Get well soon, Michael

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here is a better question. you have been a fan enough to notice that MJ is under constant scrutiny, negative slanted press..pressure, people turning on him, who were supposed to be 'friends', hate, all manner of attacks and other major causes of great stress from big influential places, on a regular basis. it's common knowledge that stress causes illness, right?

easy now,let's not fight - we should stick together now :better:
I think all the stress gets to him...when I was looking for news this is not what I wanted to hear
I hope it's nothing serious
not fightin words...just helping someone to understand that it's plausible how MJ can be affected by all the ish around him....

but thanks for the gesture anyway..:)

yeah i know it's not fighting , just wanted to send a "don't get upset" note ;) :D
God be with you Michael, get well soon. We love you. :angel::better::wub:
Awww Michael. I hope he gets over this fast! It's no fun to be sick. :( Get better Michael! We love you!
Awww poor boy. :( He must be going through a rough time. Michael we all love you so much, and I'm sending you lots of get well wishes with this message. I will pray for you. God bless. xxx
I heard the news today,Oh Boy........
I do hope Michael will get well soon..With the shift in the wind ,he has to batten down the hatches(weather wise) and stay calm and take his medicine.He has to follow doctors orders.I hope it's not too serious.
Oh my goodness, my heart is thumping so hard, I hate it whenever Michael is sick, or anyone for that matter.
I hope its not serious.

Dearest Michael, please get better soon. Love you from the bottom of my heart xxxx
Hope it's not anything serious.

Hopefully it's just an excuse to not meet in court!

Get well Mikey
..while i know this is serious...

*prayers continuing*

but how do we know its serious ? it might not be. they used the word "bandage" right ? they said it could be cured with a bandage ? so it must be sth skin related.

God help us :praying
i confess that i feel very scared. :cry:

I feel worried..and scared for MJ!! :(

:better: Things will be okay. We won't speculate as to what Michael has but we will honor the seriousness of it all. Michael has vast resources to fight whatever it is he has. Remain hopeful and if you need to chat contact one of the staff here so we can chat. It'll be okay! :flowers:
:better: Things will be okay. We won't speculate as to what Michael has but we will honor the seriousness of it all. Michael has vast resources to fight whatever it is he has. Remain hopeful and if you need to chat contact one of the staff here so we can chat. It'll be okay! :flowers:

It WILL be ok, but. . what MJJC MOD said?

i reckon the test was taken yesterday morning so we should know by tomorrow morning.
48 hrs is too much. i cant handle it. i hate those lawyers. they let us know that hes very sick but they didnt let us know what he has. they dont even care if we're scared to death or not. they should of had told us what he has or not told us anything at all.
i reckon the test was taken yesterday morning so we should know by tomorrow morning.
48 hrs is too much. i cant handle it. i hate those lawyers. they let us know that hes very sick but they didnt let us know what he has. they dont even care if we're scared to death or not. they should of had told us what he has or not told us anything at all.

same here....
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