Funeral on CNN. What is the live stream link to watch it online?

Right, but they definitely placed something on top of the casket.. It is kind of sparkling in the light.

yes,I saw that as well. sry. I am just feeling emtions as us all.

***(Turns out it was a gold crown for the King)
I was squinting at the TV to see exactly what it was,because it was an ariel view from way up high in the sky..
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I hope the jackson family won't sell the funeral on dvd for a quick buk. Because it looks like they would do that
They just reported as you said .. Diana Ross did not show up.

Barry Bonds is there and they also just reported that Lisa Marie Presley is in attendance.
Aww CNN said Lisa Marie was quite emotional when the casket was brought in :-(.

You know i'm not her biggest fan or anything, but I truly believe she is hurt by his passing and I feel bad for her.
I'm still trying to figure out why in the world Lisa Raye is there?? Lawd she makes herself present at the opening of an envelope.. Glad to see Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Tucker and a few others came out.
I am glad that Clifton Davis (played the Reverend on the show Amen) is out there, he wrote some great hits for the Jackson 5.
The footage will be part of the THIS IS IT movie... since ALL AEG executive were there..... I told you that yesterday....
She hasn't seen him in years, and really regret trashing him .... poor her. Michael is in heaven now, left her regret what she did. Glad to hear that she's there to say goodbye. Emotional? As if she was crying or what??? Was she the one sitting on the second/third row on the left. I saw someone hold her hand and lead her to sit there.

Aww CNN said Lisa Marie was quite emotional when the casket was brought in :-(.

You know i'm not her biggest fan or anything, but I truly believe she is hurt by his passing and I feel bad for her.
Who's this guy on CNN helefa something. What is he talking about? He said MJ was disco? He's clueless.

Is Karen Faye there?
The footage will be part of the THIS IS IT movie... since ALL AEG executive were there..... I told you that yesterday....

Right and all with full support of the Estate!! Not sure how I feel about anything at this point anymore.

The only exec I saw from AEG is Randy Phillips, I saw Kenny Ortega but I dont think he is an exec at AEG is he?
does anyone know whats going on with the helicopter feeds on cnn?
I guess Diana still couldn't take it that's why she hasn't attended.

I have read somewhere that she cried for days and didn't get up from her bed for weeks after Michael's death. I hope she's OK. :(
Aww CNN said Lisa Marie was quite emotional when the casket was brought in :-(.

You know i'm not her biggest fan or anything, but I truly believe she is hurt by his passing and I feel bad for her.

Wow, I don't really have much to say about her good or bad, don't know much about her, but damn no matter what that was still her ex-husband/friend, I am sure that is tough for her.. I think Debbie stayed away because she knows the media would've just made a scene.. As for Ms. Ross, well I guess she has her own reasons.
Well I know i've been a little tough on Diana, but I just hope she has a good reason for not showing up and I hope that she at least went to the wake or at least visited with the family.
Debbie is not there?

I think many people were devastated like Diana, but I think she should be there, except she's sick or something. Did they keep in touch in the past 10 years? May be she loved him more than we know.

As for Lisa, I"m sure she also devastated, regretting that they were on bad term. I believe they did love each other very much back in the 90s.

Wow, I don't really have much to say about her good or bad, don't know much about her, but damn no matter what that was still her ex-husband/friend, I am sure that is tough for her.. I think Debbie stayed away because she knows the media would've just made a scene.. As for Ms. Ross, well I guess she has her own reasons.
They said the guests are now moving into the mausoleum (spelling?)
I guess they won't be showing anything anymore.
So I'm just going back to bed and try to get some hours of sleep.
Take care all :hug:
@CTU, no Debbie did not come.

Wow, had I been important enough to have been invited I don't know if I could've followed the casket into the final resting place. I would've just broken down, hell I would've broken down as soon as I seen the headlights on the hearse. They are true soldiers cuz I would be a big ol' mess