Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

It is now officially your birthday here in the UK Michael :)

Happy Birthday and thank you so much for all you have given us.
I will love you forever xxxxx
Happy birthday my angel michael. this day will be filled with emotions, and words cannot describe how much i miss you. i know you will have a fantastic birthday in heaven, and i will do my best to celebrate this special day.

I love you so much michael, and i miss you so much that it hurts.
Happy, happy 51st Birthday dearest Michael!

You should be celebrating with us here, we all miss you.

I will always love, 'til we meet again Sweetheart.

Happy birthday from Ireland Michael where ever you are
, thank you for everything.
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets Give Michael Jackson, The Greatest Entertainer of all time, another BIG Gift, from us, the fans.

Today All group members will buy another copy of Thriller album.

make sure it stays on TOP!

lets show the media and all doubters Michael Jackson Is Still Here and WILL BE HERE FOREVER!

Long Live The KING!


Facebook group:

The official group video:

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday deeaaarrr Miiiiiiiccchhaaeellll, Happy Biiiirrrrttthhhdaaaay tooooo youuuuuuu.

Happy Birthday Michael xxxxxxxxxxxx

happy birthday dear michael. thank you and i love you. god bless your soul
Happy Birthday dear Michael,
May you be at peace and happy this day and for all time wherever you are :angel:

We Love You.
We Miss You.

Happy Birthday. :)
Happy Birthday my sweet angel! I've loved you, I love you and I will always love you! You were my angel on Earth, now you are my angel from Heaven! I will always pray for your soul! I wish you were here! God bless you!
Happy birthday, you magical, wonderful, amazing, inspirational, sweet, kind human being. I miss you. I love you. May you enjoy your birthday with the peace you so rightly deserve. Moonwalk in the stars. XXX
Happy Birthday Dear Michael :)
Thank you for all Love, Joy and Happiness :)
God Bless you with Peace, Love, Happiness, Joy and Bliss Always and Forever! Amen :angel:
Loves you and miss you beyond words :heart: Can't wait to be together again :angel: :)
Here in America it isn't quite your birthday yet, but I am going to wish you an early Happy Birthday as I won't be able to all day tomorrow because I will most likely be with hundreds of people who love you and will celebrate your life in a huge birthday party in NY.

I will love you forever, I miss you and I wish you all the peace in heaven and joy on your day of birth on earth. I wish your children and family only joyous memories on your birth day.

So I will go and celebrate in NY and we will Sing it out loud....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!
Seding straight to Paradise all my love to the newest Angel,God called for help...Michael Jackson.
Because you are so human,so caring,so giving,so rare,God missed you as much as we do,so He decided that you should rest next to Him.
I love you,i always will,from the botton of my heart,happy 51st birthday my joy!
I miss you...
I don't know what to say about this day. How can I wish a happy birthday when the person is gone?
Happy Early Birthday Michael.

I miss you so much and I love you even more.

I'm scared of what tomorrow will bring.
But I'll keep smiling even if i'm dying inside, just for you.

Michael we miss you so much, thanks for all the great music you gave us. Your big heart that reached out to those in need. Today in London I will celebrate your life and the great man you were. Love you xx
Happy Birthday Michael! We Love & Miss You!!!!
Happy Birthday dear Michael, we can't be happy without you, we miss you!
Dearest Applehead
I love you, I miss you, I will always believe in you.
You gave us so much, you gave us your life and soul.
I thank you so much for what you did.
Happy 51st Birthday in Heaven
Happy Birthday Michael

i'm really lost for words ....

may your spirit stays forever-more in Neverland

Thank u for everything you've done to me and to the World

oh god i miss u so much :'(