Fan Support -- N/L Ranch Sale

It's not only an end... it's also a new beginning!

Exactly! Let's try to focus on the positive part.
There's always a sense of loss with something like this, which is understandable, but in order to keep your head above water you have to look at the bright side.
It's not only an end... it's also a new beginning!

I find lots of comfort in this.

Michael and the kids do look pretty healthy and happy. Life is all open to them. I'm pretty sure for all four of them home means to be together as family for some time already.

Vic thanks for opening this thread! Your wisdom is apreciated! :yes:

Thanks, Mechi. I'm so HAPPY you showed up. Was about to PM you.

Hang in there. Any support you can give would be appreciated.

Michael must be feeling our support and love! :hug:

Michael is fine and happy.I hope that he and his kids are decking the new home with beautiful lights of Christmas!:D

Michael don't needed NL to be happy...Hee is a father!He have three wonderful and beautifull kids!He have the

most wonderful fans in the world!!He have health!!!The new album are coming in soon!!!

God blees you,Michael!We are stay with you!!!Forever!:D

ps:don't be sad,Snow!:hug:
I'm sad as the page is turnning but HAPPY for what will come out of this deal & for the future..

Keep your eyes and ears open.. ;)
That is very touching, and sweet. I'm sure that now Michael will be able to "settle," and will be able to put up a fan address again . . . . don't lose hope.


Michael must be feeling our support and love! :hug:

Michael is fine and happy.I hope that he and his kids are decking the new home with beautiful lights of Christmas!:D

Michael don't needed NL to be happy...Hee is a father!He have three wonderful and beautifull kids!He have the

most wonderful fans in the world!!He have health!!!The new album are coming in soon!!!

God blees you,Michael!We are stay with you!!!Forever!:D

ps:don't be sad,Snow!:hug:

Thank you very much girls for your support :flowers: :hug:
I just say one thing to Michael...
Dear Michael, you have our support to everything you do , we believe there's a reason for you to do that of course we know that was not a very easy decision to make, but if you were not feeling well there or with things that happened there, we supoort you!
We love you very much, and we believe that's the beggining of a new era for you , and as you said before "the best is yet to come" !!!
WE LOVE YOU , I love you very much!
MJ was already rich and successful. What does being rich and successful had to do with what Sony did to Mike? It doesn't relate.

You know something, I am starting to accept the fact that MJ has sold the house. I am starting to feel really good about it. All I care about, regarding Mike, is his happiness. As long as he is content with it, then I am fine with his decision. I will support MJ with whatever decision he has made. :) Fans, remember, it is just property at the end of the day. It is ok to be sad, but understand that maybe this could be one of the best decisions that MJ had to make. He has not lived in the estate in three years so that tells you something. He also stated in 2003 that NL is not a home to him anymore. So, Mike had to let it go.

There are a lot of people in this forum from sony, this is sony's forum, so I understand this idea. But the truth is what I said - If they hadn't sabotaged Invincible and other Michael's projects, Michael would have been rich (or richer) and succesfull by now! He loved Neverland and everybody knows it...
If it's true it's very sad. Neverland could have one day become a national treasure, because it was such a special place to be. I mean where else can you find an amusement park right outside a large sprawling mansion? That aside it was MJ's world. The majority of his adult life was spent there. If anything, it's another phase of his life done and it's time to start another. Also on the positive side, MJ will be saving money for not having to upkeep the ranch b/c he no longer lived there.

Either way very sad day. It was a magical place.....and we all never got to see enough of it.
There are a lot of people in this forum from sony, this is sony's forum, so I understand this idea. But the truth is what I said - If they hadn't sabotaged Invincible and other Michael's projects, Michael would have been rich (or richer) and succesfull by now! He loved Neverland and everybody knows it...

This is NOT Sony's forum, although there may or may not be folks from Sony who post here, among the membership. MJJC is an independent, international forum run by a group of dedicated and diverse volunteers who believe in respect for Michael Jackson, and for one-another.

Michael enjoys a forty-year career, and counting, and he is both rich AND successful.


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There are people who can transform a place in a magical place
and the ranch, now, without Michael, without his presence, his purity and his way of seeing the world, is just a ranch
Where is Michael, now in this moment ,there's Neverland
Maybe it's stupid and it's not my property and not my life but I have tears in my eyes. I would like to hear few words from Michael about this subject.
Thats just how I feel!!

Michael is Neverland. Neverland is Michael. Now that N/L has been sold, did Michael lose a part of him? I hope not!!! I hope he is fine with it and let go all the bad stuff/memories that happened in 2003.

I am a little sad but I support Michael and... "oh boy" I will always do!!!
There are people who can transform a place in a magical place
and the ranch, now, without Michael, without his presence, his purity and his way of seeing the world, is just a ranch
Where is Michael, now in this moment ,there's Neverland
Ooohh!!!! Well said!! :flowers:
i'm so angry cause i know this is not true in my heart is sad and cryying right know

Please don't be angry or cry. Neverland died long ago. Michael tried his best, but how can you live in a haven when it has been not once, but twice, ripped to shreds by Tom Sneddon's army. The first time, Michael used all the strength in the world to put his life AND Neverland back together, but I think it wasn't the same even then. I believe he kept living there to make his kids life happy and full of memories of a magnificent home. They are living in more reality now and day by day, they will grow up to understand the world is not Neverland, and perhaps that is a good thing.

The second time Sneddon's "dogs" were sent to Neverland, they LITERALLY smashed it to pieces and THEN put all of it on display for the world. So, honestly, how could you expect Michael to ever see Neverland as his home again. It is a place filled with fear and loathing. Sneddon left his negative energy at Neverland and it is no longer a welcoming place.

So yes, it is sad, but don't be angry, except perhaps at Dom Sheldon. And don't cry for Mike. I'm sure he has shed many tears over this loss, but like he says, he has rhinoceros skin, and he'll only be back stronger and better. Perhaps in a strange way we may never understand, this was the way God intended Michael's life to move. Perhaps things would have been bad if the children grew up knowing only Neverland. We will never know. That is in God's hands. Put your faith in God, and let the anger go. The tears will follow and turn into joy with understanding.

i feel like im the only one, - but im happy that he has sold it.
It must've been such a burden on his shoulders - it must've reminded him of the trial, the lies, the betrayal, the strip search and so on.
I see this as the beginning of something new, fresh and positive.
I just hope that Nevy's essence is not sold along with the physical property. I mean, Mike still owns it (jointly), but what I'm really saying is I hope that the dream didn't die with the transfer of partial ownership to his investor buddy.

Mike needs Neverland. The fans need Neverland. Neverland needs us all. I mean Sycamore. I mean Neverland. I mean Sycamore.
I just hope that Nevy's essence is not sold along with the physical property. I mean, Mike still owns it (jointly), but what I'm really saying is I hope that the dream didn't die with the transfer of partial ownership to his investor buddy.
personally i think it will be kept pretty much as it is. hence why mj has formed a partnership with them. mj has some say and control as towhat happens. no point developing it if u take away the essence of the place. no reason to visit then. it becomes just like other resort
why he had to?

Neverland was a part of :heart:Michael. why they had to take it away from him? why he had to loose it? if he still wants to have it, why he had to sell it? IT IS NOT FAIR!

:cry: i just cant hold back my tears


Don't cry... it's ok to feel sad about it, but remember that no one took Neverland from Michael, he sold it as a business deal and it looks like he's ok with it. Try to cheer up.

This may very well be the beggining of a new era in Michael's life, one in which he doesn't need the constant reminder of sad episodes of the past. :)
I feel sad at the moment because I feel that Michael has been forced into this decision by sneddon, police raids, terrible memories etc. As he once said after the trial, NL is no longer a home, just a house. Im just so pleased that I visited NL during the trial (not inside the gates). I will never forget the gates of Neverland, the gatehouse and guards, the beautiful countryside and wildlife, driving up into the hills, as well as the whole atmosphere of the place.

However, Im also happy that Michael has done this his way, when it suited him. We don't know all the in's and out's of this but I believe that this is something that Michael himself must want, I think it is probably a very savvy buisness decision and perhaps its a way for Michael to move on from the pain that NL represents now. Michael has not been back since the trial finished (that we know of) which in itself tells us how he feels....this in itself is also very sad because NL was once such an important part of MJ.

It has been so good seeing Michael out and about and looking so happy recently, which also leads me to believe that this has been his choice and decision (I hope). Maybe this is a new beginning for Michael, something positive, a fresh start. His love for his children and the joy he receives from them is the most important thing. NL is, afterall, just bricks and morter, family and friends are far more important.
why he had to?

Neverland was a part of :heart:Michael. why they had to take it away from him? why he had to loose it? if he still wants to have it, why he had to sell it? IT IS NOT FAIR!

:cry: i just cant hold back my tears

So sorry you feel this way, and I do understand. It's not fair what happened to him, but life isn't always fair. Michael has been looking happy lately, and now he can live wherever he wants.

peace and comfort,

why he had to?

Neverland was a part of :heart:Michael. why they had to take it away from him? why he had to loose it? if he still wants to have it, why he had to sell it? IT IS NOT FAIR!

:cry: i just cant hold back my tears

Well, no one took it away from and he didn't lose it. But I'm sure that the reasons why he needed to sell it in this way were very good ones.

But I'm also sure that it was totally fair for him. MJ's heart hasn't been in that place for a long time now. Now we don't know what will become of the place, but I believe that MJ is okay with what he has had to do.
Whatever Happens.... I trust Mike. :) He will only make a clever move when it comes to Neverland. (But I have to say right now, I is still Speechless. :eek: ) xx
Ya know I was just thinking. I am still sort of gloomy on the subject. But maybe we are a little behind on this whole Neverland thing. I mean from Michael's perspective. He hasn't been there for over 3 years. Now I am completely speculating......but maybe Michael has already gotten over Neverland a long time ago. Maybe he let go of the place, emotionally, a while ago. This is probably a big step forward for him. Letting go of the past and what happened, and moving onward to new ideas and projects. Remember, we can never tell with Michael as to what he is planning.

That is just to help some of the sorrow for all of us. It's bittersweet. Things will get better! I am hoping that we will soon get some sort of message, statement or whatever from Michael. Maybe not soon, but eventually I would like to hear his thoughts on the situation.
I just hope michael & the kids are ok
and that they are happy :)