Happy Birthday Michael Jackson :We Miss You Michael

Tomorrow I'll be in Rome with hundreds of people for a party to celebrate your life again. It'll be full of joy and tears, full of hope and sadness.
Thanks again for all you've done for me, I am what I am now also because of you.
I'm proud to be your fan and I miss you so much.
If you love me more, I love you twice that "more".
Happy Birthday Michael.
:cry: I don't know how this can be. I'm listening to "Bright Eyes" by Art Garfunkel and reading the birthday messages (including mine) to Michael and it's just so unreal..how can he be gone. :(
Happy birthday Michael.

You are my inspiration. Thank you for all the things you did, you rocked my world and always will. I miss you so much.
Happy birthday, our beloved Michael. I hope you're enjoying your celebrations in paradise.


You brought us the uttermost magic here on earth, dazzling us with your presence and sparkly clothes.

You delighted our eyes and made us believe that anything is possible, because YOU made it possible.

We, your fans, were here through your trials and tribulations, through your joy and sorrow. We felt your anguish and also your pain.

But most importantly, we felt connected to you, like you were part of us. You brought us together as ONE.

Michael, you are still part of us - forever and always.

Love you more, Applehead.
Happy birthday michael
I would have been watching you moonwalk tomorrow night
the angels obviously wanted to see you more.
I'll miss you and i love you forever xxxxx

You were there, before we came.
You took the hurt, you took the shame.
They built the walls to block your way.
You beat them down.
You won the day.
It wasn't right, it wasn't fair.
You taught them all.
You made them care.
Yes, you were there, and thanks to you
There's now a door we all walk through.
And we are here, for all to see --
To be the best that we can be.
Yes, I am here....
Because you were there.
Happy Birthday My sweet Michael. I cant even explain in words the pain i feel everyday since you left us. I know your heaven michael so i hope your having the time of your life with the angels. Rest in Peace my Prince. I love you.
happy birthday Michael . i really dont know what to write because it hurts so much .

Love u so much !


I never thought it would come to this to do it in such circumstances :-(
Michael Happy Birthday Angel! I love you.
Happy birthday my dear sweet beautiful Michael. Hope you're in a magical and peaceful place looking over us. Love you and miss you forever :heart:
Michael, though I never met you, I still loved you so much. I still miss seeing your smile and hearing your laughter. Your smile and laugh could brighten any day. I miss you so much, but I hope that you are finally at peace now, with the angels, where you belong. Thank you for everything you ever shared with us, every part of you that we were so lucky to be blessed with. I will always love you the most. Happy Birthday, my dear Michael. I still hope to meet you someday, but now it will be in Heaven. :wub:
Happy Birthday, Michael.
I love you so very much, for you you are always in my heart. You are an angel and I hope to meet with you someday. :) No other words can express what I'm feeling right now.
You changed my life and I thank you. Again, I love you so much.
Happy Birthday my dearest Angel..Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Michael.. you are in my heart always and forever..no word can explain wat u mean to me.. you are my child, my friend and my dream... rest in peace my angel.. death can't do us apart.. i love you and i will carry your legacy all of my life.. I LOVE YOU MORE UNCONDITIONALLY:""(
It was a thread somewhere (I cannot find it) about buying helium balloons for MJ birthday which is tomorrow.
Today I went to Party Packagers store and got one blue helium balloon for Mike. I said to the sales person that I need to buy just one blue balloon. She was smiling to me and just give it to me for free :) It is a little miracle:)
Happy birthday Michael! You are the best and I’ll love you forever!
In your darkest hour we where there,
In your deepest despair we still cared,
In your trials we where there,
in your tripulations and doubts,
in your frustrations, violence and turbulence,
we where there,
Through your fear and confessions,
through your anguish and pain,
through your joy and your sorrow
we where there
and we are still here, we still care, we will for alway be there,
we'll never let you part
For youre always in our heart.

Happy Birthday Michael

:yes: Beautiful. So true. :wub:
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!!:wub:


A little liquor out to ya,homie;D
Happy birthday my dearest Michael. i hope you reached Neverland now. Save a place for me in your team. I hope you enjoy your birthday with angels and God smiles at you. Be free and be with us forever, enjoy your eternity

Happy birthday Michael Jackson.
I love u so much and I miss u more and more everyday. god bless yr soul.
love u always. / Christopher
Happy Birthday Michael. I love you and I miss you :( Can't believe you're gone.

Forever the King Of Pop.

We love you more.
Happy Birthday! The world is thankful for your life. This day 51 years ago changed the world forever in a huge and wonderful way.