Fan Support -- N/L Ranch Sale

Why this event presented to be that dramatic?
Michael Jackson himself wanted to sell the ranch. Or else he could arrange a series of concerts, prime time interviews, or even release even album -- and, he would live there since 2005. Obviously, making $24 or $35 million would not be hard if he decided it.

So anyone who needs "support" about this event would better ask himself/herself, would he/she need support if Michael would decide to release an album now, for example?

Obviously, this dramatic surrounding of the event is oxymoron to the essence of what happened.

I need fan support for forum treating the event like that, not for the event itself.
why would you come into a thread just to bash the thread? if you have nothing to contribute and since no one here ever comes at you for your literal essays and the like, i suggest you don't come into a thread w/ an intent to bash.
Seriously, Michael sold property that associated with the most horrible, life threating terrors of his life. Outright since 2003 he never wanted to live there, the place was crashed back then for him.

Being sad about Jackson selling Neverland is very, very strange thing. Reminds me of "Stockholm syndrome".

So it is more time to be glad, free, and relaxed by now, than being sad. :)
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I understand that Neverland was great, spiritual and very important place for Michael Jackson and to us, his fans.

However, this ended back in 2003, and we were sad for Michael and for the ranch.

Neverland was "dead" already then, in 2003. We shed our tears of sadness, already.

Now, it is time to feel freedom of relaxation. Neverland's drama ended five years ago.

No two people are the same. Some find Neverland meant more then others. This thread is for them. No other comments are needed. This thread is for the sole purpose of their support. Please find a thread that better suits your needs.
Victoria83: I did not say that fans do not have the right to be sad, but I pointed the reason why their sadness should go away and be replaced with relaxation. The more fans will see Michael's reasons, the better they will feel. That is the goal of the thread, is not it?

Shannon: I reminded fans of Michael's reasoning and I hope this was not worst crime in a Michael Jackson forum. But I already explained the argumentation, so I hope everyone would feel better. :)

Sorry I was not mild, that is one of my personal lacks sometimes.
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no one tells u what to use as subjects for your one tells u what to post so telling someone their feelings are NOT valid is doing nothing but cluttering a thread and being a please, if u have nothing to add, don't post
This is a support thread. Please refrain from making inflammatory comments. Take it to the other Neverland thread. Thank you.
I understand that Neverland was great, spiritual and very important place for Michael Jackson and to us, his fans.

However, this ended back in 2003, and we were sad for Michael and for the ranch.

Neverland was "dead" already then, in 2003. We shed our tears of sadness, already.

Now, it is time to feel freedom of relaxation. Neverland's drama ended five years ago.

Check your PMs. Respectfully, take this type of post to the appropriate thread.

wellllllllll drama can be created from many sides *giggle* not only the sad one! ;) You can even create one in telling ppl not to dramatize.

The moment this thread is not needed anymore it will tell itself in going down and disappear to the next side I'd say.

I'm only posting cuz I think it was nice from Carol to come back and ask ppl how they are and if it is already the time for this thread to go... it should end exactly like that.

Thanks for asking Carol... I've pretty much moved on and feel ready for whatever this weekend will bring me. Moving furniture inside my place... guess it's a time for changes.
If other ppl will not come back, we'll take it they all do feel well enough again also, I'd say.

So I'll pass on the question how are you ppl today?
wellllllllll drama can be created from many sides *giggle* not only the sad one! ;) You can even create one in telling ppl not to dramatize.

The moment this thread is not needed anymore it will tell itself in going down and disappear to the next side I'd say.

I'm only posting cuz I think it was nice from Carol to come back and ask ppl how they are and if it is already the time for this thread to go... it should end exactly like that.

Thanks for asking Carol... I've pretty much moved on and feel ready for whatever this weekend will bring me. Moving furniture inside my place... guess it's a time for changes.
If other ppl will not come back, we'll take it they all do feel well enough again also, I'd say.

So I'll pass on the question how are you ppl today?

Hi Mechi, nice to see you back here. The thread isn't going to go because there are still some people who are upset, but are posting in the general N/L thread. We will direct them back to this one.

Yeah, people, how are you doing today as the weekend begins?

Hi Mechi, nice to see you back here. The thread isn't going to go because there are still some people who are upset, but are posting in the general N/L thread. We will direct them back to this one.

Yeah, people, how are you doing today as the weekend begins?


Always nice to see you too!
And how are you Vic??? :cheeky:
Always nice to see you too!
And how are you Vic??? :cheeky:

Thanks, Mechi. I'm doing well, keeping busy. You?

I see the N/L sale as the end of an era, but also a possibility for great things to come. He may buy new property and finally settle down. I see it as mostly a positive thing, but can understand why some fans are upset, especially those who always wanted to visit Neverland, and now cannot. So, I understand.

Thanks, Mechi. I'm doing well, keeping busy. You?

I see the N/L sale as the end of an era, but also a possibility for great things to come. He may buy new property and finally settle down. I see it as mostly a positive thing, but can understand why some fans are upset, especially those who always wanted to visit Neverland, and now cannot. So, I understand.


lol read above... I'm busy decorating my place new. (You're a mod still aren't you? If not I fear to get a warning telling me to take this to pm *giggle*)

You know about Neverland... knowing Michael through all these years and following all he had done... I'm sure he'll turn this into something positive and nice. Honestly I'm pretty curious what he'll present next! :D It's true, generally nice to know he's moving on obviously.
lol read above... I'm busy decorating my place new. (You're a mod still aren't you? If not I fear to get a warning telling me to take this to pm *giggle*)

You know about Neverland... knowing Michael through all these years and following all he had done... I'm sure he'll turn this into something positive and nice. Honestly I'm pretty curious what he'll present next! :D It's true, generally nice to know he's moving on obviously.

Good luck with decorating! Right now, the only "decorating" I'm doing is washing my dishes. LOL

No, I'm not a Mod now (but still can moderate if necessary). PR Manager, in terms of public statements released and other tasks. Works for me!

Yeah, I'm glad to see Michael is moving on. I expect that now he can buy property for himself and his children and feel safe, wherever he chooses to live.

ok l am goint to write my pont of view
First when l saw news l couldn't beleive it ,but after that l understand Michael's choice....
Second Today America is not like 90s this is crisis of money ,and this is the matter of money spends in Irak.they spend a lot of money for solders in irak.
we could understand why Michael sold it ,l think it's good choice that has done it ,and we all know he'll make new album and he is still the best selling artist ever ,he can build new one it's just matter of time.
One that will be far from Dom shenndon.
ok l am goint to write my pont of view
First when l saw news l couldn't beleive it ,but after that l understand Michael's choice....
Second Today America is not like 90s this is crisis of money ,and this is the matter of money spends in Irak.they spend a lot of money for solders in irak.
we could understand why Michael sold it ,l think it's good choice that has done it ,and we all know he'll make new album and he is still the best selling artist ever ,he can build new one it's just matter of time.
One that will be far from Dom shenndon.

Thanks for your post. Yes, hopefully he'll get a place far, far away from D.S.!

I'm sure Michael had reasons for his decision, and yes, he can build a new Neverland, or a new place with a new name?

You're right. The financial situation in the U.S. is unstable. But, we will have a new president and new administration, and I'm sure there will be many changes.


The spirit of Neverland was Michael's and that goes with him where ever he is. He has moved on with his his life now, and another chapter will begin soon. The revenue from new music and concerts will allow him to re-build another haven I'm sure.
I know that Neverland has been a part of the discussion of Michael Jackson for many years, It's like you can't seperate the two. I do feel like he wants a new fresh start. I wonder does it have something to do with his age. He is 50 years old now and maybe he is really looking toward the future. Paris and Prince are really growing up and they will soon be in their teens. As their father, he needs to start thinking about their future. If he needed money, then selling Neverland was the right thing to do. I support him 100%
wellllllllll drama can be created from many sides *giggle* not only the sad one! ;) You can even create one in telling ppl not to dramatize.

The moment this thread is not needed anymore it will tell itself in going down and disappear to the next side I'd say.

I'm only posting cuz I think it was nice from Carol to come back and ask ppl how they are and if it is already the time for this thread to go... it should end exactly like that.

Thanks for asking Carol... I've pretty much moved on and feel ready for whatever this weekend will bring me. Moving furniture inside my place... guess it's a time for changes.
If other ppl will not come back, we'll take it they all do feel well enough again also, I'd say.

So I'll pass on the question how are you ppl today?

.......................You meant me? My name is
Your'e welcome in that case:D:wub:!
I'm moved on yeseterday already from it,Michael and his kids are happy and healthy and thats number 1 for me,love them with all my heart!:D:wub:
The spirit of Neverland was Michael's and that goes with him where ever he is.

:) agree... the magick that was held in that place emanated from Michael. he is the true magick and it is within him, wherever he goes, there it will also be.
long overdue IMO and he knows the hate and venom that came with the teritory and the fact that the powers that be would try to make his life a mess in that area speaks volumes and it has to be a huge weight off of him. right on and good riddence. he will be even better for it.
I became a fan when there was no Neverland so I don't connect it as strongly with Michael as some of you do. It saddens me that the accusations ruined his home for him but at the same time I feel that perhaps it is better for him not to be so isolated. It was a beautiful, beautiful place, but when all is said and done, it's just a place. For me, Michael is the magic and the magic is where he is.

Hopefully we can all find comfort in the fact that this was Michael's choice and that it seems to have been a profitable one. I'm just glad that he looks so happy and handsome these days.
Thanks for your post. Yes, hopefully he'll get a place far, far away from D.S.!

I'm sure Michael had reasons for his decision, and yes, he can build a new Neverland, or a new place with a new name?

You're right. The financial situation in the U.S. is unstable. But, we will have a new president and new administration, and I'm sure there will be many changes.



You're welcome l hope the world will change with Obama ,with no more war no more blood....
I know that Neverland has been a part of the discussion of Michael Jackson for many years, It's like you can't seperate the two. I do feel like he wants a new fresh start. I wonder does it have something to do with his age. He is 50 years old now and maybe he is really looking toward the future. Paris and Prince are really growing up and they will soon be in their teens. As their father, he needs to start thinking about their future. If he needed money, then selling Neverland was the right thing to do. I support him 100%

Funny. I'm just realizing that Prince is gonna be 13 in two years and Paris in three years will be 13. Funny how time flies. :doh:
i was thinking what if these two last messages for fans are just to cheer them up and show he's happy and working and looking forward to the future. he knows fans love Neverland. so may be he wanted to show that everythings' ok and we don't have to be upset. Neverland was magic but it's in the past. In fact Michael carries Neverland with him wherever he goes. put him in a simple country house - he'll trun everything around him into Neverland. :)
the good thing is that the media are saying "Michael grew out of Neverland"
Neverland was for him a really bad image. he did the right move. let them think he doesnt care about the Neverland anymore hee hee :) let them preceive him like what they consider "to be normal" - to live in a nice normal town, normal citizens, normal kids :) - it'll make it easier to claim the crown back
the good thing is that the media are saying "Michael grew out of Neverland"
Neverland was for him a really bad image. he did the right move. let them think he doesnt care about the Neverland anymore hee hee :) let them preceive him like what they consider "to be normal" - to live in a nice normal town, normal citizens, normal kids :) - it'll make it easier to claim the crown back

hears the mayor saying this part... to heck with "them" they need to go jump out a window
where ever Micahel choose to live, Neverland is there. becouse he is the sprit of Neverland and he is the peter pan, So guys try to move on .He will build the new Neverland and we will go and visit there. Every thing will be fine .
I am also upset about the loss of Neverland. I have been blessed to have been in there two times. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Actually the first time I was there (August, 2003) I thought to myself; HOW COULD ANYONE ACCUSE HIM of such HORRIBLE THINGS?!?!? Look where this man lives. He's a Child at Heart. And even though Neverland is gone, I still believe Michael will still be a Child at heart and always will be.

It's just a shame that Neverland had to be taken away from him. This is where he created some of his most beautiful music. He's had so many happy memories there. And made happy memories for his fans as well.

Although I can kind of see where Michael is coming from. Over the past few years I've realized how traditional I am. How if something goes wrong, if there is a bad memory in a certain place... it's hard to get over it when I visit that place again. So I understand why Michael is torn apart by all those bad people being there. I mean Neverland was RAIDED... and it was dumped on... and oh, it just breaks my heart thinking about it. :( I was looking at old videos of when the police raided Neverland, November 18th, 2003, and .... it just broke my heart knowing that Neverland is sold.

All well... I hope Michael can have a joyful new place to live. Maybe he'll have a new ranch somewhere else. Most likely OUT OF CALIFORNIA. Maybe it's good that he's not paying California Tax Money anymore....

anyhooo I will always love Neverland. I'll always have my memories. Those were the happiest memories of my life. I love you Michael. I hope we do hear of him soon about this, maybe in a future interview.

(hugs to fans)