FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

So the Cascio's wanted cash, and told the Estate they were going to sell the story MJ did bad things with the popularity of LN.

MGM, Broadway at serious risk - they did a small payout to continue otherwise everything would've crumbled.

Now, they've tried for another 213m, gotten too greedy and the Estate have gone public and got law enforcement involved?

What. The. F
… the Estate paid them to not speak in 2020?

Oh my f**king God, what is wrong with them? Now no matter what happens, in the court of public opinion, that’s an admission of guilt.

I can’t do this again, dude. I really can’t. If this becomes a widespread thing, I’m hanging my hat up. I love MJ and support his innocence but I’m tired of having to go to war about this.
Hopefully the Estate getting law enforcement involved for Extortion will send a good message out.

"Just STOP fucking with me!"
… the Estate paid them to not speak in 2020?

Oh my f**king God, what is wrong with them? Now no matter what happens, in the court of public opinion, that’s an admission of guilt.

I can’t do this again, dude. I really can’t. If this becomes a widespread thing, I’m hanging my hat up. I love MJ and support his innocence but I’m tired of having to go to war about this.
Such a stupid decision.
… the Estate paid them to not speak in 2020?

Oh my f**king God, what is wrong with them? Now no matter what happens, in the court of public opinion, that’s an admission of guilt.

I can’t do this again, dude. I really can’t. If this becomes a widespread thing, I’m hanging my hat up. I love MJ and support his innocence but I’m tired of having to go to war about this.
They blame it on the timing, and I think I get it. The world was still in 2020 and LN was still incredibly well known/damaging.

Regardless of truth, it would've been truly over.
If it really is the Cascio family, I’m disgusted. I’ve seen dozens of videos of Frank crying over Michael, talking about their friendship, the sweet words in his book, and the events where he always defended Michael.

Honestly, part of me wouldn’t be surprised—it’s all just messed up.
"It's also clear from these articles BTW that it's the MJ Estate who's leaking this info now. They clearly want the public know as they are going on the offensive against the Cascios for extortion. That $213 million demand became a bit too bold, I guess."

This is my biggest realisation now I've digested the news. The Estate are the ones coming forward with it. Very surprising.
Don't go to war about this: it's not your job to defend MJ, it's the Estate's.
It’s more so for my own personal sanity. I’m known as a massive MJ fan around my group, and I just know this will trigger the inevitable, “Isn’t that crazy? What do you think? But what about this? And why do you still like him?” It’s just so exhausting.
This is my biggest realisation now I've digested the news. The Estate are the ones coming forward with it. Very surprising.
It's not, really: since they were not willing to pay, the other side would have come out with their accusations, which would have inflicted maximum damage. So better to blunt the impact by coming out first with a counter-attack: the accusers are extortionists. It's a textbook damage-control strategy.
It’s more so for my own personal sanity. I’m known as a massive MJ fan around my group, and I just know this will trigger the inevitable, “Isn’t that crazy? What do you think? But what about this? And why do you still like him?” It’s just so exhausting.
Just go with, "the accusers defended him for years until there was a lot of money to be made, so I don't believe them".
It's worth pointing out that Frank was still attempting to sell "Michael's" clothes in 2022, and describes Michael as part of his family in the provenance letter.

It's worth pointing out that Frank was still attempting to sell "Michael's" clothes in 2022, and describes Michael as part of his family in the provenance letter.

Yeah, I just saw an MJCast post from 2018 that Frank auctioned off some very personal items of clothing of Michael's. I wasn't aware of this. It's the sort of thing I ignore. I was a bit 😲 when I read it.
I feel sick to my stomach, when things where finally turning around it seems it could all start again, and we dont have any information....and it will take a long time to research 5 additional accusers, I am just tired even thinking about it.
Its the cascios. Not much to research when Frank wrote a whole book about his time with Michael and defended him and denied any inappropriate behavior.
Over the years, I’ve remarked how accusations have dropped on years ending in 3—the Chandlers in 1993, the Arvizos in 2003, and Robson in 2013. Just the other day I was remarking to a mutual how great it was that we broke the curse in 2023. And now here we are.

I do wonder if the estate dropped this news to call the family’s bluff.
It's the Estate who made the news came out.. not the Cascios as accusers.. I wonder why the Estate made this step
They failed to refute the LN claims before it came out, so now they're making up for it by preemptively dropping the story before the Cascio version of events drops and colors everyone's view of Michael.
Over the years, I’ve remarked how accusations have dropped on years ending in 3—the Chandlers in 1993, the Arvizos in 2003, and Robson in 2013. Just the other day I was remarking to a mutual how great it was that we broke the curse in 2023. And now here we are.

I do wonder if the estate dropped this news to call the family’s bluff.
I do think the estate will reveal more about this soon Surley they wouldn't drop a bombshell like this, don't know why I feel like this might be ok
Everyone please read the article

A few corrections:

1. There are not 5 new accusers, it says they threatened to make allegations that MJ was inappropriate with "some" of them. Frank cascio has multiple siblings, so we can assume it's he and eddie pretending to be victims and the siblings were going to back them up.

2. The estate approached the Cascios FIRST to ask for their support after LN and then after that the Cascios started making threats. I assume they demanded money for defending Michael and when the estate refused they jumped on the guilty train and made their extortion demands.
I assume they demanded money for defending Michael and when the estate refused they jumped on the guilty train and made their extortion demands.
the Estate already gave them money, to keep them SILENT
"Jackson’s estate is asking an arbitrator to award damages, order the accuser to abide by the terms of the 2020 deal and issue an injunction barring him from releasing details he previously agreed to keep secret."

Well that's not good no matter what way you read it. Not good at all.