Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option

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No, I am not the girl on YT, and no I am not spreading lies. My sources on confirming Michael's lupus? This diagnosis was brought before the courts a few years ago, and I PERSONALLY know other close friends of his (whose names I shall not reveal out of respect for privacy) who can confirm he had it and he talked with occassionally of his struggles with it. But he did not speak about it in public and to only a very FEW people, on very FEW occasions. Whether or not the "leaked" autopsy report is real or fake, I don't know. I personally would not trust it, because people can leak things they want the public to think and keep under lock and key what is the truth. I can't see his actual report being leaked so easily, you know? As for Dr. Murray, well who knows? I am not going to ultimately condemn him (because its not my place) nor support his actions. With the propofol, and any other meds he MAY or MAY NOT have been taking that week, I cannot confirm. Nor can anyone else. Like I said, it could go either way. I personally do not agree with the choice of taking propofol, nor with the doctor administering it. I DO agree, that it was a bad idea.

I did not say people had a death sentence at 40-50 years old; I merely stated that it is COMMON for patients to die of cardiac arrest (which is NOT the same as heart attack)around this age. But each case is as unique as each person. Pretty much all forms of lupus have the characteristic malar rash (the butterfly rash) at various times, and it comes and goes. Not just discoid lupus, which does not affect the whole body the way systemic lupus does. Lupus is a connective tissue disease, and most often forms of arthritis are found with it, as well as problems with many other systems, i.e. the back, kidneys, etc. and ultimately, the heart.

Lupus "mimics" AIDS in that it is an autoimmune disorder, attacks the whole body, you have to be extremely careful about germs and sicknesses, the body gets all kinds of sores, and so much more. It is not the same, however, as it is not only acquired differently but have characteristics, as well. Also, with lupus, as with vitiligo, patients are highly photosensitive (sensitive to sun). It "mimics" cancer, when it comes to body sores, various treatments (i.e. chemo is a treatment many use in lupus), and much more. Skin ulcers and oral ulcers are often found, as well. There can be alopecia (hair loss). But again, its not the same. It just mimics various symptoms of cancer, AIDS, and some other diseases out there. I am not going to go into detail about lupus here. It would be far too exhaustive, and anyone who really wants to know can research it for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I have been studying this disease in-depth for some time, not because of Michael, but because of the work I have been doing with the medical field and I must tell you, it is an awful, painful disease that not enough people are aware of. There is no cure. It can go into remission but thats all the relief a patient can get. Meds help some. Steroidal meds are the most common treatment, like methotrexate, as well as its generics, Plaquenil, and many, many other types of meds and painkillers. And high stress, etc. can make it flare up again. Patients who have it often don't talk about it, because there's too much stigma attached to it, and they feel very self-concious.

It doesn't matter to me what you all think of the information I have to offer. You can think I'm full of BS and crap for all I care. I am just SO tired of the negativity, you have NO idea. Or you can think that maybe, just maybe, I might be onto something here and look more into it for yourslves. I can only say, research the disease for yourself, and be informed on what it is exactly. Use your own heads when it comes to this AND when it comes to the investigation, and draw your own conclusions. Do NOT trust the media, do NOT always trust what the coroners might say, or what Dr. Murray might say, or even what the family members might say. I am NOT saying they are lying, but IF they are, they certainly have enough reason to. It's certainly not justified, but it happens. I don't think I am going to say much more about this issue.
Justus, there are thousands of people on this board, and some may be suffering from lupus. We DID read your initial post, I'm sure. You have needlessly frightened people. If you have a source that confirms all this, then please post it. If not, then this is a red-herring and those of us who are still grieving, do NOT need it. You, apparently, have no idea about this. What work, exactly have you been doing with the "medical field?" It would help fans on this board if you would confirm this information.

You are "not going to say much more about this issue?" That's a very good thing, unless you can verify your statements with facts.

You probably have NO idea about "investigations" and what has been discovered.
Thank you. I KNOW I'm not alone. I have a lot of people around me fighting the good fight, against all odds, and sadly, against some who call themselves fans. I will NEVER stop, until justice is done. Michael is gone, but his children remain, and I will fight for THEM, against ignorance, against an often hostile lack of knowledge, and despite abuse from those who "say" they are fans, but really only want a fantasy of who Michael really was. I will never stop. NEVER.

peace and justice,


Thanks Victoria, really. For spending time investigating these issues. It is so important.

About the last part of fans wanting a "fantasy of who Michael really was". This really rang true with me. Before this summer I had never been on a fan site of any kind; after Michael died I was looking for somewhere to express my feelings so I came here. But I do find it interesting how certain fans idolize Michael while other fans seem to want him to be e helpless, weak, victim unable to take care of himself. Of course Michael wasn't either extreme but somewhere in between, like everyone else. He was an amazing man but of course, he had his vices and problems like everyone does.

But none of this excuses Murray for what he did. Even if Michael did ask for propofol (which we don't know for sure), Murray is still at fault. He administered the drug, he neglected to monitor Michael, he delayed calling for help when Michael was dying, he incorrectly administered cpr, the list goes on and on.

I respectfully (and I really mean that) disagree with you about Michael needing hospital treatment for his weight. Even though he was thin, I don't believe he was thin enough to cause health problems. IMO, if Murray had not killed him, I believe with all my heart that he would be in London, making the most incredible come back of all time. And I think he would have gotten so much love and energy from the crowd. I think he would have loved it. I get so upset when people try to blame Michael for his own death. I don't understand it. Particularly from fans.

Never mind, but seriously! There is a difference between rumor, and fact. Some of us are grieving far too much, to run with unsubstantiated rumors.
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Thanks Victoria, really. For spending time investigating these issues. It is so important.

About the last part of fans wanting a "fantasy of who Michael really was". This really rang true with me. Before this summer I had never been on a fan site of any kind; after Michael died I was looking for somewhere to express my feelings so I came here. But I do find it interesting how certain fans idolize Michael while other fans seem to want him to be e helpless, weak, victim unable to take care of himself. Of course Michael wasn't either extreme but somewhere in between, like everyone else. He was an amazing man but of course, he had his vices and problems like everyone does.

But none of this excuses Murray for what he did. Even if Michael did ask for propofol (which we don't know for sure), Murray is still at fault. He administered the drug, he neglected to monitor Michael, he delayed calling for help when Michael was dying, he incorrectly administered cpr, the list goes on and on.

I respectfully (and I really mean that) disagree with you about Michael needing hospital treatment for his weight. Even though he was thin, I don't believe he was thin enough to cause health problems. IMO, if Murray had not killed him, I believe with all my heart that he would be in London, making the most incredible come back of all time. And I think he would have gotten so much love and energy from the crowd. I think he would have loved it. I get so upset when people try to blame Michael for his own death. I don't understand it. Particularly from fans.

I liked your post because it comes from your heart.

I often wonder about Michaels 'inner' thoughts and how he 'really was' but thats just a fan idolizing a superstar and I know I 'imagine' him to be a certain way, just as I imagine other celebrities and they may or may not be like that in real life. The person we 'see' on interviews is always guarded to some extent and the person we see on stage or on film is 'acting' a certain way. Even when they are out in public, even with fans, they are still 'guarded'. Why heck, some people live with people and don't know things about them.

About the last part, about blaming Michael for his own death. I think I may appear guilty there as I am one of the people who believes in personal responsibility. This is part of who I am and how I see the world. I think as people we make our own decisions and need to be held accountable for them. I believe Michael knew what he was doing and made an informed decision to take this drug to sleep in spite of being told how unsafe it was.

I also believe that Dr. Murray needs to be accountable for his too. I read the search warrants and see the official evidence and what was said and put together so far. What I don't know is exactly what happened in that house on that day. I don't know who is lying or exactly how this all happened. For sure, this man did not do the job correctly and it appears he was not watching his patient.

I don't know if the Medical Board is looking at revoking his license and neither does anyone else. I can only 'assume' they are but they also need facts to go on. I said once before that I think it is a moot point because he won't be practicing in prison, which is where I see him going but for how long is yet to be seen.
:hug: i know what you mean:cry:

you, my dearest, are the sweetest :love:

I just think it's all coming home to me. I don't think we'll ever have a fair trial for Mike. I think the LAPD are giving up and sweeping it all under the rug. I might be wrong. I hope to hell I am. but I've been getting this sick feeling in my stomach this week. :(
No, I am not the girl on YT, and no I am not spreading lies. My sources on confirming Michael's lupus? This diagnosis was brought before the courts a few years ago, and I PERSONALLY know other close friends of his (whose names I shall not reveal out of respect for privacy) who can confirm he had it and he talked with occassionally of his struggles with it. But he did not speak about it in public and to only a very FEW people, on very FEW occasions. Whether or not the "leaked" autopsy report is real or fake, I don't know. I personally would not trust it, because people can leak things they want the public to think and keep under lock and key what is the truth. I can't see his actual report being leaked so easily, you know? As for Dr. Murray, well who knows? I am not going to ultimately condemn him (because its not my place) nor support his actions. With the propofol, and any other meds he MAY or MAY NOT have been taking that week, I cannot confirm. Nor can anyone else. Like I said, it could go either way. I personally do not agree with the choice of taking propofol, nor with the doctor administering it. I DO agree, that it was a bad idea.

I did not say people had a death sentence at 40-50 years old; I merely stated that it is COMMON for patients to die of cardiac arrest (which is NOT the same as heart attack)around this age. But each case is as unique as each person. Pretty much all forms of lupus have the characteristic malar rash (the butterfly rash) at various times, and it comes and goes. Not just discoid lupus, which does not affect the whole body the way systemic lupus does. Lupus is a connective tissue disease, and most often forms of arthritis are found with it, as well as problems with many other systems, i.e. the back, kidneys, etc. and ultimately, the heart.

Lupus "mimics" AIDS in that it is an autoimmune disorder, attacks the whole body, you have to be extremely careful about germs and sicknesses, the body gets all kinds of sores, and so much more. It is not the same, however, as it is not only acquired differently but have characteristics, as well. Also, with lupus, as with vitiligo, patients are highly photosensitive (sensitive to sun). It "mimics" cancer, when it comes to body sores, various treatments (i.e. chemo is a treatment many use in lupus), and much more. Skin ulcers and oral ulcers are often found, as well. There can be alopecia (hair loss). But again, its not the same. It just mimics various symptoms of cancer, AIDS, and some other diseases out there. I am not going to go into detail about lupus here. It would be far too exhaustive, and anyone who really wants to know can research it for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

I have been studying this disease in-depth for some time, not because of Michael, but because of the work I have been doing with the medical field and I must tell you, it is an awful, painful disease that not enough people are aware of. There is no cure. It can go into remission but thats all the relief a patient can get. Meds help some. Steroidal meds are the most common treatment, like methotrexate, as well as its generics, Plaquenil, and many, many other types of meds and painkillers. And high stress, etc. can make it flare up again. Patients who have it often don't talk about it, because there's too much stigma attached to it, and they feel very self-concious.

It doesn't matter to me what you all think of the information I have to offer. You can think I'm full of BS and crap for all I care. I am just SO tired of the negativity, you have NO idea. Or you can think that maybe, just maybe, I might be onto something here and look more into it for yourslves. I can only say, research the disease for yourself, and be informed on what it is exactly. Use your own heads when it comes to this AND when it comes to the investigation, and draw your own conclusions. Do NOT trust the media, do NOT always trust what the coroners might say, or what Dr. Murray might say, or even what the family members might say. I am NOT saying they are lying, but IF they are, they certainly have enough reason to. It's certainly not justified, but it happens. I don't think I am going to say much more about this issue.

well, then, you need to give us a reliable link for that info. if you don't have it, don't come in here telling people that they might die at the age of 40-50 just 'cos they have Lupus. that's incredibly cruel and irresponsible and you should be ashamed of it.
I just think it's all coming home to me. I don't think we'll ever have a fair trial for Mike. I think the LAPD are giving up and sweeping it all under the rug. I might be wrong. I hope to hell I am. but I've been getting this sick feeling in my stomach this week. :(

I truly don't believe that. My thoughts on this are coming from my knowledge of what has happened so far and how this investigation looks to be going.

Drugs are involved. That is a fact now and the cause of death. We know what was 'stated' as given so far as quantities and we are told Michael did not sleep in spite of those drugs. (not being in the house that night I don't know if he did or did not sleep or if he asked for other drugs but that aside....)

They so far have asked for records from numerous physicians. In these records are documented what prescriptions were given and what the patient was seen for and then they went to the pharmacy. It is also known that prescriptions were written for Michael in other names. That is not an easy trail to follow and it takes time to connect the dots. We are all focused on "Dr. Murray" who in my opinion........is actually now forced to go back to work and probably is hoping that the MJ fans will prevent him from working so he can go back to the judge and say "Look.....I can't earn a living because I am being harassed...." and then won't have to pay his child support either. It has been too widely publicized that he is back to work and he made sure this was noticed.

I believe it is just taking a long time to put the whole puzzle together. I feel there are many things we still don't know that only the police know and they aren't going to tell us because they don't want the people involved knowing they are being investigated.

That is my take on this investigation. I could be totally wrong but I do believe people in general are getting sick and tired of hearing about celebrities (not just Michael) being over prescribed and having the physicians go unpunished. Prescription drug dependency and addiction is becoming a huge problem and they have an obligation to society to do something about it.

I'm not saying Michael was or was not addicted. I don't know and you can not tell from healthy organs and we don't know if there was any damage to the organs, just that he was basically healthy. So, I think this is going to happen but we are all just becoming impatient because it seems to be taking for-freaking-ever.
Thanks Victoria, really. For spending time investigating these issues. It is so important.

About the last part of fans wanting a "fantasy of who Michael really was". This really rang true with me. Before this summer I had never been on a fan site of any kind; after Michael died I was looking for somewhere to express my feelings so I came here. But I do find it interesting how certain fans idolize Michael while other fans seem to want him to be e helpless, weak, victim unable to take care of himself.

This is where we should not draw circles and classify fans. With so many other fans having different believes, different understanding and different interest, there are always some who will think another "type" of fan is not really a true fan.

Me and my friend used to think that way. We did so much research and investigations into the homicide case, fight for justice, spread the truth. We try to educate others about the investigations and educate non-fans about how beautiful and misunderstood MJ was, while some other fans won't even care about it but busy with enjoying watching TII and getting excited with the released of so many MJ merhandise.
We are angry with those kind of fans because we thought them as selfish and only care about MJ because he "entertains" them.

Then there are fans who have different believes and understanding what is the cause that he is no longer here with us on earth. Some fans would think it's partly his own fault, some think it's entirely Dr. Murray fault and some suspect it could be a high profile murder.

In the end everyone is different and I realised that saying they are not true fan is wrong. We all respond to the tragedy differently and I really admire those who tried to explain their point of view eventhough not everyone will agree. It makes this forum a good place for disscussions and for other fans to learn and gather information from every point of view.
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It doesn't matter to me what you all think of the information I have to offer. You can think I'm full of BS and crap for all I care. I am just SO tired of the negativity, you have NO idea. Or you can think that maybe, just maybe, I might be onto something here and look more into it for yourslves. I can only say, research the disease for yourself, and be informed on what it is exactly. Use your own heads when it comes to this AND when it comes to the investigation, and draw your own conclusions. Do NOT trust the media, do NOT always trust what the coroners might say, or what Dr. Murray might say, or even what the family members might say. I am NOT saying they are lying, but IF they are, they certainly have enough reason to. It's certainly not justified, but it happens. I don't think I am going to say much more about this issue.

Justus, in terms of your post about lupus (excerpt above) -- typically, you are alluding to having a great deal of information, that you then don't choose to share. Either you do or you do not have information. If you do, what are your sources so that those here can actually USE it? You are in contact with the family? ARE you? You are saying they are covering up info/facts? I think it's pretty obvious that we should not rely on media reports. Do you have definitive information that the coroner's report is false? If you do, then please share that with us, on the open board or by P.M. There is an ongoing investigation by the LAPD, and surely you must know that fans in various groupings are conducting their own investigations, very carefully and seriously. You may have a chance here to contribute something, or you will choose not to. Or, you're just blowing smoke from wherever smoke can be blown. . . . .

I'd suggest that you step UP now and provide links, sources, and back-up information for what you've said/implied in your very long post. Personally, I think you are treading EXTREMELY risky ground. You are thinking info will come out/could come out that will not be what fans expect? Is that what you think you are saying? Thank you in advance for posting your links and sources. . .

My sources on confirming Michael's lupus? This diagnosis was brought before the courts a few years ago,
What "courts"? :scratch:

and I PERSONALLY know other close friends of his (whose names I shall not reveal out of respect for privacy) who can confirm he had it and he talked with occassionally of his struggles with it.
For the record, I don't know if Michael had lupus or not, but my *guess* would be that he did. However, if you're gonna say that you "PERSONALLY know other close friends of his" then you shouldn't be surprised if people question that claim. Such claims are just too similar to tabloid-ish type claims like... "close sources to the star revealed". Those kinds of statements don't carry a lot of weight because they cannot be verified.

I did not say people had a death sentence at 40-50 years old; I merely stated that it is COMMON for patients to die of cardiac arrest (which is NOT the same as heart attack)around this age.
I am somewhat familiar with lupus and have never, ever heard this. Do you have some medical info which would back up your statement?

I know someone who has lupus and has had it for 40 years. That person is pushing 80.

Lupus is a connective tissue disease, and most often forms of arthritis are found with it, as well as problems with many other systems, i.e. the back, kidneys, etc. and ultimately, the heart.
Um... the BACK is not an organ system. ;) It is simply a location on the body.

Do NOT trust the media, do NOT always trust what the coroners might say, or what Dr. Murray might say, or even what the family members might say. I am NOT saying they are lying, but IF they are, they certainly have enough reason to. It's certainly not justified, but it happens.
I haven't trusted the LAMEstream media for quite some time, but the coroner? What would be their motive for lying?
What "courts"? :scratch:

For the record, I don't know if Michael had lupus or not, but my *guess* would be that he did. However, if you're gonna say that you "PERSONALLY know other close friends of his" then you shouldn't be surprised if people question that claim. Such claims are just too similar to tabloid-ish type claims like... "close sources to the star revealed". Those kinds of statements don't carry a lot of weight because they cannot be verified.

I am somewhat familiar with lupus and have never, ever heard this. Do you have some medical info which would back up your statement?

I know someone who has lupus and has had it for 40 years. That person is pushing 80.

Um... the BACK is not an organ system. ;) It is simply a location on the body.

I haven't trusted the LAMEstream media for quite some time, but the coroner? What would be their motive for lying?

I, too, would like the answers to these (and OTHER) questions. Justus, your post was quite inflammatory to people who are still suffering greatly about Michael's passing. You seem to say you have "inside" information, but then you don't reveal it. We've had those sorts of posts on MJJC before, and they usually don't go very well. . . . This is just too important to drop hints about and then sit back and say nothing else.

To my knowledge, Michael never released a statement saying that he did or did not have lupus, and if he did have it, what type it was. I don't know of any "court records" where he said this. If you have them, please post the link. Surely you can do that much? Why is this important? It's important because if he had lupus or any other chronic illness, then WHY did AEG execs not know this, and WHY was this not revealed in at least the part of the coroner's report that was released to the public? Lupus is a disease that is worsened by stress, including the stress of a concert tour. So this is potentially significant information. Or, if your statements are just speculation, then you should be clear about that. People remain in pain here. Some are engaged in "investigations," and some are not, but either way this is far too important to simply drop unsubstantiated HINTS about. I really hope you understand that?
What "courts"?
klien testifyed to the grand jury in 93. his testimony mentioned mj having lupus and vit. this info was supposedly leaked to the media and was reported on at the time and later.thats really when the disease was first talked about on a major level

there are 2 forms of lupus discoid with involes the skin and systemic when is more serious and attack the organs.lupus has so many symptoms and aliments that ppl suffer from that there is no direct test for it. u basically study what the paitent is suffering from and conclude from that. everyone who has lupus does not suffer from the same things.some have mild forms that can be controlled by medication others suffer greatly. it is thought mj suffered from discoid that is what klien talked about. but there is no point talking about what happens to ppl who have lupus because everyone suffers from it differently
klien testifyed to the grand jury in 93. his testimony mentioned mj having lupus and vit. this info was supposedly leaked to the media and was reported on at the time and later.thats really when the disease was first talked about on a major level

there are 2 forms of lupus discoid with involes the skin and systemic when is more serious and attack the organs.lupus has so many symptoms and aliments that ppl suffer from that there is no direct test for it. u basically study what the paitent is suffering from and conclude from that. everyone who has lupus does not suffer from the same things.some have mild forms that can be controlled by medication others suffer greatly. it is thought mj suffered from discoid that is what klien talked about. but there is no point talking about what happens to ppl who have lupus because everyone suffers from it differently

This is very correct. I would say that IF and only IF MJ suffered this condition, it was the form of Discoid Lupus that affects the skin only and not Systemic which affects organs and the entire body (since it already was stated that he had no organ damage). People with Discoid Lupus would definitely be photosensitive (sensitivity to the sun) and have to stay out of the sun.
This is very correct. I would say that IF and only IF MJ suffered this condition, it was the form of Discoid Lupus that affects the skin only and not Systemic which affects organs and the entire body (since it already was stated that he had no organ damage). People with Discoid Lupus would definitely be photosensitive (sensitivity to the sun) and have to stay out of the sun.

Actually, his lungs were permanently inflame. From what I have read and others had stated, this could had been a sign of Lupus. Michael also said himself he had breathing problems since the 80s and had oxygen tanks in his room. Lupus can also cause insomnia, which he suffer from.

I did hear Michael had more of his share of lung infections and other related problems, so Lupus could of effected them. It was also rumor by some fans that he had a Lupus outbreak in 2001-2002 and that is why he looked sickly in those years.

In either case, we are only guessing what kind of Lupus he has unless his medical files are leaked.
yeah discoid was always talked about and theres aot of pics of him from the early 80's with the butterfly rash on his face that is talked about as a symptom. he also used to suffer from swollen hands alot over the years and ppl would always talk about how he would get colds and flue easily which comes with having a poor immune system.ontop of bruising easily as the cuff photos from 03 showed. then the sun issues which go with the vit aswell.

Actually, his lungs were permanently inflame. From what I have read and others had stated, this could had been a sign of Lupus. Michael also said himself he had breathing problems since the 80s and had oxygen tanks in his room. Lupus can also cause insomnia, which he suffer from.
yeah that aswell. he suffered from alot of things that are seen as symptoms of the disease
n either case, we are only guessing what kind of Lupus he has unless his medical files are leake
somefans claimed in the early 00's that it had changed from discoid to systempic but was controlled by medication.now thinking logically i cant see how any fan would know such info. even if u are close to mj its hardly somehing hes gonna shout about.maybe the story created itself because of the issues he was having in the early 00's ala MSG as u say above. logiaclly from what we know we can only presume it was discoid
but there is no point talking about what happens to ppl who have lupus because everyone suffers from it differently

I completely agree, and this goes with any condition someone might have. Everyone is different, in their range of symptoms and unfortunately sometimes complications, the types of meds they can take that are effective for them, how the body fights against certain things, etc..no 2 people are exactly the same imo and personal experience.
klien testifyed to the grand jury in 93. his testimony mentioned mj having lupus and vit. this info was supposedly leaked to the media and was reported on at the time and later.thats really when the disease was first talked about on a major level

there are 2 forms of lupus discoid with involes the skin and systemic when is more serious and attack the organs.lupus has so many symptoms and aliments that ppl suffer from that there is no direct test for it. u basically study what the paitent is suffering from and conclude from that. everyone who has lupus does not suffer from the same things.some have mild forms that can be controlled by medication others suffer greatly. it is thought mj suffered from discoid that is what klien talked about. but there is no point talking about what happens to ppl who have lupus because everyone suffers from it differently

Chopra also said that Michael suffered from Lupus and, frankly, I do believe that he did. however, I have a problem with random folk coming in here and asserting the existence of a "death sentence" via cardiac arrest for Lupus sufferers. that sort of stuff is unpardonable, IMO.

oh, and there is indeed a test for it. I am supposed to be taking it as I have an underactive thyroid -- also an auto-immune disease.

btw, he had also had Pleurisy when he was younger. so the inflamed lung could be from that.
btw, he had also had Pleurisy when he was younger. so the inflamed lung could be from that.
yeah prob from that. and that goes with lupus aswell. its a sympton
If I know one thing! they better arrest this quack and charge him! He better not go about his life while a man is cold and dead in his grave. He is RESPONSIBLE!! Now this bullshit needs to stop and they need to get busy and they need to make sure they are combing through all the evidence. It's a digusting tragedy that he is able to buy and administer a drug that he used inappropriatly outside an operating room..I mean are you serious????? They act like he ran over a bug, gave him two slaps on th hand and sent him on his way to practice medicine.DISGUTING, INSULTING and APPAULING!! He must face the consequencws of his actions and he needs to give Michael's children and his family answers as to why Michael Jospeh Jackson is not here.
If I know one thing! they better arrest this quack and charge him! He better not go about his life while a man is cold and dead in his grave. He is RESPONSIBLE!! Now this bullshit needs to stop and they need to get busy and they need to make sure they are combing through all the evidence. It's a digusting tragedy that he is able to buy and administer a drug that he used inappropriatly outside an operating room..I mean are you serious????? They act like he ran over a bug, gave him two slaps on th hand and sent him on his way to practice medicine.DISGUTING, INSULTING and APPAULING!! He must face the consequencws of his actions and he needs to give Michael's children and his family answers as to why Michael Jospeh Jackson is not here.

The investigation is ongoing. They have put a lot of time and money into it and continue each day. Its not like they dropped the case. They just aren't jumping up and down and making headlines each day.
The investigation is ongoing. They have put a lot of time and money into it and continue each day. Its not like they dropped the case. They just aren't jumping up and down and making headlines each day.

Right. And actually, it's much better that they do this very privately. No frequent press-releases, no particular "leaks," and so on. The most famous person in the world has died under suspicious circumstances. They'd better get this RIGHT!
Right. And actually, it's much better that they do this very privately. No frequent press-releases, no particular "leaks," and so on. The most famous person in the world has died under suspicious circumstances. They'd better get this RIGHT!

I agree with your post...they owe it to Michael and 3 young children to get this thing right....actually they owe it to the world to get this right...Murray and whoever else may be involved can not be allowed to walk away from this.
guys i want to ask something , would mj survive a night of propofol without intubation ? I mean we all saw that cnn video , the guy who was given propofol stopped breathing within seconds . what were the chances mj survived all these nights of propofol without intubation ? I mean a miracle happened the first night, the second night the fiifth night , but EVERYNIGHT ? mj was singing , we saw him singing , would someone who was intubated for all that time be able to talk let alon sing ?
guys i want to ask something , would mj survive a night of propofol without intubation ? I mean we all saw that cnn video , the guy who was given propofol stopped breathing within seconds . what were the chances mj survived all these nights of propofol without intubation ? I mean a miracle happened the first night, the second night the fiifth night , but EVERYNIGHT ? mj was singing , we saw him singing , would someone who was intubated for all that time be able to talk let alon sing ?

He did not need to be intubated at all for any of it.

It is ONLY if you have a problem. Propofol/Dirprivan is not supposed to stop you from breathing. They use this for many procedures outside a hospital setting too, like colonoscopies, Dental Procedures where you need to be 'out', Plastic Surgery, etc.

Just a FYI, if someone comes into the hospital with an overdose, they are intubated and if they fight they are often given drugs like that to keep them sedated so they don't fight. Since its not a narcotic it doesn't work the same way.
I'm going to explain this because it is important in the scheme of things.

Propofol comes in a vial and is mixed. You don't just give this drug once to make a person sleep. You are supposed to mix it in a bag with something like dextrose and you would let it drip into the patient and when you want to wake them up you would stop the Propofol infusion.

Now, I am a nurse and doctors never give IV's in the hospital. Nurses do that 99% of the time as well as start the IV's. Doctors in my hospital NEVER start an IV. Never. Most are clueless how to operate an IV Pump. I don't now if there was an IV pump to control the rate and flow. That would be in my opinion, VERY important. Certain drugs like this need to be very controlled and how can you do that without a pump so you know the rate is correct?

So, thats another question I have for this doctor.
yeah but CNN showed a report on propofol , the guy who was given propofol stopped breathing within seconds , that's what i'm talking about, they made it seem like you would definitely stop breathing immediatley and that's why it was insane to take it at a house .
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