For those who are in Support of The Virtual Michael Concept and Perhaps The Future of Entertainment.

Spyce;4010646 said:
From a statement just released by the Estate tonight:

"Our other goal is to use new and innovative ways to create entertainment on a grand scale that allows the world to experience Michael’s magic – something that reflects Michael’s love of spectacle and grandeur and his own desire to be a step ahead of others. The best entertainment is that which evokes “suspended disbelief”; it’s about entertainment, not reality. When David Copperfield makes an airplane disappear, the illusion is no less compelling because it is not real. No one will ever replace Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. And certainly no one can dance like the greatest entertainer who ever lived – not even an illusion. Michael’s music and spirit are immortal, and that has been proven again these last few weeks. In bringing Michael’s spirit to the stage, the entire world was reminded of Michael’s genius as a singer, a dancer, and an innovator who pushed the envelope."

You can read the rest of the article here- but I felt that bit was worth sharing.

^^Good statement and I think it was a good idea to remind people what the aim was. It seems the me the estate heard about the apprehension of some of the fans.

I definitely would like to see VMJ at the half-time show, and I hope it is done before Elvis or another deceased artist. I want Michael to be the first.
If anyone from the Estate sees this... please no more red socks/spats on Michael on the stage. He never wore red, only white.

If anyone from the Estate sees this... please no more red socks/spats on Michael on the stage. He never wore red, only white.


And black or gold pants only. Actually, no. No gold pants. Only the real Michael could wear those properly :D
And black or gold pants only. Actually, no. No gold pants. Only the real Michael could wear those properly :D

I think you've been in the Manhood thread and we've been down this road before. No one else should EVER even try gold pants. ;) We've seen others try and it just cannot be done and they could never duplicate the real deal. Ha!
I think you've been in the Manhood thread and we've been down this road before. No one else should EVER even try gold pants. ;) We've seen others try and it just cannot be done and they could never duplicate the real deal. Ha!

Hmm, yeah, I think I've been in there once or twice :lol:
Yes! Very much in support of this! Also for reasons I already posted elsewhere. :D We do have the technology to do it. The estate just needs to devote proper resources, like pairing up with the best company for this who have highly talented animators. Even if they have to go for a Dreamworks, it just has to be the BEST. Infact, the Billboard performance has just shown us a trailer, am sure things will further improve. :)
So MJ hologram could do the TII tour.

I propably would go for the music and the experience. - But an MJ concert was great because of MJ's energy and genius on stage. No one, not even a computer generated MJ could ever live up to that. - He did so many small great things on stage, impulsive and awesome!

No one can ever replace MJ. - but to see TII concert would be nice. - MJ's vision and ideas.
Spyce;4010646 said:
From a statement just released by the Estate tonight:

"Our other goal is to use new and innovative ways to create entertainment on a grand scale that allows the world to experience Michael’s magic – something that reflects Michael’s love of spectacle and grandeur and his own desire to be a step ahead of others. The best entertainment is that which evokes “suspended disbelief”; it’s about entertainment, not reality. When David Copperfield makes an airplane disappear, the illusion is no less compelling because it is not real. No one will ever replace Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. And certainly no one can dance like the greatest entertainer who ever lived – not even an illusion. Michael’s music and spirit are immortal, and that has been proven again these last few weeks. In bringing Michael’s spirit to the stage, the entire world was reminded of Michael’s genius as a singer, a dancer, and an innovator who pushed the envelope."

You can read the rest of the article here- but I felt that bit was worth sharing.

On behalf of many of us in here, I really appreciate the Estate's response Spyce. And so quickly! :eek:
Thank you kindly for bringing this thread and all our views and all our opinions to The Estates attention. :flowers:

I have to say I love your avvy very much. :D it is purely Stunning.I cannot stop looking at it ! Which brings me to mention Artwork, Drawings, Cartoon, and Perhaps anime are other directions for the meanwhile.
I have read many other requests on this board for that to possibly happen .
Maybe we should make a thread about that too, Someone?

[I'm visualising videos with this kind of animation with possibly the people Michael Jackson worked with when he was alive..[ David Lynch anyone?]

And I think I just want to mention In my opinion Nate Giorgio would be wonderful and perhaps the right choice, for any Possible Music videos for Xscape since Michael Jackson himself requested Nate himself and favoured Nate's Artwork for many years .We can read this fact here :

"I was doing little drawings on the spot of him, and he loved it," says Giorgio of his black-and-white sketches. "He was great, he was really excited."

We should Note Nate was featured in the Michael Jackson Opus and a friend of Michael Jackson's himself for twenty years.


Visual ,Visual everywhere ! Inspiration! :D

This too, would be honouring Michaels Legacy, right ? I found the statement Nate made very heart-warming and very welcoming indeed.
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So MJ hologram could do the TII tour.

I propably would go for the music and the experience. - But an MJ concert was great because of MJ's energy and genius on stage. No one, not even a computer generated MJ could ever live up to that. - He did so many small great things on stage, impulsive and awesome!

No one can ever replace MJ. - but to see TII concert would be nice. - MJ's vision and ideas.

Co-signed!.. Co-signed. I really agree with you.

Could You imagine VMJ in MJ Air Hess ? It would be so exciting.

With any new technology or Future tech, Could we imagine an Interactive VMJ MJ Air Experience attraction/ride. Much like Captain Eo?

I must say I'm really warming to the illusion the more I see it.
I agree with a lot of the comments in this thread and am definitely in favour of VMJ!
We had a glimpse of how magical the This Is It concerts were going to be. Wouldn't it be amazing if somehow we were able to see Michael's whole vision of his plan realised even if it's through an image.
I hope that the estate keeps MJ's brothers away from this
On behalf of many of us in here, I really appreciate the Estate's response Spyce. And so quickly! :eek:
Thank you kindly for bringing this thread and all our views and all our opinions to The Estates attention. :flowers:

I have to say I love your avvy very much. :D it is purely Stunning.I cannot stop looking at it ! Which brings me to mention Artwork, Drawings, Cartoon, and Perhaps anime are other directions for the meanwhile.
I have read many other requests on this board for that to possibly happen .
Maybe we should make a thread about that too, Someone?

[I'm visualising videos with this kind of animation with possibly the people Michael Jackson worked with when he was alive..[ David Lynch anyone?]

And I think I just want to mention In my opinion Nate Giorgio would be wonderful and perhaps the right choice, for any Possible Music videos for Xscape since Michael Jackson himself requested Nate himself and favoured Nate's Artwork for many years .We can read this fact here :

"I was doing little drawings on the spot of him, and he loved it," says Giorgio of his black-and-white sketches. "He was great, he was really excited."

We should Note Nate was featured in the Michael Jackson Opus and a friend of Michael Jackson's himself for twenty years.


Visual ,Visual everywhere ! Inspiration! :D

This too, would be honouring Michaels Legacy, right ? I found the statement Nate made very heart-warming and very welcoming indeed.

Your welcome- now let's just hope they see it :)

As for Nate Giorgio- I totally agree with you (and I saw your post in the Estate thread). I think it would awesome to see something done with Nate's work as a tribute to Michael. Maybe if they ever decided to do some sort of concert or video with "VMJ", feature Nate's artwork somehow, along with fan artwork.

You guys have so many great ideas. Imagine if you were all working alongside Michael- your imaginations, his imagination, creativity and genius... :shock: lol
We had a glimpse of how magical the This Is It concerts were going to be. Wouldn't it be amazing if somehow we were able to see Michael's whole vision of his plan realised even if it's through an image.

Maybe, not sure. To be able to perform the show as it was the hologram would need to have the ability to move freely on the stage (no screen), unless all dancers are holograms.
But it wouldn't be THE show anyway, since they had no idea how they are supposed to finish the show in time for opening night and they were far from finished! They also didn't know how all the elements and footage should work together in the end, they didn't have this figured out yet. Additional elements may have been added later to the show.
What is relatively certain are the planned costumes so they could work whith them and how MJ would look (curly hair,...) But I'm not convinced the Zaldy stuff really would have ended up in the show (at least not all of it).
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We had a glimpse of how magical the This Is It concerts were going to be. Wouldn't it be amazing if somehow we were able to see Michael's whole vision of his plan realised even if it's through an image.

If that is possible- and if they could execute it properly- then okay. But we have no idea what Michael's vision was. We have what was known up until June 24/25, but that is it. Beyond that, we don't know what other ideas Michael may have had. Does that mean they can't try and go in and fill in the blanks? Of course not, but I certainly wouldn't expect the show to be a success.

Then again, for the general public, just like with the CD and with the BBMA performance, that might not be a big deal. The only ones who would have a problem are us, the hardcore fan community because we know what details and flaws to look for and we will pick those apart like there is no tomorrow :lol:
For the movie that was filming called, Fast & Furious 7, a terrible accident happened and the main actor, Paul Walker was killed in a car crash.

Universal Studios is going to handle finishing the film and still include Paul like this:

It will be interesting to see how it turns out. This will always be a controversial move whenever they try things like this.

Anyway, I think this technique is pretty much what they did with Michael on the awards show, it's just that the body double they used was not nearly good enough (dancing and physique), and the facial CGI was off and not accurate enough.

Just a heads up, that's been proven false. Most of the scenes with Paul were done before his passing. TMZ posted photo's yesterday, they're filling in the gaps with two of Paul Walkers brothers. But again, maybe the CGI is being done for the face, because his brothers are also filling in the lines he didn't get to complete.
Wait what? How's he gonna sue them then do a video with CNN about how it was done as if he was directly involved? Lol...Anyway, he basically confirms what us hardcore fans already knew.

Im seeing in these thread fans being referred to as 'hardcore' or 'casual' depending on whether they liked this illusion. Is this a different way of saying 'fan or fake fan' - Am I reading too much into it as I'm starting to feel offended?
Re: For those who are in Support of The Virtual Michael Concept and Prehaps The Future of Entertainm

Your post, everything In it. is making me cry. Beautiful ..LastTear :huggy: thank you! and you are so, so sooooo welcome. I am so glad You can feel this, that you and others can see this, and visualise the possible prospects of all of this. I'm really really really really happy to find other members feel the same way as I and that we feel it is not wrong to want this for Michael's Legacy.
You are making me cry. :eek:l: Beautiful words..LastTear thank you, and you are welcome.

Last Tear, I agree with the 5 year time period as yes, I know I wouldn't have coped with it either. Not straight away, and it would have been a big no-no and distasteful . but maybe now is the right time for this?

:hiya:I wanna give the estate time so they could pleeeease work on the features and the details of VMJ
but I believe that Sundays Ground Breaking Performance really put Michael Jackson's legacy back where he should be, and that is the top. :king:
I appreciated the fact that they showcased VMJ sitting in the throne. It reminded me of the photo of Michael Jackson himself from 1997 and even the perhaps Tapestry /Painting background that VMJ first appeared could have been a salute to Michael Jackson himself. I believe it was very thought out and those who had a hand in this were all very respectful to The King of Pop. Michael loved Art and Paintings.
We should note that Michael Jackson himself, loved and was interested in technology, which I believe was shown in Ghosts. The Short Film, Remember the Time, Scream, and well..countless of other Short Films of his work and his Art.and I believe he was a gamer, guys! as he chose to have his very Own arcade in Never Land which was filled with endless games and fantastic fantasy. These points could lead us to the possibility Michael Jackson would have indeed supported a VMJ Concept
for his fans.


Who sees the XBOX ? :clapping:

Can a mod please Oversee this thread and correct my title as I have spelt Perhaps wrong which is stupid of me, but Perhaps it is the excitement of things to come? Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps :lol:

Wow i love this picture. Was it mention that the Michael Jackson Estate look in these forums if their do i want to tell you looking at these pictures and videos wow there is alots of footages that can be use amd MJ fans know what Michael look like and his icons moves
Im seeing in these thread fans being referred to as 'hardcore' or 'casual' depending on whether they liked this illusion. Is this a different way of saying 'fan or fake fan' - Am I reading too much into it as I'm starting to feel offended?

I will give my response because I just used the term myself, and in fact, have found myself using it more and more recently.

I can't speak for everyone who uses the terms, but for me, when I say "hardcore" I mean no offense by it. To me, a hardcore fan might spend a good amount of their time and energy studying Michael- it could be the way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he sings, the way he moves... anything. Just studying him. And by "casual" fan, I mean that to say well, anybody who essentially just listens to his music and that's it. Maybe you know a few facts about him, but that's it. And there's nothing wrong with either one- you shouldn't feel offended. One isn't "better" than the other. I think it's just a way to classify the fan community is all.

Actually, now that I sit here and think about it and try to explain it, it really does sound rather foolish.
Im seeing in these thread fans being referred to as 'hardcore' or 'casual' depending on whether they liked this illusion. Is this a different way of saying 'fan or fake fan' - Am I reading too much into it as I'm starting to feel offended?

Maybe it mean this i could be wrong.

Then again, for the general public, just like with the CD and with the BBMA performance, that might not be a big deal. The only ones who would have a problem are us, the hardcore fan community because we know what details and flaws to look for and we will pick those apart like there is no tomorrow.
I will give my response because I just used the term myself, and in fact, have found myself using it more and more recently.

I can't speak for everyone who uses the terms, but for me, when I say "hardcore" I mean no offense by it. To me, a hardcore fan might spend a good amount of their time and energy studying Michael- it could be the way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he sings, the way he moves... anything. Just studying him. And by "casual" fan, I mean that to say well, anybody who essentially just listens to his music and that's it. Maybe you know a few facts about him, but that's it. And there's nothing wrong with either one- you shouldn't feel offended. One isn't "better" than the other. I think it's just a way to classify the fan community is all.

Actually, now that I sit here and think about it and try to explain it, it really does sound rather foolish.

No that is right the way you explain i would not be offend by it at all.
That why if the Estate can see what the fans see then VMJ can be improve because his fans know.