FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

Very surprised by the reaction to this. Daily Mail commenters are mostly in MJs favor - which is a big shock.

The Estate were advised, just like MJ in 1993 and with Francia, to settle this and move past it. This was signed in January 2020, so it would've been ongoing while MJs image was on life support.

In an ideal world, they don't have to pay anyone anything. In this instance, it unfortunately makes sense as to why they entered into an agreement with the Cascios.

The positives are quite obvious, in that it's the Cascios. They're very well known fraudsters thanks to the Michael album, and that will certainly not help their credibility. The same way Jacobshagen is laughed at.

It just reads like a very obvious shake down, and they got greedy, and it backfired.
This makes me fucking sick. Literally feeling sick in my stomach with this news.

It does feel like another huge extortion attempt to gain millions upon millions but…….. why the fuck would they pay out hush money in 2020?

Paying 20 million is a massive amount by any standards.

Who else has been paid to be quiet throughout the years?

Who’s next? Brett Barnes? It will never stop until one of these days there is real evidence against Michael.
This makes me fucking sick. Literally feeling sick in my stomach with this news.

It does feel like another huge extortion attempt to gain millions upon millions but…….. why the fuck would they pay out hush money in 2020?

Paying 20 million is a massive amount by any standards.

Who else has been paid to be quiet throughout the years?

Who’s next? Brett Barnes? It will never stop until one of these days there is real evidence against Michael.
They legally cannot go public to the media with these claims nor can they go to the authorities, they are barred by the confidentiality agreement.
Oh, that's good to know. Comments on the FT article (last I checked) were not enabled.
It was good to see, but at the same time I'm not surprised. After the initial shock wore off, I just find the whole thing laughable - much like Jacobshagen.

They're the most well known frauds in MJ history non allegations related.
They legally cannot go public to the media with these claims nor can they go to the authorities, they are barred by the confidentiality agreement.
It’s quite a bold move by the estate then by making it public knowledge there was 20 million paid out in 2020.

They have shown the lengths that these accusers go to get as much money as possible
This makes me fucking sick. Literally feeling sick in my stomach with this news.

It does feel like another huge extortion attempt to gain millions upon millions but…….. why the fuck would they pay out hush money in 2020?

Paying 20 million is a massive amount by any standards.

Who else has been paid to be quiet throughout the years?

Who’s next? Brett Barnes? It will never stop until one of these days there is real evidence against Michael.
Don't mention Brett's name in such context! Brett and Mac were his only true friends. Cascio family were cons since day 1. Just watch any Frank Cascio video online. Same lying, douchebag behaviour as Wade Robson. Plus, they recored and sold 12 fraudulent Jason Malachi songs!!!
It’s quite a bold move by the estate then by making it public knowledge there was 20 million paid out in 2020.

They have shown the lengths that these accusers go to get as much money as possible
It's a power play by them, strategically they are showing that they are being extorted. It fits into the themes of the biopic. No evidence can ever be found against Michael, nor will he ever lose in court. The only thing at risk is public defamation, but their only chance was Leaving Neverland in 2019-20.
Don't mention Brett's name in such context! Brett and Mac were his only true friends. Cascio family were cons since day 1. Just watch any Frank Cascio video online. Same lying, douchebag behaviour as Wade Robson. Plus, they recored and sold 12 fraudulent Jason Malachi songs!!!
At this rate, I wouldn’t trust any of them, and that even includes Culkin.
It's a power play by them, strategically they are showing that they are being extorted. It fits into the themes of the biopic. No evidence can ever be found against Michael, nor will he ever lose in court. The only thing at risk is public defamation, but their only chance was Leaving Neverland in 2019-20.
Yes it does and raises eyebrows about the previous allegations. It’s the same type of pattern emerging.

All attempts to extort the man for his money
Then, you know nothing about these people. And it’s really insulting. You can than add Tito sons to your list as well.
Robson and Safechuck were held in high regard until they suddenly came out with their allegations.

That’s what I mean, it’s happened that often that I wouldn’t trust any of them.
He's right, literally nobody should be trusted. The only people that are viewed as credible sources regarding Michael are Feldman and Culkin, the only damaging thing that could come out would be one of those high profile names flip flopping
Where's the honor of the Cascios ! How can they accept to be silent and ask more money !

You are abused at least go to the court.
There's been a bit of online kerfuffle about this convo being public. This comment makes a lot of sense, imo.

It’s quite a bold move by the estate then by making it public knowledge there was 20 million paid out in 2020.

They have shown the lengths that these accusers go to get as much money as possible
I'm pretty sure the estate are confident in this, yes we all think WTF 20 million
The articles didn't mention on what the seeking of 213 m$ is based, since they signed the agreement.
Branca already is in motion to legally have them apprehended before they even make claims simply so they can never have the chance to do so.
To the public, it may look like Branca is trying to silence them before they can go public with their accusations. Not a good look, I must say.
The articles didn't mention on what the seeking of 213 m$ is based, since they signed the agreement.
Could be this?

From the FT article:

"The demands came nine months after the estate finalised terms for the $600mn sale of a 50 per cent stake in Jackson’s music catalogue to Sony, valuing the total package at $1.2bn."