First photo of Jackson tomb revealed (NO PHOTO IN THIS THREAD).

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some people still don't get it. this is not about us it's about Michael, they violated his privacy yet again seriously is there anything sacred left to him anymore? Michael Jackson is not public property he's a person like you and me! I even heard fans saying they want to see him in the coffin or see his death pictures to "come to terms with it"
I hope somebody is gonna get sued in this Forest Lawn needs to do something about it


It was just a matter of time to have these pics on TMZ and all tabloids and thanks to Karen Faye. I know many fans really want to feel close to Mike, but this is his private resting place. PRIVATE means no pictures should be taken, nor published. When Ms. Faye uploaded the pics to her Facebook, she must have been aware the pics will be on the media in a matter of hours. I am not in her FBook and just 3 hours after she published the pics, another person sent the link to it. This was impossible to stop. It finally took almost a week and a half, but here are the pics.

Yes, the pics are not disgusting, but again: this should NOT have happened. I am also in a Facebook page of a MJ fan club in Chile and someone post the link with no information of its content, we thought it was a comment of Karen about This is it, but instead, there were all these pics. We asked the link to be removed and the responsible of our club did it asap.

I have read comments of people puting the blame on the Jackson Family. They are not responsible!! It was Karen Faye who took and put these on her Facebook. She shouldn't have done so. Michael deserves BETTER. Michael deserves RESPECT FOR HIS PRIVACY.

I just don't understand her. She was a good friend to MJ for several years and one mistake should not be used to throw stones to her... I am no one to do that, but I can say this was a big, big mistake and one that was completely preventable. Doing this for the fans? And what about NOT doing it in order to PROTECT MICHAEL?

TMZ just tried to get first with something (as usual, that's their deal) that has been over the net for several days. But still, they are not recongnizing where they got these from. I don't think Ms. Faye had sold this to TMZ (I hope this is not the case, for it would be terrible). I just think TMZ took this from the internet. Now why are they placing its logo on the pics? That's a good question. And I think no one will like to claim responsability for leaking those pics. No need to do it: we already know where they come from.

Ms. Faye was warned as soon as she published the pics that this would happen. I mean... even that was unnecessary; it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Facebook is NOT private. So was Farest Lawn. She had time enough to delete the pics, but she didn't and as far as I know (I am not in her Facebook) she insists she did all this for the fans and that she will keep "sharing" since this is what Michael would have wanted....

I think some people should pay closer attention to an old song of 2001... what was that? Oh, yes: PRIVACY.

You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
won’t you just let me be
‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know
That you’ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

I need my privacy, I need my privacy
So paparazzi, get away from me

By the way: it's a song by Michael Jackson! No need to fee the paparazzi... no need

Terrible :-(
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I just saw it on Entertainment Tonight just now too. That means it will probably be on all the shows now.

just saw it too :(
went to visit my parents, walked in the front door and its the first thing i see on tv. no way to avoid it now. shame.

Yes it should not have happenned
Yes many fans don't want to see it, it can be painful
Yes Karen should not have uploaded them, but I'm pretty sure she didn't mean bad.

But they are there now, so I guess if you don't want to see them, you try to avoid them but since they are gonna be all over the place in days, I guess it will be over in couple of days so after a moment they'll just find something else about Michael like they always do...

The crypt case will be close after that so you will all be able to calm down.
At least it's not a pap who broke a window at night to take a pic and walked on your gifts for Michael... Some may say it's worst since it's a friend, but I just don't have the same opinion...

I think there is a difference between fans and fanatics, lately they are fanatics. As far as the whole privacy deal goes. Up until those pics, all that was up were pics where all you saw was a stained glass and lights. Not until someone the family trusted to go in took pics and posted on a social networking site. IF she was going to take pics for the couple fans that had letters, send a pic of their letter on the ground next to the site, not what 5 pics? Well I hope she enjoyed her first, more than likely last time to Michaels resting place.
Well, you won't since it's not allowed here.. so you can calm down :) :yes:

Can I say i don't like the 'morans' and 'fans' in the same message :(

On a more general note,

I hope nobody really thought his resting place would remain secret and unseen for decades and decades... Well, it's done, they are out, we have no power over it, but I'm still glad to see that it's a beautiful place for him.

Of course we were gonna see them one day, but I don't get the 'let him rest in peace' versus seing his crypt, sorry I'm maybe just being dumb, but in cemeteries you have maps to celebrities's tomb so you can pay respect to them if you want, I don't think my mom is not letting her mom rest in peace when she goes to her grave. I DO understand that Michael's crypt was suppose to be private, but.. is there really someone who thought it was possible? I mean, it was a matter of time...

with love...
I think there is a difference between fans and fanatics, lately they are fanatics. As far as the whole privacy deal goes. Up until those pics, all that was up were pics where all you saw was a stained glass and lights. Not until someone the family trusted to go in took pics and posted on a social networking site. IF she was going to take pics for the couple fans that had letters, send a pic of their letter on the ground next to the site, not what 5 pics? Well I hope she enjoyed her first, more than likely last time to Michaels resting place.

Just to be sure, you call fanatic me or the fans who wanted a picture of what they gave to Michael?
I never said it was a good thing, I said it was matter of time, so now it's done, we have to deal with it, and at least it's beautiful pictures.
But I agree after that I think she'll not be allowed to go there again :lol: wasn't very clever to post them in her FB account in the first place if she wanted them to be private pictures.
Well according to her little army of fans that attack me every time i try and say i think posting these pictures was wrong she had full permission from Michaels family to post the pictures on facebook!!!!! I very much doubt this
I just saw it on Entertainment Tonight just now too. That means it will probably be on all the shows now.

Yup. I pretty much called it in the original thread from TMZ about this...I know people are like who cares they would have been public anyways, but all I can think of is if karen faye was able to take pics what else could happen to Mike's grave? :no: We really don't know that pics would have eventually become public since only certain people were allowed in and there was a no pics rule which Karen decided to disobey.

I can only imagine how Katherine and the kids feel seeing Mike's grave splashed across the TV and likely it will be soon in magazines. :(

so it is a picture of Michael?

No, its pictures taken by Karen Faye of his resting space.

Well according to her little army of fans that attack me every time i try and say i think posting these pictures was wrong she had full permission from Michaels family to post the pictures on facebook!!!!! I very much doubt this

It seems as if KF fans defend everything she does. She is never wrong to them. :smilerolleyes: Stories like yours have been said over and over by other members; that they are blindly attacked by KF's fans. As for Mike's family giving permission, from Katherine & the kids? I don't believe it. From somebody else or that somebody else in the fam was ok with it? I better not say anymore...
I wouldn't have trouble seeing that,as much as I would have trouble seeing the picture of him... I am not sure how it would affect me.
but all I can think of is if karen faye was able to take pics what else could happen to Mike's grave? :no: We really don't know that pics would have eventually become public since only certain people were allowed in and there was a no pics rule which Karen decided to disobey.

I agree she desobey, but since the pics are out, what else could happen to the grave? It,s still restricted to people who get a permission to go, I mean they can't take the ciment grave and dig under so fortunately, I think that after this picture episode, we'll be done with the grave if it stays restricted or at least under high security visiting (maybe one day)

I wouldn't have trouble seeing that,as much as I would have trouble seeing the picture of him... I am not sure how it would affect me.

I agree I don't want and don't need to see pictures of Michael in his grave, but, the way it's put, it's really impossible, unless some crepy peeps took pics while the make-up for this... uhg... don't like what I just imagined.... sorry... Please Karen, if you have those kind of pics when you did the make-up on Mike... DON'T POST THEM! NEVER! BURN THEM!

But for now, all there is in thse pics is a big cement (or whatever kind or rock) cube with greek relief on it on a marble floor with some flowers and pics and gifts from fans in the front.

no, I meant the other poster who called "fans" morons. Some are jumping on the gravy train, all about gossip and not caring about the person. Those are fanatics to me. Does that make sense? Lol. From what another poster told me was, she printed put a couple of letters from a selected number of fans to take to his tomb. I don't see why she could have taken a picture of the letter at the resting place of the tomb and them PM to them. Instead, posted quite a number of pictures on a PUBLIC social network. I know what's done is done, but I find it VERY sketchy that TMZ is able to label the pics. Not just that bit Karen has yet to mention her pics are all over the news? She could EASILY send a letter to them to tell them give credit where credit is due, but she hasn't. Look at pics of celebs from their Twitter accounts on TMZ, on the bottom there is an address where they got the pics. Someone sold those pictures. Personally, yes, I have sold a picture to TMZ for $100, their logo was all over that picture JUST like those pictures. Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble
Just to be sure, you call fanatic me or the fans who wanted a picture of what they gave to Michael?
I never said it was a good thing, I said it was matter of time, so now it's done, we have to deal with it, and at least it's beautiful pictures.
But I agree after that I think she'll not be allowed to go there again :lol: wasn't very clever to post them in her FB account in the first place if she wanted them to be private pictures.
no, I meant the other poster who called "fans" morons. Some are jumping on the gravy train, all about gossip and not caring about the person. Those are fanatics to me. Does that make sense? Lol. From what another poster told me was, she printed put a couple of letters from a selected number of fans to take to his tomb. I don't see why she could have taken a picture of the letter at the resting place of the tomb and them PM to them. Instead, posted quite a number of pictures on a PUBLIC social network. I know what's done is done, but I find it VERY sketchy that TMZ is able to label the pics. Not just that bit Karen has yet to mention her pics are all over the news? She could EASILY send a letter to them to tell them give credit where credit is due, but she hasn't. Look at pics of celebs from their Twitter accounts on TMZ, on the bottom there is an address where they got the pics. Someone sold those pictures. Personally, yes, I have sold a picture to TMZ for $100, their logo was all over that picture JUST like those pictures. Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble

I understand you point, thanks for clearing that up but why TMZ would have paid for something that was already on the net?
love :)
Good job, Karen!
I think there is a difference between fans and fanatics, lately they are fanatics. As far as the whole privacy deal goes. Up until those pics, all that was up were pics where all you saw was a stained glass and lights. Not until someone the family trusted to go in took pics and posted on a social networking site. IF she was going to take pics for the couple fans that had letters, send a pic of their letter on the ground next to the site, not what 5 pics? Well I hope she enjoyed her first, more than likely last time to Michaels resting place.

A fan who recieved the pics in a message from Karen Faye said that Karen sent a note with them stating that she was purposefully posting the picture on the day TII was released. Evidently, she was trying to send a message. This is disgusting, and disrespectful.

This is why I am bothered by the release of the pictures.

People hunted Michael down where ever he went, wanting him to sign things, wanting to touch him, yelling at him to look at them so they could take pictures, wanting to insert themselves into every part of his life. Everyone wanted a little piece of Michael. And a lot of people did this because it did something for them, it made them feel important, they could show everyone their pictures and autographs. But I don't think many people really thought about him. Every time I see the beginning of YANA, I get really sad as he is walking in front of all the cameras, all alone. That was a reality for him.

So, the thing that bothers me most is that I feel Karen was doing the same thing posting those pictures. Another piece of Michael, posted to serve some purpose or make some one else feel important. When will it end?
A fan who recieved the pics in a message from Karen Faye said that Karen sent a note with them stating that she was purposefully posting the picture on the day TII was released. Evidently, she was trying to send a message. This is disgusting, and disrespectful.

This is why I am bothered by the release of the pictures.

didn't she call the album "this is really it"? so melodramatic.
several days after she posted the pics she said that some fans were bad mouthing her to the jacksons about taking the pictures but she said she was with the jackson family when she took the pictures.

yesterday she wrote that she told the family that she did not give the photos to the tabloids and they understood her.
Oh my GOD! I'm crying again! I am dying… I don't wanna live anymore...
Michael please come back or take me with you.. :weeping::weeping::weeping:

Hey, I know this is really awful and some things people do make me so sad and angry too. But, you know what? Michael took it all in stride. He didn't let it get to him. He was tough as nails, don't let anyone tell you he wasn't.

And he would want you to be tough and carry on too. And work towards making the world a better place. Don't give up. Michael is still with us in spirit, he would not want you to despair. In spite of everything, he saw the world as a beautiful place. Hang in there, we are all sort of in this together.

I never want to see those pictures... please come back Michael we need you :cry:
I asked her if she asked permission from the family to post them and she deleted me from her facebook...wonder what she thinks of the tabloids having the pictures now. anyone stll on her facebook?
I asked her if she asked permission from the family to post them and she deleted me from her facebook...wonder what she thinks of the tabloids having the pictures now. anyone stll on her facebook?

I am not, but she has some 5,000 + friends... quite easy to keep all private... :-/
A friend is there and mentioned that Karen was upset for people taken away her pics and that doing that was means.....

Now... that is great!! ZERO self-criticism!! At least she could admit she did wrong. She had the opportunity to do so. Many asked her, begged her to DELETE those pics. She simply didn't.

Now, that of the family to "agree" with this... sorry, but that is so difficult to believe. If so, wouldn't they have to be the ones to "publish" something if ANY ever? They were not happy the day of the funeral with the helicopter flying over the place and people recording everything. How could they agree with this? Just the day of This is it???

Yes, I understand some fans might want to see this... but we must agree on one thing: exposing these pics in tabloids and EVERY where, is not fair for Michael. Not fair at all

Sure... the damage is already done... but I think some one should assume her responsability on this. This could have been avoided 100%.
A fan who recieved the pics in a message from Karen Faye said that Karen sent a note with them stating that she was purposefully posting the picture on the day TII was released. Evidently, she was trying to send a message. This is disgusting, and disrespectful.

This is why I am bothered by the release of the pictures.

People hunted Michael down where ever he went, wanting him to sign things, wanting to touch him, yelling at him to look at them so they could take pictures, wanting to insert themselves into every part of his life. Everyone wanted a little piece of Michael. And a lot of people did this because it did something for them, it made them feel important, they could show everyone their pictures and autographs. But I don't think many people really thought about him. Every time I see the beginning of YANA, I get really sad as he is walking in front of all the cameras, all alone. That was a reality for him.

So, the thing that bothers me most is that I feel Karen was doing the same thing posting those pictures. Another piece of Michael, posted to serve some purpose or make some one else feel important. When will it end?

You couldn't have said it better...

If we were not that close to him can understand this... why not the ones around him for so long? Why?
several days after she posted the pics she said that some fans were bad mouthing her to the jacksons about taking the pictures but she said she was with the jackson family when she took the pictures.

yesterday she wrote that she told the family that she did not give the photos to the tabloids and they understood her.

I'm sure that by "the family" she really means Randy. -_-
I have no problem with people seeing these I think they are beautiful what makes me sick is that she sold them to TMZ for a profit, and now Karen Faye is all over the TV and she tells All MJ's business on her facebook. Let's get one thing straight, this woman is no friend of Michael's! self promoting delusional woman.
Karen Faye is extremely naive to think she can post photos like that on her FB where she has 5000 "friends" the majority of whom she doesn't know from a bar of soap, and NOT have them leak out in the public.
I have no problem with people seeing these I think they are beautiful what makes me sick is that she sold them to TMZ for a profit, and now Karen Faye is all over the TV and she tells All MJ's business on her facebook. Let's get one thing straight, this woman is no friend of Michael's! self promoting delusional woman.

How do you know she sold them for a profit? I'd put money on them taking them off her Facebook page. Please don't post speculation as fact.
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