Get well soon, Michael

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skin + pathology test... :mello:

lets not make any assumptions. he WILL be perfectly fine.

Words of the day:



We love ya Mike! Get better real soon.

:yes: :yes: u might not realize it but ur positive energy has really helped me. this kind of attitude is all we need right now. dont mind me. im just a crying whining baby lol
Roxy don't let that throw you - it was just the attorney for the other side trying to be "cute" - nothing more. Your confused because it had no context.


Being that you love to read, I'm sending you this "get well soon" essay. :) (and this is just to Michael if anyone's bored with this lol)

I reckon that since you have a lot to do these days, you'd love the upward momentum to continue and it can and it will.

Being sensitive, Michael, you feel "natural affection" and true love so deeply and therefore the opposite too :( - even tonsils can be sensitive to that kind of stress so try and keep thinking positive, tranquil thoughts..I know there are a lot of things that can be being exacerbated by emotional stressors like what's being asked of you to endure right now and endure you will 'cause you're a rhino that way.

You're on the last leg of these kinds of things that make you sick (and "sick & tired" of this kind of thing you're being put through).

Maybe you began to sense within your spirit as the clouds were lifting in 2006, that someone was being an opportunist, while doing his job as a FRIEND, (albeit so-called) and you were within every right to make new decisions when the fog cleared.

Michael, I'm just so truly sorry you have to go through this kind of thing - I don't have words to say how much. Woe be unto everyone who has ever hurt you in the least, you can be sure of that :( if its any comfort.

Ponder the people who love you without measure - who love you truly, madly and deeply and without regards to conditions - those who love you just because you're YOU and NO other reason, and you have every right to expect that, being that's how you treat others.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.

Take heart ... the last of the dross is being skimmed off.

Keep your head ..........and your spirits .................up uP UP

The best is yet to come. We know this.

In short (too late for that) - feel better soon and know that greater is He that is in you than "it" that is in the world, \

always and forever

Things'll work out. They always do.

meanwhile, my prescription...

Keep watching the funniest stuff you've ever seen in your life,
over and over again..

If I had it my way it'd be Bugs Bunny and I Love Lucy (Chocolate factory, and any Copa and L.A. episodes) but you know how to do it...

have yourself a Three Stooges marathon, eat plenty sherbert and laugh, laugh, laugh

laugh laugh
Roxy don't let that throw you - it was just the attorney for the other side trying to be "cute" - nothing more. Your confused because it had no context.


Being that you love to read, I'm sending you this "get well soon" essay. :) (and this is just to Michael if anyone's bored with this lol)

I reckon that since you have a lot to do these days, you'd love the upward momentum to continue and it can and it will.

Being sensitive, Michael, you feel "natural affection" and true love so deeply and therefore the opposite too :( - even tonsils can be sensitive to that kind of stress so try and keep thinking positive, tranquil thoughts..I know there are a lot of things that can be being exacerbated by emotional stressors like what's being asked of you to endure right now and endure you will 'cause you're a rhino that way.

You're on the last leg of these kinds of things that make you sick (and "sick & tired" of this kind of thing you're being put through).

Maybe you began to sense within your spirit as the clouds were lifting in 2006, that someone was being an opportunist, while doing his job as a FRIEND, (albeit so-called) and you were within every right to make new decisions when the fog cleared.

Michael, I'm just so truly sorry you have to go through this kind of thing - I don't have words to say how much. Woe be unto everyone who has ever hurt you in the least, you can be sure of that :( if its any comfort.

Ponder the people who love you without measure - who love you truly, madly and deeply and without regards to conditions - those who love you just because you're YOU and NO other reason, and you have every right to expect that, being that's how you treat others.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.

Take heart ... the last of the dross is being skimmed off.

Keep your head ..........and your spirits .................up uP UP

The best is yet to come. We know this.

In short (too late for that) - feel better soon and know that greater is He that is in you than "it" that is in the world, \

always and forever

Things'll work out. They always do.

meanwhile, my prescription...

Keep watching the funniest stuff you've ever seen in your life,
over and over again..

If I had it my way it'd be Bugs Bunny and I Love Lucy (Chocolate factory, and any Copa and L.A. episodes) but you know how to do it...

have yourself a Three Stooges marathon, eat plenty sherbert and laugh, laugh, laugh

laugh laugh

yes yes yes thank you so much for this amazing post. it made me cry :cry:

nothing matters more than his health. screw the music screw the work screw the lawsuits and the damn money screw everything.
This is BS. If Michael's doctor says he can't travel, then if this judge forces him to, I'm just going to be at a loss for words. If the Prince demands that Michael be there, then he's an even bigger deuch then he already appears to be. There's no REASON why Michael would have to be there in person.

I hope he's okay.
michael upon hearing this news , i too , am worried .
well i am sending you every last prayer i have in my soul , every strengh within me too , to get well so soon , to make a speedy recovery .
you are a strong ~perfect ~man and we all love you .

love from wendi and family xxxxxxx
I have seen some dispicable responcies from members here,

I expect a certain amount of compassion in this time of need

Or you will be out of my forum in the first instance, PERIOD

Carry on guys, I am sorry you have to see some of those responcies


MJJC Owner/Administrator

On that note if you find your post missing, an infraction in your box or even banned it's because this has zero tolerance. Respect first :yes:
nic, it's douche...

and mike....TP u know what i wanna say and i mean it.....and i know what u'll say back. please learn to spell message and many blessings to u this time. HARDER!
This is the last thing I expected to read about this evening. Anyway, whatever is ailing Mike I wish him nothing but the best and a speedy recovery.

And for those speculating, we all don't need to know what exactly is ailing Mike, its up to the judge to decide if its serious enough to prevent him from travelling.

Speculating about said illness is only gonna drag out this thread with wild theories and worries.
michael upon hearing this news , i too , am worried .
well i am sending you every last prayer i have in my soul , every strengh within me too , to get well so soon , to make a speedy recovery .
you are a strong ~perfect ~man and we all love you .

love from wendi and family xxxxxxx

man it is always good to see u here. ur positivity is most needed. the machine keeps not letting me add to ur rep so i'll just make it public. i know ur positivity will help MJ

and to State of Shock...i second it and say Amen to the Bugs Bunny.

u know, Michael that he is some funny ish:yes:
lets not make any assumptions. he WILL be perfectly fine.

:yes: :yes: u might not realize it but ur positive energy has really helped me. this kind of attitude is all we need right now. dont mind me. im just a crying whining baby lol

Roxanne, you are totally right, about the positive energy. Keep it up!

Sending you positive energy from far far away from a LAME student in Serbia - who just can't read for his exam because he is worried about his idol. Well whatever comes,we'll make it through , right!
This is BS. If Michael's doctor says he can't travel, then if this judge forces him to, I'm just going to be at a loss for words.
its a tinpot civil case they cant force mj to do anything. if he doesnt want to go he wont.
just the idea that the dr feels its serious enuf for mj not to travel speaks volumes....if thejudge and the other party are low enuf to leak what this is and we get it from them instead of from mj himself, i'll be pissed as shite!

money is just money. an dif that man wants to throw away a friendship or feels he has to buy his friends then it proves money can't buy happinness
I really must try to sleep as I have a long and exhausting day at work tomorrow, but I just don't know how Im gonna do that.
Please be OK Michael, my love and prayers are winging there way to you.
Love you, my angel xx
I'm crying so much here....Oh,my GOD!!
Please,help me.....
I'd like to offer a few logical reminders if I may....things we already know and may easily forget due to the sensational nature of words chosen in hopes it can help:

Regardless to what is ailing Michael right now, let's just remember

1. Michael does not want to interrupt the flow of his life to give his attention to some BS (do you think that point is debatable?)

2. Even the common cold can make it unwise to travel, WHY, because it is contagious!!
(so there's no point in trying to read the attorney's meaning - it could be for MJ's sake or it could be for the sake of fellow travelers)

3. We are dealing with the words of an attorney who is getting PAID HIGH DOLLARS by Michael to keep him out of court.., (don't forget that) keep Michael from wasting his precious time so that he can do what Michael Jackson is committed to, before and since, especially since - recovering from the last few years of turbulence.

Do you really see MJ upping and racing off to Europe to have some petty conversation in some courtroom with some petty so-called friend's attorney over a matter that is petty (7 mil to a Prince in the first place is petty cash it seems to me) over what amounts to the same old stuff everyone else "sues" MJ for - (leaving them) JUST because someone WANTS HIM TO??

PLUS the attorney's job is to keep MJ from getting any sicker from this legal nonsense, no matter WHAT his ailment is - even if it IS a really bad cold.

4. The attorney worded his statement to be apprehended by the attorney for the other side - NOT - the fans (so he was not obliged to be careful to keep from panicking us so keep in mind "attorney-speak" is for a very specific PURPOSE)

These are reminders just to offer another perspective and to realize we do not - nor will we ever - know enough FACTS to warrent worrying at this point.

The attorney for the other side made that stupid statement about putting a bandage on a positive "diagnosis" as a last ditch (losing) effort to try and force Michael to show up for a STUPID trial (and you know MJ is calling it all "stupid").

UNTIL we find out different,

my money's on MJ sitting at home recovering from whatever, watching cartoons with his kids.

:angel: praying for you Michael, no matter what
^^Thank you for your post Stateofshock, very wise and welcome words. You have helped me get some prospective and I have managed to calm down, so I shall try to sleep now, Good night everyone
I'd like to offer a few logical reminders if I may....things we already know and may easily forget due to the sensational nature of words chosen in hopes it can help:

Regardless to what is ailing Michael right now, let's just remember

1. Michael does not want to interrupt the flow of his life to give his attention to some BS (do you think that point is debatable?)

2. Even the common cold can make it unwise to travel, WHY, because it is contagious!!
(so there's no point in trying to read the attorney's meaning - it could be for MJ's sake or it could be for the sake of fellow travelers)

3. We are dealing with the words of an attorney who is getting PAID HIGH DOLLARS by Michael to keep him out of court.., (don't forget that) keep Michael from wasting his precious time so that he can do what Michael Jackson is committed to, before and since, especially since - recovering from the last few years of turbulence.

Do you really see MJ upping and racing off to Europe to have some petty conversation in some courtroom with some petty so-called friend's attorney over a matter that is petty (7 mil to a Prince in the first place is petty cash it seems to me) over what amounts to the same old stuff everyone else "sues" MJ for - (leaving them) JUST because someone WANTS HIM TO??

PLUS the attorney's job is to keep MJ from getting any sicker from this legal nonsense, no matter WHAT his ailment is - even if it IS a really bad cold.

4. The attorney worded his statement to be apprehended by the attorney for the other side - NOT - the fans (so he was not obliged to be careful to keep from panicking us so keep in mind "attorney-speak" is for a very specific PURPOSE)

These are reminders just to offer another perspective and to realize we do not - nor will we ever - know enough FACTS to warrent worrying at this point.

The attorney for the other side made that stupid statement about putting a bandage on a positive "diagnosis" as a last ditch (losing) effort to try and force Michael to show up for a STUPID trial (and you know MJ is calling it all "stupid").

UNTIL we find out different,

my money's on MJ sitting at home recovering from whatever, watching cartoons with his kids.

:angel: praying for you Michael, no matter what

This made me smile SOS!! thanks :flowers:
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