Fan Support -- N/L Ranch Sale

I am also upset about the loss of Neverland. I have been blessed to have been in there two times. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Actually the first time I was there (August, 2003) I thought to myself; HOW COULD ANYONE ACCUSE HIM of such HORRIBLE THINGS?!?!? Look where this man lives. He's a Child at Heart. And even though Neverland is gone, I still believe Michael will still be a Child at heart and always will be.

It's just a shame that Neverland had to be taken away from him. This is where he created some of his most beautiful music. He's had so many happy memories there. And made happy memories for his fans as well.

Although I can kind of see where Michael is coming from. Over the past few years I've realized how traditional I am. How if something goes wrong, if there is a bad memory in a certain place... it's hard to get over it when I visit that place again. So I understand why Michael is torn apart by all those bad people being there. I mean Neverland was RAIDED... and it was dumped on... and oh, it just breaks my heart thinking about it. :( I was looking at old videos of when the police raided Neverland, November 18th, 2003, and .... it just broke my heart knowing that Neverland is sold.

All well... I hope Michael can have a joyful new place to live. Maybe he'll have a new ranch somewhere else. Most likely OUT OF CALIFORNIA. Maybe it's good that he's not paying California Tax Money anymore....

anyhooo I will always love Neverland. I'll always have my memories. Those were the happiest memories of my life. I love you Michael. I hope we do hear of him soon about this, maybe in a future interview.

(hugs to fans)

This is a beautiful and heartfelt post.

Thank you.

the good thing is that the media are saying "Michael grew out of Neverland"
Neverland was for him a really bad image. he did the right move. let them think he doesnt care about the Neverland anymore hee hee :) let them preceive him like what they consider "to be normal" - to live in a nice normal town, normal citizens, normal kids :) - it'll make it easier to claim the crown back

I believe there are members of the media that's happy that Michael has sold Neverland. Many of them were told to do stories on Michael Jackson and many of them didn't like the fact that they knew he was innocent, but they had to report in a negative way because of ratings and money.
ok this is a"corn" warning. IOW - the following is VERY CORNY but it was a thought that crossed my mind while singing You Are Not Alone while reading this thread. Please know I'm not "making light" - just trying to make "lighter" ifya know what I mean.

um *clears throat* this musical treat (treat according to me lol) is to at least make someone smile if not laugh their head off at just how corny some people can be, yes, namely moi, but this makes me feel better so I'm sharing it with you: Please pardon my voice I'm kinda tired.....

(tune of You Are Not Alone)

(que up beautiful music)

NeverLand's Not Gone

Where Michael Lives, Is Home

Although Peace Left The Place

A New Peace Glows His Face

Everyday I Sit And Ask Myself

How Will We Cope With It

Something Whispers In My Ear And Says,

Neverland's Not Gone

Michael's Heart Is Home

To Every Fan

Who Has Ever Seen The Man

Neverland's Not Gone







Just The Other Night

I Know I Heard Fans Cry

Trying To Figure Why

When The Place Was So The Guy

He Can Hear Our Prayers

Please Mike We Need Some Stares

From Those Lovely Eyes

That Make Us Know We Can Survive

Every Day I Sit And Ask Myself

How Can We See The Man

If There's No Such Place As Never Land

NeverLand's Not Gone

Wherever Mike Is, Is His Home

Home To Those Two Eyes

That Will Glance Us By And By

NeverLand's Not Gone

Wherever Mike Is, Is His Home




(adlib) You Just Reach Out For Michael!

In The Airrrrrport

In The Driiiive-Thru

NeverLand's Not Gone

:( told y'all it was corny

:scratch: some thoughts are probably best unshared
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LOL! In the drive thru!!!!!! Y'all know MJ looks happy - that's the main thing.
ok this is a"corn" warning. IOW - the following is VERY CORNY but it was a thought that crossed my mind while singing You Are Not Alone while reading this thread. Please know I'm not "making light" - just trying to make "lighter" ifya know what I mean.

um *clears throat* this musical treat (treat according to me lol) is to at least make someone smile if not laugh their head off at just how corny some people can be, yes, namely moi, but this makes me feel better so I'm sharing it with you: Please pardon my voice I'm kinda tired.....

(tune of You Are Not Alone)

(que up beautiful music)

NeverLand's Not Gone

Where Michael Lives, Is Home

Although Peace Left The Place

A New Peace Glows His Face

Everyday I Sit And Ask Myself

How Will We Cope With It

Something Whispers In My Ear And Says,

Neverland's Not Gone

Michael's Heart Is His Home

To Every Fan

Who Has Ever Seen The Man

Neverland's Not Gone







Just The Other Night

I Know I Heard Fans Cry

Trying To Figure Why

When The Place Was So The Guy

He Can Hear Our Prayers

Please Mike We Need Some Stares

From Those Lovely Eyes

That Make Us Know We Can Survive

Every Day I Sit And Ask Myself

How Can We See The Man

If There's No Such Place As Never Land

NeverLand's Not Gone

Wherever Mike Is, Is His Home

Home To Those Two Eyes

That Will Glance Us By And By

NeverLand's Not Gone

Wherever Mike Is, Is His Home




(adlib) You Just Reach Out For Michael!

In The Airrrrrport

In The Driiiive-Thru

NeverLand's Not Gone

:( told y'all it was corny

:scratch: some thoughts are probably best unshared

This is not corny at all, but has probably helped a lot of people who are trying to come to terms with it. Congratulations for a great song, and thanks.


Thanks Vic, you are always so kind and generous too, with your praise. I do hope it makes someone feel better. Its true that Neverland's not gone. The place was only bricks and morter and of course, memories, but Michael created it so therefore he IS it. Whereever Mike is, really is his home and where the magic truly is.

This thread is such a good idea. Very good idea. Thanks for it.
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I interpret the fact that :heart:Michael has not released any statment yet, a very bad sign.
maybe he just can lie saying, he is satisfied or doesn't wanna talk about it.

i so hope im wrong though. :(

since the news hasn't really reported Neverland being sold, I don't see why michael has to make a statement.....

I'm sure we'll hear about it in the future.. as to how he feels about it. At least I hope we do.
Neverland has always been a temple of love for me and it shall always be. And one day I will visit it.
This news will not break me. I'm crying but I'm VERY hopeful. I can't really get myself to say much except this because I really believe-

Michael has NOT SOLD Neverland. We do not know who the owner is at the moment. Its a joint venture and I believe its a move to keep a certain degree of control still in his hands. After the meltdown is over or even before it when financially things turn out etremely well for Michael(and I'm sure they will), this sweetest place will be back in his hands.
Evil shall NOT prosper.
The goodness that is Michael Jackson and Neverland shall TRIUMPH!!!

Michael Jackson shall regain complete control, authority, ownership of Neverland! The world will somday soon realize the beauty, innocence and purity of Michael's soul and he shall return to live there in bliss, peace and joy! I've prayed and fasted for dear Neverland for years now and my heart tells me that both Neverland-the magical place Michael created on the grounds of Santa Ynez Vally and the Neverland that lives in his(and our hearts) can never be taken away from him. My heart says so. Michael has taught me to listen to and follow my heart and it has never lied to me...and I put my trust in my heart again...God Bless Michael, Neverland, his loving family, friends and the fan community!
Keep believing in the power of prayers. Miracles happen and with God all things are possible. God is proud of Michael and his goodness and He will be glorified in Michael's life! Believe it. Know it.
Peace in the world!
After all this l must say that the important things that Michael is healthy and he enjoy with his children.
I was really pissed off and outraged about this. It kills my wish and my dream to visit the ranch. Besides it was all LAPD, the accusers fault for damaging not only the ranch, but also damaging Michael's creation, his life, his ego and everything. Neverland was so dear to him and it was supposed to be his safest place and then they've destroyed it. I know it was choice to sold Neverland, but I bet for a long time after Neverland was destroyed it teared him apart emotionally. It emotionally tears my up too.

i feel exactly !! the same as you. and i also wish i could have visited. i am so upset about this. i'll miss you, Neverland.
remember, at the end of the day, he has to put his family first and his kids are more important to him than anyone elses so family first means ditch the burden. think of it as a new beginning.
remember, at the end of the day, he has to put his family first and his kids are more important to him than anyone elses so family first means ditch the burden. think of it as a new beginning.

Agree. I think he's putting his family first. The kids were traumatized there (a raid), and this is a new beginning. What he's going to do next, we don't know but wish him well, whatever it is.

yeah when sneddon sent people up there to get his dna....he was alerted at the last minute and he and his chidren were trying to leave the ranch when the sherrifs came on. it was lame.
At the end of the day, it is only just a piece of propprty, brick and morter. However, then again, it was a piece that he created, his dreams, his comfort zone and his soul. If it is going to be sold, so be it. As long as Michael has his health, his family and future goals ahead for him, that can rebuild anything!

Bless him. :angel:
i believe that MJ didn't sold neverland o.k i believe that he is updateing his place for way and new and i believe that he is changing his looks in his home he his :yes: ;)

do you beleve on that ;)
i believe that MJ didn't sold neverland o.k i believe that he is updateing his place for way and new and i believe that he is changing his looks in his home he his :yes: ;)

do you beleve on that ;)

I believe Michael will let the ranch go now and will make a new home with his family full of love, children's laughter and peace. Nothing could be better than to know Michael and his family are happy :yes:
yeah when sneddon sent people up there to get his dna....he was alerted at the last minute and he and his chidren were trying to leave the ranch when the sherrifs came on. it was lame.

It was terribly traumatic to the children. Just so you'll know, why he sold the place? His children come first.

yep. unfortunately they weren't truly oldenough to enjoy all the aspects of it but it's tainted goods....what's essential is their happiness, health, and welfare
At the end of the day, it is only just a piece of propprty, brick and morter. However, then again, it was a piece that he created, his dreams, his comfort zone and his soul. If it is going to be sold, so be it. As long as Michael has his health, his family and future goals ahead for him, that can rebuild anything!

Bless him. :angel:

very impressive :)
Beautifully said :flowers:

i believe that MJ didn't sold neverland o.k i believe that he is updateing his place for way and new and i believe that he is changing his looks in his home he his :yes: ;)

do you beleve on that ;)
I do not believe he sold either as I have said when the news first broke. I do not think Michael is going to live there but I do think he still will have some ownership of the it. Again, I have been involved with transferring of deeds with my family.
oh yeah I was in tears...
I can not handle it !!
if it's realy realy true the it is too much for me!!
more than too much...
it's too painful..
it's like I've lost half of my dreams forever...
I dont even wanna think about it...
realy I feel extremely sad:(
At the end of the day, it is only just a piece of propprty, brick and morter. However, then again, it was a piece that he created, his dreams, his comfort zone and his soul. If it is going to be sold, so be it. As long as Michael has his health, his family and future goals ahead for him, that can rebuild anything!

Bless him. :angel:
:angel: well said!!:wub: