful, meaningful, and magical and we all feel blessed to have gotten to be a part of it! We grow from your lyrics, music, affection, dedication, love and inspiration everyday. Without you many of us would not be who we are. I hope that makes you smile :) I know things like that are what you loved to hear the most, that you made someone elses life better just by being yourself.

We all keep your family in our thoughts daily, and many of us pray for them at night. You are on our minds all the time, and even though this day is so difficult for us, we are still so happy because it was the day that you came in to this world, and made it better for all of us.

Thank you Michael, and Happy Birthday! I hope that you are finding the peace and quiet, along with comfort and dignity that you have searched for all your life. You deserve it, and that would be the best gift of all to finally receive.


I hope you have an extra special Birthday this year. It is one with heartache, confusion and sadness...yet we will persevere and celebrate despite it all. Your life was beautiful, meaningful, and magical and we all feel blessed to have gotten to be a part of it! We grow from your lyrics, music, affection, dedication, love and inspiration everyday. Without you many of us would not be who we are. I hope that makes you smile :) I know things like that are what you loved to hear the most, that you made someone elses life better just by being yourself.

We all keep your family in our thoughts daily, and many of us pray for them at night. You are on our minds all the time, and even though this day is so difficult for us, we are still so happy because it was the day that you came in to this world, and made it better for all of us.

Thank you Michael, and Happy Birthday! I hope that you are finding the peace and quiet, along with comfort and dignity that you have searched for all your life. You deserve it, and that would be the best gift of all to finally receive.


I hope you have an extra special Birthday this year. It is one with heartache, confusion and sadness...yet we will persevere and celebrate despite it all. Your life was beautiful, meaningful, and magical and we all feel blessed to have gotten to be a part of it! We grow from your lyrics, music, affection, dedication, love and inspiration everyday. Without you many of us would not be who we are. I hope that makes you smile :) I know things like that are what you loved to hear the most, that you made someone elses life better just by being yourself.

We all keep your family in our thoughts daily, and many of us pray for them at night. You are on our minds all the time, and even though this day is so difficult for us, we are still so happy because it was the day that you came in to this world, and made it better for all of us.

Thank you Michael, and Happy Birthday! I hope that you are finding the peace and quiet, along with comfort and dignity that you have searched for all your life. You deserve it, and that would be the best gift of all to finally receive.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Michael!
For us, we celebrate the great gift of your birth, your life...and ongoing inspiration. For you, you should celebrate a "job well done". THANK YOU for blessing and changing our lives and this world we live in...for the better. We will never forget you, we will ALWAYS love you.... more and more each day.
God bless you brother, with the deepest respect and most heartfelt appreciation,
~Amy Grace
Happy birthday michael !

Just wanna say we miss you so much , but we will always remember you forever and ever!

we love you always!
You will always live in our hearts and we will count every birthday you have till the day we leave earth..... Happy birthday from miami

From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

I still can't belive this is true, Mike I love you more than life!
wow, my phone alarm recently sound in argentina its 12:23 am, it was announcing me, "Michael Jackson turns 51 years old", like it was written in present time, God, i program the phone when he was alive, this is a little shoking, i dont know if i should say "happy birthday" cause i think that when you die you go to the age you want to be for eternity, i think he may be a child now, so happy eternal chilhood Michael! i think he wanted innocence and when we all die we will return or go to the age we want to stay eternally, i have noticed since he died a star shining everynight very brightly in the sky, i think is Michael:)
oh I'm so touched by all of this
still not believieng in all of this truly
Happy 51!!!!!!!!!!!
*cries a lot its almost morning in europe*
♥ ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL ♥ ♥ Thank you for inspiring us and giving us amazing Songs.. Your Music and History Will Continue to present and into future. ♥ ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL ♥ ♥
thank you for seeing u live

thank you for feelin blessed, to live in an era where u showed us magic

thank you and your parents and family for your life

i could write so many things.....i just can say

i love u mike

happy birthday


Happy Birthday, Michael. We love and miss you so much!! You will always be my Thriller!!
