Funeral on CNN. What is the live stream link to watch it online?

It is time for you Rest in Peace Sweet Angel

Michael I miss you more and more everyday

Hi all, freshie reporting.

I am at work and I didnt expect there would be live streaming since it had been announced that it would be PRIVATE but in the end there's still footages. Surprised.. but as always, we like to peep into all these stuff isnt it?

I am sure had I watched it live, I would have felt sad too.. but hope all the fans out there will get over the sadness real soon cos he'll live in the hearts of all those who like/love/admire him which means he'll be around forever. There was a point I told myself - Why dont I take it that he has announced that he will officially retire from the showbiz and live in a great place doing what he loves and enjoy to do! If this is the case, we also wont get to hear any more new creations, no more live performances etc.. Quite similar to the current situation, only difference is his physical presence. But when he's alive, how many of us could really had his physical presence?

Perhaps his death is just a kind of reminder to us to remember this great genius in the showbiz who has been long forgotten or neglected. That's how I feel. At least for my case. Frankly, I havent been listening to english pop for a long time and so I have not heard his songs for a long long time before the unfortunate event. Even our radio stations seldom play his songs too for the past decade or so. But now, I hear his songs more often on the radio, there are flashmob dances around the world, birthday events and celebration, dance impersonation contests etc which probably would not happen if he's still around, at least not in the same scale, or across so many regions.

So lets be positive! Though he's no longer around, his kind spirit and great music still lives on. I wasnt a real fan of his actually. But from the reports I saw since his death, I truly believe he really wanted to help to make the world a better place and has done lots of charitable deeds which I was totally unaware of in the past. His thinking was very simple and innocent but yet always misconstrued bcos that wouldnt be in line with someone of his age or prob the norm thinking. But to me, it all make sense.

I will try my best to do my part and keep his charitable spirit burning! He certainly has "turn me on" in this area!

I found some short clips on today's or yesterday's event. Check this out.
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^^ thank you very much for sharing this link
if this will come on youtube soon,please post it :cry:
Im sad I didnt see it. I was sleeping, gahh. Will there be people who recorded and will place it?
i just saw a bit of the funeral on the news, man i didn't think it would stil hit me this hard 2 months down the line. i wish i hadn't seen it because i cant stop crying. i miss you so much mj.