Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option

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Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

So, basically, you are saying that one must agree that this is about race or else they have no place posting here? Thats sort of like throwing your weight around as a moderator.

I think it is a huge mistake to throw race into this argument and thats my personal opinion. I really don't see it that way. I see it as a case taking a long time to gather evidence and feel sure it will all fall into place when the investigation is complete.

I echo Trish's sentiments here. Of COURSE race plays a part, just as it did when Michael was paraded around in handcuffs for a photo-op. Sure, the U.S. has a black president now, but that doesn't mean we are THERE yet in terms of racism. You "feel sure it will all fall into place when the investigation is complete?" On WHAT do you base that certainty?

It's one thing to have respect for basic human rights, and quite another to be outraged that there have been, to date, NO legal consequences for Murray. There is no disagreement that I've ever heard that he wasn't incredibly negligent and unethical in giving Michael a general anesthetic in a home setting, failing to perform the most basically competent CPR, making phone calls while Michael was dying, cleaning out probable incriminating evidence from his storage locker, vanishing from the hospital, hiding from police. . . and MORE. This man is a danger to any patient he comes into contact with and it's completely outrageous that NOTHING has happened, and that he continues to practice medicine.
I do not see any “racism” issues in this case however I am white and I probably have to be very suspicious about LAPD not arresting Dr. Murray. I think there are other issues we do not know about but it is nothing to do with racism. Probably dr. Murray is not being arrested yet because there are some strong evidences against some other shady ppl. I do not believe that Murray killed MJ by himself. He didn’t have any strong motivation to kill Michael. Think logically, folks. Murray was making 150.000 a month! Why would he want to kill Mike?
I do not see any “racism” issues in this case however I am white and I probably have to be very suspicious about LAPD not arresting Dr. Murray. I think there are other issues we do not know about but it is nothing to do with racism. Probably dr. Murray is not being arrested yet because there are some strong evidences against some other shady ppl. I do not believe that Murray killed MJ by himself. He didn’t have motivation to kill Michael. Think logically, folks. Murray was making 150.000 a month! Why would he want to kill Mike?

Because he royally screwed up.

I am no doctor and I could had killed Michael in a much better way than Murray and not leave my hand prints everywhere.
Because he royally screwed up.

I am no doctor and I could had killed Michael in a much better way than Murray and not leave my hand prints everywhere.

I believe in conspiracy behind MJ death. I do not believe that Murray made a “mistake”. That’s all.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I am not poo pooing racism as if it may not exist at all. I just think in this case that is NOT the reason Murray has not been arrested.

Michael had a lot of white friends in high places and a lot of his fans were white. I'm not blind and I know that there are some who were not happy that Michael had children whose skin color was not black. There are comments said about white children being raised in a black home and all of that. So, yes, it definitely does exist on some scale.

I just don't see it as the issue here.

Nevermind I won't, I just won't......
You know what though... These things do tend to take forEVER to come to a close.

Remember the O.J Simpson case? That took forever when it felt it should have been instantaneous..
And there have been numerous cases of malpractice in which doctors were given back their jobs while they awaited trial, which could take up YEARS.

Whether this has something to do with skin color... well... thats another topic.
But I also have my own personal beliefs Murray is being protected as much as possible by his "peers". I won't touch that topic though.

There definitely is a lot I personally don't know about this issue. Just judging from the looks of things though, it doesn't add up not even a little bit.
That's what worries me about our system. But it's also nothing new.
Just time... and time... and time...:timer:
I'm sure if this takes much longer, the Jackson family will take action themselves and sue him for malpractice, wrongful death, and whatever else is appropriate.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Propofol Still An Option

I really hope everybody is contacting and complaining to the Texas Medical Board. The people there are super nice and one lady I spoke to seemed just as outraged as myself even though she could not say it directly.

You can complain by phone, which I have done a few times now but to make it official remember the complaints must be in writing. They will mail the forms to you. Please do this for MJ and the Murder Dr.'s future victims. We must stop this travesty.

Customer Service Phone: (512) 305-7030 (Outside Texas)
Customer Service Phone: (800) 248-4062 (Texas only)

thank you.
You know what though... These things do tend to take forEVER to come to a close.

Remember the O.J Simpson case? That took forever when it felt it should have been instantaneous..
And there have been numerous cases of malpractice in which doctors were given back their jobs while they awaited trial, which could take up YEARS.

Whether this has something to do with skin color... well... thats another topic.
But I also have my own personal beliefs Murray is being protected as much as possible by his "peers". I won't touch that topic though.

There definitely is a lot I personally don't know about this issue. Just judging from the looks of things though, it doesn't add up not even a little bit.
That's what worries me about our system. But it's also nothing new.
Just time... and time... and time...:timer:

I think the reason he had not lost his license is because there is a type of honor among doctor's to give each other the benefice of the doubt until proven guilty. This happen in almost all doctor cases, not just Murray. Right or wrong.

If he is convicted of any wrong doing, then his license it gone permanently, so I can wait as long as needed. Honestly, what Murray does not really concerns me because he is just hanging himself. So, let him run his mouth. The more he talks the better.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Unfortunately, I think there is a grain of truth to the race issue as far as the investigation goes. I have always believed that race had a lot to do with the criticism of Michael between Thriller and Bad albums and during the Bad tour. Having been around during that time and seeing things. It is probably hard for younger fans to realize just how racist things were at that time. What Michael went through helped change that but it wasn't easy for him. I think a lot of older white racist men still hate Michael. Hopefully none of them are involved in the investigation.

you mean any of Sneddon's proteges? don't be too sure. like I've said many times before, I don't trust the LAPD when it comes to Michael Jackson.
Well Heck! I actually would like to see him perform giving Propofal on live TV to see if he actually knows what he is doing? and explain how it should only be in hospital setting! and have the patient have complications to see what he does? (but they will need real Doc's on call to save the say). sigh's! this is crazy.:doh:
I'm sure if this takes much longer, the Jackson family will take action themselves and sue him for malpractice, wrongful death, and whatever else is appropriate.

They won't get any money, so I doubt they would even bother. Even Mrs. Jackson's lawyer said as much when they were considering a suit against him and he basely said that Murray had nothing to sue for.

You cannot get blood out of a tunic no matter how hard you squeeze.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

you mean any of Sneddon's proteges? don't be too sure. like I've said many times before, I don't trust the LAPD when it comes to Michael Jackson.

yup! just remember how they did Mike during the trial? They ain't trying to help nobody they thought were guilty of something. But I'm really hoping this is not the case and they are working on this case..
I wouldn't take all of this seriously. From my understanding, and of course I could be wrong, yet you have be licensed and working as a staff member supplying medications to a hospital before you can purchase propofil. Not even my own family physician can request this drug if she doesn't hold an easthe (sp) papers.

Could just be a rope that the media are trying to get us fans to pull at. As if we don't sleep enough at night.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I believe we really don't know everything about this case yet. I am not sure we have all the facts. I am willing to allow the police the time to gather their evidence together and get it 'right' instead of rushing and screwing up.

I am not defending Murray, but showing humane understanding. As much as I don't like what he did, I also know that anger isn't going to change the outcome here. Michael will still be gone and nothing is going to change that.

I don't have to hate Murray and say mean things. Thats not in my nature and in my heart I believe that Michael is looking down on the world and spreading his message of love here and there. Thats how I see it. I don't think he would want hate and anger. I think he felt that when he was alive along with frustration and so many other emotions. Maybe thats just my 'imagination' and how I deal with the situation, but thats how I see it.

I believe that nothing good comes from retaliation or revenge. I feel it is wrong to believe in 'an eye for an eye'. The message I think he would want spread is one of understanding and caring for our fellow man, no matter what. I just think it is bad for our own souls to hate other living beings.

I wasn't here in this forum when Michael first passed and I spent a lot of time by myself looking at his old videos, dragging out my old records and CD's and listening and remembering and reflecting on the times in my life and where I was when I was listening to "Ben" on the radio. I remember dancing to "Rockin Robin" and I watched the Motown 25 verison of Billy Jean so many times over and over trying to 'feel' Michaels happiness at that time of his life. I felt lost when I realized he was no longer going to be here to make more moments.

I read every piece of news that came out. I watched the funeral on a live stream. I cried like a baby many times over these months.

I know what a witch hunt is. I have seen injustice in this world. I remember when Michael went through his trial. I remember feeling awful in the pit of my stomach that he had to deal with what the press said, being arrested; being persecuted. I wondered why he didn't just listen and stop being around young boys; but I didn't ever think that he was guilty.

But my life experiences through all of this and so much more I would never talk about on this or any other public forum, I have learned compassion for my fellow man and other living creatures. I would not ever harm an animal and go out of my way to help and protect them.

While Murray may have made some mistakes here, my heart is still willing to have an open mind and think he is still a human being and deserves some respect for that. I don't believe that anyone deserves to be nailed to the cross and left hanging to dry.

all very nice and noble sentiments. however, YOU have no problems castigating a dead man -- a man who was most likely killed by someone he trusted to take care of him -- for mistakes he made.

your right hand -- Murray.

your left hand -- Michael.

hun, the two don't look too equal.

maybe you need to re-educate yourself when it comes to justice. I'd suggest going back to your tape collection and starting with They Don't Care About Us.
i have no hope, the world is crazy...is depressing, i cant take it...

I feel you on this - this is really sad. I can't believe that he is practicing and has full rights - it is soo crazy. BUT please see - there is alot of love in the world and you do have hope. Find someone to talk to and it will help you feel better.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

all very nice and noble sentiments. however, YOU have no problems castigating a dead man -- a man who was most likely killed by someone he trusted to take care of him -- for mistakes he made.

your right hand -- Murray.

your left hand -- Michael.

hun, the two don't look too equal.

maybe you need to re-educate yourself when it comes to justice. I'd suggest going back to your tape collection and starting with They Don't Care About Us.

Sorry to ask, but what do you mean exactly?
i have no hope, the world is crazy...is depressing, i cant take it...

In the end, I don't think people can get away with things like this. Remeber Evan Chandler. He shot himself in the head, he died alone estranged from his family. He wanted fame and money, he died with neither. The only thing he was famous for was for screwing over Michael and he was begging money from his son. He died a disgrace. Don't give up, Murray will get his too.
Yes, the world often does seem crazy. I still can't believe he's gone. Just last night I dreamt that I was at a release party for some new remale r&b artist, and Joe and a few of his friends were there. Some other artists made appearances too. I kept asking Joe and the rest of the crew where Michael was, and they wouldn't tell me.... just said not to worry about it etc. I became agitated and wanted to find out but... I woke up.

I'm tired of dreaming, regretting what happened to him, I can't sleep through the night, I'm tired of loosing faith in dreams for future endevours, God and life in general. Case in point, I just want this f*cking Murray to pay for what he did. He endangered a life by acting carelessly, taking a risk. It's just not fair...
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Sorry to ask, but what do you mean exactly?


what I meant was this:

beachlover is defending Murray's mistakes saying he was human, he made mistakes.

however, that's not the lens he/she is using for Mike.

to him/her -- Mike is a "big hollywood star" who "threw 150K at Murray."

it doesn't take a phd in English to read between the lines of those posts. it's as clear as a sunny California day to me that beachlover has a completely different standard by which to judge Murray as opposed to Michael.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm getting out of his/her posts. almost every post is about that. hence, I am questioning his/her motive.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27


what I meant was this:

beachlover is defending Murray's mistakes saying he was human, he made mistakes.

however, that's not the lens he/she is using for Mike.

to him/her -- Mike is a "big hollywood star" who "threw 150K at Murray."

it doesn't take a phd in English to read between the lines of those posts. it's as clear as a sunny California day to me that beachlover has a completely different standard by which to judge Murray as opposed to Michael.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm getting out of his/her posts. almost every post is about that. hence, I am questioning his/her motive.

That's what I'm getting, too. And I DO happen to have a Ph.D.

Carry on,

Yeah, Murray made a hell of a lot of mistakes. But he's still human?....

Just don't wanna defend someone who treats someone for $150,000 a MONTH, keeps stashing a certain drug away that he KNOWS he shouldn't have possession of.... and has a reckless past. Hell no! That man held evidence, he knew what he was doing, don't feel sorry for him...he even tried to erase his tracks by trying to destroy th evidence. If he wasn't guilty of something, why the phone calls to his offices to destroy evidence etc? Hummm...
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27


what I meant was this:

beachlover is defending Murray's mistakes saying he was human, he made mistakes.

however, that's not the lens he/she is using for Mike. :wub:

to him/her -- Mike is a "big hollywood star" who "threw 150K at Murray."

it doesn't take a phd in English to read between the lines of those posts. it's as clear as a sunny California day to me that beachlover has a completely different standard by which to judge Murray as opposed to Michael.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm getting out of his/her posts. almost every post is about that. hence, I am questioning his/her motive.

I think it is Just World Syndrome more than anything, personally.
I think the reason he had not lost his license is because there is a type of honor among doctor's to give each other the benefice of the doubt until proven guilty. This happen in almost all doctor cases, not just Murray. Right or wrong.
If he is convicted of any wrong doing, then his license it gone permanently

Another thing here is that the judge ordered Murray to pay his 1000.00 dollars a month for child support, which he hasn't been paying , so he was forced by the judge's decision (i hope im stating correctly here), to go to work to pretty much make that happen until his trial.
The only thing I really didn't see coming was that he got back his license to continue, let alone, keep administering the drug that killed Michael.
But on behalf of him returning to work as a doctor (since thats what he was prior to Michaels death), I guess that in itself makes more sense on a technical basis than expecting him to make the money necessary to pay child support, by doing plumbing work or picking up garbage regardless, like you said, right or wrong.
It is, of course, really tough to digest as we all want to see this put to an end.

He wasn't supposed to be administering Propofol outside a medical facility.
But he did. And Michael passed away because of it. That's the case here and he must be held responsible for that. It just doesn't make sense that he'd just walk and let everything pass and be forgotten.

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Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27


what I meant was this:

beachlover is defending Murray's mistakes saying he was human, he made mistakes.

however, that's not the lens he/she is using for Mike.

to him/her -- Mike is a "big hollywood star" who "threw 150K at Murray."

it doesn't take a phd in English to read between the lines of those posts. it's as clear as a sunny California day to me that beachlover has a completely different standard by which to judge Murray as opposed to Michael.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm getting out of his/her posts. almost every post is about that. hence, I am questioning his/her motive.

I was not going to post this, but this has been on my mind for awhile regarding Beachlover.

I think what she is doing regarding Murray is playing devil's advocate. Virtually, she is saying the opposite of what is popular in order to drive a point or to get people see things from a different perspective. Even if you do not agree with such point.

I have been known to play devil's advocate most of the time when discussion certain subjects, but I do not do it on message boards since you cannot hear my tone or see my facial expressions. Since you cannot see these things, my words could come across as trolling or hating, which is why I personally do not it here. However, I do find this a good way for everyone to see things from a complete picture.

Nonetheless, I am in no position to guess her motives so I won't say anything more on the subject.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I was not going to post this, but this has been on my mind for awhile regarding Beachlover.

I think what she is doing regarding Murray is playing devil's advocate. Virtually, she is saying the opposite of what is popular in order to drive a point or to get people see things from a different perspective. Even if you do not agree with such point.

I have been known to play devil's advocate most of the time when discussion certain subjects, but I do not do it on message boards since you cannot hear my tone or see my facial expressions. Since you cannot see these things, my words could come across as trolling or hating, which is why I personally do not it here. However, I do find this a good way for everyone to see things from a complete picture.

Nonetheless, I am in no position to guess her motives so I won't say anything more on the subject.

You make a valid point none the less.
Something to think about.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

sigh. beachlover is defending Murray's mistakes saying he was human, he made mistakes.

however, that's not the lens he/she is using for Mike.

to him/her -- Mike is a "big hollywood star" who "threw 150K at Murray."

it doesn't take a phd in English to read between the lines of those posts. it's as clear as a sunny California day to me that beachlover has a completely different standard by which to judge Murray as opposed to Michael.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm getting out of his/her posts. almost every post is about that. hence, I am questioning his/her motive.

OK, I have been thinking the same thing about Beachlover. SO, since one of the things Michael and I shared was insomnia, I have spent the last half hour (between 2 and 3 am) reading over Beachlovers posts and have consolidated posts that show some sort of opinion one way or the other to Murray or Michael. I have tried to be fair and and not biased with my editing but you are free to check that.

I think it is pretty clear that Beachlover is showing much more compassion and l.o.v.e. to Murray than Michael. So Beachlover, I am not buying your post explaining why you are defending Murray becasue you haven't shown the same compassion to Michael. So, what's up, really?

So here are Beachlovers posts concerning Conrad Murray:

It was not a defense against Murray, but a simple statement meaning that desperate people do desperate things.
I don't know what this man was thinking or the kind of stress he was uinder in his life. I think he thought he was going to make a lot of money and didn't think things through very well past that.
No, he was not paying child support and this was explained by saying that he runs this clinic for poor people and ends up treating patients for free because they have no insurance or means to pay.

He is showing how a person can be backed into a corner and when some big hollywood star comes along offering such a great job, he was influenced by his situation to take it.

Yes, and I am sure he meant it how he said it but it can have many meanings and doesn't incriminate him in any way. I'm not happy to see him out and about but this is the law and he has not yet been charged and if you think about it, he does need money.

He has to 'survive' here. Thats how life is. Sometimes you are put in the position between the rock and the hard place. He is there right now. He isn't arrested. He still has to support himself and he has children to support. It won't happen if he hides away in some room somewhere.

The press has made nothing up on Murray? Are you 100% sure of that?

No one has to forgive this man right now. He isn't asking to be forgiven at all. He isn't asking anything but a fair trial and the 'truth to prevail'. Thats pretty simple.

I don't see how he is a danger to society

I don't think anything this man says or does will satisfy the wolves at his door....and some of the fans act like that.

What stories have you heard from Dr Murray exactly? He hasn't spoken openly about this to anyone but the police right after this whole thing happened. I think the press keeps changing the story but this man has said nothing.

If we fans really should understand one thing and one thing only is that the press paints the story they want us to see. It is not always the truth.

I'm not saying he isn't guilty, but he has not said anything about the case.

Michaels fans seem to be really hurtful and mean at times. I am quite surprised at this since Michaels message was L.O.V.E. and quite frankly, it saddens me that so many of you are quick to hang this man out to dry with a vengeance so quickly.Flame me all you want and I know this guy did everything wrong and I'm sure the police are doing everything they need to do but we can't just change all the rules because its Michael Jackson. Thats not justice. Thats a kangaroo court.

I believe that he is going to show himself to be an upstanding doctor who loved his patients. He is going to show that he works hard to service the poor community. If all of you are right and feel these people read the forums, chat boards, blogs and things of that nature, I am sure they did their research and realize that in order for his image to improve, he needs to be out there improving it.

For all of you who are angry about this, please remember that its only a matter of time before he is arrested

Well, you asked an opinion so here goes.

I really don't like to see things like "He avoided jail by paying enough money" and the other part about charges on him and acquitted but making it appear he was guilty.

Checking on his background is how we know the man had no money and thats likely why he agreed to do this for Michael. Poor isn't a crime.

Here is the thing. I don't want to argue him as a nice guy. Clearly, he screwed up. I just think his life circumstances lead him to this awful place and he took this job with the hopes of fixing his money problems. He was a working cardiologist in a clinic that didn't get paid a lot and he continued to do that for the people who he felt needed him. I am sure he could have gotten a job somewhere else but he wanted to keep this clinic going.

Its easy for all of us to judge but being broke is not a crime.

I understand from my own personal feelings and thoughts that what he did is wrong but is it illegal? How can you prove disregard for human life? That is my point here. And yes, legally there is a difference if someone knows the risks involved.

Example: Before you go for a surgical procedure, or any kind of procedure you must sign a consent saying that you understand the risks and benefits. There are always risks. If you have a complication that was told to you before, and die, then it isn't the doctors fault unless due to negligence.

So, yes, we have proven negligence. So, he loses his license and goes to prison for 4 years and walks away?

I agree but you haven't seen this first hand like I have. They will complain louder and louder. If one doctor says no they will find another. This is just how it is. We don't have to like it or agree with it but thats the bottom line

Don't blame the doctors is what I am saying. Patients often do not want to even think of trying an alternative. I have seen this happen time and time again. What I'm saying is to keep in your mind that it is not always proper to blame the doctor. Keep an open mind.

I have seen how some people react when the doctor says no.

Any physician can administer medication. They are trained to do so. They are supposed to look them up and find out about them beforehand. In any case, using this particular drug, especially in a home setting is way out there but I don't know if that alone was illegal since he can say he did it as an 'off label' treatment for this client. That alone isn't an issue.

However, from what the evidence we have been told...he did not do it practicing a safe standard of care. That part is an issue.

And here are Beachlovers posts concerning Michael:

When the police had enough evidence to convict Michael of a crime, they handcuffed him.

Sure, just as it was Michaels not to ask and not to throw 150,000. a month in some doctors face.

"Originally Posted by MJstarlight
Its not a bad picture. All pics of MJ are beautiful"

Most. We all have our bad days.

AMAs: I am putting my personal feelings for Michael on the side for a moment. Yes, he may have been working on stuff. Yes, he was working hard on something that was never completed. Yes, he should win 'something' or be noticed in some way because he is Michael Jackson; but I don't think taking away from todays talent should have been the way to go. In my heart he is the best and can never be replaced but he isn't here to reap any benefits from this.

AMAs: Thats actually not very fair. She is still entertaining and producing records.

The only reason he hired him was to give him the Propofol.

I never said he was addicted to Propofol as it is not a narcotic. He may have been persistent and wanted that drug because he knew how well it worked but thats not the same thing.

So, he was not referring to just the Propofol but all the medications then. And yes, it was a lot and I thought that immediately and that he had built up a tolerance but its very hard on this forum to say that MJ was obviously taking a lot of medication because everyone says he was not because of his autopsy results (no organ damage) and it seems to upset people here.

I said somewhere that the 10 of Valium with the Versed alone would knock most people out of this world. Even one or the other might do it. We already know that these drugs were not meant for insomnia.

Yet, he had doctors give this to him in Germany and others here have said it was 'by the book' and fine. I never thought this was 'ok' and some one this forum will argue that the poor man needed sleep and was desperate.

I happen to agree that I am sorry he used it and he himself knew it was not wise as many had told him so.

I think if it was not Murray, it would have been another. What just shocks me is that it was not done carefully and I'm surprised MJ allowed that since he knew the drug too.
This is so true. I think many fans mean well and feel they need to uphold his image but don't realize that in doing so they are, in fact, blinded by the truth. Michael WAS a good person and as I have said so many times, he was human. Humans make mistakes sometimes and humans are not perfect.

I never thought he did anything so terrible except there was one time I saw him on a show with his brothers and he was older and he was performing and I thought he actually looked silly but I don't hold that against him. I think it was more a question of feeling like a duck out of water performing with them again.

About TMZ photos of drug raid at Neverland: Well, these are photographs that you can see for yourself, not something they can alter.

Now people are saying they weren't in Michaels name and that must mean they weren't his. Well, we can all form our own opinions and conclusions

I am not saying he is responsible for what Murray did, but I feel as a person he was responsible for allowing this. This does not mean that I think what Murray did was right.
I don't really know how many other physicians Michael asked for this medication. I heard Nurse Lee saying that Michael was asking for a doctor to do this for him at one point, so I have no idea who he asked and who said no before. Only Michael knows who he asked and maybe someone else but they aren't talking.

Sure, but he would have searched further until he found another doctor and that is where MJ is responsible IMHO for his own life. Many of the fans can't understand or don't want to acknowledge that.

See, this is where things become cloudy and sticky. We don't know MJ's part in all of this. We have heard from people who told him not to take this drug. He took it anyway.

Sometimes you can't win. He could have gotten another doctor to do this for him. We just don't know

I think it goes both ways. Many people insist on taking narcotics for pain and refuse to hear otherwise.

There were photographs of the bottles found there and photos of a medicine cabinet in Neverland as well as a room full of oxygen tanks.

The reason the drugs were never brought up at he trial is because they had no reason to mention them as they had nothing to do with the charges.

I think the thing about Propofol is that the addiction is more psychological than anything else. I also think he was warned and he knew what he was going and chose to do it because other methods didn't work for him. Whatever reasons he had, he chose to use this drug in spite of what anyone may have said to him or whatever warnings he heard.
Everyone keeps thinking that because he had no organ damage, he could not possibly have been taking pain or anxiety medication to excess. I don't know if he did or didn't, but just because he had no organ damage doesn't clear him of the other. By the way, the drugs that were found in his system were narcotics

I didn't say he was a bad businessman. I said he wasn't always nice. I look at all the facts and there are times when MJ just didn't pay people. I'm not talking about NOW. I am talking about a lot of issues from the past. Its true. Get over it. If you think you are going to tell me that he didn't have money issues, I can only ask where you are looking cause it isn't reality based.

What I believe constitutes Godlike worship is when fans come here and can't hear anything bad about MJ and insist he didn't take any drugs and never did any wrong. Thats just delusional.

He died of a drug overdose. That says something. He obviously was taking something in order to overdose. Now call me stooopid, but I think thats a potential problem.
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