George Lopez inviting Paris to his show

^Those kind of comments make me wish it was possible to reach across the computer screen and slap their author senseless.
The news that Paris has a twitter account and having stumbled upon today has left a permanent scar on me. Dear God someone look after these children for once - maybe if the Jackson family weren't so busy pimping and attempting to cash in on anything and everything these 3 children will have better guardians. So sad. I am terribly annoyed...i hope this will be rectified.
When George Lopez testified in court, he tried his hardest to downplay the incident where the Arvizo family accused him of theft. He made the mother out to be an innocent abuse victim and cast all blame on their faceless father. He did everything possible to help the defense as little as possible.

Before the jury had even reached a verdict he appeared on different shows sympathizing with the Arvizos and claiming that he was sorry for Michael's existence. He talked about what a "freak show" Michael was, said he dressed in "Pee-Wee Herman" outfits at court, that he looking like a cracked porcelain doll, etc. He anchored several entertainment shows and had other interviews after the trial, and for months he used the same "joke" about Michael along the lines of "When I testified, I couldn't tell if I was looking at Michael Jackson or some white female celebrity."

Only after June 25, 2009 did he have a sudden an abrupt change of heart to sucker Jackson-related parties onto his show.

Wow didn't know that either. Thanks for the info. Michael Bearden, a longtime friend of Michael, works on Lopez Tonight, too. Hopefully, George is genuinely sorry for his derogatory comments on Michael..
the children finally had the "normal" life now as the Jacksons kept saying in every interview.
Somebody wrote here, Paris has had a small postal change with a Twitterer and her father defended very much.
As a result someone else wrote here, she must block such Twitterer …
As a result someone else wrote here, she must block such Twitterer …
For me this is a sign of strength and self-confidence if Paris does not block. And in it one can only support her with all means!
She is not quiet, but defends herself.

The question is: „How can the child be supported?“
In addition I see only one answer: Paris must get the possibility to find out about the details from Michael's process!
I do not think that she is too young for that. Partially she may know a little bit----and smattering of knowledge can be more injurious much than the knowledge of the whole story.

Where she finds the court protocols in the net, I do not know. To read this and to talk about it with a trust person--- I hold it for necessary.

Ah, something else: If the account was not opened by Paris itself, it is possibly no good sign. Maybe Paris operates only superficially as "a fig leaf" and makes available there free of charge her photos and films.
Who knows this already exactly.
That is what people tweet her? That's is terrible. As for George Lopez, I am glad I know the truth in what he said about Michael. There are too many hypocrites in the world. I have no use for them.
Oh my God, did someone really ask that?

That's just unbelievable and sickening.

ontop of posting the interviews of the family calling mj a druggie latoyas claims from 93 and jerms word to the bad.
If u think its ok for a 13 year old to be asked how she liked been raped by her father then yeah twitter is great for paris.

0_o Ubelievable...If, if yes if Mike was here, we would never speak about the twitter of Paris, because even if she would have been on twitter, I'm 100% sure, it would have been PRIVATE.

This is really very sad. No matter if Paris contacted him or not, she has no idea, no clue of what kind of people she is courting, what they did to her father. She's way over her head and the Jacksons don't seem to care. They're famewhores, they probably welcome it.

And these sites can be dangerous even to grown people. I work with the legal system and I can tell you we have brought Facebook postings, the like, to court and actually used it to trap people in their testimonies, they've gotten into trouble by cause of those sites. Imagine what kind of predators lurk on those sites to lure young girls. If this isn't handled, this can be very dangerous.
It's true what's being said about Lopez only blaming the Arviso Father and downplaying the mother role in her kids lying and stealing for Money. He was in my opinion trying to protect them mainly because they were Latino and Mexican like him.

I can tell by the way he describes how they know how his house would look like and how a Latin person would keep it. Whatever that freakin means? Shoot, I'm Latin myself and I can give to shit about protecting them cause of that. The Arviso's were wrong, in what they did and need to pay!

I was disappointed with his testimony at trial. Because I clearly remember Lopez on a short clip on the show Extra where he says something like wait until u hear the stuff about the family and gave this wide eyed look to the camera. He was pretty much saying he knows bad and crazy things about the Arviso's family and to wait and see. Which, right there I knew he meant personal things. It was clear he knew who they where. So When he got on the stand it was all of a sudden just the father's fault!? WHAT?
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yeah, so? That's like blaming a child because an internet predator is trying to prey on them, "well, they talked to them first..." yeah, but who's supposed to be the responsible adult here? George might not be a pedophile, but he's definitely trying to prey on paris, no doubt to boost the ratings of his very vulgar and pedestrian show, so the intent is no different in that he is attempting to take advantage of a young girl for not-so-nice motives [in this case media attention/money].

If he's so serious about having one of the jackson kids in his show, why doesn't he contact an adult. I, for one, found it rather creepy that he was attempting to use the internet to talk to her, regardless of whether or not it was her legitimate account, the attempt is still there. As for some of you saying he was being a "nice guy," does lopez invite every fan who tells him what a cool show he has? Of course not. Obviously, the only reason he wants her on there is because she's michael jackson's daughter [or so he thinks, if the twitter acct. Turns out to be false, it would still be what he thought, and thus all that matters].

So yes, he was attempting to lure her if he didn't talk to an adult first. There is more than one reason to lure someone to do something you want them to do--it's not always about sex. It is evident that this lopez character isn't someone to trust if he's getting chummy with 13 year olds on the internet.

With that said, i don't think anyone should have twitter, facebook, etc. Those things cause more problems than anything else, as anyone who has posted anything which later came back to bite them in the ass can tell you. Twitter especially seems more like a tool to stalk people, since the whole point of it is to tell your "followers" [even the names sound creepy] where you're at/what you're doing, etc. Call me old-fashioned, but i honestly think all that is completely unnecessary and at times has proven itself to be dangerous [people getting robbed when they post they're on vacation via fb, etc]. It happens often enough for news articles to warn the general public about it.

Children especially should not have anything which resembles twitter, or even facebook. Their intentions may be innocent, but that doesn't mean everyone in their periphery's are. Too many problems arise out of social networking, from cyberbullying to luring children and manipulating them, or far worse, and you all know what those are. I honestly think michael would be horrified [and probably was horrified in life] if he knew just how deep these social networking sites can land children in trouble--if even grown men and women find serious consequences from using the internet as a networking tool, imagine children, who are less aware of the ways of the world.

I hope for everything that's worthy that this twitter account is fake. It still doesn't change lopez's shoddy intentions, but at least it takes the real paris out of the equation. Like someone else already mentioned, why isn't lopez doing this to anyone else's kids, or to his other twitter fans?
I hate to say this, but I think Paris loves the attention she's getting from Twitter. Unfortunately, the Jacksons may just encourage her on.

Well, Paris has had social networks for a while. She had a formspring, tumblr, and facebook. She deleted those 3 and now is permanately on twitter. She talks to Omer Bhatti ('my brother' as she calls him...I cringe) from twitter a few times. Paris is the one who's been leaking pictures and video clips of herself since after Michael died in 2009, so why are folks so shocked? Now is when the press caught on due to some fan's betrayal.

As for Paris liking the fame, of course she does. The way she smiles and half poses in front of pap's...there was even a time a pap confused her with Miley Cyrus and she posed with a peace sign like Miley as he photographed her. Other times she poses with her tongue out or poses 'street-like' with friends and posts them on twitter. Pictures from her bedroom, her posing in bed on and so fourth.

No matter how many of us send Paris a tweet and tell her to make her site private, she won't listen. A lot of people told her that already and warned her about the creeps and haters. Instead she choses to answer some of these creeps defending her dad and having to read all the "Your dad is Arnie Klien and you are not Michael biological kids..." crap. Same thing happened on formspring.

Katherine has to be on top of it and she's too damn old to be tending to tweens. And she doesn't seem to care as long as the benjamins keeps coming in every month.
It's true what's being said about Lopez only blaming the Arviso Father and downplaying the mother role in her kids lying and stealing for Money. He was in my opinion trying to protect them mainly because they were Latino and Mexican like him.

I can tell by the way he describes how they know how his house would look like and how a Latin person would keep it. Whatever that freakin means? Shoot, I'm Latin myself and I can give to shit about protecting them cause of that. The Arviso's were wrong, in what they did and need to pay!

I was disappointed with his testimony at trial. Because I clearly remember Lopez on a short clip on the show Extra where he says something like wait until u hear the stuff about the family and gave this wide eyed look to the camera. He was pretty much saying he knows bad and crazy things about the Arviso's family and to wait and see. Which, right there I knew he meant personal things. It was clear he knew who they where. So When he got on the stand it was all of a sudden just the father's fault!? WHAT?
Long before Lopez spoke BS about MJ during the trial,
there was always something about him I didn't like.
I can only hope that now Paris and her family have talked
about this and she doesn't go on that show.
Long before Lopez spoke BS about MJ during the trial,
there was always something about him I didn't like.
I can only hope that now Paris and her family have talked
about this and she doesn't go on that show.

Ditto. Lopez's show smacks of vulgar humour and rather rude, borderline racist comments. I also got the impression that he was sticking up for the Arvizos because they were "Latino", which appears to be something he's obsessed with. Whatever happened to not caring about someone's nationality/ethnicity/heritage and judging them by, oh, I dunno...their character and their actions!?

I think the Latin Americans who think this man is doing them a favour and acting as a "voice" for them need to reassess their values. They should rally around an intelligent and sophisticated Latino, not a racist and pathetic figure whose humour only appeals to the most pedestrian folks. He's almost as low as Howard Stern in my book, and I fail to see how people could find such clowns even remotely amusing.

Anyway, just my two cents. George Lopez is no friend of Michael Jackson's. Random, but I also always found his voice annoying. Gah!
It's true what's being said about Lopez only blaming the Arviso Father and downplaying the mother role in her kids lying and stealing for Money. He was in my opinion trying to protect them mainly because they were Latino and Mexican like him.

I can tell by the way he describes how they know how his house would look like and how a Latin person would keep it. Whatever that freakin means? Shoot, I'm Latin myself and I can give to shit about protecting them cause of that. The Arviso's were wrong, in what they did and need to pay!

I was disappointed with his testimony at trial. Because I clearly remember Lopez on a short clip on the show Extra where he says something like wait until u hear the stuff about the family and gave this wide eyed look to the camera. He was pretty much saying he knows bad and crazy things about the Arviso's family and to wait and see. Which, right there I knew he meant personal things. It was clear he knew who they where. So When he got on the stand it was all of a sudden just the father's fault!? WHAT?
Thanks for all the input guys. I never knew all of this about George Lopez. I only knew that the Arviso family tried to scam him too. He definitely is trying to "protect" them because they're Latino. I don't understand when people do things like that because who is he helping really? I lying mother who uses her children to scam celebrities? :no:
I don't know them but I hope Paris is not too trusting of people. Prince and Blanket seem more guarded. There are a lot of people who didn't like Michael and now he is gone say how much they loved him. Some people like Lopez I didn't know what he did or said before June 25.
^Yeah, that's my question too. That's why I think kids shouldn't have things like that, but I can't control what other people choose to have. I only hope that, if this is Paris' real Twitter, she's as careful as possible in dealing with people on there. I really hope it isn't a legit account, although whether the account is legitimate or not is irrelevant when assessing Lopez's intentions.
its her twitter and how can he ask a kid to come to his show...that is a qestion he must ask the childs parent/guardian and not the child
And yet in all the media they keep writing that now they have a normal life and childhood... it's so pathetic, Michael was the one who gave them a normal childhood, since he left Katherine and the Jacksons have made them into "celebrities"! Please don't say that George should have gone to Katherine first, cause she would be preparing Paris' seat on the show before that bastard could even finish the sentence "Please Welcome Paris Jackson"! Also, honestly this whole poor 13 year old child being manipulated thing has to stop... Paris is not stupid, she knows very well what she's doing with her twitter account, she kinda wants to be in the spotlight atm, you can see it in her behaviour with the paparazzi and all, and has mentioned her future acting carreer (as well as Prince with his envy to go in "showbussiness") about 300 times... and clearly this whole "the child needs supervision and all" believe me, I'm sure the Jackson's opened the twitter account for her! So let's get real, Paris knows what she's doing, George is only taking advantage of a big show rate oppurtunity and we should all prepare ourselves for an emotional rollercoaster future that we are gonna have while the kids and the Jacksons continue Michael'sz legacy... unfortunately this is just the begining of the nightmare! Next thing you'll know, the 3 kids will do a show with Kathy Griffin!!

Sigh... I think you're right.

This whole thing is so sad.

I think that's why fans are upset by this twitter thing... it all seems to be foreshadowing other things to come...

I can't get over the fact that he had the gall to contact her. It's already weird because you know he wouldn't do it if it were Lourdes. But he does it with a kid who's father he was a public asshole towards?

He knows Madonna would bitchslap the mess out of him.
Why are you guys hating on George Lopez. Like another poster said he has done nothing to MJ. I read the court transcript from the 05 trial and Jones book. There is nothing that Lopez did to MJ. He didn't attack Michael. I have never seen any jokes by Lopez that was disrespectful. I'm a fan of Lopez and I don't think he is this evil guy some of you are trying to make him out to be. Plus so what if he tweeted her inviting her to his show. Lopez has children, he knows he can't get her on the show unless her guardian agrees. Is just a tweet message, it doesn't mean anything. Plus since MJ's death Lopez has had people on his show that spoke with love and respect for Michael. He hired Michael Bearden as music director for show. So what is the problem! Those of you who have a problem with him could you explain to me what he did so wrong to MJ in your eyes. I'm just trying to understand the anger.

I'm not saying he should have been inviting Paris but is just twitter. Like I said he knows that there is no way to get her on his show unless Katherine agrees. I hope Katherine never agrees but you never know with Katherine because she has them do two interviews. When Paris is of age and wants to do that then that is her choice.
This guy is a pervers.

Excuse me, but do you realize how extremely ignorant of a comment that is to make? As a Michael Jackson fan how dare you call someone a pervert just because they spoke to a kid. You're calling a man a pervert for simply tweeting an adolescent? Michael suffered accusations of being a pervert himself thanks to retarded thinking like that and it angers me that I'm seeing an MJ fan make such a ridiculous accusation. After all that Michael suffered through you, as a fan, should have learned valuable lessons about how not to judge people in such a manner.
In no way am I saying I support George Lopez wanting Paris on his show here, but I'm pretty sure NO, he is not a pervert. You ought to be ashamed of how ignorant of a statement you just made. Please think about how thinking like that contributes to so much wrong in this society. We don't need anymore people suffering in this world like Michael did just because some idiot goes around making false claims about them.
Why are you guys hating on George Lopez. Like another poster said he has done nothing to MJ. I read the court transcript from the 05 trial and Jones book. There is nothing that Lopez did to MJ. He didn't attack Michael. I have never seen any jokes by Lopez that was disrespectful. I'm a fan of Lopez and I don't think he is this evil guy some of you are trying to make him out to be. Plus so what if he tweeted her inviting her to his show. Lopez has children, he knows he can't get her on the show unless her guardian agrees. Is just a tweet message, it doesn't mean anything. Plus since MJ's death Lopez has had people on his show that spoke with love and respect for Michael. He hired Michael Bearden as music director for show. So what is the problem! Those of you who have a problem with him could you explain to me what he did so wrong to MJ in your eyes. I'm just trying to understand the anger.

I'm not saying he should have been inviting Paris but is just twitter. Like I said he knows that there is no way to get her on his show unless Katherine agrees. I hope Katherine never agrees but you never know with Katherine because she has them do two interviews. When Paris is of age and wants to do that then that is her choice.

o_O HUH? Did u not read the whole thread? We gave are reasons, u might want to go back and actually read them cause there certainly there. lol