First photo of Jackson tomb revealed (NO PHOTO IN THIS THREAD).

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oh so you prefer hearing stories like MJ loved to pee in the public and that Paris is biologically Mark Lester's?? I'd rather see MJ's crypt than to hear freakish lies about MJ.

If you are UNABLE to understand what I stated, I am not gonna waste my time trying to make you see the light.
Keep supporting KF, I don't give a flying fcuk.

It's wrong but it's too small a thing to make a fuss over it.

i guess we have different values. which is ok.

I see this as a major betrayal...KF must see it that way too, because she is going out of her way to conceal what she did. She lied, she schemed...for money.
Just take a moment, everyone, and think what YOU would do in a similar situation? If you had a chance to go to Forest Lawn and take a photo of Michael's resting place, would YOU sell them to tabloids?

I know I wouldn't.

Well, if one's answer is positive, there's nothing to discuss. In this case I can understand clearly why those people would defend Karen Faye since they'd do the same thing.

For the record, I don't have a problem with photos of Michael's resting place being made public. What I have a problem with is the way it happened. In my opinion, it was nothing but backstabbing from someone who called herself a loyal friend of many years. True friends don't do things like that.

If, on the contrary, it were an official photo released by the family, it would have been a completely different thing. My humble opinion..
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So, you are saying that it is okay to sell his grave for money because he belong to the world. Michael was a person, not public property. It is this thinking that made him unable to live any semblance of a normal life. It is a really selfish way of thinking, in my opinion.

Fans are fans and we have the right to nothing. Michael never belong to us, he belong to himself like any other person. Being famous does not make you an object. The reason why people mercilessly attack and took advantage of Michael for years was because we, the world at large, stopped seeing him as a human. It took his own daughter crying at his memorial for most people to see him as anything beside an item, but a living breathing person.

If we are any kind of fan, we would see Michael as a human and give him the respect that we should all give any person, famous or not. We could not give him that in life, but we can still give him that in death.

So please, stop with this thinking that we as fans have the right to Michael. Give him some semblance of humanity in death.

OMG. Seriously who ARE you? :heart: :heart: You're better than me honey because I've said my piece on this matter (which is EXACTLY how you feel BTW) and I'm done. I just don't understand how people seem to think that what she did was perfectly okay. I don't know how any one can just follow her lead and not understand that the things she's been doing and saying are just wrong wrong wrong.

When he was buried and fans were all in an uproar about his resting place being private, folks were ready to send hate mail to Katherine for putting him somewhere the fans wouldn't have access. I said THEN that Katherine and the family don't owe anyone a DAMN THING. That's her SON and she has every right to give him a place so that he can FINALLY FINALLY have some quiet and peace. I so want to say more but I'll stop here. Seriously Ramona ILY.
I see this place as a place for Michaels children and family to visit in private in peace! Did they not share Michael with the world enough all ready??

This is there time to know they can be with there father or brother or son without having the constent glare of the public! This should have remained private this shud never have been posted on a public social networking sight and certainley never shud have ended up in the hands of the media and it never would have happened if these pictures had not been shared with the world!!

Before people say she did it for the fans no i am sorry this was not her place to do this! Yes it would be nice to have somewhere to pay our respects but we can do this every day anywhere in the world! Play his music, sing his songs light a candle in your bedroom it does not need to be an official place to place flowers or pictures! This is just my opinion and i say it with L.O.V.E!
Once again some people are posting their opinons and they are being attacked. Is anyone taking any notice of the rule for 'respect' here?

Please try to remember that other people may not agree with you (rightly or wrongly) but they have done nothing wrong in stating their opinion, so please respect it.

I, for one, no longer feel like posting on this site for fear of being attacked on this forum by the certain members and I'm sure others feel the same. Is that really how you want this site to be?
Actually Jac.. was an affective nickname for Michael that was given to him by the media and fans of the UK. It actually means Joker. They called him this even before he went solo.

It was not until the tabloids corrupted the name that it got its negative stigma. Now, when you hear the name you do not know if they are insulting him or just going by his nickname. However, most mainstream newspaper do not mean it in a bad way. I went to London for 3 months and met Michael Jackson's fans that affectively called him Jac..

well... michael found that label to be quite hurtful. on the verge of tears in the walters interview. even if they say it affectionately.... i would think it would have stopped along time ago considering how hurtful Michael found that name to me.
he's not public property but he WAS a public icon. that's y u could take pics of him and sell it.

now, when malnik did that, it was also reported that she sold them to tmz. so hmmmmmmmmm

as for karen, what she did was not only violating his family but holly terrances b/c fl has a strict policy about no cameras in there. now she's 'friends or family' category however, while she my claim to have permission to post or take pics of mike's resting place. she didn't have permission from every other family member of everyone else laid to rest in the terrance so she violated FL policy.

i have a feeling seh may not be welcomed back
he's not public property but he WAS a public icon. that's y u could take pics of him and sell it.

now, when malnik did that, it was also reported that she sold them to tmz. so hmmmmmmmmm

as for karen, what she did was not only violating his family but holly terrances b/c fl has a strict policy about no cameras in there. now she's 'friends or family' category however, while she my claim to have permission to post or take pics of mike's resting place. she didn't have permission from every other family member of everyone else laid to rest in the terrance so she violated FL policy.

i have a feeling seh may not be welcomed back

Lets hope she will never be welcomed back!
Once again some people are posting their opinons and they are being attacked. Is anyone taking any notice of the rule for 'respect' here?

Please try to remember that other people may not agree with you (rightly or wrongly) but they have done nothing wrong in stating their opinion, so please respect it.

I, for one, no longer feel like posting on this site for fear of being attacked on this forum by the certain members and I'm sure others feel the same. Is that really how you want this site to be?

Maybe if you have an issue with "certain members" take it to a mod :) instead of coming into a thread with insinuations that could be unduly placed on anyone with a contrary opinion. I for one have enjoyed this thread and have found it to be respectful of others. But that's my opinion, which is based on my perspective.
Just take a moment, everyone, and think what YOU would do in a similar situation? If you had a chance to go to Forest Lawn and take a photo of Michael's resting place, would YOU sell them to tabloids?

I think I will do it finally.. for mourning...I won't sell them and even hide them somewhere...but when I badly miss Michael, I will pick up them.

Once again some people are posting their opinons and they are being attacked. Is anyone taking any notice of the rule for 'respect' here?

Please try to remember that other people may not agree with you (rightly or wrongly) but they have done nothing wrong in stating their opinion, so please respect it.

I, for one, no longer feel like posting on this site for fear of being attacked on this forum by the certain members and I'm sure others feel the same. Is that really how you want this site to be?

Everyone has his personal and different idea even about the same thing. Just let's agree to disagree.
We all came here for Michael. Michael won't want us to attack other MJ fans for him. He will be upset. I do think it is our time to unite and stand up against those ridiculous haters&liers. But we MJ fans are a FAMILY.
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Everyone has his personal and different idea even about the same thing. Just let's agree to disagree.
We all came here for Michael. Michael won't want us to attack other MJ fans for him. He will be upset. I do think it is our time to unite and stand up against those ridiculous haters&liers. But we MJ fans are a FAMILY.

True, everyone is different and have different oppinions. Just because someone else doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are not a good fan and I don't want to see Karen to be the second most hated person after Dr. Murray!

Btw, is it confirmed that she sold the pictures to TMZ or is it just some rumours? Karen said someone stole her picture and sold it instead. Who do we believed?
We all know we want to see his crypt so don't look at it and then complain about others selling the pics.

With all due respect, but who's 'we' you are talking about?

Btw, is it confirmed that she sold the pictures to TMZ or is it just some rumours? Karen said someone stole her picture and sold it instead. Who do we believed?

In my opinion it doesn't matter who sold the photos to TMZ, when they shouldn't been put online in a first place.
Btw, is it confirmed that she sold the pictures to TMZ or is it just some rumours? Karen said someone stole her picture and sold it instead. Who do we believed?

Who knows? We ain't there. I don't care it too, photoes spread everywhere, none can stop it. And the other thing I believe is Karen is not Michael's true friend.
now, when malnik did that, it was also reported that she sold them to tmz. so hmmmmmmmmm

yes she did the same thing Karen did. she had something like 20 pictures on her page - why post so many pictures with his kids when you know how protective he was of them?
later on she was so upset they were "stolen" that she started posting more and more pics, LOL-ing in her photo descriptions, and this was 4 days after Michael died. MJ only spent a few months with the Malnik fam. but she was showing each and every pic she could find
she exposed MJ's kids with no remorse that was the worst part, these are the kind of "friends" Michael had, everyone anxious to show him off and sell him
OMG. Seriously who ARE you? :heart: :heart: You're better than me honey because I've said my piece on this matter (which is EXACTLY how you feel BTW) and I'm done. I just don't understand how people seem to think that what she did was perfectly okay. I don't know how any one can just follow her lead and not understand that the things she's been doing and saying are just wrong wrong wrong.

When he was buried and fans were all in an uproar about his resting place being private, folks were ready to send hate mail to Katherine for putting him somewhere the fans wouldn't have access. I said THEN that Katherine and the family don't owe anyone a DAMN THING. That's her SON and she has every right to give him a place so that he can FINALLY FINALLY have some quiet and peace. I so want to say more but I'll stop here. Seriously Ramona ILY.

So Jamaican :D "Yuh betta dan me." Love it.

That woman is a witch. She has betrayed MJ. I have no doubt that the next picture of MJ that karen Faye will post on her facebook will be MJ's corpse. Call me cynical, but given the fact that (Karen faye) claimed that she was employed to put a make-up on MJ for burial, i think she will take a pic of MJ's corpse. If this appears one day remember that i told you guys. The woman has no shame and is worst than bashir and others.

P.S: And those claiming that they r happy should be ashamed. What this woman did is a breach of security. Who should be blamed if the crypt is vandalised or worst still if MJ's body is stolen. I think we should report this woman to Forest L so that she will either sued and banned from there. Anyone who defends her must be out of his or her mind. I know some will.

I'll remember, but I pray to God it will never happen. It wouldn't surprise me now though. :no: She has revealed her true colors and should have never been asked to do something so important. If there are any rare and exclusive pics of KF with MJ, expect those to start "leaking" too. She has joined the ranks of Shmuley, Klien, Lester and Uri IMO.

well if that came out, who could she blame it on then?

Anybody but her is at fault. She is never wrong and her fans will tell her so. :smilerolleyes:
Actually Jac.. was an affective nickname for Michael that was given to him by the media and fans of the UK. It actually means Joker. They called him this even before he went solo.

It was not until the tabloids corrupted the name that it got its negative stigma. Now, when you hear the name you do not know if they are insulting him or just going by his nickname. However, most mainstream newspaper do not mean it in a bad way. I went to London for 3 months and met Michael Jackson's fans that affectively called him Jac..

Hello Thank you for that bit of info. on the ______ name. I always thought it was just another way the media was being cruel,plain out,although it is still cruel by the tabloids,not the fans,I now know how it all came about.
Nonsense. Some folks are just too darn....


Errm... Wow... well, thanks for respecting other people's opinion. That's very... kind of you.

Funny how everyone is against those pics but most of you have looked at them. It's like all those tabloid magazines. Apparently no one reads or buys them but everyone seems to know what they say and what pictures they have.
Before you judge me, please read my complete post and don't just pick random sentences. I don't agree with what Karen has done! But don't you think they (as in the Jackson family) would have shown the pics one day anyway and sold them to a magazine for a lot of money? Those pics were worth a fortune, especially because no one has seen them before and everyone is anticipating them. His crypt wouldn't have remained a secret forever. Look how much criticism the Jacksons received for everything they've done since the day Michael passed away, because everyone had a different perception about their actions.

If the Jacksons had released the pics instead of Karen Faye, would you guys be happy? Some fans might say yes now because Karen was the first one to leak them, but I bet you, most would criticise the family for exploiting MJ's death. Whoever would have been the first one to release pics, would have got the blame. It's always like that. So no matter what happens, everyone claims to know exactly what is right and what Michael wanted...

When the fans found out that he'd be buried at Forest Lawn, everyone was whining about it, because they wanted a chance to go and visit him, put some flowers on his grave and pray. But now all of a sudden everyone wants him to be hidden away from the public. I don't understand how people can change their mind so quickly. Suddenly they claim that the press might violate his grave, though I don't know why and how. They've shown other people's crypt and no one shouted "abuse" or anything like that. I haven't seen any negative coverage of that.

I really don't want to argue with anyone, and I respect your opinion, I can live with that, but please don't judge me needlessly.
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Michael belonged to the world? No, the world belonged to Michael. Yes he was a public figure who made himself famous by his music and dance but he was a human being, with feelings, he was a father, a son, a brother and he needed and craved privacy like anybody else. Not once in his lifetime does Michael recall a moment without photoshoots, videoshoots, performances, touring or camera flashes and screams around him. Michael deserved the most privacy, something he never got. Not even after his death.
soso, i think Malnic sold them too. the Malnics are horrible. they still wanted money,though they have already very rich.
Sorry for sounding stupid, but how is Malnik? I thought Karen was the original owner.
like i said prior, tmz pays the OWNER of the photos. so malnik most likely got a check justl ike fake did.

Yes and the owners of those photos are now facebook. Not Karen Faye. That's the terms you agree to when you upload pictures to fb.
Sorry for sounding stupid, but how is Malnik? I thought Karen was the original owner.

They are talking about the photos of Michael with his children, which were published by Nancy Malnik on her facebook page several days after Michael passed. Later they were published on TMZ and basically all the celebrity magazines in the world.
actually, no. i remembr when the whole fb controvresy happened. many closed their facebooks so they revised their 'ownership' thing. but it's not who is owner of the photo via facebook...i said who is the ORIGINAL owner meaning the one who took the photo.

cuz if it was as simple as paying fb, it would've been on the next day. it wasn't
Coming in here late in the story but......

If a photo is published, I will look at it. Thats just me though. I am curious. I do look at them. If I had the opportunity to go to see his grave, I would not personally go anyway.

If I knew him in real life and cared about him, I would grieve (as I do anyway) in my own private way.

I have seen too many roaches crawl out of the woodwork after he passed when he is no longer here to say "Hey....I didn't say you could print that, or post that, or say that....or 'that is a lie." There are quite a few people who claim now to be his friend and it is disgusting. Shmuley is one that comes to mind. There is a long list.
no not everyone will take a look at the photos
I'm one of those people who never want to see the photos never ever ever
I haven't even watched the memorial or the funeral, or the movie...
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