Funeral on CNN. What is the live stream link to watch it online?

Lisa Marie there? I didn't watch it earlier, did the camera got really close enough to identify the guest?

What time is it now there? Why not even half of them arrive yet.

Who's that lady reporting on CNN, does she aware that she's live? She's laughing...

yea she looks good, really pretty....
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They're leaving....the family is heading out now. Lights are on and cops on motorcycles getting ready anyway.
CNN said LMP was there...but I didn't see her yet.
Looks like Michael's last performance will be in the dark. His preference in life and evidently in death. I love you Michael.
That was an old interview of FD on E. Ive seen that dang thing atleast 20times now.. Enough already.

They said that anyone that wanted.. not just the invited speakers, anyone could get up and share special thoughts of Michael.

Just saw Karen Faye there too, she was signing a guest book of some sort. It looked like FD was there with that lady that read that statement for Mr. Jackson at the BET awards. She has long hair.

Someone from CNN said that they were told by a family member that Debbie Rowe was invited. I didnt see her as of yet.
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They are still covering it on Anderson Cooper 360 which is the same channel as LK.
are there any streams of inside Forrest Lawn. All i see are tha gates :( (from etonline)
They are showing all of the seats and guests coming in .. , looks like enough for around 250 guests. Anderson Cooper said what we are watching is feed from a camara provided by Forest Lawn .. permission from family.

Its getting dark there now, Joseph has just arrived a short time ago.
Londell McMillian is there.

It looks like a beautiful evening there, the moon is up and it just looks so beautiful and so peaceful.
They are showing all of the seats and guests coming in .. , looks like enough for around 250 guests. Anderson Cooper said what we are watching is feed from a camara provided by Forest Lawn .. permission from family.
But the further away shots are from 3,000 feet up.

Its getting dark there now, Joseph has just arrived a short time ago.
I saw that too. Didn't get to see LMP or Tatiana.
So far only Jospeh from the family has arrived to Forest Lawn.

There looks to be around 45 or so seats in the front left open, these must be for family members.
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OMG - Full Moon

Funeral at night

In a Cemetery

Michael, wherever you may be, you surely are the THRILLER!!!!
They just reported that the family is in a motorcade of twenty six cars!!!!

They repeated again that anyone that wants to share a memory of Michael may do so. They said Mrs Jackson wanted the time of the event to last one hour.
The family motorcade has just arrived. Twenty six cars full.
That's why it took them so long to gather and leave house at the same time. Will take another 20 mins for all of them to get off the car.

Is that his children in the front row?
The children just got out of their car.

Music is starting to play
Mr Jackson and the brothers are all wearing silver/grey armbands