George Lopez inviting Paris to his show

Why are you guys hating on George Lopez. Like another poster said he has done nothing to MJ. I read the court transcript from the 05 trial and Jones book. There is nothing that Lopez did to MJ. He didn't attack Michael. I have never seen any jokes by Lopez that was disrespectful.

Answer to your question. If this seems nothing to you then i can't say anything.

When George Lopez testified in court, he tried his hardest to downplay the incident where the Arvizo family accused him of theft. He made the mother out to be an innocent abuse victim and cast all blame on their faceless father. He did everything possible to help the defense as little as possible.

Before the jury had even reached a verdict he appeared on different shows sympathizing with the Arvizos and claiming that he was sorry for Michael's existence. He talked about what a "freak show" Michael was, said he dressed in "Pee-Wee Herman" outfits at court, that he looking like a cracked porcelain doll, etc. He anchored several entertainment shows and had other interviews after the trial, and for months he used the same "joke" about Michael along the lines of "When I testified, I couldn't tell if I was looking at Michael Jackson or some white female celebrity."

Only after June 25, 2009 did he have a sudden an abrupt change of heart to sucker Jackson-related parties onto his show.
This guy is a pervers.

I hope you will never have to read sentiments like that about yourself. Is this the youtube comment section where any kind of name calling is okay?
People live out their lowest inclinations behind anonymous screen names. If you call someone a pervert, please sign that statement with your real life name- and not with an anonymous screen name.
Stand behind it.
Excuse me, but do you realize how extremely ignorant of a comment that is to make? As a Michael Jackson fan how dare you call someone a pervert just because they spoke to a kid. You're calling a man a pervert for simply tweeting an adolescent? Michael suffered accusations of being a pervert himself thanks to retarded thinking like that and it angers me that I'm seeing an MJ fan make such a ridiculous accusation. After all that Michael suffered through you, as a fan, should have learned valuable lessons about how not to judge people in such a manner.
In no way am I saying I support George Lopez wanting Paris on his show here, but I'm pretty sure NO, he is not a pervert. You ought to be ashamed of how ignorant of a statement you just made. Please think about how thinking like that contributes to so much wrong in this society. We don't need anymore people suffering in this world like Michael did just because some idiot goes around making false claims about them.

Thanks, I was about to lose my mind. Do I think it's beyond tasteless to tweet a teenager, when you ridicule her father? Yes.
Does that justify name calling? Nope, it doesn't.

I am amazed at the vulgarity that some people decry in the treatment of Michael Jackson, yet it seems totally fine to do to someone else. I don't like Lopez, I find his jokes as immature and tasteless as the above comment.

Apparently the suffering of Michael Jackson is not enough for some people to understand that it is NOT OKAY to be walking around, name calling someone.

I don't even turn on late night shows like Lopez for the most part, because the majority of it consists of cheap jokes at the expense of other people.
Can some people leave the 'an eye for an eye' mentality behind? Pitty Lopez for his bad taste, but it's not okay to be calling someone a pervert.
ok. we still have no proof, evidence of validation to say that is actually Paris' twitter, so why worry. I just wish EVERYONE (includinf fnas) would leave those poor kids the fuck alone. Don't u think they have been through enough already? jeez, its not like they actually do anything worse paying attention to anyway. I'm quite happy to ignore them until such time as THEY decide to come out to the world as artists in their own right!
I hope you will never have to read sentiments like that about yourself. Is this the youtube comment section where any kind of name calling is okay?
People live out their lowest inclinations behind anonymous screen names. If you call someone a pervert, please sign that statement with your real life name- and not with an anonymous screen name.
Stand behind it.

Thanks, I was about to lose my mind. Do I think it's beyond tasteless to tweet a teenager, when you ridicule her father? Yes.
Does that justify name calling? Nope, it doesn't.

I am amazed at the vulgarity that some people decry in the treatment of Michael Jackson, yet it seems totally fine to do to someone else. I don't like Lopez, I find his jokes as immature and tasteless as the above comment.

Apparently the suffering of Michael Jackson is not enough for some people to understand that it is NOT OKAY to be walking around, name calling someone.

I don't even turn on late night shows like Lopez for the most part, because the majority of it consists of cheap jokes at the expense of other people.
Can some people leave the 'an eye for an eye' mentality behind? Pitty Lopez for his bad taste, but it's not okay to be calling someone a pervert.

This, this and this. Some decency would not go amiss. Thread cleaned.
YYYYYYYeah, good. Even his disrespectful Michael jokes did not keep him there. This is what happens when your content is lacking in depth, excitement, and innovation.
i was about to tell u guys about this ,i guess i am slow .anyways i guess mj gave that show evil eye :blink:
karma is *****
Good riddance! Karma-What goes around, comes around, what goes up, must come down!! Justice... Now, on to the others, especially Nancy Disgrace...she's already being replaced on one of her shows, let's pray the other is blown up!:yes::clap: I can't stand the Uncle Tom on Nancy Disgraces show, Natisha Lansbury, I believe that's her name.:no:
Personally, I don't see Lopez's show being cancelled as karma. I'm sure the higher-ups didn't say " Because you made jokes about Michael Jackson, we are now informing you that your show will not be on again after the next episode." Lopez will just appear on some other program after his show goes off the air. The cancellation of his show certainly wasn't because of the way he told jokes about Michael. This is all just my opinion.
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That's your opinion, and I doubt the higher-ups did that either, but there is a little thing called "Karma" that will come back to EVERYONE who does wrong knowingly.

Personally, I don't see Lopez's show being cancelled as karma. I'm sure the higher-ups didn't say " Because you made jokes about Michael Jackson, we are now informing you that your show will not be on again after the next episode." Lopez will just appear on some other program after his show goes off the air. The cancellation of his show certainly wasn't because of the way he told jokes about Michael. This is all just my opinion.
Wow that's unexpected and I have to admit, such weird timing...
Karma or not, don't really care, whatever u want to believe? But, I'm a happy camper non the less! Good freakin riddance to his fake @$$ least for now!:ph34r:
^^^^Of course we know the bosses did not say "you talked bad about michael so we are cancelling your show?" No fan here is that spaced out or lacking in knowledge. Sometimes statements and ideas conveyed are taken too literally here. I guess it occurs due to our diverse language and experience.

What the fans mean is that he did negative things and something negative happened to him. Some believe this and some do not and that is OK too.
If that was for ME, I sleep well everynight, and could give 2 shits about George Lopez and his fakeness, TRUTH be told, he should thank his ex-wife EVERYDAY for his new kidney, while he's trying to be a smart ass... and yes, every action, has an equal and opposite reaction, basic LAW (Newton's THIRD Law)! Now, ignore, and carry on...

BAAAA, Karma! Yea, whatever makes you sleep at night...
In the words of mike karmas a load of crap.

As long as hes gone who cares why and how it came about
why every one is hanging on word "karma".his show got canceled ............good ridden i say enjoy the movement and keep up with count down is very long countdown .
Some people act like they're offended by the word Karma!! If you believe it, fine, if you don't, fine too!! Damn...I wonder sometimes...At the end of the day, his show is cancelled, and good riddance!
Any act, however insignificant it is, will return to the individual with equal impact. :fear:

Karma or not, it exists and it never fails.... so be careful with their actions.... everything you do, good or bad, will return to you somehow. :fear: Fact! :eek: