First photo of Jackson tomb revealed (NO PHOTO IN THIS THREAD).

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I'm just suprised it took so long for the media to finally got the pictures! I was there when Karen released it on her facebook on the day TII was released! I bagged her to take down the pictures like a few others because I know it just end up in tabloids but people told me the pictures are already public...etc.

Seems to me we have all change of hearts. Before, when we heard that we can never access Michael's resting place, many fans were upset because they couldn't pay they respect to Michael and wanted to visit there and send flowers. Now we are all respecting Kathrine's wishes and don't want the public to know about it.

I hope Karen learned her lesson. She should have known. What is done cannot be undone. I just hope that the place is fully protected and safe. It's very beautiful but sad.
And of course, I dreamed I saw pictures of Michael in his grave last night. God I feel awful today...
How do you know she sold them for a profit? I'd put money on them taking them off her Facebook page. Please don't post speculation as fact.

Because if they just took them off a FB they would LEGALLY have to put a link at the bottom of the picture. There is no link, but the TMZ logo all over, meaning they bought (own) the pictures. Someone (who knows, may not be Karen) sold or gave the pictures. Just go look through pics on their site (celebs twitters) and they will have a link at the bottom, then look at the resting place pictures.
They was flipping through the channels and right when I go on the Entertainment Tonight channel they were showing pictures of his resting place. It's pretty pathetic when so called "reliable" "news" shows are showing something that the public was not meant to see.

We all have to remember though although the living Michael is gone, his spirit and legacy will live forever.
Wow...some posts here are incredible to read.... i won't even comment on them...
anyways...Yes... TMZ officially posted about 3 days ago the Same pictures that karen had put on her facebook, meaning : The Whole Entire World knows about it.. .sadly enough... I knew it would bite us at the end....

:( but, realize that it's done.... pics are out....
Good job, Karen!

Sums it up.
On a more general note,

I hope nobody really thought his resting place would remain secret and unseen for decades and decades... Well, it's done, they are out, we have no power over it, but I'm still glad to see that it's a beautiful place for him.

Of course we were gonna see them one day, but I don't get the 'let him rest in peace' versus seing his crypt, sorry I'm maybe just being dumb, but in cemeteries you have maps to celebrities's tomb so you can pay respect to them if you want, I don't think my mom is not letting her mom rest in peace when she goes to her grave. I DO understand that Michael's crypt was suppose to be private, but.. is there really someone who thought it was possible? I mean, it was a matter of time...

yes in the end you're talking about a man who's been harassed his entire life why would it stop now?
this mentality that celebrities own everything to the public is wrong, I mean owing to the public even from beyond the grave? it's the fact that the general public the everyday people think it's ok to invade someone's privacy "because they are celebrities", this is what makes the media feel like they have the right to invade privacy in every way possible
Stop the hatting on Karen Faye. She has only showed LOVE - L.O.V.E for Michael Jackson over the years and u guys know it !
yes in the end you're talking about a man who's been harassed his entire life why would it stop now?
this mentality that celebrities own everything to the public is wrong, I mean owing to the public even from beyond the grave? it's the fact that the general public the everyday people think it's ok to invade someone's privacy "because they are celebrities", this is what makes the media feel like they have the right to invade privacy in every way possible

I think you are accusing me of things I didn't say. You write like I'm ok with that and it's the way it should be.. re-read my post please cause if you are trying to say that we have to right to see that because he's a celebrity... you are SO wrong! I'll be waiting for excuses now...

If you wanna talk about to try to understand what I wrote if it wasn't clear enough for you, you can PM me, I'll be glad to answer!
with love
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I still can't believe she did this...really am lost for words.
no I was not attacking you don't take it like that, I was just saying it's wrong to think that despite clear instructions from the family to keep it private the grave "was going to be seen anyway sooner or later". it's like saying Michael had no hope for privacy in the first place
if people don't understand something like respect, respect for the family wishes and for Michael's privacy, then they need to LEARN respect, because there has to be a limit to how far can invasion of privacy go!
people have been camping outside MJ's house for the past 30 years following his every move, in 2003 he said no matter where he goes in the world he can't escape because everyone knows him. if there's one thing that Michael cherished in this world then it was privacy because he never had it

It was just a matter of time to have these pics on TMZ and all tabloids and thanks to Karen Faye. I know many fans really want to feel close to Mike, but this is his private resting place. PRIVATE means no pictures should be taken, nor published. When Ms. Faye uploaded the pics to her Facebook, she must have been aware the pics will be on the media in a matter of hours. I am not in her FBook and just 3 hours after she published the pics, another person sent the link to it. This was impossible to stop. It finally took almost a week and a half, but here are the pics.

Yes, the pics are not disgusting, but again: this should NOT have happened. I am also in a Facebook page of a MJ fan club in Chile and someone post the link with no information of its content, we thought it was a comment of Karen about This is it, but instead, there were all these pics. We asked the link to be removed and the responsible of our club did it asap.

I have read comments of people puting the blame on the Jackson Family. They are not responsible!! It was Karen Faye who took and put these on her Facebook. She shouldn't have done so. Michael deserves BETTER. Michael deserves RESPECT FOR HIS PRIVACY.

I just don't understand her. She was a good friend to MJ for several years and one mistake should not be used to throw stones to her... I am no one to do that, but I can say this was a big, big mistake and one that was completely preventable. Doing this for the fans? And what about NOT doing it in order to PROTECT MICHAEL?

TMZ just tried to get first with something (as usual, that's their deal) that has been over the net for several days. But still, they are not recongnizing where they got these from. I don't think Ms. Faye had sold this to TMZ (I hope this is not the case, for it would be terrible). I just think TMZ took this from the internet. Now why are they placing its logo on the pics? That's a good question. And I think no one will like to claim responsability for leaking those pics. No need to do it: we already know where they come from.

Ms. Faye was warned as soon as she published the pics that this would happen. I mean... even that was unnecessary; it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Facebook is NOT private. So was Farest Lawn. She had time enough to delete the pics, but she didn't and as far as I know (I am not in her Facebook) she insists she did all this for the fans and that she will keep "sharing" since this is what Michael would have wanted....

I think some people should pay closer attention to an old song of 2001... what was that? Oh, yes: PRIVACY.

You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
won’t you just let me be
‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know
That you’ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

I need my privacy, I need my privacy
So paparazzi, get away from me

By the way: it's a song by Michael Jackson! No need to fee the paparazzi... no need

Terrible :-(

I couldn't have put this any better than you. Thank you. :clapping:
I was upset to see the pictures on ET last night. But like you said it's out of control and shows no respect.
I haven't seen any of these pics in the UK media yet which has shocked me but I dont read tabloids so maybe they have been and I just haven't seen them.
Isn't whatever publication published the photos doing so illegally if they belonged to Karen?
I was just saying it's wrong to think that despite clear instructions from the family to keep it private the grave "was going to be seen anyway sooner or later".

You can say it's wrong, I say it's just reality, sad reality, but reality anyway.
I wish they would have respected his grave, but I never believed it would happen.
I mean... we know the media by now... I never asked for those piscures, and it is wrong that one of his friends did that, but it doesn't suprise me at all to see those pictures.
So please, with love, don't tell me what is wrong to think.

Isn't whatever publication published the photos doing so illegally if they belonged to Karen?

Not if they paid for it, which is actually really possible. and like someone said, when pictures are published through Facebook, the rights automatically belongs to Facebook..and facebook is public..
Not if they paid for it, which is actually really possible. and like someone said, when pictures are published through Facebook, the rights automatically belongs to Facebook..and facebook is public..

Can someone point me in the direction of something stating that the rights belong to Facebook? I checked their terms & conditions yesterday & couldn't see it anywhere. The owner of copyright is always the artist/photographer unless they sell them that copyright.

For the record, Karen has stated that she didn't sell them - someone else took them from her page & gave/sold them onto TMZ.
Can someone point me in the direction of something stating that the rights belong to Facebook? I checked their terms & conditions yesterday & couldn't see it anywhere. The owner of copyright is always the artist/photographer unless they sell them that copyright.

For the record, Karen has stated that she didn't sell them - someone else took them from her page & gave/sold them onto TMZ.

I dont remember when but I remember reading on the news a couple months ago that Facebook to have this T&C that states that everything becomes the property of them once you upload it so all my photos on my FB account technically belong to FB. Its just very well hidden though. But I still cant get over Karen's stupidity. The Sun do it all the time-take photos from FB and publish them in their paper for a story, I dont know why she thought that no one would give them to TMZ.
For the record, Karen has stated that she didn't sell them - someone else took them from her page & gave/sold them onto TMZ.

Well apparently, they were sold to Splash News first and Splash News sold them to TMZ. Some people contacted Splash News and they confirmed that they bought them from the original owner and sold them to other media outlets including TMZ. As you stated in your post as well, Facebook could not have sold the photos, because at the time copyright belonged to Karen who is the original owner.

TMZ and Splash News may be the scum of the earth, but they are very careful when dealing with material like this.
oh GOD!! please no
i can't see it
but i can't resist
i'm sure that god couldn't see a wonderful person like him suffer he let him go to the best place ever
From Facebook (for the record):

  1. Sharing Your Content and Information
  2. You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In addition:
  3. For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook ("IP License"). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.
  4. When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).
  5. When you add an application and use Platform, your content and information is shared with the application. We require applications to respect your privacy settings, but your agreement with that application will control how the application can use the content and information you share. (To learn more about Platform, read our About Platform page.)
  6. When you publish content or information using the "everyone" setting, it means that everyone, including people off of Facebook, will have access to that information and we may not have control over what they do with it.
  7. We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Facebook, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).
Well apparently, they were sold to Splash News first and Splash News sold them to TMZ. Some people contacted Splash News and they confirmed that they bought them from the original owner and sold them to other media outlets including TMZ. As you stated in your post as well, Facebook could not have sold the photos, because at the time copyright belonged to Karen who is the original owner.

TMZ and Splash News may be the scum of the earth, but they are very careful when dealing with material like this.

Harvey Levin was a lawyer. He may be scum but he's clever scum. No way would he have just pinched these from an FB account and claimed they were TMZ's. So the 'original owner' sold them to Splash, eh? With friends like that who needs enemies?
Harvey Levin was a lawyer. He may be scum but he's clever scum. No way would he have just pinched these from an FB account and claimed they were TMZ's. So the 'original owner' sold them to Splash, eh? With friends like that who needs enemies?

I agree. There was 10 days between Karen posted them and then TMZ posted them. If they were going to just take them from her facebook account and post them on their website they would have done it in the very first day. The 10 day gap looks like they either bought or asked permission or legally found a way to cover their bases.
no she sold them. and she's blaming it on fans and saying she's hurt and feels betrayed...yea but um 5, 000 fans u don't even know. loser to the max.
@Agnes - Yes she put them up on her facebook but she did, in fact, sell them to Splash News. I have two sources there confirming this.
they can't take something from facebook since facebook owns it. she sold it outright...i agree....

someone sent me her latest rant. it's too hypocritical to even finish reading. i don'tunderstand her at all.

Did the family say anything about this? All we can do right now is speculate what really happened. I hope she didn't sell the pics, that would be just awful!

I guess I am the only one with this opinion, but I am still going to voice it:
yes, what Karen did what totally stupid and bad, the family said they didn't want any pics of Michael's resting place. And yet she took pictures and put them onto her facebook account. I don't understand what went through her head. :no:

However, I am sure if the family had released these pics themselves, fans would have accused them of exploiting MJ's death, too. Just like what they accuse Karen of right now. It's a lose-lose situation. So whether the Jacksons had released them or anyone else, I don't think it would have made a difference.

Most of us knew how the place looked like from previous pictures (which were taken some time ago) anyway. So technically the ones Karen took are not really new.

I can only speak for myself, but I am glad I saw the pictures. I know Michael loved his privacy, but we only see a crypt (which I have seen on pics before), it's not like we see his body...
Remember how upset everyone was when they found out there would be no place the fans could go to? Now we can see it and I can finally find some peace, because it's such a beautiful, calm and serene place.

Again, I would like to emphasize that I don't agree with Karen Faye's actions (because the family didn't want it), but I am sure one day someone would have released pictures. It would have been bound to happen.
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