FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

Well well well looky here! Is it our favourite Jersey boys and fam - coming to get their payout! Damn poor Michael the man really couldn’t trust anyone had he any premonition - I would have had him hide in a bunker all his adult life!

For sanity I would say clock out of this one - if it gets to you because I will. It is upto the estate to take this to court like the other two scum bags - no doubt Dan reed is foaming at the mouth. This is what will happen now the Michael Jackson estate is becoming lucrative with the musicals , air play , vega show with a biopic on the way…. Gravy train commence!
Well well well looky here! Is it our favourite Jersey boys and fam - coming to get their payout! Damn poor Michael the man really couldn’t trust anyone had he any premonition - I would have had him hide in a bunker all his adult life!

For sanity I would say clock out of this one - if it gets to you because I will. It is upto the estate to take this to court like the other two scum bags - no doubt Dan reed is foaming at the mouth. This is what will happen now the Michael Jackson estate is becoming lucrative with the musicals , air play , vega show with a biopic on the way…. Gravy train commence!
All this and a grieving family
Well well well looky here! Is it our favourite Jersey boys and fam - coming to get their payout! Damn poor Michael the man really couldn’t trust anyone had he any premonition - I would have had him hide in a bunker all his adult life!

For sanity I would say clock out of this one - if it gets to you because I will. It is upto the estate to take this to court like the other two scum bags - no doubt Dan reed is foaming at the mouth. This is what will happen now the Michael Jackson estate is becoming lucrative with the musicals , air play , vega show with a biopic on the way…. Gravy train commence!
Michael should have turned Neverland into a public attraction like Disneyland rather than actually living there. I'm convinced allowing any of these families into his life was a horrible idea. He moved into Neverland around 1987 when Bad came out, it only took a couple of years before people started to extort him as he employed hundreds if not thousands of people who brought all of their family members over to his place.
Michael should have turned Neverland into a public attraction like Disneyland rather than actually living there. I'm convinced allowing any of these families into his life was a horrible idea. He moved into Neverland around 1987 when Bad came out, it only took a couple of years before people started to extort him as he employed hundreds if not thousands of people who brought all of their family members over to his place.
I know one man’s dream generosity and philanthropy taken for weakness and it’s been a nightmare ever since. No one can hurt him now - that’s the only consolation.
Funny how this is happening while the P Diddy stuff is happening. Looks like the media are trying to protect certain people that Diddy might expose, by lying about MJ AGAIN!!!!
They are idiots. Why did they think paying 20 million was a good idea?
trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here

maybe it was setup by the estate to get hard core evidence and put them in jail?

It must be said though, that they didn't just give them 20 million for nothing, they actually bought the rights to the cascios siblings life story.

Stop calling it a payoff or settlement. It was a legitimate business deal.

At least we know the cascios can never sell a book or a movie now.
trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here

maybe it was setup by the estate to get hard core evidence and put them in jail?

It must be said though, that they didn't just give them 20 million for nothing, they actually bought the rights to the cascios siblings life story.

Stop calling it a payoff or settlement. It was a legitimate business deal.

At least we know the cascios can never sell a book or a movie now.
So the family can now never go public legally for any false claims?
Lies or not, they accepted money given by the Estate.

If the Estate wanted really to defend the minimal honor of MJ, they would not give them money to keep them away from the scene.
Thats exaxtly my words i was going to write here. If i want to defend Michael Jackson, then i dont pay money. Branca, the asshole evil fucking bastard just care about money he get from a fucking movie. I dont care about a movie, i care about MJs legacy. I would never pay them. Now we and they cant escape from this mess anymore. You can explain this paying money from the 90s one time. But not a second time. This will stay forever, we have do deal with this kind of caims forever. There will no peace for us, forever. Thanks Branca u fucking asshole!
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trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here

maybe it was setup by the estate to get hard core evidence and put them in jail? [...]
From the FT article. Assuming it's legit and the quotes are accurate, of course:

" Jackson’s estate is asking an arbitrator to award damages, order the accuser to abide by the terms of the 2020 deal and issue an injunction barring him from releasing details he previously agreed to keep secret.

“The agreement contained a clause that stated neither party can disclose its existence to any third party,” said John Branca, a longtime Jackson aide who co-manages the estate."
Now The Jacksons have to bury Tito and deal with this stuff on top of it. It's sad to think about but I wonder if the family knew this news was coming.

And I had this through before, but now it wouldn't be surprising if the Estate was blackmailed into having the Cascios tracks on the 2010 album, what do you think? Maybe Damien uncovered something about this and that is why his podcast never came out?!

Do we know if/when the Cascios stopped talking to the Jacksons? (and was it because of the tracks?)
From the FT article. Assuming it's legit and the quotes are accurate, of course:

" Jackson’s estate is asking an arbitrator to award damages, order the accuser to abide by the terms of the 2020 deal and issue an injunction barring him from releasing details he previously agreed to keep secret.

“The agreement contained a clause that stated neither party can disclose its existence to any third party,” said John Branca, a longtime Jackson aide who co-manages the estate."
Okay so this is good, it means that lying cheat family can't go public with any claims or they'll be royally screwed in court
Let them show themselves up for the actual thieves they are… it only goes to evidence the extortion attempts that Michael Jackson when alive and now dead continues to face, it’s barbaric, there’ll be bumps on the road like this for MJs legacy we have to ride the waves.
True, to the average person the media can easily spin this as "Jackson estate uses money to surpress abuse victims"
But my point is that they don't need to spin anything, the wording of the above genuinely reads like suppression. I can't fathom how that part of the article can come off in any way positive. MJ was always accused of paying off Chandlers to avoid a criminal trial - The Estate are openly saying they paid off the new accusers and are upset they are going back on the deal, like THAT'S supposed to be the takeaway here?

I hope the Estate haven't shot themselves in the foot here. I don't think this will be major news, but still. Who knows, maybe super transparency will work out for them in the long run. But settling anything in 2019/2020 to me is absolutely insane and playing with matches in a field doused in petrol.
Unless, what the article/Estate is REALLY trying to say is that they can't go to media but can still go to authorities - which I'm assuming they haven't done. You can't gag a crime. Hopefully that is the angle they were trying to come from?
But my point is that they don't need to spin anything, the wording of the above genuinely reads like suppression. I can't fathom how that part of the article can come off in any way positive. MJ was always accused of paying off Chandlers to avoid a criminal trial - The Estate are openly saying they paid off the new accusers and are upset they are going back on the deal, like THAT'S supposed to be the takeaway here?
This is what is freaking me out. Not suggesting I have a legal brain which could handle this better than MJE. I'm not saying that. But it's hard to get my head around, ngl.

It’s hit the trades.
Sadly, it was already in the Daily Mail (UK tabloid) 4 - 5 hours ago. :(
Unless, what the article/Estate is REALLY trying to say is that they can't go to media but can still go to authorities - which I'm assuming they haven't done. You can't gag a crime. Hopefully that is the angle they were trying to come from?
Well, if what they claim really happened, why didn't they go to the authorities then? They wait until 15 years after the man is dead? Nah. It's bullshit....again.
Well, if what they claim really happened, why didn't they go to the authorities then? They wait until 15 years after the man is dead? Nah. It's bullshit....again.
The point is, they allegedly per the document Can never report their claims to any third party, i would assume this means the mainstream press or tabloids, or any other source.

The point is, they allegedly per the document Can never report their claims to any third party, i would assume this means the mainstream press or tabloids, or any other source.
This is why I'm so confused. MJE would have taken legal advice before going public with this but ... the agreement? That's why I want to know if those quotes from John Branca are legit. My brain is mashed potato atm. :(
Unless, what the article/Estate is REALLY trying to say is that they can't go to media but can still go to authorities - which I'm assuming they haven't done. You can't gag a crime. Hopefully that is the angle they were trying to come from?
The confidentiality clause means this as it pertains to the alleged abuse