Grammy discussion, Video links, Pictures..... [ Prince & Paris attend ] ALL threads merged.

And also Prince thanked the fans.. would ya rather Jermaine accept it and thank his family like he did previously.. im just glad he didnt accept it
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Yup only tuned in for michael as I did on 01...not really bothered about them anymore they are a joke, michael and his kids were the most credible thing about the grammys last night
I agree in a sense that it is time to end the tributes and let the kids deal with it on their own. But i also think it is very sweet of them to WANT to accept something for their father.

This wasn't a grand opportunity for the J5 this was something that was for MICHAEL. The RIGHT people were there. If The fam was invited and didn't go thats their thing. I mean come on to not support a family member is kind of an "in" thing now. Better to be jealous and stew in it all your life then forgive and forget. Right?*rolls eyes*

Lets not ruin this for the kids shall we. We dont know what went on to get them on the stage we dont know anything so assuming is pointless.

I just don't want to see them continouslally accept things on their fathers behalf because it can seriosuly lead down a dark path and into a career they might not want..They must know they have choices and in this situation it might seem hard to know this..I would be happy if they lead lives outside of this buisness because then they will live in their father's shadow..I am just worried at the increase of their exposure..I know mj would not have liked it..He did everything to protect them from it..I know they have more normality but that is slowly changing now and I just worry
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I will never watch the Grammy's again either.
Good idea about the HIGH QUALITY MJ Concert!!Hope that will happen!

Next thing that will draw a huge amount of viewers is if This Is It wins an Oscar as best documentary! His children can then pick it up again!Nominations announced tomorrow.
I just don't want to see them continouslally accept things on their fathers behalf because it can seriosuly lead down a dark path and into a career they might not want..They must know they have choices and in this situation it might seem hard to know this..I would be happy if they lead lives outside of this buisness because then they will live in their father's shadow..I am just worried at the increase of their exposure..I know mj would not have liked it..He did everything to protect them from it..I know they have more normality but that is slowly changing now and I just worry

So you would rather a jealous brother such as Randy or Jermaine accept on behalf of their brother rather then have someone like his kids do it? They are old enough to decide what they want for themselves. Michael told them how it was. They are not as clueless as some think.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Glad to see them giving him the credit for the ratings boost.

Oh....those eyes. :cry:
I dont think 2 be honest they could live a normal life.. media just wont let them.. they are after all the children of the biggest entertainer in the world and MJ is gona live on forever so media will always b around.. im glad we have his kids to help keep his legacy alive cause right now i dont see anyone doing so i know its only 7 months but we all need to keep MJ memory goin forever, he was 2 special not 2..
So you would rather a jealous brother such as Randy or Jermaine accept on behalf of their brother rather then have someone like his kids do it? They are old enough to decide what they want for themselves. Michael told them how it was. They are not as clueless as some think.

Exactly he raised those kids so brill and they are extremely clued in on what is happening..
Watchin it on Irish TV now hearing him speak at start gave me shivers and im crying.................AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh Love ya mj
I was just talking to my mom on the phone and I told her to youtube the performance of Earth Song, and then the kid's acceptance speech....My mom was watching it, and I could hear it in the phone, and you guys, it was UNCANNY how much Prince sounded like Michael...He sounded like him just watching it myself, but through the phone....I am still shaken by it, it was like Michael was speaking himself....He said EVERY word EXACTLY like Michael....This is just too much to deal with right now....:cry:

I know hun, its uncanny. My sis picked it up too, I was shocked. I didn't expect his voice to sound so similar...
So you would rather a jealous brother such as Randy or Jermaine accept on behalf of their brother rather then have someone like his kids do it? They are old enough to decide what they want for themselves. Michael told them how it was. They are not as clueless as some think.

errrrr yes i would! what is a crappy award compared to those children's lives? i know the children have been on soo many news shows since last night and it really pisses me off. they are not 'celebs'. and this is only happening cuz they were on the grammys.
it would be a lot better if i knew for sure that it was their idea but.....

and i'm not being funny or anything, but it would be really good to not see the kids on tv, in magazines or anything because at least then i know they are not being stalked by paps.

children need stability and normality, especially when something traumatic happens in their lives so i hope they don't make any more apprearances.
I know hun, its uncanny. My sis picked it up too, I was shocked. I didn't expect his voice to sound so similar...

IKR? I'm still getting chills thinking about it...I mean, it was SO obvious...Let the haters listen carefully, and then they can shut their mouths about those kids not being biologically Michael's....
errrrr yes i would! what is a crappy award compared to those children's lives? i know the children have been on soo many news shows since last night and it really pisses me off. they are not 'celebs'. and this is only happening cuz they were on the grammys.
it would be a lot better if i knew for sure that it was their idea but.....

and i'm not being funny or anything, but it would be really good to not see the kids on tv, in magazines or anything because at least then i know they are not being stalked by paps.

children need stability and normality, especially when something traumatic happens in their lives so i hope they don't make any more apprearances.

Exactly..Could not agree more and I would rather jackson brothers going up there..Even if they may not believe some things they say, they still say it in the most respectful way and tbh michael loved his brothers more than us..So don't keep hating on them as we don't know themm..And no ginny they can not and are not old enough to make descisions for themselves..They are CHILDREN..Not adults and if they could make desisions, they would be living by themselves right now..There were others behind the scenes pushing this and It was more wrong than right..I do not want to hear from them for a long time so they can live and enjoy life and try to get over this terrible loss...Pickin up awards and being part of this at times absurd, false and articicial business is not good for their recovery imo..They need to continue doing what they had been doing before..I think and hope this was a one off
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

MJ has, is, and will forever be a huge draw because he is Michael Jackson. He's the king.
I just don't want to see them continouslally accept things on their fathers behalf because it can seriosuly lead down a dark path and into a career they might not want..They must know they have choices and in this situation it might seem hard to know this..I would be happy if they lead lives outside of this buisness because then they will live in their father's shadow..I am just worried at the increase of their exposure..I know mj would not have liked it..He did everything to protect them from it..I know they have more normality but that is slowly changing now and I just worry

Just think how many awards and tribute shows there has already been done for Michael and they haven't attended any of them. This was their first time and already you are using the word "continuously" and talking about some dark paths....

errrrr yes i would! what is a crappy award compared to those children's lives? i know the children have been on soo many news shows since last night and it really pisses me off. they are not 'celebs'. and this is only happening cuz they were on the grammys.
it would be a lot better if i knew for sure that it was their idea but.....

and i'm not being funny or anything, but it would be really good to not see the kids on tv, in magazines or anything because at least then i know they are not being stalked by paps.

children need stability and normality, especially when something traumatic happens in their lives so i hope they don't make any more apprearances.

In my opinion you can't compare the news and pics taken by paps and their appearance on Grammy show. Being Michael Jackson's children they must have known they are going to be photographed, thus they posed for pics. They must have known they are going to be talked about and they are going to be in news everywhere and Katherine must have been ok with kids attending since they were there to accept the award for their father.

And what comes to having stability and normality in their lives I am sure Katherine and everyone else in the family is making sure they will continue to have as normal life as possible, just like they've been having after attending the memorial and the funeral.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

They better embrace those ratings while they can because they'll never see it again. They shouldn't forget that it's all because of Michael Jackson.

I know I'll never watch again. Just as I promised myself before, MTV has been banned from my home. So will the Grammys...
Back again and I knew it. Someone had to report negatively about it. Stupid people. It's a german article saying it was embarassing, their outfits looked like carneval and so on. She wrote that because in the end of the article, she's claiming Joe forced them like he forced everyone of his children. Ignorant. God thanks you can leave a comment there, I'll definitely register.
If someone speaks german, here's the link

Ha....Someone deleted the article!!!!!!
I think yesterday would be the last time we see the children well I feel it should be. I know probably june it's possible we will see them , It's cool with me if the kids want to do these things instead of adults forcing them .At the same thing they got forced into the spolight because they are michael's children but I know the jacksons can be private they been private for years so it's not impossible for them to live outside the spotlight.At the end of the day it's their grandmother decision not ours.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Grammy idiots seem to have forgotten long ago the power of the king. Idiots, if they honored Michael they way he deserved they would have enjoyed attention for years. Every time he puts out an album, he shatters everybody. He is simply the most accomplished ever. Yet, he won 18 Grammys and Beyonce won 16!!!!! Nothing against B, but Michael is in an entirely different realm of talent. They always feared MJ would dominate the world, and despite their attempts, he did. Taylor Swift who is absolute rubbish wins Grammys for god's sake. By these standards, MJ should have won a hundred Grammys.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Mike's voice, as always, was the best amongst all those singers. we're never gonna hear a voice like his again :(
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I'm not gonna be watcing The grammys either...and just to spite them, I'll be watching each of Michael concerts for EVERY Award show there are gonna be...:lol: That will show

But Many of you have said it...With out Michael...its tasteless...boring :bored: Not gonna be watching it...may be if i missed something "good", I might watch it on YT...:lol: thats pretty fair...dont u think?

I just don't want to see them continouslally accept things on their fathers behalf because it can seriosuly lead down a dark path and into a career they might not want..They must know they have choices and in this situation it might seem hard to know this..I would be happy if they lead lives outside of this buisness because then they will live in their father's shadow..I am just worried at the increase of their exposure..I know mj would not have liked it..He did everything to protect them from it..I know they have more normality but that is slowly changing now and I just worry

Everyone is entitled to an opinion....and in this case I have a contrary opinion. MJ's kids will always be in the limelight for as long as MJ is relevant to the music world. Now, as an MJ fan I want him to be always relevant forever & ever.

The Jackson family I believe have done so far an excellent job in handling the kids. Since MJ's death there have been dozens of tributes & awards given all over and they were accepted by his siblings (like Jermaine, Tito, Randy & La Toya). The kids were never asked to accept any of those.

But is the Grammy!!!- the highest & most prestigious Award giving body of the music industry. And they are bestowing on Michael a very important award. To me, no one deserves to be up that stage to accept that lifetime achievement award than his own children.

You say you believe MJ would not approve of it - I beg to disagree. I think the kids made him proud last night! Did you see how the audience stood in awe at them. It was a moment in history & I am glad they had the wisdom to go & be part of it. The message echoed by Prince - that was priceless.......MJ is one person who understands the importance of history and I am glad the Jackson family seized that moment. I think the Jackson family have the intelligence & the sound judgement to know which event the kids will go to.

Big cheers to Prince & Paris & also to Blanket!!! May I also add how I love their outfit - brilliant choice!!
Just think how many awards and tribute shows there has already been done for Michael and they haven't attended any of them. This was their first time and already you are using the word "continuously" and talking about some dark paths....

I never said they have continitouly been to awrds shows..I said I don't want them too at this age..They are in the wrong position and age to be in this world right now..And yes look at how many lives this industry has destroyed..There are many dark paths that are easy to walk down without realising
Just read an not so ok article about last night but it was not horrible and it did comment MJ's parenting but still had some "Fighting" words in it. The people that replied totally stood up for MJ and I don't think they were complete fans like us! which is cool but it's hard to tell. But all the comments were positive :):D
Everyone is entitled to an opinion....and in this case I have a contrary opinion. MJ's kids will always be in the limelight for as long as MJ is relevant to the music world. Now, as an MJ fan I want him to be always relevant forever & ever.

The Jackson family I believe have done so far an excellent job in handling the kids. Since MJ's death there have been dozens of tributes & awards given all over and they were accepted by his siblings (like Jermaine, Tito, Randy & La Toya). The kids were never asked to accept any of those.

But is the Grammy!!!- the highest & most prestigious Award giving body of the music industry. And they are bestowing on Michael a very important award. To me, no one deserves to be up that stage to accept that lifetime achievement award than his own children.

You say you believe MJ would not approve of it - I beg to disagree. I think the kids made him proud last night! Did you see how the audience stood in awe at them. It was a moment in history & I am glad they had the wisdom to go & be part of it. The message echoed by Prince - that was priceless.......MJ is one person who understands the importance of history and I am glad the Jackson family seized that moment. I think the Jackson family have the intelligence & the sound judgement to know which event the kids will go to.

Big cheers to Prince & Paris & also to Blanket!!! May I also add how I love their outfit - brilliant choice!!

Of course, everyone is entitled to an opinin and each must be respected on here and not made to seem irrelevant.Regardless of how well they have handled things..It will only get more difficult sadly because of these appearances and the assumption that they are now fodder for the press because they have talked well and look comfortable.I don't think mj would be happy in a few years to the way the press might hound them like they did him..Of course he would be proud of how they conducted themselves yesterday , that goes without saying..they were simply astounding given te cirrcumstances..But i just don't think he would approve of the bacstage way they got to be on that stage..I just feel alot of string are being pulled in different directions..They shoul just be left alone now and hopefully they will..But they are now more suseptable now.This would have always happened but they could have been made to be more aware as adults rather than kids..But noone can predict life. Look all I am saying is I hope the future is not determined but they instances because it might end badly..I hope to god it doesn't obviously but theses circles corrupt and kill human beings..They are strong like their father but i don't want them corrupted and neither did mj..He knew the buisness and how it acn destroy the most pure..He was protecting them and that protection however good it might still be is leaking now
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Glad to hear about the ratings. I myself promoted it to my family & friends & we all tuned in last night. The Earth Song was just brilliant!! I was so emotional choking back tears & when the kids came up, I just lost it.....what an emotional moment! But at the same time I felt sooo happy to see them up there soooo gorgeous & soooo beautiful!
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Of course! Not surprised by this at all. Michael WAS the music industry. Without him, there is nothing left. I too will never watch the grammy's again! What is the point?!