Grammy discussion, Video links, Pictures..... [ Prince & Paris attend ] ALL threads merged.

Prince and Paris are just beautiful!

They stole the show! The anticipation when Prince took to the microphone was there for all to see. I was expecting Prince's high voice but he already has started to develop his deep voice and he had such poise and elegance. He definitely reminded me of MJ in his manner, speaking and tone.

Paris is one young classy girl!

Hugs to little Blanket. Our mini MJ.

Also how cool was it that the kids were dressed like their daddy? How often do you see children trying to dress like their parent? It's a big sign of love and admiration those children hold for Michael.

I have been emotional since this morning when i watched the tribute peformance and Prince & Paris accepting the lifetime achievement award on behalf of their daddy. The questions keep on coming back....why did Michael have to go? :cry:
I was worried about them doing this, but I have to say I feel proud of them (is that strange?).

I don't mean to sound like I think the children should be used for this purpose (because that would be kinda exploting them) - but each time they speak about their dad they have made people realise (hopefully) that Michael was a person, a good father, not the media created caricature which is how some people view him - as not 'real'. So when people are making fun of, and writing crap about him they need to realise they are making fun and writing crap about the father of these young children, who they love. Not 'Michael Jackson' the character.. I can't explain properly..

So so sooo true! I absolutely agree!
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

the same happened to the vma...what a lesson for executives!
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

^ I know right! I won't be watching the Grammy again. Last night was the last time.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson


The Grammys should have bow down to the King.

My parents and GRANDPARENTS all tuned in to watch it because they wanted to watch Michael's tribute. Keep in mind, my grandparents do not watch anything about music anymore. LOLS!

My Dad was so funny last night talking to the television because Taylor ruined Stevie Nicks song.

He was like, "Who is this girl? She shouldn't sing like that. She can't reach the high note." LOL!

My Grandma was really shocked by L. Gaga. xD She didn't even recognized Elton John...

We all thought that Michael rocked his own tribute... :cool: His voice was so powerful!

After the tribute, we switched it to watch Basketball...
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Well I hope the Grammy folks enjoyed it, because they won't ever see those numbers again.

it is so sad :(

I am sorry, all this finality makes me so sad... This "it will never happen again" feeling is horrible. :(
also ppl, this wasn't for THEIR benefit, this was for their dad. It was short and sweet. good job paris and prince.
Think it is shocking they had to be put in this position.There is no way they wanted to do this and were adament they would be the ones to accept this award.Someone either suggested it to them and convinced them or they themselves suggested they would like to and from there were pushed into this position.I don't care what anyone says, even though it was was nice they would accept their father's award, they should not in any way be in that place..They are children..very intelligent but still children and therefore as a child they will have elements of naivety.

They do not think like adults naturally and should not be pushed into behaving in the same way as others in that room..These moments only make it more difficult for them to aviod these moments in years to come and this is precisel what mj was trying to protct them from.If anything bad happens to them in the future I will look back on this as being the reason why.Now the sick media will feel entitled to take pictures etc because they are appearing in these ways and been coaed and trained into how to speak in these situations.So as they are becoming media savy, The media feel justified in using them as another form of prey.I don't know who did this but whoever did was sick and should be ashamed.

Now, in no way am i saying they did not do an amaizing job.They were strong and brave just like their father and seem to both have all his admirable qualities. I just do not agree with them being put in this position because as children tere is no way they can force this descision upon the organisers etc.So others are behind this.I do not want to see them in the papers or on shows because for one they are children and michael worked too hard to mae them enjoy 'normality'..This should remain but I worry even more now..And also, they are not performers in any way, I do not know if they will be but until then, they should not be in these places because the can get corrupted so easily.Especially in the music industry of today that is more concenred with money and greed than longeivity and talent.

Prince was obviously nervous and apprehensive and he did such a wonderful job of conveying what he ad to say, but again, this is not the place for them..This can simply lead to so many bad things. It was thankfully wise to not have blanket up there even though he seems to be observant and intelligent as well.Regardless of his age and increse in naiviety in regards to what is going on round him..There is something that suggests he is practically just as aware..He was the most attentive and was there for all the reherasals and taking it all in..He copied his father in every way and I will always remember the last picture Janet took of michael where blanket was sitting next to him..THEY WERE IN THE EXACT SAME POSTURE..I think as many youngest children of their father do, idolised him in every way..But they all did..But as a performer blanket more so...If you look at him backstage...He looks so similair to his father...The hair ..The huge dark black eyes are just as black and wide as his straight posture and slim figure is identical and from his face you can see all the emotions michael had at his disposal..Backstaage he looked emotional but also on a strange level , aware of everthing around him and the fakeness of it all..I think paris knows this too and I hope Prince does not get corrupted by the sharks because to me..He seems the most vunerable...But they are all so close and will be there for each other which is how michael raised them...They are in an excptionally close family and should be fine because jacksons will always be around them.

I am just unhappy that they made this appearance and I hope there will be no more..But I do not know if michael would have wanted this for the simple reason of what the future now holds..He could not have stopped them if they wante a life in showbiz..But now, even if they do not..They can't avoid it..Not because of being mj's kids so much but because they are speaking publicly in these ways..Of course they can and should share their feelings if they want too.It is up to them..But they are too young and need to undestand the consequences before opening up more..This can't be fully understood until they are older..
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Duh, ratings will go up. MJ is the King of the whole entertainment world. Today's artists could learn a thing or two from MJ.

Maybe these executives will think "hmmm.... MJ = Ratings" and produce a high-quality MJ Tribute Concert on his birthday. KEYWORD: HIGH QUALITY.
The kids done there Daddy proud, he raised them so beautifully.. Another cry fest for me thou.. God bless them they are amazing children... Miss u MJ xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i can't take this :no:
i don't know why i feel like this
i can't stop crying
Aww I know exactly how you feel :cry: :hug:

I feel like I'm back to June 25th. I have been crying off and on all day. I am just so thankful and so blessed to have lived during Michael's era and have felt all the emotions he put into his music. I love him and miss him more than words could ever say. I can't even think straight today, so many memories, so many emotions. I hope I'm making some kind of sense.
hink it is shocking they had to be put in this position.There is no way they wanted to do this and were adament they would be the ones to accept this award.Someone either suggested it to them and convinced them or they themselves suggested they would like to and from there were pushed into this position.I don't care what anyone says, even though it was was nice they would accept their father's award, they should not in any way be in that place..They are children..very intelligent but still children and therefore as a child they will have elements of naivety.
none of us are in a postion to post opinion as fact
I was just talking to my mom on the phone and I told her to youtube the performance of Earth Song, and then the kid's acceptance speech....My mom was watching it, and I could hear it in the phone, and you guys, it was UNCANNY how much Prince sounded like Michael...He sounded like him just watching it myself, but through the phone....I am still shaken by it, it was like Michael was speaking himself....He said EVERY word EXACTLY like Michael....This is just too much to deal with right now....:cry:
a few minutes after that section of the broadcast, i watched my downloaded copy of This IS It for the third time, to remind myself of the talents of the greatest vocalist of all time. listening, to MJ...there will never be another.
I am not doing it as fact but one thing that is clear..any child does not have authority over adults..So no matter how this was formed, I know that the scenario was not just implemented by Prince and Paris..I would not be so ignorant as to make an assumption but as anyone knows, Kids do not think in the same way as adults..Therefore others were obviously involed in tis descision and I know their outlook on this and the future would have been totally different to the mindset of children...Simple as
Updated February 01, 2010
Prince and Paris Choke Up: Will This Be End of Michael Jackson Tributes?

By Hollie McKay

Jackson kids choke up talking about their dad, perhaps for the last time.


Prince and Paris Jackson, children of perhaps the world's most famous man, stepped into unfamiliar territory at the 52nd Grammy Awards on Sunday night – the spotlight.
Michael Jackson’s eldest children, who he always protected from the public eye, accepted their dad’s posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award, and while their courage brought about a standing ovation, it was clear the two had trouble getting through their speech.
HOT/NOT: Best/worst of Grammy red carpet.
"We are proud to be here to accept this award on behalf of our father, Michael Jackson," 12-year-old Prince said, before getting choked up and stammering. "First of all, we'd like to thank God for watching over us for the past seven months. And our grandmother and grandfather for their love and support. We would also like to thank the fans. Our father loved you so much because you were always there for him. Our father was always concerned about the planet and humanity. Through all his hard work and dedication, he's helped with many charities and donated to all of them.”
Eleven-year-old Paris closed the acceptance with a few more words; however she was clearly overcome by the moment.
POLL: How bad do Jackson kids have it?
"Daddy was supposed to be here, Daddy was gonna perform this year," she said quickly. "He couldn't perform last year. Thank you, we love you, Daddy."
The King of Pop also has a seven-year-old son, Blanket, who Pop Tarts is told was never slated to make an appearance.
KITCHEN SINK FASHION: Every outfit of note on the Grammy red carpet.
And if paying tribute to their late father wasn’t emotional enough, on top of that, Prince and Paris also had to return to the Staples Center, the site of Michael Jackson’s memorial last summer, and the very same stage on which their dad spent hours rehearsing just prior to his death.
“It was sad, they were very overwhelmed and seemed confused by it all,” a source close to the Jackson family told Pop Tarts. “It took right up to the 11th hour for everyone involved to agree, but the children did really want to it. They’ve had to grow up a lot – last year at the memorial they were just little kids and now they’ve really grown up.”
According to our insider, MJ’s children are being very well taken care of by their grandmother Katherine and are coping “pretty well,” but there is some concern that the constant string of Michael Jackson tributes that have taken place since his death could be having a negative impact on their healing process.
“They’re getting tired of all these tributes, it is not letting them move on,” said our source. “It’s not healthy.”
On the note of the highly-anticipated 3-D Michael Jackson “Earth” tribute that brought together Celine Dion, Carrie Underwood, Usher and Smokey Robinson, would it have been a lot more meaningful had Michael’s brothers done the honors instead?
“Remember, there was no Michael Jackson without the Jackson Five. It was a missed opportunity not getting them (the brothers) all together for this,” added our insider. “And Berry Gordy (Motown founder) was sitting in the audience and it was disappointing that he wasn’t a part of it either.”
the insider perhaps is one of MJ's brother.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

Buh bye Grammys :)
that's the last time I'm watching. June 25th meant entertainment changed forever.
So true. People need to stop the nonsense they spread and think how they are hurting little children.

:yes: They should. 'whhatt about us?!' They should remember that.

spot on:clapping:

I know exactly what you mean :angel:

Great post. I know exactly what you're saying. I've thought about it this way also.

So so sooo true! I absolutely agree!

:hug: Ohh good so I made sense afterall then!

Bless those children :angel:
Guys we dont know if the kids wanted to do it or not so we cant state for a fact.. The kids may of wanted to do it for themselves and we should all be proud of them for stepping up in front of a worldwide audience and showing us what fantastic kids and how fantastic Michael brough them up.. Im sure if they didnt want to do it Katherine would have step in.. At least it might show people that all the bull going on there is still 3 kids in this who lost there Daddy and the media would wanna give them and michael a rest.. We dont know the circumstances just pray for the kids as they are having it tough ya can see it on there faces..
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

of course. and it looks like Conan was right about nbc. always in fourth place.

and, of course, 2001 was the last time grammys were big..that was the year MJ was promoting Invincible and fans hoped he'd get grammys for that.

It's been that way for quite a while. :)
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

I'm never watching the Grammys again either.

The music industry is pathetic nowadays...
It was most heart wrenching because every time I see them, it's a solid confirmation that he is gone. I had to leave the room after seeing them to sit on my bed and have a good cry.

Bless their little hearts. I hope they get through this okay.
Prince diddnt sound much like Michael to me. But It was a nice acceptence speech

well hes only 13 maybe when hes older:yes:

can someone please explain what she meant by this? "Daddy was supposed to be here, Daddy was gonna perform this year," she said quickly. "He couldn't perform last year. Thank you, we love you, Daddy."
Guys we dont know if the kids wanted to do it or not so we cant state for a fact.. The kids may of wanted to do it for themselves
exactly no one knows. and if they said no we dont like the idea we dont wanna go u think they were told u must do it? as if. give katherine and the kids some credit. im sure jerm couldnt wait to get in there and collect it
I am not doing it as fact but one thing that is clear..any child does not have authority over adults..So no matter how this was formed, I know that the scenario was not just implemented by Prince and Paris..I would not be so ignorant as to make an assumption but as anyone knows, Kids do not think in the same way as adults..Therefore others were obviously involed in tis descision and I know their outlook on this and the future would have been totally different to the mindset of children...Simple as
I agree with you 100% ... They should - although living in a showbiz family - have the chance to live like kids as long it is possible. Today too many children forced to let go of their childhood, so slowly it seems to be normal for everyone.
Re: Big surge for Grammys over Jackson

It was the same case with the VMA's last year and the BET awards. The BET awards had their highest ratings ever last year because of the MJ tribute, so this doesn't really suprise me. When Michael was alive, he was a huge draw. Specials and interviews with him him almost always got big ratings (I.e. Superbowl, Oprah Interview, Diane Sawyer, Living With Michael Jackson,etc. All got huge ratings). It's no different now.