First photo of Jackson tomb revealed (NO PHOTO IN THIS THREAD).

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I can only speak for myself, but I am glad I saw the pictures. I know Michael loved his privacy, but we only see a crypt (which I have seen on pics before), it's not like we see his body...
Remember how upset everyone was when they found out there would be no place the fans could go to? Now we can see it and I can finally find some peace, because it's such a beautiful, calm and serene place.

Again, I would like to emphasize that I don't agree with Karen Faye's actions (because the family didn't want it), but I am sure one day someone would have released pictures. It would have been bound to happen.

I agree with all the above.
Anyway guys... TRUTHS IS : Michael belonged to the world and with today's Tabloid??? forget it, his pics will leak (that we like it or not)... TMZ posted the SAME pics as Karen.. so.. it's out.. period... Lot of you will say "how dare " etcc... etc... but truth is , michael belong to the world and there will be always "non fans" that will want to see his tomb, EVEN his autopsy pics...

So, you may not find it here but you will somewhere else, why? cause unfortunately, TABLOIDS, MONEY, etc... DICTATES OUR LIVES... daily...

Michael made a point to burn they all, but do you even know how much money they do by selling lies??? so, if they know that few pics will create (sadely enough) controversy, it will mean they will sell more newspapers... that is SICK.. but that's the society we live in...

so, i'll say it again... ACCEPT IT OR DON'T.... FACT IS : PICS WILL BE PUBLISHED.. ANYTHING WILL BE PUBLISHED.... THE REAL QUESTION IS : ARE you going to see them??

So... i think many threads are without end... cause how dare a tabloids showing a pic of lady diana dying litterally... you think they will be compassionate when they will find pics of michael's autopsy????? i HIGHLY doubt it...

That is very sad.......
@Agnes - Yes she put them up on her facebook but she did, in fact, sell them to Splash News. I have two sources there confirming this.

Until I read your post, I still hoped that Karen was just nutty and not intentionally betraying Michael.

Karen, you have your 20 pieces of silver. I hope that everything you buy with that money reminds you of your betrayal.
Found this posted on another MJ forum.

According to Dr. (isn't this blog/website associated with Prince?), the pictures were sold for over $100,000.

The photos above are from TMZ. They were posted on November 8th without a photo credit and are of Michael Jackson’s tomb.

It appears the photos were from Karen Faye, a longtime Jackson employee, who did Michael Jackson’s make-up and is very friendly with MJ’s brother Randy Jackson.

Some people are led to believe that TMZ swiped these photos from Karen’s Face book page. However, if that were true, the photos would have been taken down by now or a credit would have been given as they have posted info from Face book accounts before. TMZ is too smart to swipe photos people. has learned exclusively (Not exclusively as TMZ knows how much they paid) that TMZ paid over $100,000 for the photos.

TMZ has a policy of when paying for photos that it has to be the person who took the photos in the first place to be paid. They are not going to swipe photos from a facebook account or take them from someone second hand.

So, it had to be the person who took the photos, Karen Faye, or say someone close to Karen, such as Randy Jackson. You have to sign the agreement with TMZ as they now become the owners of the photos, so no photo credit is needed.

I am told that Karen took mementos from fans that were sent in as she sent out a message weeks prior that that she would be going to Michael’s grave site and would put what fans sent in around his tomb. The photos were posted on Karen’s face book page a few weeks ago and ended up on TMZ Sunday.

It’s interesting because if Karen wasn’t paid and since she is the owner of the photos, why are they still on TMZ? She is trying to make it sound like someone swiped the photos and gave them to TMZ but that is not the case.

I think it is highly WRONG that you are posting private photos of his tomb in the first place, weather on a face book account or not. Then to turn around and make a profit off of them when you say you were posting it “for the fans” as you say, it just straight up unprofessional as a former employee and someone who claims to do Michael right.

Now, if any of this information is not true, you can contact me and prove otherwise. TMZ, if posting these photos with your watermark is wrong and want it taken down, you can contact me as well. TMZ owns the photos hence why the watermark is there and why Karen is not making a stink for the photos to be taken down or even taken off her face book page.

What do you think of these photos coming out and the circumstances around them?-Dr.FB
Found this posted on another MJ forum.

According to Dr. (isn't this blog/website associated with Prince?), the pictures were sold for over $100,000.

and this is an interesting response that was posted:

I have done a lot of digging around with regards to Michael and company. The article reiterates much of what I already came to find out on my own, except for 1 major thing. It was NOT Randy Jackson that accompanied Karen to Forest Lawn, but Randy Taraborrelli, author of “The Magic and The Madness, Michael Jackson”. This is a huge error, and exactly how rumors are started. I hope corrects this information. For those of you that follow Karen, you will recall her mentioning that she visited Michael with a close family friend. If it were a member of the family, I am certain she would have said with a member of the Jackson family, even if she wanted to omit names.

This is very important, I hope people will pick up on this error.

they can't take something from facebook since facebook owns it. she sold it outright...i agree....

someone sent me her latest rant. it's too hypocritical to even finish reading. i don'tunderstand her at all.


Way to describe her ENTIRE facebook... :rofl:
I don't understand how people justify this - you're right they had to be sold outright.
like i was saying... money and greed..... sad and pathetic reality of our lives....

like michael knew so well and in his song : "Anything for moneyyyyy"
and this is an interesting response that was posted:

I have done a lot of digging around with regards to Michael and company. The article reiterates much of what I already came to find out on my own, except for 1 major thing. It was NOT Randy Jackson that accompanied Karen to Forest Lawn, but Randy Taraborrelli, author of “The Magic and The Madness, Michael Jackson”. This is a huge error, and exactly how rumors are started. I hope corrects this information. For those of you that follow Karen, you will recall her mentioning that she visited Michael with a close family friend. If it were a member of the family, I am certain she would have said with a member of the Jackson family, even if she wanted to omit names.

This is very important, I hope people will pick up on this error.


Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't read the comments. So, I wonder how this person knows it was JRT that went with Karen. I hope the estate and the family does something against KF and JRT for what happened!

I do not believe that JRT is a close family friend to the Jacksons.
I'm really upset that Karen has sold these imagine how much it would have hurt Michael. She needs to really just disappear or something.
I didn't want to see the picutres, I wanted to value Michael privacy and the family, but today I happend to be going through The Sun when I saw the picture. :cry: I'm so upset, I promised myself that I wouldn't view those pictures, but by accident I have :( I can't believe that the papers are so heartless. How could they show those pictures!!? What happened to rest in peace!?
That woman is a witch. She has betrayed MJ. I have no doubt that the next picture of MJ that karen Faye will post on her facebook will be MJ's corpse. Call me cynical, but given the fact that (Karen faye) claimed that she was employed to put a make-up on MJ for burial, i think she will take a pic of MJ's corpse. If this appears one day remember that i told you guys. The woman has no shame and is worst than bashir and others.

P.S: And those claiming that they r happy should be ashamed. What this woman did is a breach of security. Who should be blamed if the crypt is vandalised or worst still if MJ's body is stolen. I think we should report this woman to Forest L so that she will either sued and banned from there. Anyone who defends her must be out of his or her mind. I know some will.
I didn't want to see the picutres, I wanted to value Michael privacy and the family, but today I happend to be going through The Sun when I saw the picture. :cry: I'm so upset, I promised myself that I wouldn't view those pictures, but by accident I have :( I can't believe that the papers are so heartless. How could they show those pictures!!? What happened to rest in peace!?

Do not blame the papers. Blame Karen faye. She is solely responsible for this. The next pic will be MJ's corpse courtesy of Karen Faye
I'm so angry at Karen Faye. First posting them on her FB account, that's bad enough, but to sell them to TMZ is just despicable. I just cant believe that someone that MJ trusted and who worked for him for 20 years has sold pictures of his resting place for money. Then to blame the fans for swiping them off her account, BS. She sold them, Levin is a former lawyer. He's not stupid and would only have bought photos from the original owner, which TMZ have confirmed. She did MJ's make up for the funeral, wonder if I'll be seeing that in The Sun at some point.
I'm so angry at Karen Faye. First posting them on her FB account, that's bad enough, but to sell them to TMZ is just despicable. I just cant believe that someone that MJ trusted and who worked for him for 20 years has sold pictures of his resting place for money. Then to blame the fans for swiping them off her account, BS. She sold them, Levin is a former lawyer. He's not stupid and would only have bought photos from the original owner, which TMZ have confirmed. She did MJ's make up for the funeral, wonder if I'll be seeing that in The Sun at some point.

Where have you been? It's already in The Sun !!!!

Go to the sun's site; it's there. we ain't allow pic of that here.

P.S: i repeat this woman is a devil and sycophant
Where have you been? It's already in The Sun !!!!

Go to the sun's site; it's there. we ain't allow pic of that here.

P.S: i repeat this woman is a devil and sycophant

I know the crypt pics are in The Sun, I meant it wouldn't suprise me if pics of MJ's body done up with make up appeared in there.
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I think Sloride referred to Michaels make-up/facial pics to be posted in The Sun. Like, if Karen did his makeup I wouldnt be surprised either if a photo of him was leaked.
That woman is a witch. She has betrayed MJ. I have no doubt that the next picture of MJ that karen Faye will post on her facebook will be MJ's corpse. Call me cynical, but given the fact that (Karen faye) claimed that she was employed to put a make-up on MJ for burial, i think she will take a pic of MJ's corpse. If this appears one day remember that i told you guys. The woman has no shame and is worst than bashir and others.

This is my worst nightmare and Im really scared that she of all people did his makeup. Nothing stopped her from taking photos of his crypt, what stops her from taking photos of his body? I hope to god Im wrong but if this is true then this woman seriously needs to be arrested and locked up in jail.
Where have you been? It's already in The Sun !!!!

Go to the sun's site; it's there. we ain't allow pic of that here.

P.S: i repeat this woman is a devil and sycophant

Oooh, better watch what you say, some people were banned here just because they felt the same way about Karen Faye.
why does the Uk tabloids always always state his name as '*****' i swear i really think that they believe that is Michaels name. :(
I think because that's a way some people shorten names there in the UK (correct me if I'm wrong) and of coruse to insult him.
Actually Jac.. was an affective nickname for Michael that was given to him by the media and fans of the UK. It actually means Joker. They called him this even before he went solo.

It was not until the tabloids corrupted the name that it got its negative stigma. Now, when you hear the name you do not know if they are insulting him or just going by his nickname. However, most mainstream newspaper do not mean it in a bad way. I went to London for 3 months and met Michael Jackson's fans that affectively called him Jac..
Why are you all accusing Karen? Do you have any evidence that she sold it to the tabloids and she intended to let the pictures go worldwide? All I know is that she posted the pictures for the fans who want to feel closer to Michael and she posted it on the day TII is opened because she was very angry with AEG for pressuring Michael to perform and this made him taking the drugs which ended his life.

I was her mistake to post the pictures because it will eventually ended up everywhere eventhough she hopes to only share it with her facebook friends.
wait, do u remember al.Malnic's wife nancy posted private pics of Mike and kids' on her FB and then these pics were on TMZ. later Nancy left a message:"ppl are cruel and greed". ok. her behavior is very similar with karen. did Nancy sold these pics to tmz?
Why are you all accusing Karen? Do you have any evidence that she sold it to the tabloids and she intended to let the pictures go worldwide? All I know is that she posted the pictures for the fans who want to feel closer to Michael and she posted it on the day TII is opened because she was very angry with AEG for pressuring Michael to perform and this made him taking the drugs which ended his life.

I was her mistake to post the pictures because it will eventually ended up everywhere eventhough she hopes to only share it with her facebook friends.

Yes. People actually called Splash News and TMZ and both confirmed that the pics sold by original owner which was Karen Faye.
Why are you all accusing Karen? Do you have any evidence that she sold it to the tabloids and she intended to let the pictures go worldwide? All I know is that she posted the pictures for the fans who want to feel closer to Michael and she posted it on the day TII is opened because she was very angry with AEG for pressuring Michael to perform and this made him taking the drugs which ended his life.

I was her mistake to post the pictures because it will eventually ended up everywhere eventhough she hopes to only share it with her facebook friends.

There is evident linked right to this forum. TMZ maybe no good, but they would not take pictures off of facebook without the original owners permission. There are documents that they she or someone close to her was paid $10,000 dollars for the original pictures. This is not guess work, these are facts.

Stop defending Karen. It was not right when she posted these pictures and now she sold them to a freaking tabloid for money. This is beyond disrespectful, this is spitting on the grave of her 'friend'. She was mad at AEG so she posted her friend's grave on the internet for the whole world to look at. Biggest pile of shit I have ever heard.

AEG may be making money off of Michael's final work, but she literally made money off his grave. Before she put the blame on anyone, she needs to take a long hard look into the mirror. It is this BS that drove Michael crazy in life.

You can delete this post if you want, but it is almost like she wanted him to die so she could have an excuse to be a bit**.
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