First photo of Jackson tomb revealed (NO PHOTO IN THIS THREAD).

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There is evident linked right to this forum. TMZ maybe no good, but they would not take pictures off of facebook without the original owners permission. There are documents that they she or someone close to her was paid $10,000 dollars for the original pictures. This is not guess work, these are facts.

Stop defending Karen. It was not right when she posted these pictures and now she sold them to a freaking tabloid for money. This is beyond disrespectful, this is spitting on the grave of her 'friend'. She was mad at AEG so she posted her friend's grave on the internet for the whole world to look at. Biggest pile of shit I have ever heard.

AEG may be making money off of Michael's final work, but she literally made money off his grave. Before she put the blame on anyone, she needs to take a long hard look into the mirror. It is this BS that drove Michael crazy in life.

You can delete this post if you want, but it is almost like she wanted him to die so she could have an excuse to be a bit**.

Thank you Ramona. You summed up my feelings beautifully.
Thank you Ramona. You summed up my feelings beautifully.

Trust me, my feelings are much stronger than this. However, people got in trouble for speaking out on this subject and she is not worth me getting ban over.

I said my peace and this is where I stand on the matter. If this is the person you want to write Michael's legacy, fine with me. I wash my hands of this matter.
I presume that Karen Faye must have had a ton of messages about TMZ saying they bought the photos from the original owner for $100k, yet they remain on TMZ and she hasn't said anything? Hmmmmmmm.
I dont know what's the big deal with MJ's crypt photos leak.
MJ belong to the world and fans esp want to see anything MJ.
I dont know what's the big deal with MJ's crypt photos leak.
MJ belong to the world and fans esp want to see anything MJ.

So, you are saying that it is okay to sell his grave for money because he belong to the world. Michael was a person, not public property. It is this thinking that made him unable to live any semblance of a normal life. It is a really selfish way of thinking, in my opinion.

Fans are fans and we have the right to nothing. Michael never belong to us, he belong to himself like any other person. Being famous does not make you an object. The reason why people mercilessly attack and took advantage of Michael for years was because we, the world at large, stopped seeing him as a human. It took his own daughter crying at his memorial for most people to see him as anything beside an item, but a living breathing person.

If we are any kind of fan, we would see Michael as a human and give him the respect that we should all give any person, famous or not. We could not give him that in life, but we can still give him that in death.

So please, stop with this thinking that we as fans have the right to Michael. Give him some semblance of humanity in death.
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I dont know what's the big deal with MJ's crypt photos leak.
MJ belong to the world and fans esp want to see anything MJ.

That's not the point here. The family didn't want pictures published and someone who was meant to be MJ's 'friend' took pics, and sold them to TMZ for money. That's what's so wrong about it. It was bad enough she put them on Facebook, then selling them? How is that not wrong?
I dont know what's the big deal with MJ's crypt photos leak.
MJ belong to the world and fans esp want to see anything MJ.

He is not a public property. The man practically lived all his life for fans, let him have his privacy which he lacked and desperately seeked when he was alive.
So, you are saying that it is okay to sell his grave for money because he belong to the world. Michael was a person, not public property. It is this thinking that made him unable to live any semblance of a normal life. It is a really selfish way of thinking, in my opinion.

Fans are fans and we have the right to nothing. Michael never belong to us, he belong to himself like any other person. Being famous does not make you an object. The reason why people mercilessly attack and took advantage of Michael for years was because we, the world at large, stopped seeing him as a human. It took his own daughter crying at his memorial for most people to see him as anything beside an item, but a living breathing person.

If we are any kind of fan, we would see Michael as a human and give him the respect that we should all give any person, famous or not. We could not give him that in life, but we can still give him that in death.

i totally aggree with this. that's why i get upset about people complaining they want to see his resting place and bla bla bla
michael belongs to his children and children have a natural tendency to be jealous (i remember seeing paris holding hands with michael and refusing to let go when fans were wanting an autograph!) and rightly so. he is their father and we have no right to barge in on their space. holly terrace should be special and private for them, so they can grieve. but instead someone has taken advantage, and done the worst thing possible :( the no 1 thing michael would hate and that's the press intruding AGAIN. and somebody helped them
I dont know what's the big deal with MJ's crypt photos leak.
MJ belong to the world and fans esp want to see anything MJ.

I just want to say he did not belong to the world. Michael belonged to himself and to his family. In my opinion it's wrong fans are using his 'love for fans' as an excuse to justify what Karen Faye did. You can shoot me down, that's fine, but "fans wants to see everything" is no valid reason to invade his final peace and privacy. Im not surprised too see the photos on TMZ. It was only a matter of time, but Im shocked if it really was Karen herself who sold the photos to the tabloid. It saddens me how some fans are just blindly following and defending her.
I've tried to draw Karen's attention and response on these photos being sold, on her Facebook. I have to be flowery and selective with my language there, speaking from concern whilst trying to actually get a straightforward answer. I think I might just delete her - it's too tiring trying to really communicate with anyone. I'm sick of any objective and non-accusatory posts I make being bombarded with hate.

BTW, Ramona, agree with all your posts :). Michael was never public property. I wish everyone could just accept that. He belonged to himself, he just shared parts of himself with us sometimes because and he wanted to... and other times because it was his true calling (entertaining, being an artist) and couldnt be any other way. Either way, it's still a priviledge, not a right.
and this is an interesting response that was posted:

I have done a lot of digging around with regards to Michael and company. The article reiterates much of what I already came to find out on my own, except for 1 major thing. It was NOT Randy Jackson that accompanied Karen to Forest Lawn, but Randy Taraborrelli, author of “The Magic and The Madness, Michael Jackson”. This is a huge error, and exactly how rumors are started. I hope corrects this information. For those of you that follow Karen, you will recall her mentioning that she visited Michael with a close family friend. If it were a member of the family, I am certain she would have said with a member of the Jackson family, even if she wanted to omit names.

This is very important, I hope people will pick up on this error.


and so the saga continues - J Randy has denied the above info on his facebook page:

Not true!

Yesterday at 12:08pm

This, below, is from some sort of MJJ site I'm not familiar with (and can't vouch for so have decided to delete it's url). It has to do with a controversy involving pictures of MJ's tomb that may or may not have been sold by MJ's makeup artist Karen Faye to TMZ. Got an avalanche of email about this today. Just for the record, I don't think I know Karen Faye, though I'm not sure. I meet a lot of people. If I do know her, I haven't seen her in recent years. I certainly never accompanied her to MJ's final resting place, that much I know for certain. Just want to set it straight for you guys. Oh, also, for those who've asked, I don't know if Ms. Faye sold the pictures to TMZ, or not. I basically don't know anything about any of this -- except for the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with me. :)

Thanks, friends... JRT

Randy Jackson gave Karen Fake access to Holly Terrace. Karen Fake took the pictures with the intention of selling them to tabloids.

Anyone who supports KF is as dumb as a rock, and does no deserve to be called an MJ fan. There is no defending the un-defendable.

I only hope the 100 000$ she received from Splash News for spitting and whoring MJ's grave, bring her more misery than MJ endured here because of his fame & fortune.
Did the family say anything about this? All we can do right now is speculate what really happened. I hope she didn't sell the pics, that would be just awful!

I guess I am the only one with this opinion, but I am still going to voice it:
yes, what Karen did what totally stupid and bad, the family said they didn't want any pics of Michael's resting place. And yet she took pictures and put them onto her facebook account. I don't understand what went through her head. :no:

However, I am sure if the family had released these pics themselves, fans would have accused them of exploiting MJ's death, too. Just like what they accuse Karen of right now. It's a lose-lose situation. So whether the Jacksons had released them or anyone else, I don't think it would have made a difference.

Most of us knew how the place looked like from previous pictures (which were taken some time ago) anyway. So technically the ones Karen took are not really new.

I can only speak for myself, but I am glad I saw the pictures. I know Michael loved his privacy, but we only see a crypt (which I have seen on pics before), it's not like we see his body...
Remember how upset everyone was when they found out there would be no place the fans could go to? Now we can see it and I can finally find some peace, because it's such a beautiful, calm and serene place.

Again, I would like to emphasize that I don't agree with Karen Faye's actions (because the family didn't want it), but I am sure one day someone would have released pictures. It would have been bound to happen.

Nonsense. Some folks are just too darn....

So, you are saying that it is okay to sell his grave for money because he belong to the world. Michael was a person, not public property. It is this thinking that made him unable to live any semblance of a normal life. It is a really selfish way of thinking, in my opinion.

Fans are fans and we have the right to nothing. Michael never belong to us, he belong to himself like any other person. Being famous does not make you an object. The reason why people mercilessly attack and took advantage of Michael for years was because we, the world at large, stopped seeing him as a human. It took his own daughter crying at his memorial for most people to see him as anything beside an item, but a living breathing person.

If we are any kind of fan, we would see Michael as a human and give him the respect that we should all give any person, famous or not. We could not give him that in life, but we can still give him that in death.

So please, stop with this thinking that we as fans have the right to Michael. Give him some semblance of humanity in death.
No matter what I firmly feel that he belongs to the world and we have the right to see everything of him but that doesnt mean that I see him as an object and disrespect him. I respect him and I empathize his hardships in life. But if you're a public figure, you are bound to lose your privacy. Don't seek for fame and cry for lack of privacy. Esp since he's such a legend (more than any other dead celebs), there'll be much more interests in anything his including his autopsy pic.
never have i see a man like Mike who gave so much to others but received so little. even the last privacy ,he can still not get! i just wante to cry. how sad!
That's not the point here. The family didn't want pictures published and someone who was meant to be MJ's 'friend' took pics, and sold them to TMZ for money. That's what's so wrong about it. It was bad enough she put them on Facebook, then selling them? How is that not wrong?
Karen Faye is only selling the photos, she's not selling mallicious lies about MJ. What's the big deal with it? At least she's 100 times better than arnold klein and mark lester.

I just want to say he did not belong to the world. Michael belonged to himself and to his family. In my opinion it's wrong fans are using his 'love for fans' as an excuse to justify what Karen Faye did. You can shoot me down, that's fine, but "fans wants to see everything" is no valid reason to invade his final peace and privacy. Im not surprised too see the photos on TMZ. It was only a matter of time, but Im shocked if it really was Karen herself who sold the photos to the tabloid. It saddens me how some fans are just blindly following and defending her.
We all know we want to see his crypt so don't look at it and then complain about others selling the pics.
oh, suddenly something in my mind. if karen really sold the pic, the horrible nightmare is just beginning. Karen made up for Mike on sept.3 right? if she took some pics of Mike on that day, would she sell it for money?
No matter what I firmly feel that he belongs to the world and we have the right to see everything of him but that doesnt mean that I see him as an object and disrespect him. I respect him and I empathize his hardships in life. But if you're a public figure, you are bound to lose your privacy. Don't seek for fame and cry for lack of privacy. Esp since he's such a legend (more than any other dead celebs), there'll be much more interests in anything his including his autopsy pic.

That is just being selfish. We fan have no right to him. Only his family and children have any say in the matter and if they want to 'share' him with us, that is our privilege. He never belong to world. He simply share himself with us and now that time has pass.

You are treated him like an object and you are not respected him or his family. I almost wish they had cremated him so you, Karen, or anyone else cannot gawk at him like a piece of meat.

Legend or not he was and still is a person, famous or not. The government does not own him, you do not own him, his fans do not own him. Get over yourself. You, none of us, are privilege to nothing.

Btw, in my book Karen is worst than the people you mention. She sold his grave. If anyone else done such a thing, we would be more than a little mad. She sold Michael tomb like it was the Statue of Liberty. This is a private grave, not a tourist attraction.

Lies can be corrected and ignore. However, pictures last forever, they cannot be taken back. That is my stance.
Karen Faye is only selling the photos, she's not selling mallicious lies about MJ. What's the big deal with it? At least she's 100 times better than arnold klein and mark lester.

We all know we want to see his crypt so don't look at it and then complain about others selling the pics.

I much rather Klein & Lester who do their thing publicly than a hypocrite like Karen Fake who, like MJ sang: She is throwing stones and hiding her hands.
Karen Faye is only selling the photos, she's not selling mallicious lies about MJ. What's the big deal with it? At least she's 100 times better than arnold klein and mark lester.

You mean making a profit over her friend's death is an understandable and normal thing? I don't know how you can defend her actions.

And it's hard not to see the pictures when they are posted everywhere.
I much rather Klein & Lester who do their thing publicly than a hypocrite like Karen Fake who, like MJ sang: She is throwing stones and hiding her hands.

Amen, Memefen!!

In my book, hypocrite is the worst sin you can comment. She dare to throw stones at others, but she sold her friend for pieces of silver. Well, I hope can take those silver with her on her way to ****.
I much rather Klein & Lester who do their thing publicly than a hypocrite like Karen Fake who, like MJ sang: She is throwing stones and hiding her hands.
oh so you prefer hearing stories like MJ loved to pee in the public and that Paris is biologically Mark Lester's?? I'd rather see MJ's crypt than to hear freakish lies about MJ.
oh so you prefer hearing stories like MJ loved to pee in the public and that Paris is biologically Mark Lester's?? I'd rather see MJ's crypt than to hear freakish lies about MJ.

It's not about prefering one over the other. Klein and Lester are slime, no doubt. But Karen has proven herself to be no better than them, by selling photos of her friend's PRIVATE tomb.
lilsusie I understand that you may have wanted to see/ or have no issues seeing these pictures, but please don't generalise all fans into it :)
You mean making a profit over her friend's death is an understandable and normal thing? I don't know how you can defend her actions.

And it's hard not to see the pictures when they are posted everywhere.
It's wrong but it's too small a thing to make a fuss over it.
Yes i would "like" to see pictures of his tomb.

But only when the family is giving it and not a "friend" who thinks the fans deserve to see it.
We don,t deserve anything.
Our love to michael was unconditionally.
And when that means that we never got to see the tombe then that,s fine with me.
Unoless the family wants us to see it and share it with us.
But that,s not up to karen.
As fan you can come very close to his tombe at forest lawn, that would be enough for me when i,m visiting LA.

My hearts breaking when i saw the tombe the first time, i was shocked cause i wasn,t expecting to see it.
That was not very nice of karen to do........she should be ashamed.
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