Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

Happy Birthday Michael..... I will love you forever.
I miss you so much. I will never be whole again
Gahhh I love you so much more than words can say! Michael, seriously you are my life! I loved you before, I love you now and I'll love you forever. Death can't stop love Michael! :flowers:
Well it's after midnight here so Happy Birthday Michael. :flowers: I hope you're enjoying your birthday cake right now, wherever you are. Though you may not be here on this side of life anymore, your spirit lives on and today is your day. I miss you, Michael, and I salute you today and will remember you always.
Happy birthday angel. I hope you're having a blast up there. Easy on the cake. I love you and will be missing you always birthday boy. I'll be celebrating your life today and not mourn your death. I love you!

Have a food fight with all the angels up there. Heaven could use to get messy once in a while. =)
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I love you and I miss you so much.
Happy Birthday, Michael!! :cheers:
I hope you will get a heavenly birthday cake! :flowers:

I miss you so much down here.
I love you most! :angel:
Happy Birthday Michael, My Sweet Angel.....I know you suffer no more....:cry:.....words cannot express the pain in my heart now that you are gone.....:cry:.....I Love you More.
Happy Birthday Michael :)
Even though I was never lucky enough to get to know you personally, you have done so much for me and words cannot express how much i miss you. You will forever be in my heart, as long as i live. Thankyou for all you have given us, and shall continue to give us for years to come.

I hope you are at peace now.

I Love you :)
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY ANGEL ...I will always love you!
Be angels with you...
Happy birthday, Michael. I will always love you baby.


Miss you forever :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:
Happy birthday Dear.
Im having a cake right now to celebrate the date of your birth, Michael. Wish you could be here with us.. Love you.
Happy birthday Michael, I miss you and I love you. So so much. :wub:

In this place you'll find there's no hurt or sorrow.
Happy Birthday Michael...I will always love you, because you made me smile, you inspired me, you thaught me so much.
I miss you endlessly.

Someone posted this pic in another forum...
OMG Michael...:(

Im missing you so much Michael!.. Happy Birthday.. You will always be in my heart and i love you forever!
Happy Birthday Michael.J you the best, my hero!
Relaying you in peace !You her(it) deserved

Goodbye Michael
Happy B-day my sweet sweet angel!!
:heart: I hope you can feel all the love we have for you :heart:
We miss you and we always will, but i know you are here in our souls and hearts.
I belong to you forever, nobody can take that away from me:yes:!!!
Love you more and for ever Michael!
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In your darkest hour we where there,
In your deepest despair we still cared,
In your trials we where there,
in your tripulations and doubts,
in your frustrations, violence and turbulence,
we where there,
Through your fear and confessions,
through your anguish and pain,
through your joy and your sorrow
we where there
and we are still here, we still care, we will for alway be there,
we'll never let you part
For youre always in our heart.

Happy Birthday Michael
To My Angel Michael Jackson,

Happy 51st Birthday Hun

Miss You soo much it hurts
But you will always be in my heart
Never forgotten gawjuss
May you rest in peace now babe
I Love You !

Love Rach xxx


The idea that, for the first time since I've been a fan, I can't wish him "a long, happy and healthy life with his family and friends" depresses me beyond words.

God, why did this have to happen, WHY?????

F*CK destiny and everything, life screwed up big time now and there's nothing bringing him back.

Damn it, I love you too much, Michael!!! How can I say "Happy birthday!" when you've been robbed of your life, a bright future and haven't even received a proper burial to this day?????

I hate this shit.......I want you back, celebrating life with us.....

Michael... :cry:
Happy Birthday Michael. I will light a candle for you tonight. Thank you for everything you've given me, I will love you forever and look forward to meeting you on the otherside. x
Happy Birthday Michael, I'm sure you're having a great time up there right now!
I'm thinking of you, and missing you, as always.
You're always in my heart Michael, see you someday. :)
I love you.

The idea that, for the first time since I've been a fan, I can't wish him "a long, happy and healthy life with his family and friends" depresses me beyond words.

God, why did this have to happen, WHY?????

F*CK destiny and everything, life screwed up big time now and there's nothing bringing him back.

Damn it, I love you too much, Michael!!! How can I say "Happy birthday!" when you've been robbed of your life, a bright future and haven't even received a proper burial to this day?????

I hate this shit.......I want you back, celebrating life with us.....

Michael... :cry:


I want him back too.
Today is a very special day. It is 8 minutes past 12 on the 29th of August 2009, a day that marks 51 years since you were born to this world Michael!
Happy Birthday. We miss you and we love you. When the clock struck 12, I lit a candle by your picture and prayed for you and your family on this special but sad day.
Thank you for everything! I hope our prayers and tributes are nice Birthday gifts xxxx