Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option

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Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Sorry to sound so militant here but there would have been an arrest made if this were not a black on black crime. If this black man gave an overdose of propofol to Bruce Springsteen Murray's ass would be in jail by now.

I agree totally. If this was Paul McCartney (whom I love) no question this guy would be in jail
I don't think it has to do with color, but moreso the fact that its Michael Jackson. My hopes and positive thinking seem to be getting dimmer and dimmer everytime I read this stuff, I don't know about this so called "Justice System". :no:
Imagine if this was Obama or some other HUGE figure in America. The guy would of been given the injection long before the 5 month mark. Its disgusting.
When I was back in school 2/3 years ago. A teacher got threatened with the sack because he had charges of being involved in a fight at a Manchester United away game.
But no! The guy who deals with peoples health every single day, the guy who handles POWERFUL drugs every single day, gets to go back to work while on murder/manslaughter charges! This is beyond a joke!
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I agree totally. If this was Paul McCartney (whom I love) no question this guy would be in jail
Being Michael Jackson definitely doesn't help him either but he said it himself he was treated differently as soon as white girls were throwing themselves at his feet. In America Black on Black crime is not on the forefront much. Obama is the President that is a different story. National Security has been breeched in that case.
I really hope the police investigating know what they are doing. Because it is really heartbreaking to me that this guy walks around like nothing happened and yet Michael is dead and cannot do anything anymore.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I agree totally. If this was Paul McCartney (whom I love) no question this guy would be in jail

Unfortunately, I think there is a grain of truth to the race issue as far as the investigation goes. I have always believed that race had a lot to do with the criticism of Michael between Thriller and Bad albums and during the Bad tour. Having been around during that time and seeing things. It is probably hard for younger fans to realize just how racist things were at that time. What Michael went through helped change that but it wasn't easy for him. I think a lot of older white racist men still hate Michael. Hopefully none of them are involved in the investigation.
if a person commited a crime and he did because we heard coroner report and if this person is allowed to continue his medical practise, to me it only means nobody's going to charge him. if officials think he's not a danger, then it's a clear message. when officials treated Michael as a dangerous person - they got him handcuffed. as if he was someone to menace people with the knife/gun. they treated him like animal before, it doesnt surprise me that they continue treating him like some kind of a cat or dog that went allergic to propofol and suddenly died. yes it's a good idea to investigate but it doesnt really matter. and Murray lived happily ever after
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Sorry to sound so militant here but there would have been an arrest made if this were not a black on black crime. If this black man gave an overdose of propofol to Bruce Springsteen Murray's ass would be in jail by now.

Why is it that everyone wants to make this a racial issue when Michael worked so hard to break the race barrier his whole life and actually did so.....and now people are looking to put that barrier right back in place as if what Michael did meant nothing.
if a person commited a crime and he did because we heard coroner report and if this person is allowed to continue his medical practise, to me it only means nobody's going to charge him. if officials think he's not a danger, then it's a clear message. when officials treated Michael as a dangerous person - they got him handcuffed. as if he was someone to menace people with the knife/gun. they treated him like animal before, it doesnt surprise me that they continue treating him like some kind of a cat or dog that went allergic to propofol and suddenly died. yes it's a good idea to investigate but it doesnt really matter. and Murray lived happily ever after

When the police had enough evidence to convict Michael of a crime, they handcuffed him. It took them quite a while to gather enough evidence and they didn't handcuff him at the first sign of a problem.

This is insane!!!!!

Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Why is it that everyone wants to make this a racial issue when Michael worked so hard to break the race barrier his whole life and actually did so.....and now people are looking to put that barrier right back in place as if what Michael did meant nothing.

I don''t think anyone WANTS to make this a race issue. Michael did work towards eliminating racial tension, and he made huge progress toward that end. But to think that all racism is gone seems a bit naive. And people expressing their opinion about race influencing the investigation is not "putting that barrier right back in place". A discussion of a racism does not mean that you are racist. I am not sure what you are trying to say here. It seems as if you are saying that those of us who suspect racism to be involved in the way Michaels case has been handled, should not voice our opinion. If you feel that race has nothing to do with it, then please voice your opinion without criticizing those who have a different opinion.
When the police had enough evidence to convict Michael of a crime, they handcuffed him. It took them quite a while to gather enough evidence and they didn't handcuff him at the first sign of a problem.

But when did they ever have enough evidence besides what was told by the accusers? By that method then Murray should've been arrested once the coroner ruled Michaels death a homicide. Murrays twisted timeline, telephone records from the 25th, what was found in Michaels system, and the coroners ruling is more than enough evidence for Murray to be arrested.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Sorry to sound so militant here but there would have been an arrest made if this were not a black on black crime. If this black man gave an overdose of propofol to Bruce Springsteen Murray's ass would be in jail by now.
I've been said that. Not to mention that this happened to Michael, the whipping boy. And some people on here have the nerve to poo-poo the suspicions of racism. It's not that they can't see it, they don't want to see it for what it is.
But when did they ever have enough evidence besides what was told by the accusers? By that method then Murray should've been arrested once the coroner ruled Michaels death a homicide. Murrays twisted timeline, telephone records from the 25th, what was found in Michaels system, and the coroners ruling is more than enough evidence for Murray to be arrested.

So, all the digging that the District Attorney did in Michaels case for all that time wasn't for gathering evidence? It was. They didn't just decide that case in one day.

If they arrested Murray right away how would they explain the propofol? Would they know what happened in that house that day without talking to whoever was there? They build their case based on evidence that takes time to gather. We don't know exactly what they found so far and they aren't going to say until he is arrested. We don't really know everything else that happened, only what they have chosen to release so far. There may be other things that come to light after the fact.

As much as we think we know everything, I bet we don't.
sick, he should be nowhere near a medical facility or any patients. i hope he's arrested soon
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

Why is it that everyone wants to make this a racial issue when Michael worked so hard to break the race barrier his whole life and actually did so.....and now people are looking to put that barrier right back in place as if what Michael did meant nothing.

We did not say it was totally about racism. It has a hint of it. Sweetie unfortunately racism is not dead I wish it were believe me I do but that is another issue. This man should at the minimum not be practicing. I would be afraid to let him touch me. No morals. No ethics. Heck no he couldn't be my doctor.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I've been said that. Not to mention that this happened to Michael, the whipping boy. And some people on here have the nerve to poo-poo the suspicions of racism. It's not that they can't see it, they don't want to see it for what it is.

I am not poo pooing racism as if it may not exist at all. I just think in this case that is NOT the reason Murray has not been arrested.

Michael had a lot of white friends in high places and a lot of his fans were white. I'm not blind and I know that there are some who were not happy that Michael had children whose skin color was not black. There are comments said about white children being raised in a black home and all of that. So, yes, it definitely does exist on some scale.

I just don't see it as the issue here.
So, all the digging that the District Attorney did in Michaels case for all that time wasn't for gathering evidence? It was. They didn't just decide that case in one day.

If they arrested Murray right away how would they explain the propofol? Would they know what happened in that house that day without talking to whoever was there? They build their case based on evidence that takes time to gather. We don't know exactly what they found so far and they aren't going to say until he is arrested. We don't really know everything else that happened, only what they have chosen to release so far. There may be other things that come to light after the fact.

As much as we think we know everything, I bet we don't.

Who was the D.A. for that case?
There are a lot of people who wish to stick their heads in the sand when it comes to racism and the law. That's perfectly fine.... I have my opinion and I'm sticking to it whether people are uncomfortable with the discussion or not. I wish racism did not exist but unfortunately it does. As a black woman I, along with many people of color have experienced it and yes that includes Michael. I firmly believe that an arrest should have been made by now and I believe that if the victim were white there would have been an arrest. My opinion could be very wrong but I do have a right to that opinion.

Beyond all of that..

Any doctor that is under criminal investigation for a homicide should not be practicing in my honest opinion. Especially if that homicide involves medication. This doctor is under investigation by the DEA and local/state law enforcement. He should not be practicing until an outcome is reached.
I agree totally. If this was Paul McCartney (whom I love) no question this guy would be in jail

I totally agree if it had been "Paul McCartney" no question this guy would be in Jail.

I don't think it has to do with color, but moreso the fact that its Michael Jackson. My hopes and positive thinking seem to be getting dimmer and dimmer everytime I read this stuff, I don't know about this so called "Justice System". :no:

I think it has a little to do with color but not alot. But most of all this has to do with Michael Jackson and they know now IT IS A HOMICIDE as LAPD has made it Official, I just wonder why alot of people still refuse to say the "H" word HOMICIDE of Michael Jackson ?

I really hope the police investigating know what they are doing. Because it is really heartbreaking to me that this guy walks around like nothing happened and yet Michael is dead and cannot do anything anymore.

I have 100% Faith the Law Enforcers know what they are doing and maybe Dr. Conrad Murray is still walking around and returning to his Medical Practice because the Police know he wasnt the ONLY Person who caused Michael Jackson's Homicide.

if a person commited a crime and he did because we heard coroner report and if this person is allowed to continue his medical practise, to me it only means nobody's going to charge him. if officials think he's not a danger, then it's a clear message. when officials treated Michael as a dangerous person - they got him handcuffed. as if he was someone to menace people with the knife/gun. they treated him like animal before, it doesnt surprise me that they continue treating him like some kind of a cat or dog that went allergic to propofol and suddenly died. yes it's a good idea to investigate but it doesnt really matter. and Murray lived happily ever after

Its one thing alot of people seem to be forgetting "Propofol" was not the only Drug that Murdered Michael Jackson there where other drugs in his HEALTHLY body that was injected into his body as well.

But when did they ever have enough evidence besides what was told by the accusers? By that method then Murray should've been arrested once the coroner ruled Michaels death a homicide. Murrays twisted timeline, telephone records from the 25th, what was found in Michaels system, and the coroners ruling is more than enough evidence for Murray to be arrested.

Maybe thats mean there more to the Coroner's Report thats being reported then.
If we don't say the word racism some of us hope it will not exist by not speaking it. Untrue. Many of us has experienced TODAY. Not in the sixties. Even Michael said he experienced it himself and believe me it is not imagined so don't insult people that have gone through it. It is an awful feeling in a free Country. I mean awful feeling. This has some bearing as far as the fire getting lit under the authorities asses. Sorry for the language. He needs to be in Jail by now posting bail and losing his license. My opinion. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US. If you think this song is befitting to you no matter what color; it rings true.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

But I, along with others do. If you are uncomfortable with that then do not participate in the discussion.

So, basically, you are saying that one must agree that this is about race or else they have no place posting here? Thats sort of like throwing your weight around as a moderator.

I think it is a huge mistake to throw race into this argument and thats my personal opinion. I really don't see it that way. I see it as a case taking a long time to gather evidence and feel sure it will all fall into place when the investigation is complete.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

So, basically, you are saying that one must agree that this is about race or else they have no place posting here? Thats sort of like throwing your weight around as a moderator.

I think it is a huge mistake to throw race into this argument and thats my personal opinion. I really don't see it that way. I see it as a case taking a long time to gather evidence and feel sure it will all fall into place when the investigation is complete.

I'm not a moderator. I founded this website and handed it over to Gary this past Spring. I do not have to throw my weight around. I have an opinion and I'm sticking to it. Just like you have yours. I'm saying (and I was quite clear) if you are uncomfortable with a discussion, don't partake in it. Do not misconstrue or parse my words when I was more than clear.

Speaking of your opinion....

So, all the digging that the District Attorney did in Michaels case for all that time wasn't for gathering evidence? It was. They didn't just decide that case in one day.

If they arrested Murray right away how would they explain the propofol? Would they know what happened in that house that day without talking to whoever was there? They build their case based on evidence that takes time to gather. We don't know exactly what they found so far and they aren't going to say until he is arrested. We don't really know everything else that happened, only what they have chosen to release so far. There may be other things that come to light after the fact.

As much as we think we know everything, I bet we don't.

I have a few questions for you...

It's obvious that you are a new user at a pro Michael Jackson forum. Michael Jackson was purposely or inadvertently killed on June 25th, 2009. You have thousands of members here who have been shocked, saddened and are angered over Michael Jackson's death. We've even had suicides on this board from some of our members (God rest their souls). It seems to me that you are a Dr. Conrad Murray sympathizer and I would like to know why? In many threads in comes off as you defending Conrad Murray, on a PRO Michael Jackson site. Why?

Sure you can say that you're all for justice and that we should wait for the outcome and not vilify Dr. Murray. I understand that. At the very least, this doctor is unethical because under no circumstances Propofol should be used in a home setting and ISN'T used. No matter how much money he was offered, Dr. Murray broke Hippocratic Oath and his actions more than likely killed his patient.

I think you should reread some of your postings on this Michael Jackson site. Because I'm failing to see why you are defending this monster - a doctor who is technically a drug dealer. Yes, a drug dealer...

Murray was the last to see Michael Jackson alive. His various stories to the police does not add up and Michael Jackson is dead. How do you defend that? By saying "we don't know what happened?" How can you ask thousands of Michael Jackson fans to be objective and patient when Michael was killed? We know the law takes time and we know the D.A. must gather evidence... but again, this is a pro Michael Jackson site and your postings on this board are highly questionable at best. I barely see any sympathy from you about Michael... Just for the doctor. Again, why?
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I'm not a moderator. I founded this website and handed it over to Gary this past Spring. I do not have to throw my weight around. I have an opinion and I'm sticking to it. Just like you have yours. I'm saying (and I was quite clear) if you are uncomfortable with a discussion, don't partake in it. Do not misconstrue or parse my words when I was more than clear.

Speaking of your opinion....

I have a few questions for you...

It's obvious that you are a new user at a pro Michael Jackson forum. Michael Jackson was purposely or inadvertently killed on June 25th, 2009. You have thousands of members here who have been shocked, saddened and are angered over Michael Jackson's death. We've even had suicides on this board from some of our members (God rest their souls). It seems to me that you are a Dr. Conrad Murray sympathizer and I would like to know why? In many threads in comes off as you defending Conrad Murray, on a PRO Michael Jackson site. Why?

Sure you can say that you're all for justice and that we should wait for the outcome and not vilify Dr. Murray. I understand that. At the very least, this doctor is unethical because under no circumstances Propofol should be used in a home setting and ISN'T used. No matter how much money he was offered, Dr. Murray broke Hippocratic Oath and his actions more than likely killed his patient.

I think you should reread some of your postings on this Michael Jackson site. Because I'm failing to see why you are defending this monster - a doctor who is technically a drug dealer. Yes, a drug dealer...

Murray was the last to see Michael Jackson alive. His various stories to the police does not add up and Michael Jackson is dead. How do you defend that? By saying "we don't know what happened?" How can you ask thousands of Michael Jackson fans to be objective and patient when Michael was killed? We know the law takes time and we know the D.A. must gather evidence... but again, this is a pro Michael Jackson site and your postings on this board are highly questionable at best. I barely see any sympathy from you about Michael... Just for the doctor. Again, why?

thanks trish. Thanks.
Re: Dr.Conrad Murray-Propofol Still An Option Update #27

I'm not a moderator. I founded this website and handed it over to Gary this past Spring. I do not have to throw my weight around. I have an opinion and I'm sticking to it. Just like you have yours. I'm saying (and I was quite clear) if you are uncomfortable with a discussion, don't partake in it.

Speaking of your opinion....

I have a few questions for you...

It's obvious that you are a new user at a pro Michael Jackson forum. Michael Jackson was purposely or inadvertently killed on June 25th, 2009. You have thousands of members here who have been shocked, saddened and are angered over Michael Jackson's death. We've even had suicides on this board from some of our members (God rest their souls). It seems to me that you are a Dr. Conrad Murray sympathizer and I would like to know why? In many threads in comes off as you defending Conrad Murray, on a PRO Michael Jackson site. Why?

Sure you can say that you're all for justice and that we should wait for the outcome and not vilify Dr. Murray. I understand that. At the very least, this doctor is unethical because under no circumstances Propofol should be used in a home setting and ISN'T used. No matter how much money he was offered, Dr. Murray broke Hippocratic Oath and his actions more than likely killed his patient.

I think you should reread some of your postings on this Michael Jackson site. Because I'm failing to see why you are defending this monster - a doctor who is technically a drug dealer. Yes, a drug dealer...

Murray was the last to see Michael Jackson alive. His various stories to the police does not add up and Michael Jackson is dead. How do you defend that? By saying "we don't know what happened?" How can you ask thousands of Michael Jackson fans to be objective and patient when Michael was killed? We know the law takes time and we know the D.A. must gather evidence... but again, this is a pro Michael Jackson site and your postings on this board are highly questionable at best. I barely see any sympathy from you about Michael... Just for the doctor. Again, why?

I believe we really don't know everything about this case yet. I am not sure we have all the facts. I am willing to allow the police the time to gather their evidence together and get it 'right' instead of rushing and screwing up.

I am not defending Murray, but showing humane understanding. As much as I don't like what he did, I also know that anger isn't going to change the outcome here. Michael will still be gone and nothing is going to change that.

I don't have to hate Murray and say mean things. Thats not in my nature and in my heart I believe that Michael is looking down on the world and spreading his message of love here and there. Thats how I see it. I don't think he would want hate and anger. I think he felt that when he was alive along with frustration and so many other emotions. Maybe thats just my 'imagination' and how I deal with the situation, but thats how I see it.

I believe that nothing good comes from retaliation or revenge. I feel it is wrong to believe in 'an eye for an eye'. The message I think he would want spread is one of understanding and caring for our fellow man, no matter what. I just think it is bad for our own souls to hate other living beings.

I wasn't here in this forum when Michael first passed and I spent a lot of time by myself looking at his old videos, dragging out my old records and CD's and listening and remembering and reflecting on the times in my life and where I was when I was listening to "Ben" on the radio. I remember dancing to "Rockin Robin" and I watched the Motown 25 verison of Billy Jean so many times over and over trying to 'feel' Michaels happiness at that time of his life. I felt lost when I realized he was no longer going to be here to make more moments.

I read every piece of news that came out. I watched the funeral on a live stream. I cried like a baby many times over these months.

I know what a witch hunt is. I have seen injustice in this world. I remember when Michael went through his trial. I remember feeling awful in the pit of my stomach that he had to deal with what the press said, being arrested; being persecuted. I wondered why he didn't just listen and stop being around young boys; but I didn't ever think that he was guilty.

But my life experiences through all of this and so much more I would never talk about on this or any other public forum, I have learned compassion for my fellow man and other living creatures. I would not ever harm an animal and go out of my way to help and protect them.

While Murray may have made some mistakes here, my heart is still willing to have an open mind and think he is still a human being and deserves some respect for that. I don't believe that anyone deserves to be nailed to the cross and left hanging to dry.
this is crazy. I cant believe he is working now AND is given the freedom to continue administering propophol?!? Are you kidding me?

...man, you guys said it right. This is totally backwards.
Why do fans still refer to him as Doctor. He's a murderer.
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