Get well soon, Michael

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I'd like to offer a few logical reminders if I may....things we already know and may easily forget due to the sensational nature of words chosen in hopes it can help:

Regardless to what is ailing Michael right now, let's just remember

1. Michael does not want to interrupt the flow of his life to give his attention to some BS (do you think that point is debatable?)

2. Even the common cold can make it unwise to travel, WHY, because it is contagious!!
(so there's no point in trying to read the attorney's meaning - it could be for MJ's sake or it could be for the sake of fellow travelers)

3. We are dealing with the words of an attorney who is getting PAID HIGH DOLLARS by Michael to keep him out of court.., (don't forget that) keep Michael from wasting his precious time so that he can do what Michael Jackson is committed to, before and since, especially since - recovering from the last few years of turbulence.

Do you really see MJ upping and racing off to Europe to have some petty conversation in some courtroom with some petty so-called friend's attorney over a matter that is petty (7 mil to a Prince in the first place is petty cash it seems to me) over what amounts to the same old stuff everyone else "sues" MJ for - (leaving them) JUST because someone WANTS HIM TO??

PLUS the attorney's job is to keep MJ from getting any sicker from this legal nonsense, no matter WHAT his ailment is - even if it IS a really bad cold.

4. The attorney worded his statement to be apprehended by the attorney for the other side - NOT - the fans (so he was not obliged to be careful to keep from panicking us so keep in mind "attorney-speak" is for a very specific PURPOSE)

These are reminders just to offer another perspective and to realize we do not - nor will we ever - know enough FACTS to warrent worrying at this point.

The attorney for the other side made that stupid statement about putting a bandage on a positive "diagnosis" as a last ditch (losing) effort to try and force Michael to show up for a STUPID trial (and you know MJ is calling it all "stupid").

UNTIL we find out different,

my money's on MJ sitting at home recovering from whatever, watching cartoons with his kids.

:angel: praying for you Michael, no matter what

Thank you,State!I'm feeling a few better.
Thank you for all of you guys!We need stay together and think positive!
I will try stay calm...I promisse. :pray:
well sad state ofshock. mj should just tell them all to get stuffed. no excuses needed im not coming and thats it
I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the title of this thread. :( Get well soon, Michael.
I'm a nervous breakdown right now. My heart is aching and all I want is to suffer instead of him. If only I could absorb his illness and make him well. Please God please keep him healthy and safe. We don't need anything else apart from his happiness and health. My God don't make him suffer please I can't take it. Michael my precious we are here for you, we adore you please take care of yourself because YOU are what matters! :((((
Thank you!:cry:

.....................No thXX hun!:D
He will be ok!:D:yes::D:punk:

Edit: ThXXX for your'e post state!:D
Try to sleep tonight guys! *hugs for all of you*
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I'd like to offer a few logical reminders if I may....things we already know and may easily forget due to the sensational nature of words chosen in hopes it can help:

Regardless to what is ailing Michael right now, let's just remember

1. Michael does not want to interrupt the flow of his life to give his attention to some BS (do you think that point is debatable?)

2. Even the common cold can make it unwise to travel, WHY, because it is contagious!!
(so there's no point in trying to read the attorney's meaning - it could be for MJ's sake or it could be for the sake of fellow travelers)

3. We are dealing with the words of an attorney who is getting PAID HIGH DOLLARS by Michael to keep him out of court.., (don't forget that) keep Michael from wasting his precious time so that he can do what Michael Jackson is committed to, before and since, especially since - recovering from the last few years of turbulence.

Do you really see MJ upping and racing off to Europe to have some petty conversation in some courtroom with some petty so-called friend's attorney over a matter that is petty (7 mil to a Prince in the first place is petty cash it seems to me) over what amounts to the same old stuff everyone else "sues" MJ for - (leaving them) JUST because someone WANTS HIM TO??

PLUS the attorney's job is to keep MJ from getting any sicker from this legal nonsense, no matter WHAT his ailment is - even if it IS a really bad cold.

4. The attorney worded his statement to be apprehended by the attorney for the other side - NOT - the fans (so he was not obliged to be careful to keep from panicking us so keep in mind "attorney-speak" is for a very specific PURPOSE)

These are reminders just to offer another perspective and to realize we do not - nor will we ever - know enough FACTS to warrent worrying at this point.

The attorney for the other side made that stupid statement about putting a bandage on a positive "diagnosis" as a last ditch (losing) effort to try and force Michael to show up for a STUPID trial (and you know MJ is calling it all "stupid").

UNTIL we find out different,

my money's on MJ sitting at home recovering from whatever, watching cartoons with his kids.

:angel: praying for you Michael, no matter what

Very well put!

I can believe that it is a cold because I'm sick now and my doctor doesn't want me to travel for work. I've traveled before when I was in even worse condition and it only got me more sick, so it's probably a good thing that he "sits at home recovering from whatever, watching cartoons with his kids."

Your in my prayers Michael! Get well soon!
Aww:(I hope and pray that you get well soon Mike. We all up in here prayin for you. I wish our prayers could bring a quick recovery.
I'm a nervous breakdown right now. My heart is aching and all I want is to suffer instead of him. If only I could absorb his illness and make him well. Please God please keep him healthy and safe. We don't need anything else apart from his happiness and health. My God don't make him suffer please I can't take it. Michael my precious we are here for you, we adore you please take care of yourself because YOU are what matters! :((((

He will be ok. He really will. Take care of yourself, please?

This thread is now re-opened. If you don't believe it and do not wish to send Michael well wishes then please avoid this thread. This thread is for well wishes ONLY so please spare us with pseudo diagnoses, what you hope is wrong, what you think is right, and the such. All we know is Michael is not feeling well and we are here to give him our well wishes. If you don't want to wish him well or would like to start a thread about something related to this then please do. But leave this thread for the well wishers.
This thread is now re-opened. If you don't believe it and do not wish to send Michael well wishes then please avoid this thread. This thread is for well wishes ONLY so please spare us with pseudo diagnoses, what you hope is wrong, what you think is right, and the such. All we know is Michael is not feeling well and we are here to give him our well wishes. If you don't want to wish him well or would like to start a thread about something related to this then please do. But leave this thread for the well wishers.

Thankyou Alli
Im worried...Michael i hope you are doing okey. you are such a strong person, and you dont deserve all the hell you go through. stay strong. your strength inspires all of us. I am praying for you and I hope you get well soon. my heart goes out to you right now. hugs and much love to you! we are with you in spirit always!

SOS, great post. God bless you. Your post made me feel much better and you read my mind regarding the cold. Excellent point.

Just keep on praying, fans. Be positive. Don't panic. If you guys have something to do, I suggest to do that and focus on that. MJ is going to be fine. God is on his side. Just be positive and pray.

I'm a nervous breakdown right now

Relax. Alright? Hang in there. He will be fine. You have to pray for Michael. Don't panic. :)
Thanks to all for the news and updates. :flowers:


That^^ is Noah, the Feel Better Bear and when you press his hand he gives the following message:

"Someone who cares very much for you wants you to feel better. So I am sending you big bear hugs! Hugs don't need an envelope or postage because they are heart to heart. I am sending you smiles over the miles because smiles bring us closer and remind you that you are loved………Take a deep breath and feel better because I feel better when you do. Peace and Blessings. "

Get Well Soon, Michael. God speed with whatever is ailing you! :better::angel:
I love you sweetheart. We are always with you. Be very good to yourself. We would do anything for you. LOVE ALWAYS
Oh, Lord! Help us to hold fast all together to Your path, even in the shaky times. Lord! You have promised to help us in our time of trouble and need. We rest upon Your word.

- Imam Moujahed Bakhach

I don't know what's wrong and won't speculate about it. Just know that Michael, you are in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and your wonderful children. Speedy recovery Mike Jack!
I'm praying for you dear Michael. Get well soon. (((hug)))
Dear Michael
I hope whatever is wrong isnt to serious
and I pray for your speedy recovery (( Hugs ))

May God continue to Bless you, Paris Prince and Blanket
I must also admit, I am a little perturbed and worried...

I wish Michael the best and hope he has a speedy and full recovery.
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